private Embed GetShopEmbed()
            var shop  = ItemDatabase.GetShop();
            var embed = new EmbedBuilder();

            embed.WithColor(new Color(66, 45, 45));

            //if (DateTime.Now.Date >= new DateTime(day: 1, month: 3, year: 2021) &&
            //    DateTime.Now.Date < new DateTime(day: 15, month: 3, year: 2021))
            //    embed.WithDescription("It's the Tolbi market! Up until March 14th you'll get a chance to find more and rarer gear! With this many, the stalls are rotated every 6 hours!");

            embed.AddField("Shop:", shop.InventoryToString(Detail.NameAndPrice), true);

            var fb = new EmbedFooterBuilder();

            fb.WithText($"{ItemDatabase.RestockMessage} {ItemDatabase.TimeToNextReset:hh\\h\\ mm\\m}");
Exemple #2
 private Embed GetAnimeResultEmbed(AnimeResult result, int index, EmbedFooterBuilder footer) => new EmbedBuilder()
 .WithAuthor(author => {
 .WithDescription($"" +
                  $"__**Description:**__\n" +
 .AddField("Details ▼",
           $"► Type: **{result.Type}** [Source: **{result.Source}**] \n" +
           $"► Status: **{result.Status}**\n" +
           $"► Episodes: **{"Unknown".IfTargetIsNullOrEmpty(result.Episodes?.ToString())} [{result.Duration} Min]** \n" +
           $"► Score: **{"NaN".IfTargetIsNullOrEmpty($"{result.Score?.ToString()}")}**☆\n" +
           $"► Studio: **[{"Unknown".IfTargetIsNullOrEmpty(result.Studio?.ToString())}]({result.StudioUrl})**\n" +
           $"Broadcast Time: **[{"Unknown".IfTargetIsNullOrEmpty(result.Broadcast?.ToString())}]**\n" +
           $"**{(result.TrailerUrl != null ? $"[Trailer]({result.TrailerUrl})" : "No trailer")}**\n")
        public async static Task DisplayQuote(Quote q, IGuildUser[] users, ICommandContext context)
            EmbedBuilder ebm = new EmbedBuilder()
                Color = Color.Blue

            IGuildUser quotee = users[0];

            ebm.WithTitle($"Quote #{q.Id} by {(quotee == null ? q.Qoutee.Username : (quotee.Nickname??quotee.Username))}");

            if (quotee != null)
            if (ebm.ThumbnailUrl == null)

            ebm.AddField("Quote", $"```\r\n{q.QuoteText.RemoveAbuseCharacters()}\r\n```");

            EmbedFooterBuilder efb     = new EmbedFooterBuilder();
            IGuildUser         creator = users[1];

            if (creator != null)
            if (efb.IconUrl == null)

            efb.WithText($"Quoted by {(creator == null ? q.Creator.Username : (creator.Nickname??creator.Username))} on {q.Time.ToShortDateString()}");

            await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(embed : ebm.Build());
Exemple #4
        public async Task ExecuteAsync(SocketUserMessage msg, string[] parameters)
#pragma warning disable CS1998 // Async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously
            Task.Run(async() =>
                EmbedBuilder eb       = new EmbedBuilder();
                EmbedFooterBuilder ef = new EmbedFooterBuilder();

                ef.Text = "Command_Help";
                eb.WithFooter(footer: ef);
                eb.Color = Color.Blue;

                foreach (var Command in CommandHandler.Commands)
                    eb.AddField($"Command: ;;{Command.Name}", $"Summary: {Command.Help}");

                await msg.Author.SendMessageAsync("", embed: eb);
#pragma warning restore CS1998 // Async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously
Exemple #5
        public async void Refresh(SocketGuild g, string title, string description, string footerText)
            EmbedFooterBuilder f = new EmbedFooterBuilder();



            if (!Message.Exists())
                if (g.TryGetTextChannel(ChannelId, out SocketTextChannel c))
                    Message = c.SendMessageAsync(embed: Panel.Build()).Result;
                await Message.ModifyAsync(x => { x.Embed = Panel.Build(); });
Exemple #6
        public static Embed GetEmbedAdmin()
            var footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder()
                Text = "Contribute to the Server |"

            return(new EmbedBuilder()
                Color = Color.Blue,
                Title = "**The Friend Admin Tree | Help**",
                Description =
                    $"**Commands**\n" +
                    $"  !help admin - Show help information\n" +
                    $"  !mirror <message-id> - Mirrors the message with the bot\n" +
                    $"  !register <user-id> - Forces a user to be registered if not already\n" +
                    $"  !channel <name> - Creates a private channel\n" +
                    $"  !delchannel <tag-channel> - Deletes a private channel\n" +
                    $"  !filter - Toggle filtering on the current channel",
                Footer = footer
Exemple #7
        public static async Task ModLog(SocketCommandContext context, string action, Color color, string reason, IUser subject = null, string extra = "")
            using (var db = new DbContext())
                var guildRepo = new GuildRepository(db);
                var guild     = await guildRepo.FetchGuildAsync(context.Guild.Id);

                EmbedFooterBuilder footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder()
                    IconUrl = "",
                    Text    = $"Case #{guild.CaseNumber}"
                EmbedAuthorBuilder author = new EmbedAuthorBuilder()
                    IconUrl = context.User.GetAvatarUrl(),
                    Name    = $"{context.User.Username}#{context.User.Discriminator}"

                string userText = null;
                if (subject != null)
                    userText = $"\n** User:** { subject} ({ subject.Id})";
                var builder = new EmbedBuilder()
                    Author      = author,
                    Color       = color,
                    Description = $"**Action:** {action}{extra}{userText}\n**Reason:** {reason}",
                    Footer      = footer

                if (context.Guild.GetTextChannel(guild.ModLogChannelId) != null)
                    await context.Guild.GetTextChannel(guild.ModLogChannelId).SendMessageAsync("", embed: builder);

                    await guildRepo.ModifyAsync(x => { x.CaseNumber++; return(Task.CompletedTask); }, context.Guild.Id);
Exemple #8
 public UserCommands(TimerService timer,
                     Logger.Logger logger,
                     IPrefixService prefixService,
                     GuildService guildService,
                     LastFMService lastFmService,
                     IIndexService indexService,
                     UserService userService,
                     FriendsService friendsService)
     this._timer          = timer;
     this._logger         = logger;
     this._prefixService  = prefixService;
     this._guildService   = guildService;
     this._friendsService = friendsService;
     this._userService    = userService;
     this._lastFmService  = lastFmService;
     this._indexService   = indexService;
     this._embed          = new EmbedBuilder()
     this._embedAuthor = new EmbedAuthorBuilder();
     this._embedFooter = new EmbedFooterBuilder();
Exemple #9
        private Embed CreateChangeEmbed(List <string> changedStats)
            EmbedBuilder e = new EmbedBuilder();

            e.Color       = new Color(136, 107, 62);
            e.Title       = $"Level up!";
            e.Description = string.Join("\n", changedStats);

            EmbedAuthorBuilder author = new EmbedAuthorBuilder();

            author.Name = Name;
            e.Author    = author;

            EmbedFooterBuilder footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder();

            footer.IconUrl = "";
            footer.Text    = "Old School RuneScape";
            e.Footer       = footer;

Exemple #10
        public async Task FeedbackCommand([Remainder] string feedback)
            var channel = Context.Client.GetChannel(296117398132752384) as SocketTextChannel;
            var sender  = Context.User;
            var guild   = Context.Guild;

            var author = new EmbedAuthorBuilder()
                         .WithIconUrl(new Uri(sender.GetAvatarUrl()));

            var footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder()
                         .WithText($"{guild.Name} | {guild.Id}")
                         .WithIconUrl(new Uri(guild.IconUrl));

            var body = new EmbedBuilder()

            await channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : body);
Exemple #11
        public void Send(string user, string type, string item, string attribute, string value)
            if (!PvPModifier.Config.EnableDiscordWebhook)

            var ea = new EmbedAuthorBuilder {
                Name = type

            var ef = new EmbedFooterBuilder {
                Text = user

            var eb = new EmbedBuilder {
                Author = ea,
                Footer = ef

            if (attribute.Equals(DbConsts.Shoot) || attribute.Equals(DbConsts.UseAmmoIdentifier))
                value = MiscUtils.GetNameIDProjectile(int.Parse(value));
            else if (attribute.Equals(DbConsts.InflictBuffID) || attribute.Equals(DbConsts.ReceiveBuffID))
                value = MiscUtils.GetNameIDBuff(int.Parse(value));
            else if (attribute.Equals(DbConsts.NotAmmo))
                value = attribute.Equals("0") ? "True" : "False";

            eb.AddField(item, $"Changed {attribute} to {value}");

            Embed[] embedArray = new Embed[] { eb.Build() };

            _client.SendMessageAsync(embeds: embedArray);
Exemple #12
        public async Task DeleteVC([Remainder] string name)
            var allChannels = await Context.Guild.GetVoiceChannelsAsync();

            var nochannel = allChannels.Where(x => x.Name == name);

            if (nochannel.Count() == 0)
                string msg   = "There are no voice channels with that name";
                var    embed = new EmbedBuilder()
                               .WithColor(new Color(color))
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : embed);
                allChannels.Where(x => x.Name == name).ToList().ForEach(async(x) =>
                    await x.DeleteAsync();
                string msg   = $"Voice channels **{name}** deleted!";
                var    embed = new EmbedBuilder()
                               .WithColor(new Color(color))
                var m = await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : embed);

                var author = Context.Message.Author;
                var log    = await Context.Guild.GetChannelAsync(logchannel) as IMessageChannel;

                var footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder()
                var embed4 = new EmbedBuilder()
                             .WithColor(new Color(red))
                             .AddField("Channels deleted", $"{author.Mention} Deleted channels with name: **{name}**")
                await log.SendMessageAsync("", embed : embed4);
Exemple #13
        public async Task TanookiFactAsync()
            Random _rand = new Random();

            //Get a fact from the file
            string tanookiFact = "Did you know Tanooki has a big bushy tail?";

            if (File.Exists(_dataServices.TanookiFactPath))
                var allLines   = File.ReadAllLines(_dataServices.TanookiFactPath);
                var lineNumber = _rand.Next(0, allLines.Length);
                tanookiFact = allLines[lineNumber];

            //Build and send
            var authBuilder = new EmbedAuthorBuilder()
                Name    = $"TANOOKI FACTS!",
                IconUrl = Context.Message.Author.GetAvatarUrl(),

            var footBuilder = new EmbedFooterBuilder()
                Text = "This was Tanooki facts, you cannot unsubscribe."
            var builder = new EmbedBuilder()
                Author = authBuilder,
                Footer = footBuilder,

                ThumbnailUrl = this._dataServices.GetRandomImgFromUrl(""),
                Color        = new Color(230, 235, 240),

                Description = tanookiFact
            await _dataServices.ChannelLog($"{Context.Message.Author.Username.ToUpper()} JUST GOT HIT WITH A TANOOKI FACT");

            await ReplyAsync("", false, builder.Build());
Exemple #14
        public async Task BalanceAsync()
            var    userInfo = (IGuildUser)Context.User;
            string userName = null;

            if (userInfo.Nickname != null)
                userName = userInfo.Nickname;
                userName = Context.User.Username;

            var SQL      = new SQLFunctions.Main();
            var userData = SQL.LoadUserData(Context.User);

            var footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder
                Text = "Cody by Ayla / Alsekwolf#0001"
            var author = new EmbedAuthorBuilder
                IconUrl = Context.User.GetAvatarUrl(),
                Name    = $"{userName}'s wallet"
            var embed = new EmbedBuilder
                Author      = author,
                Color       = Color.Magenta,
                Footer      = footer,
                Description = $"**{userName}** you currently have **${}**",
                Timestamp   = DateTimeOffset.Now

            var embedBuilt = embed.Build();
            await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(embed : embedBuilt);
Exemple #15
        public async Task StatsCommand()
            if (Stats.IsReady)
                using (Context.Channel.EnterTypingState())
                    var appinfo = await Context.Client.GetApplicationInfoAsync();

                    var author = new EmbedAuthorBuilder()
                                 .WithIconUrl(new Uri(appinfo.IconUrl))

                    var footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder()
                                 .WithText("Created by " + appinfo.Owner.Username);

                    var body = new EmbedBuilder()
                               .WithTitle("Bot Statistics")
                               .WithDescription($"{Stats.UniqueUserCount} unique users\n" +
                                                $"{Stats.GuildCount} guilds\n" +
                                                $"{Stats.TextChannels} text channels\n" +
                                                $"{Stats.VoiceChannels} voice channels\n" +
                                                $"{Stats.RolesCount} roles");

                    body.AddInlineField("Largest Guild", $"{Stats.LargestGuild}\n{Stats.LargestGuildCount} users");
                    body.AddInlineField("Most Roles Guild", $"{Stats.MostRolesGuild}\n{Stats.MostRolesCount} roles");
                    body.AddInlineField($"Most Channels Guild", $"{Stats.MostChannelsGuild}\n{Stats.MostChannelsCount} channels");

                    await ReplyAsync("", embed : body);
                await ReplyAsync("Bot statistics has not been calculated yet.");
Exemple #16
        public async Task Status([Remainder] SocketUser user = null)
            user ??= Context.User;
            var account = EntityConverter.ConvertUser(user);
            var factory = new PlayerFighterFactory();
            var p       = factory.CreatePlayerFighter(account);

            var author = new EmbedAuthorBuilder();

            author.WithName($"{(user is SocketGuildUser sguser ? sguser.DisplayName() : user.Username)}");

            var embed = new EmbedBuilder()
                        .WithTitle($"Level {account.LevelNumber} {account.GsClass} {string.Join("", account.TrophyCase.Trophies.Select(t => t.Icon))} (Rank {UserAccounts.GetRank(account) + 1})")
                        .AddField("Current Equip", account.Inv.GearToString(AdeptClassSeriesManager.GetClassSeries(account).Archtype), true)
                        .AddField("Psynergy", p.GetMoves(false), true)
                        .AddField("Djinn", account.DjinnPocket.GetDjinns().GetDisplay(DjinnDetail.None), true)

                        .AddField("Stats", p.Stats.ToString(), true)
                        .AddField("Elemental Stats", p.ElStats.ToString(), true)

                        .AddField("Unlocked Classes", account.BonusClasses.Count == 0 ? "none" : string.Join(", ", account.BonusClasses))

                        .AddField("XP", $"{account.Xp} - next in {account.XPneeded}{(account.NewGames >= 1 ? $"\n({account.TotalXp} total | {account.NewGames} resets)" : "")}", true)
                        .AddField("Colosso wins | Dungeon Wins", $"{account.ServerStats.ColossoWins} | {account.ServerStats.DungeonsCompleted}", true)
                        .AddField("Endless Streaks", $"Solo: {account.ServerStats.EndlessStreak.Solo} | Duo: {account.ServerStats.EndlessStreak.Duo} \nTrio: {account.ServerStats.EndlessStreak.Trio} | Quad: {account.ServerStats.EndlessStreak.Quad}", true);

            if (user is SocketGuildUser socketGuildUser)
                var footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder();
                footer.WithText("Joined this Server on " + socketGuildUser.JoinedAt.Value.Date.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"));
            await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed.Build());
Exemple #17
        public static Embed GetEmbed()
            var footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder()
                Text = "Contribute to the Server |"

            return(new EmbedBuilder()
                Color = Color.Blue,
                Title = "**The Friend Tree | Help**",
                Description =
                    $"**Commands**\n" +
                    $"  !help - Show help information\n" +
                    $"  !info - Display information about the bot\n" +
                    $"  !invite - Invite your friends and expand the tree!\n" +
                    $"  !whois <tag-person> - Show information about a person\n" +
                    $"  !friends - Show your Friends\n" +
                    $"  !friend <tag-person> - Add a person as friend\n" +
                    $"  !unfriend <tag-person> - Remove a friend\n" +
                    $"  !trace <tag-person> - Traces a route of friends between you and another person\n" +
                    $"\n" +
                    $"**Private Channels (Not Yet Available)**\n" +
                    $"  !join <channel-code> - Joins channel with invite code\n" +
                    $"  !code - Gets the channel invite code for the current channel\n" +
                    $"  !leave - Leaves the current channel\n" +
                    $"\n" +
                    $"**Music Player (Musii)**\n" +
                    $"  !play [p, pl, listen, yt, youtube] <youtube-link> - Plays the youtube link in your current voice channel\n" +
                    $"  !s [skip] - Skips the active song\n" +
                    $"  !c [leave, empty, clear] - Clears the playback queue\n" +
                    $"  !q [queue] - Shows the songs in the queue\n" +
                    $"  !musii - Invite Musii to your server!\n" +
                    $"\n" +
                    $"**If you have any other questions, don't hesitate, just ask!**\n",
                Footer = footer
Exemple #18
        public static Embed GetEmbed(UserObject obj)
            var footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder()
                Text = "Contribute to the Server |"
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();


            foreach (var id in obj.Friends)
                sb.Append(DsUtils.GetDiscordUsername(Garden.TreeState.Users[id].UserId) + "\n");

            sb.Append("\n**Invited Friends:**\n");

            foreach (var id in obj.FriendsInvited)
                var uid = Garden.TreeState.Users[id].UserId;
                sb.Append(DsUtils.GetDiscordUsername(uid) + "\n");

            sb.Append("\n**Invited By:**\n");

            var invitedByTreeId = obj.InvitedBy;
            var invitedByUserId = Garden.TreeState.Users[invitedByTreeId].UserId;

            sb.Append(DsUtils.GetDiscordUsername(invitedByUserId) + "\n");

            return(new EmbedBuilder()
                Color = Color.Green,
                Title = "**Your Friends**",
                Description = sb.ToString(),
                Footer = footer
Exemple #19
            public async Task LatestAsync()
                var user = Context.User as SocketGuildUser;

                if (!user.Roles.Any(role => role.Name.Equals("Mushroom")))

                var logs = await _dataService.GetLatestLogs();

                EmbedBuilder embed = new()
                    Title     = "Today's Logs",
                    Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    Footer    = new EmbedFooterBuilder
                        Text = $"Showing top {((logs.Count() <= 10) ? logs.Count() : 10)} logs."

                List <EmbedFieldBuilder> embeds = new List <EmbedFieldBuilder>();

                for (int i = 0; i < logs.Count(); i++)
                    embeds.Add(new EmbedFieldBuilder()
                        Name     = logs.ElementAt(i).CreatedDateTime.ToString(),
                        Value    = $"{logs.ElementAt(i).Source}\n{logs.ElementAt(i).CreatedBy}\n{logs.ElementAt(i).Message}",
                        IsInline = false

                embed.Fields = embeds;

                await ReplyAsync(embed : embed.Build());
Exemple #20
        public async Task GetReportsAsync(OldGlobal g, int page = 1)
            EmbedBuilder e = EmbedData.DefaultEmbed;

            EmbedFooterBuilder f = new EmbedFooterBuilder();

            f.WithText($"{EmojiIndex.Report} Reports");

            const int MAX_DESC = 1024;
            string    desc     = "";

            List <string> list         = new List <string>();
            List <string> descriptions = new List <string>();

            List <Report> reports  = g.Reports;
            List <Report> accepted = g.AcceptedReports;

            foreach (Report accept in accepted)
                list.Add("**+** " + accept.ToString(Context.Account));
            foreach (Report r in reports)
            if (!list.Funct())
                await ReplyAsync(embed : EmbedData.Throw(Context, "Empty collection.", "There are currently no reports.", false));


            Embed q = EmbedData.GenerateEmbedList(list, page, e);

            await ReplyAsync(embed : q);
Exemple #21
        private async Task WriteEnemies()
            var e     = new EmbedBuilder();
            var tasks = new List <Task>();

            if (Battle.SizeTeamB > 0)
            var msg = EnemyMsg;
            var i   = 1;

            foreach (ColossoFighter fighter in Battle.GetTeam(ColossoBattle.Team.B))
                //e.AddField(numberEmotes[i], $"{} {fighter.stats.HP}/{fighter.stats.maxHP}", true);
                e.AddField($"{numberEmotes[i]}{fighter.ConditionsToString()}", $"{}", true);
            if (IsEndless)
                EmbedFooterBuilder footerBuilder = new EmbedFooterBuilder();
                footerBuilder.WithText($"Battle {winsInARow + 1} - {Diff}");
            if (!msg.Embeds.FirstOrDefault().ToEmbedBuilder().AllFieldsEqual(e))
                tasks.Add(msg.ModifyAsync(m => m.Embed = e.Build()));

            var validReactions = reactions.Where(r => r.MessageId == EnemyMsg.Id).ToList();

            foreach (var r in validReactions)
                tasks.Add(EnemyMsg.RemoveReactionAsync(r.Emote, r.User.Value));
            await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
Exemple #22
        public async Task Module([Remainder] string name)
            ModuleInfo module = services.GetModules().First(n => (n.Name.ToLower() == name.ToLower()));

            if (module != null)
                EmbedBuilder       embed  = new EmbedBuilder();
                EmbedFooterBuilder footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder();

                //Make the footer the current UTC time
                footer.WithText(DateTime.UtcNow.ToString() + " UTC");
                embed.WithColor(new Color(0x4900ff));

                //Make the title the modules name + some info.
                embed.Title = $"Module {module.Name}'s commands. Contains {module.Commands.Count} out of 25 max commands.";

                //Add each command in the module into its own field.
                foreach (var cmd in module.Commands)
                    embed.AddField(y =>
                        y.Name     = cmd.Name;
                        y.Value    = cmd.Summary;
                        y.IsInline = false;

                await ReplyAsync("", embed : embed);
                //The module was an invalid name, tell the user
                IUserMessage msg = await ReplyAsync("A module with the name '" + name + "' does not exist.");

Exemple #23
    public async Task SendVoteLink()
        Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();


        EmbedBuilder       eb = new EmbedBuilder();
        EmbedFooterBuilder fb = new EmbedFooterBuilder();


        eb.WithDescription("[Click here to vote for the bot!](");
        fb.WithText(PremiumUtils.SelectFooterEmbedText(Context.User, sw));;

        await ReplyAsync($"{Context.Message.Author.Mention}\n", false, eb.Build());
        static Embed generateTest()
            EmbedBuilder em = new Discord.EmbedBuilder();

            em.Color = Discord.Color.Blue;
            em.Title = "Title";
            EmbedAuthorBuilder eab = new EmbedAuthorBuilder();

            eab.Url        = "";
            eab.Name       = "Embed Author Name";
            eab.IconUrl    = "";
            em.Author      = eab;
            em.Description = "Description";
            EmbedFooterBuilder emfb = new EmbedFooterBuilder();

            emfb.IconUrl    = "";
            emfb.Text       = "Footer text";
            em.Footer       = emfb;
            em.ImageUrl     = "";
            em.ThumbnailUrl = "";
            em.Timestamp    = new DateTimeOffset(new DateTime(2042, 4, 20, 4, 20, 42));
Exemple #25
        private async Task _client_UserLeft(SocketGuildUser user)
            ulong      guildID = user.Guild.Id;
            LogMessage msg     = new LogMessage(LogSeverity.Info, "EventLogger", $"User {user.Id} Left Guild {guildID}!");


            var origField = new EmbedFieldBuilder()
                            .WithName("User Left")
            var footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder()
            var embed = new EmbedBuilder()
                        .WithImageUrl(user.GetAvatarUrl(ImageFormat.Auto, 512))
            GuildData guildData = await GuildManager.GetGuildData(guildID);

            await((SocketTextChannel)_client.GetChannel(guildData.LogChannel)).SendMessageAsync(embed: embed);
Exemple #26
    public async Task SendHSendBotInvite()
        Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();


        EmbedBuilder       eb = new EmbedBuilder();
        EmbedFooterBuilder fb = new EmbedFooterBuilder();

        eb.WithDescription("[Click here to add the bot to your own server!](");
        fb.WithText(PremiumUtils.SelectFooterEmbedText(Context.User, sw));;

        await ReplyAsync($"{Context.Message.Author.Mention}\n", false, eb.Build());
Exemple #27
        public static EmbedBuilder BuildEmbed(string article, string lastEditor, string name)
            return(new EmbedBuilder
                Title = "Wiki",
                Color = Color.Gold,
                Description = @"Article: ""**" + name.ToLower() + @"**"". Was last edited by **" + lastEditor + "**",

                Footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder
                    Text = Util.Globals.EmbedFooter
                Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow,
                Fields = new List <EmbedFieldBuilder>
                        Name = name.ToLower(),
                        Value = article,
                        IsInline = false
Exemple #28
        private static Embed createEmbed(SyndicationItem feedItem, SyndicationFeed parent)
            EmbedBuilder e = new EmbedBuilder();

            e.Color = new Color(255, 255, 255);
            e.Title = feedItem.Title?.Text;
            e.Url   = feedItem.Links?.FirstOrDefault(x => !isImageUrl(x.Uri?.AbsoluteUri ?? ""))?.Uri?.AbsoluteUri ?? feedItem.BaseUri?.AbsoluteUri;

                e.Timestamp = feedItem.PublishDate.UtcDateTime.Year > 1 ? feedItem.PublishDate.UtcDateTime : feedItem.LastUpdatedTime.UtcDateTime;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                e.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;

            EmbedFooterBuilder footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder();

            footer.IconUrl = "";
            footer.Text    = "RSS feed";
            e.Footer       = footer;

            EmbedAuthorBuilder author = new EmbedAuthorBuilder();

            author.Name = (feedItem.Authors?.FirstOrDefault()?.Name ?? feedItem.Authors?.FirstOrDefault()?.Email) ?? parent.Title?.Text;
            author.Url  = feedItem.Authors?.FirstOrDefault()?.Uri;
            e.Author    = author;

            e.ThumbnailUrl = parent.ImageUrl?.AbsoluteUri;

            e.Description = (new string(HtmlToPlainText(feedItem.Summary?.Text ?? "", out string htmlImage).Take(Math.Min(2000, feedItem.Summary?.Text?.Length ?? 0)).ToArray()));
            e.ImageUrl    = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(htmlImage) ? htmlImage : feedItem.Links?.FirstOrDefault(x => isImageUrl(x.Uri?.AbsoluteUri ?? ""))?.Uri?.AbsoluteUri;
            if (e.Description.Length >= 2000)
                e.Description += " [...]";

Exemple #29
        public async Task Info(Discord.IUser user)
            Discord.IUser U             = user;
            Discord.IUser E             = Context.Message.Author;
            string        imgurl        = U.AvatarId;
            string        userurl       = U.Id.ToString();
            string        AvatartoEmbed = $"{userurl}/{imgurl}.webp?size=1024";
            Random        rnd           = new Random();
            int           red           = rnd.Next(0, 255);
            int           green         = rnd.Next(0, 255);
            int           blue          = rnd.Next(0, 255);
            var           EmbedAuth     = new EmbedAuthorBuilder
                Name = U.ToString(),

            var EmbedFoot = new EmbedFooterBuilder
                IconUrl = "",
                Text    = $"Generated - {DateTime.UtcNow.ToLongDateString()}",

            var EmbedBuilder = new EmbedBuilder
                Title    = "Profile Picture",
                Author   = EmbedAuth,
                ImageUrl = AvatartoEmbed,
                Footer   = EmbedFoot,
                Url      = AvatartoEmbed,
                Color    = new Discord.Color(red, green, blue),

            await Discord.UserExtensions.SendMessageAsync(E, embed : EmbedBuilder);

            await Context.Message.DeleteAsync();
Exemple #30
        public static async Task P2IS_PS1_Set_List(SocialLinkerCommand sl_command)
            // Create two variables for the command user and the command channel, derived from the message object taken in.
            SocketUser        user    = sl_command.User;
            SocketTextChannel channel = (SocketTextChannel)sl_command.Channel;

            // Get the account information of the command's user.
            var account = UserInfoClasses.GetAccount(user);

            var embed  = new EmbedBuilder();
            var author = new EmbedAuthorBuilder
                Name    = "Persona 2: Innocent Sin (PlayStation®️) Conversation Portrait Sets",
                IconUrl = user.GetAvatarUrl()


            // Set the color and thumbnail for the embeded message.
            embed.WithColor(EmbedSettings.Get_Game_Color("P2IS-PS1", null));

            // Create a description with the list of sprite sets available for the title.

            // Create a footer based on the game version the list is from.
            var footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder
                Text = "Version: P2IS-PS1"

            // Add the footer to the embed.

            // Send the embeded message to the channel.
            await channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed.Build());