public ActionResult updProcess3(int?id, string status)
                //ViewBag.MenuId = menuId; //HttpUtility.UrlDecode(m);


                EmailerNotification.SendForAuthorization(menuId, fullName, deptCode, institutionId, "Settlement NAP Processing Lock Reset");

                TempData["msg"] = "Record Updated Successfully";
            catch (SqlException ex)
                TempData["msg"] = "Problem Updating Record.";
            catch (Exception ex)
                TempData["msg"] = "Problem Updating Record.";
        public ActionResult Reject(decimal AuthId, int?m, string Narration)
                var rec2 = repoAuth.Find(AuthId);
                if (rec2 == null)
                    respMsg = "Problem processing request. Try again or contact Administrator.";
                    //TempData["msg"] = respMsg;
                    //return RedirectToAction("DetailAuth", new { a_i = SmartObj.Encrypt(rec2.ITBID.ToString()), m = SmartObj.Encrypt(rec2.MENUID.GetValueOrDefault().ToString()) });
                    return(Json(new { RespCode = 1, RespMessage = respMsg }));
                else if (rec2.STATUS.ToLower() != "open")
                    respMsg = "This request has already been processed by an authorizer.";
                    //TempData["msg"] = respMsg;
                    //return RedirectToAction("DetailAuth", new { a_i = SmartObj.Encrypt(AuthId.ToString()), m = SmartObj.Encrypt(m.GetValueOrDefault().ToString()) });
                    return(Json(new { RespCode = 1, RespMessage = respMsg }));
                int recordId = 0;
                // bool suc = false;
                //using (var txscope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew))
                var d = new AuthListUtil();
                //menuId = 5;
                var dd = d.GetCheckerRecord(m.GetValueOrDefault(), AuthId, 0, institutionId);
                if (dd.authListObj.Count < checkerNo)
                    var chk = new SM_AUTHCHECKER()
                        AUTHLIST_ITBID = AuthId,
                        CREATEDATE     = DateTime.Now,
                        NARRATION      = Narration,
                        STATUS         = reject,
                        USERID         = User.Identity.Name,
                    var rst = uow.Save(User.Identity.Name);
                    if (rst > 0)
                        var noA = dd.authListObj.Where(f => f.CHECKERSTATUS == approve).Count();
                        noA += 1;
                        if (noA == checkerNo)
                            recordId = (int)rec2.RECORDID;
                            //menuId = rec2.MENUID.GetValueOrDefault();
                            var recc = repoFreqTemp.Find(recordId);
                            if (recc != null)
                                recc.STATUS = reject;

                            rec2.STATUS = reject;
                            var t = uow.Save(User.Identity.Name);
                            if (t > 0)
                                sucNew = true;
                                // txscope.Complete();
                if (sucNew)
                    EmailerNotification.SendApprovalRejectionMail(rec2.USERID, rec2.EVENTTYPE, reject, "Frequency Rejection", null, fullName);
                    respMsg = "Record Rejected. A mail has been sent to the user.";
                    return(Json(new { RespCode = 0, RespMessage = respMsg, status = reject }));
                respMsg = "Problem processing request. Try again or contact Administrator.";

                return(Json(new { RespCode = 1, RespMessage = respMsg }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                //return Json(new { RespCode = 99, RespMessage = "Problem processing request. Try again or contact Administrator." });
                respMsg         = "Problem processing request. Try again or contact Administrator.";
                TempData["msg"] = respMsg;
                return(RedirectToAction("DetailAuth", new { a_i = SmartObj.Encrypt(AuthId.ToString()), m = SmartObj.Encrypt(m.GetValueOrDefault().ToString()) }));
        public ActionResult Create(FrequencyObj model, string m)
                menuId         = SmartUtil.GetMenuId(m);
                ViewBag.MenuId = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(m);

                var errorMsg = "";
                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    if (model.ITBID > 0)
                        //using (var txscope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew))
                        var BType = new SM_FREQUENCYTEMP()
                            FREQUENCY_DESC = model.FREQUENCY_DESC,
                            WORKDAYS       = model.WORKDAYS,
                            STATUS         = open,
                            RECORDID       = model.ITBID,
                            USERID         = User.Identity.Name,
                            CREATEDATE     = DateTime.Now
                        if (uow.Save(User.Identity.Name) > 0)
                            SM_AUTHLIST auth = new SM_AUTHLIST()
                                CREATEDATE = DateTime.Now,
                                EVENTTYPE  = model.STATUS == active ? eventEdit : model.STATUS,
                                MENUID     = menuId,
                                //MENUNAME = "",
                                RECORDID = BType.ITBID,
                                STATUS   = open,
                                // TABLENAME = "ADMIN_DEPARTMENT",
                                URL               = Request.FilePath,
                                USERID            = User.Identity.Name,
                                INSTITUTION_ITBID = institutionId,
                                POSTTYPE          = Single
                            var rst = uow.Save(User.Identity.Name) > 0 ? true : false;
                            if (rst)
                                EmailerNotification.SendForAuthorization(menuId, fullName, deptCode, institutionId, "Frequency Record");
                                TempData["msg"] = "Record Updated SuccessFully...Authorization Pending.";
                                //return Json(new { RespCode = 0, RespMessage = "Record Created SuccessFully...Authorization Pending." });
                                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Frequency", new { m = m }));
                                //return Json(new { RespCode = 0, RespMessage = "Record Updated SuccessFully...Authorization Pending." });
                                ViewBag.Message = "Problem Updating Record.";
                                //return Json(new { RespCode = 0, RespMessage = "Record Created SuccessFully...Authorization Pending." });
                                return(View("Add", new { m = m, id = model.ITBID }));
                                //return Json(new { RespCode = 1, RespMessage = "Problem Updating Record." });

                        //    var ret = _repo.PostRole(model, 1);
                        //if (ret != null && ret.RespCode == 0)
                        //    model.RoleId = int.Parse(ret.OutputKey.ToString());
                        //    return Json(new { data = model, RespCode = 0, RespMessage = "Record Created Successfully" });
                        var BType = new SM_FREQUENCYTEMP()
                            FREQUENCY_DESC = model.FREQUENCY_DESC,
                            WORKDAYS       = model.WORKDAYS,
                            STATUS         = open,
                            RECORDID       = model.ITBID,
                            USERID         = User.Identity.Name,
                            CREATEDATE     = DateTime.Now
                        if (uow.Save(User.Identity.Name) > 0)
                            //var controller =  ControllerContext.Controller..ToString();
                            SM_AUTHLIST auth = new SM_AUTHLIST()
                                CREATEDATE = DateTime.Now,
                                EVENTTYPE  = eventInsert,
                                MENUID     = menuId,
                                //MENUNAME = "",
                                RECORDID = BType.ITBID,
                                STATUS   = open,
                                // TABLENAME = "ADMIN_DEPARTMENT",
                                URL               = Request.FilePath,
                                USERID            = User.Identity.Name,
                                INSTITUTION_ITBID = institutionId,
                                POSTTYPE          = Single
                            var rst = uow.Save(User.Identity.Name) > 0 ? true : false;
                            if (rst)
                                //newR = 1;
                                EmailerNotification.SendForAuthorization(menuId, fullName, deptCode, institutionId, "Frequency Record");
                                TempData["msg"] = "Record Created SuccessFully...Authorization Pending.";
                                //return Json(new { RespCode = 0, RespMessage = "Record Created SuccessFully...Authorization Pending." });
                                return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { m = m }));

                                //return Json(new { RespCode = 0, RespMessage = "Record Created SuccessFully...Authorization Pending." });
                                ViewBag.Message = "Problem Updating Record.";
                                //return Json(new { RespCode = 0, RespMessage = "Record Created SuccessFully...Authorization Pending." });
                                return(View("Add", new { m = m }));

                                // return Json(new { RespCode = 1, RespMessage = "Problem Creating Record." });
                // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form
                return(Json(new { RespCode = 1, RespMessage = errorMsg }));
            catch (SqlException ex)
                ViewBag.Message = "Problem Updating Record.";
                //return Json(new { RespCode = 0, RespMessage = "Record Created SuccessFully...Authorization Pending." });
                return(View("Add", new { m = m }));

                //return Json(new { RespCode = 1, RespMessage = ex.Message });
            catch (Exception ex)
                ViewBag.Message = "Problem Updating Record.";
                //return Json(new { RespCode = 0, RespMessage = "Record Created SuccessFully...Authorization Pending." });
                return(View("Add", new { m = m }));
                //return Json(new { RespCode = 1, RespMessage = ex.Message });
        // [ValidateAntiForgeryToken]
        public ActionResult Process()
            string batchId = "";

                var rv  = new SetReconUpldSession();
                var rec = rv.GetSetReconUpload(User.Identity.Name);
                //  isUp = userInstitutionItbid == 1 ? true : false;
                //using (var txscope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew, new TimeSpan(0, 30, 0)))
                int errorcnt = 0;

                DateTime curDate = DateTime.Now;

                batchId = SmartObj.GenRefNo2();

                int i        = 0;
                int valCount = rec.Count(f => f.VALIDATIONERRORSTATUS == false);
                foreach (var d in rec)
                    if (i == 0)
                        SM_AUTHLIST auth = new SM_AUTHLIST()
                            CREATEDATE = DateTime.Now,
                            EVENTTYPE  = eventInsert,
                            MENUID     = menuId,
                            //MENUNAME = "",
                            // RECORDID = objG.ITBID,
                            STATUS = open,
                            //TABLENAME = "SM_FREQUENCY",
                            URL               = Request.FilePath,
                            USERID            = User.Identity.Name,
                            INSTITUTION_ITBID = institutionId,
                            BATCHID           = batchId,
                            POSTTYPE          = Batch
                    if (d.VALIDATIONERRORSTATUS == true)

                        PAYREFNO    = d.PAYREFNO,
                        AMOUNT      = d.AMOUNT,
                        PAYMENTDATE = d.PAYMENTDATE,
                        VALUEDATE   = d.VALUEDATE,
                        //RECEIPTNO = d.RECEIPTNO,
                        CUSTOMERNAME  = d.CUSTOMERNAME,
                        PAYMENTMETHOD = d.PAYMENTMETHOD,
                        //DEPOSITSLIPNO = d.DEPOSITSLIPNO,
                        BANKNAME = d.BANKNAME,
                        //BRANCHNAME = d.BRANCHNAME,
                        //PAYERID = d.PAYERID,
                        //VALUEGRANTED = d.VALUEGRANTED,
                        //RECONCILE = d.RECONCILE,
                        BATCHID    = batchId,
                        CREATEDATE = curDate,
                        STATUS     = open,
                        USERID     = User.Identity.Name,

                var rst = uow.Save(User.Identity.Name);
                if (rst > 0)

                        EmailerNotification.SendForAuthorization(menuId, fullName, deptCode, institutionId, string.Format("Setttlement Reconciliation Upload Batch #{0}", batchId));
                    return(Json(new { RespCode = 1, RespMessage = "Problem Processing Request." }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(Json(new { RespCode = 1, RespMessage = ex.Message }));
            var msg = string.Format("<i class='fa fa-check' ></i> Record with Batch-ID #{0} Processed SuccessFully and has been forwarded for authorization", batchId);

            return(Json(new { RespCode = 0, RespMessage = msg }));
        public ActionResult Approve(decimal AuthId, int?m)
            var sucNew = false;

                //int menuId;
                //var mid = SmartObj.Decrypt(m);
                //var ai = SmartObj.Decrypt(a_i);
                //if (int.TryParse(mid, out menuId) && decimal.TryParse(ai, out authId))
                var obj  = new AuthViewObj();
                var rec2 = repoAuth.Find(AuthId);
                if (rec2 == null)
                    respMsg = "Problem processing request. Try again or contact Administrator.";
                    //TempData["msg"] = respMsg;
                    //return RedirectToAction("DetailAuth", new { a_i = SmartObj.Encrypt(rec2.ITBID.ToString()), m = SmartObj.Encrypt(rec2.MENUID.GetValueOrDefault().ToString()) });
                    return(Json(new { RespCode = 1, RespMessage = respMsg }));
                else if (rec2.STATUS.ToLower() != "open")
                    respMsg = "This request has already been processed by an authorizer.";
                    //TempData["msg"] = respMsg;
                    //return RedirectToAction("DetailAuth", new { a_i = SmartObj.Encrypt(AuthId.ToString()), m = SmartObj.Encrypt(m.GetValueOrDefault().ToString()) });
                    return(Json(new { RespCode = 1, RespMessage = respMsg }));
                int  recordId = 0;
                bool suc      = false;
                //using (var txscope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew))
                var d = new AuthListUtil();
                //menuId = 5;
                var dd = d.GetCheckerRecord(m.GetValueOrDefault(), AuthId, 0, institutionId);
                if (dd.authListObj.Count < checkerNo)
                    var chk = new SM_AUTHCHECKER()
                        AUTHLIST_ITBID = authId,
                        CREATEDATE     = DateTime.Now,
                        NARRATION      = null,
                        STATUS         = approve,
                        USERID         = User.Identity.Name,
                    var rst = uow.Save(User.Identity.Name);
                    if (rst > 0)
                        var noA = dd.authListObj.Where(f => f.CHECKERSTATUS == approve).Count();
                        noA += 1;
                        if (noA == checkerNo)
                            recordId = (int)rec2.RECORDID;
                            menuId   = rec2.MENUID.GetValueOrDefault();
                            switch (rec2.EVENTTYPE)
                            case "New":
                                suc = CreateMainRecord(recordId);

                            case "Modify":
                                suc = ModifyMainRecord(recordId);

                            case "CLOSE":
                                suc = CloseMainRecord(recordId);

                            // rec2.STATUS = close;

                            if (suc)
                                rec2.STATUS = approve;
                                var t = uow.Save(rec2.USERID, User.Identity.Name);
                                if (t > 0)
                                    sucNew = true;
                                //return Json(new { RespCode = 99, RespMessage = "Problem processing request. Try again or contact Administrator." });
                                respMsg = "Problem processing request. Try again or contact Administrator.";
                                // TempData["msg"] = respMsg;
                                // return RedirectToAction("DetailAuth", new {  a_i = SmartObj.Encrypt(rec2.ITBID.ToString()), m = SmartObj.Encrypt(rec2.MENUID.GetValueOrDefault().ToString()) });
                                return(Json(new { RespCode = 1, RespMessage = respMsg }));

                        //if (!isApprove)
                        //    pnlResponse.Visible = true;
                        //    pnlResponse.CssClass = "alert alert-success alert-dismissable alert-bold fade in";

                        //    pnlResponseMsg.Text = "Record Successfully Approved";

                //    //bad request
                //    respMsg = "Problem processing request. Try again or contact Administrator.";
                //    // TempData["msg"] = respMsg;
                //    // return RedirectToAction("DetailAuth", new {  a_i = SmartObj.Encrypt(AuthId.ToString()) , m = SmartObj.Encrypt(m.GetValueOrDefault().ToString()) });
                //    return Json(new { RespCode = 1, RespMessage = respMsg });
                if (sucNew)
                    EmailerNotification.SendApprovalRejectionMail(rec2.USERID, rec2.EVENTTYPE, approve, "Currency Approval", null, fullName);

                    respMsg = "Record Authorized Successfully. A mail has been sent to the user.";

                    return(Json(new { RespCode = 0, RespMessage = respMsg, status = approve }));
                respMsg = "This request has already been processed by an authorizer.";

                return(Json(new { RespCode = 1, RespMessage = respMsg }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                //return Json(new { RespCode = 99, RespMessage = "Problem processing request. Try again or contact Administrator." });
                respMsg = "Problem processing request. Try again or contact Administrator.";
                // TempData["msg"] = respMsg;
                // return RedirectToAction("DetailAuth", new {  a_i = SmartObj.Encrypt(AuthId.ToString()) , m = SmartObj.Encrypt(m.GetValueOrDefault().ToString()) });
                return(Json(new { RespCode = 1, RespMessage = respMsg }));
Exemple #6
        public ActionResult AddPolicy(CompanyProfileObj model, int?m)
                //menuId = SmartUtil.GetMenuId(m);
                var errorMsg = "";
                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    if (model.ITBID > 0)
                        var BType = new SM_COMPANY_PROFILETEMP()
                            COMPANY_ADDRESS      = model.COMPANY_ADDRESS,
                            COMPANY_CITY         = model.COMPANY_CITY,
                            COMPANY_CODE         = model.COMPANY_CODE,
                            COMPANY_COUNTRY      = model.COMPANY_COUNTRY,
                            COMPANY_EMAIL        = model.COMPANY_EMAIL,
                            COMPANY_NAME         = model.COMPANY_NAME,
                            COMPANY_PHONE1       = model.COMPANY_PHONE1,
                            COMPANY_PHONE2       = model.COMPANY_PHONE2,
                            COMPANY_STATE        = model.COMPANY_STATE,
                            COMPANY_WEBSITE      = model.COMPANY_WEBSITE,
                            STATUS               = open,
                            RECORDID             = model.ITBID,
                            USERID               = User.Identity.Name,
                            CREATEDATE           = DateTime.Now,
                            LOCKOUT_TRIAL_COUNT  = model.LOCKOUT_TRIAL_COUNT,
                            PASSWORDLENGTH       = model.PASSWORDLENGTH,
                            PASSWORD_CHANGE_DAYS = model.PASSWORD_CHANGE_DAYS,
                            SYSTEM_IDLE_TIMEOUT  = model.SYSTEM_IDLE_TIMEOUT
                        //BType = model;
                        //        BType.RECORDID = model.ITBID;
                        //        BType.USERID = model.USERID;
                        //        BType.CREATEDATE = model.CREATEDATE;
                        //        BType.STATUS = open;
                        //        BType.ITBID = 0;
                        if (uow.Save(User.Identity.Name) > 0)
                            SM_AUTHLIST auth = new SM_AUTHLIST()
                                CREATEDATE = DateTime.Now,
                                EVENTTYPE  = eventEdit, // model.STATUS == active ? eventEdit : model.STATUS,
                                MENUID     = m,
                                //MENUNAME = "",
                                RECORDID = BType.ITBID,
                                STATUS   = open,
                                // TABLENAME = "ADMIN_DEPARTMENT",
                                URL               = Request.FilePath,
                                USERID            = User.Identity.Name,
                                INSTITUTION_ITBID = institutionId,
                                POSTTYPE          = Single,
                                //TABLENAME = "COMP"
                            var rst = uow.Save(User.Identity.Name) > 0 ? true : false;
                            if (rst)
                                EmailerNotification.SendForAuthorization(menuId, fullName, deptCode, institutionId, "Department Record");
                                return(Json(new { RespCode = 0, RespMessage = "Record Updated SuccessFully...Authorization Pending." }));
                        return(Json(new { RespCode = 1, RespMessage = "Problem Updating Record." }));
                        var BType = new SM_COMPANY_PROFILETEMP();

                        BType            = model;
                        BType.RECORDID   = model.ITBID;
                        BType.USERID     = model.USERID;
                        BType.CREATEDATE = model.CREATEDATE;
                        BType.STATUS     = open;
                        BType.ITBID      = 0;
                        if (uow.Save(User.Identity.Name) > 0)
                            //var controller =  ControllerContext.Controller..ToString();
                            SM_AUTHLIST auth = new SM_AUTHLIST()
                                CREATEDATE = DateTime.Now,
                                EVENTTYPE  = eventInsert,
                                MENUID     = m,
                                //MENUNAME = "",
                                RECORDID = BType.ITBID,
                                STATUS   = open,
                                // TABLENAME = "ADMIN_DEPARTMENT",
                                URL               = Request.FilePath,
                                USERID            = User.Identity.Name,
                                INSTITUTION_ITBID = institutionId,
                                POSTTYPE          = Single,
                                //TABLENAME = "COMP"
                            var rst = uow.Save(User.Identity.Name) > 0 ? true : false;
                            if (rst)
                                //newR = 1;
                                EmailerNotification.SendForAuthorization(menuId, fullName, deptCode, institutionId, "Department Record");
                                return(Json(new { RespCode = 0, RespMessage = "Record Created SuccessFully...Authorization Pending." }));
                                return(Json(new { RespCode = 1, RespMessage = "Problem Creating Record." }));
                // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form
                return(Json(new { RespCode = 1, RespMessage = errorMsg }));
            catch (SqlException ex)
                return(Json(new { RespCode = 1, RespMessage = ex.Message }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(Json(new { RespCode = 1, RespMessage = ex.Message }));
Exemple #7
        public ActionResult ResetLockout(string[] selected_value)
                //ViewBag.MenuId = menuId; //HttpUtility.UrlDecode(m);
                var bid      = SmartObj.GenRefNo2();
                var errorMsg = "";
                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    if (selected_value != null)
                        foreach (var d in selected_value)
                            var BType = new SM_RESETLOCKOUT_TEMP()
                                BatchId    = bid,
                                UserName   = d,
                                Status     = open,
                                UserId     = User.Identity.Name,
                                CreateDate = DateTime.Now,

                        if (uow.Save(User.Identity.Name) > 0)
                            SM_AUTHLIST auth = new SM_AUTHLIST()
                                CREATEDATE = DateTime.Now,
                                EVENTTYPE  = eventInsert,// model.STATUS == active ? eventEdit : model.STATUS,
                                MENUID     = menuId,
                                BATCHID    = bid,

                                //MENUNAME = "",
                                //RECORDID = BType.ITBID,
                                STATUS = open,
                                // TABLENAME = "ADMIN_DEPARTMENT",
                                URL               = Request.FilePath,
                                USERID            = User.Identity.Name,
                                INSTITUTION_ITBID = institutionId,
                                POSTTYPE          = Single
                            var rst = uow.Save(User.Identity.Name) > 0 ? true : false;
                            if (rst)
                                EmailerNotification.SendForAuthorization(menuId, fullName, deptCode, institutionId, "Lockout Reset Record");

                                return(Json(new { RespCode = 0, RespMessage = "Record Updated SuccessFully...Authorization Pending." }));
                                return(Json(new { RespCode = 1, RespMessage = "Problem Processing Record." }));
                        return(Json(new { RespCode = 1, RespMessage = "Problem Processing Record." }));
                // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form
                return(Json(new { RespCode = 1, RespMessage = errorMsg }));
            catch (SqlException ex)
                var msg = "Problem Updating Record.";
                return(Json(new { RespCode = 1, RespMessage = msg }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                var msg = "Problem Updating Record.";
                return(Json(new { RespCode = 1, RespMessage = msg }));
Exemple #8
        public ActionResult Add(SERVICEChannelObj model, string m)
                menuId         = SmartUtil.GetMenuId(m);
                ViewBag.MenuId = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(m);

                var errorMsg = "";
                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    if (model.ITBID == 0)
                        ViewBag.HeaderTitle   = "Add ServiceChannel";
                        ViewBag.StatusVisible = false;
                        ViewBag.ButtonText    = "Save";
                        //var d = _repo.GetSession(0, true);
                        ViewBag.HeaderTitle   = "Edit ServiceChannel";
                        ViewBag.StatusVisible = true;
                        ViewBag.ButtonText    = "Update";
                    if (model.ITBID > 0)
                        //using (var txscope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew))
                        var BType = new SM_SERVICECHANNELSTEMP()
                            CODE        = model.CODE,
                            DESCRIPTION = model.DESCRIPTION,
                            ChannelID   = model.ChannelID,
                            BankCode    = model.BankCode,
                            BankAccount = model.BankAccount,
                            STATUS      = open,
                            RECORDID    = model.ITBID,
                            USERID      = User.Identity.Name,
                            CREATEDATE  = DateTime.Now
                        if (uow.Save(User.Identity.Name) > 0)
                            SM_AUTHLIST auth = new SM_AUTHLIST()
                                CREATEDATE = DateTime.Now,
                                EVENTTYPE  = model.STATUS == active ? eventEdit : model.STATUS,
                                MENUID     = menuId,
                                //MENUNAME = "",
                                RECORDID = BType.ITBID,
                                STATUS   = open,
                                // TABLENAME = "ADMIN_DEPARTMENT",
                                URL               = Request.FilePath,
                                USERID            = User.Identity.Name,
                                INSTITUTION_ITBID = institutionId,
                                POSTTYPE          = Single
                            var rst = uow.Save(User.Identity.Name) > 0 ? true : false;
                            if (rst)
                                EmailerNotification.SendForAuthorization(menuId, fullName, deptCode, institutionId, "ServiceChannel Record");
                                TempData["msg"] = "Record Updated SuccessFully...Authorization Pending.";
                                //return Json(new { RespCode = 0, RespMessage = "Record Created SuccessFully...Authorization Pending." });
                                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "ServiceChannel", new { m = m }));
                                //return Json(new { RespCode = 0, RespMessage = "Record Updated SuccessFully...Authorization Pending." });
                                ViewBag.Message = "Problem Updating Record.";
                                //return Json(new { RespCode = 0, RespMessage = "Record Created SuccessFully...Authorization Pending." });
                                return(View("Add", model));
                                //return Json(new { RespCode = 1, RespMessage = "Problem Updating Record." });
                        var BType = new SM_SERVICECHANNELSTEMP()
                            CODE        = model.CODE,
                            DESCRIPTION = model.DESCRIPTION,
                            STATUS      = open,
                            RECORDID    = model.ITBID,
                            ChannelID   = model.ChannelID,
                            BankCode    = model.BankCode,
                            BankAccount = model.BankAccount,
                            USERID      = User.Identity.Name,
                            CREATEDATE  = DateTime.Now
                        if (uow.Save(User.Identity.Name) > 0)
                            //var controller =  ControllerContext.Controller..ToString();
                            SM_AUTHLIST auth = new SM_AUTHLIST()
                                CREATEDATE = DateTime.Now,
                                EVENTTYPE  = eventInsert,
                                MENUID     = menuId,
                                //MENUNAME = "",
                                RECORDID = BType.ITBID,
                                STATUS   = open,
                                // TABLENAME = "ADMIN_DEPARTMENT",
                                URL               = Request.FilePath,
                                USERID            = User.Identity.Name,
                                INSTITUTION_ITBID = institutionId,
                                POSTTYPE          = Single
                            var rst = uow.Save(User.Identity.Name) > 0 ? true : false;
                            if (rst)
                                //newR = 1;
                                EmailerNotification.SendForAuthorization(menuId, fullName, deptCode, institutionId, "ServiceChannel Record");
                                TempData["msg"] = "Record Created SuccessFully...Authorization Pending.";
                                //return Json(new { RespCode = 0, RespMessage = "Record Created SuccessFully...Authorization Pending." });
                                return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { m = m }));

                                //return Json(new { RespCode = 0, RespMessage = "Record Created SuccessFully...Authorization Pending." });
                                ViewBag.Message = "Problem Updating Record.";
                                //return Json(new { RespCode = 0, RespMessage = "Record Created SuccessFully...Authorization Pending." });
                                return(View("Add", model));

                                // return Json(new { RespCode = 1, RespMessage = "Problem Creating Record." });
                // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form
                //errorMsg = GetModelError();
                errorMsg        = ModelStateErrorHandler.StringifyModelErrors(ModelState);
                ViewBag.Message = errorMsg;
                return(View("Add", model));
            catch (SqlException ex)
                ViewBag.Message = "Problem Updating Record.";
                //return Json(new { RespCode = 0, RespMessage = "Record Created SuccessFully...Authorization Pending." });
                return(View("Add", model));

                //return Json(new { RespCode = 1, RespMessage = ex.Message });
            catch (Exception ex)
                ViewBag.Message = "Problem Updating Record.";
                //return Json(new { RespCode = 0, RespMessage = "Record Created SuccessFully...Authorization Pending." });
                return(View("Add", model));
                //return Json(new { RespCode = 1, RespMessage = ex.Message });
        public ActionResult Add(int MenuId, int NoLevel, string m)
                string bid      = SmartObj.GenRefNo2();
                var    errorMsg = "";
                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    //using (var txscope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew))
                        // BType.PARTY_CODE = int.Parse(txtpartyCode.Value);
                        MENUID     = MenuId,
                        NOLEVEL    = NoLevel,
                        STATUS     = open,
                        CREATEDATE = DateTime.Now,
                        BATCHID    = bid,
                        USERID     = User.Identity.Name,
                        //RECORDID = model.ITBID,

                    var rst = uow.Save(User.Identity.Name) > 0 ? true : false;
                    if (rst)
                        SaveRouteOfficerTemp(eventEdit, bid);

                        SM_AUTHLIST auth = new SM_AUTHLIST()
                            CREATEDATE        = DateTime.Now,
                            EVENTTYPE         = eventEdit,
                            MENUID            = menuId,
                            RECORDID          = BType.ITBID,
                            STATUS            = open,
                            URL               = Request.FilePath,
                            USERID            = User.Identity.Name,
                            POSTTYPE          = Single,
                            BATCHID           = bid,
                            INSTITUTION_ITBID = institutionId
                        var rst1 = uow.Save(User.Identity.Name);
                        if (rst1 > 0)
                            EmailerNotification.SendForAuthorization(menuId, fullName, deptCode, institutionId, "Approval Route Record");

                            //TempData["msg"] = "Record Created SuccessFully...Authorization Pending.";
                            return(Json(new { RespCode = 0, RespMessage = "Record Created SuccessFully...Authorization Pending." }));
                            //return RedirectToAction("Index", new { m = m });

                    // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form
                    return(Json(new { RespCode = 1, RespMessage = errorMsg }));
            catch (SqlException ex)
                //ViewBag.PartyAcct = GetRvHeadLines();
                //ViewBag.Message = ex.Message;
                //return View("Add", model);
                return(Json(new { RespCode = 1, RespMessage = ex.Message }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                //ViewBag.PartyAcct = GetRvHeadLines();
                //ViewBag.Message = ex.Message;
                //return View("Add", model);
                return(Json(new { RespCode = 1, RespMessage = ex.Message }));
            //ViewBag.PartyAcct = GetRvHeadLines();
            //ViewBag.Message = "Problem Processing Request, Try again or Contact Administrator.";
            //return View("Add", model);
            return(Json(new { RespCode = 1, RespMessage = "Problem Processing Request, Try again or Contact Administrator." }));