Exemple #1
        private bool SendPasswordRecoveryEmail(DbUser user)
            string token            = CreateUserToken(user);
            var    confirmationLink = Url.Action(nameof(EditPassword), "Auth", new { token, id = user.UserId }, Request.Scheme);

            return(EmailProfile.SendEmail(user.Email, confirmationLink, "ToDoApp - Change your password"));
Exemple #2
        private bool SendConfirmationEmail(DbUser user)
            string token            = CreateUserToken(user);
            var    confirmationLink = Url.Action(nameof(ConfirmEmail), "Auth", new { token, email = user.Email }, Request.Scheme);

            return(EmailProfile.SendEmail(user.Email, confirmationLink, "ToDoApp - Confirm your email"));
        public static async Task <IActionResult> Run(
            [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "post", Route = null)] HttpRequest req,
            ILogger log)
            log.LogInformation("ParseEmail function Started");
                string     requestBody = await new StreamReader(req.Body).ReadToEndAsync();
                AdviserCRM data        = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AdviserCRM>(requestBody);

                EmailProfile profile = new EmailProfile();

                Email email = GetEmail(data.agency._fdl_primaryemail_label, data);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(email.EmailAddress))
                    profile.Email = email;

                Email alternativeEmail = GetEmail(data.agency._fdl_alternateemail_label, data);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(alternativeEmail.EmailAddress))
                    profile.AlternativeEmail = alternativeEmail;

                return((ActionResult) new OkObjectResult(profile));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new BadRequestObjectResult(String.Format("An error occurred processing this request. See detailes below\r\n{0}", ex.Message)));
        public response SendVerificationCode(EmailProfile ep, string _to, string _code)
            Emailing e = new Emailing(ep);

            e.Message.From = new MailAddress(ep.IncomingUser);
            //e.Message.Bcc.Add(new MailAddress(ep.IncomingUser)); // daca vrem sa se trimita mesajul si la noi

            e.Message.Subject    = String.Format("Cod acces www.compensaredirecta.ro: {0}", _code);
            e.Message.IsBodyHtml = true;

            //e.Message.Body = String.Format("Acesta este un mesaj generat automat.<br /><br />Puteti descarca documentele asociate dosarului facand click <a ses:notrack href=\"{2}\">aici</a>.<br /><br />Detalii suplimentare puteti gasi accesand linkul: <a ses:notrack href=\"{0}\">{1}</a>.<br /><br />Atasat va transmitem Cererea de despagubire.<br /><br /><br />Cu stima,<br />Echipa compensaredirecta.ro<br /><br />Va rugam sa nu raspundeti la acest email. Daca doriti sa ne contactati, scrieti-ne la [email protected].", linkDosar, this.NR_DOSAR_CASCO, linkDocumentePdf);
            string templateHtmlText = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(System.IO.Path.Combine(CommonFunctions.GetSettingsFolder(), "template_email_cod_acces.html"));
            double exp        = Convert.ToDouble(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["VerificationCodeExpiration"]);
            int    minute     = (int)(exp / 60);
            int    secunde    = (int)(exp % 60);
            string expiration = (minute > 0 ? minute.ToString() + " minute" : "");

            expiration += (minute > 0 && secunde > 0 ? " si " : "");
            expiration += (secunde > 0 ? secunde.ToString() + " secunde" : "");

            templateHtmlText = templateHtmlText.Replace("{{CODE}}", _code)
                               .Replace("{{EXPIRATION}}", expiration);
            e.Message.Body = templateHtmlText;
            response toReturn = e.SendVerificationCodeMessage(_code);

        private void CreateEmailProfile(string name)
            var emailProfile = EmailProfile.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Name == name) ?? new EmailProfile();

            emailProfile.Name    = name;
            emailProfile.Deleted = false;
Exemple #6
        private void CreateEmailProfile(string name)
            var emailProfile = EmailProfile.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Name == name) ?? new EmailProfile();

            emailProfile.Name    = name;
            emailProfile.Deleted = false;
            //TODO: Finish configuring the profile
        private EmailProfile GetDefaultEmailProfile()
            var emailProfile = EmailProfile.SingleOrDefault(o => o.Name == "Default");

            if (emailProfile == null)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("emailProfile", "The Default email profile could not be found. Have you run the installer?");

        //public IEmailService emailService { get; }

        public PipelineExecutionResult Execute(PurchaseOrder subject)

            if (subject.OrderTotal.GetValueOrDefault() > 500)
                EmailProfile emailProfile = catalogContext.CurrentCatalogGroup.EmailProfile;
                IDictionary <string, string> templateParameters = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                templateParameters.Add("ordereValue", subject.OrderTotal.GetValueOrDefault().ToString());
                emailService.Send(localizationContext, emailProfile, "vip", new MailAddress("*****@*****.**"), templateParameters);

        // Email profiles
        private void BuildEmailProfiles()
            var emailProfiles = EmailProfile.Find(x => !x.Deleted).ToList();

            foreach (var profile in emailProfiles)
                var id   = profile.SitecoreId();
                var item = new SystemItem(id, profile.Name);
                item.AddToFieldList(FieldIDs.Icon, _iconFolder + "/ui/mails.png");
            _emailProfiles.AddToFieldList(FieldIDs.Icon, _iconFolder + "/ui/mail-open-table.png");
        private void UpdateStoreEmailProfile(string value, ProductCatalogGroup store)
            ID id;

            if (ID.TryParse(value, out id))
                var emailProfile = EmailProfile.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Guid == id.Guid);
                if (emailProfile == null)
                    _loggingService.Log <ProductCatalogGroupTemplateBuilder>(
                        string.Format("Failed to update email profile for store. Could not find email profile with guid: {0}.", id.Guid));

                store.EmailProfile = emailProfile;
                _loggingService.Log <ProductCatalogGroupTemplateBuilder>(
                    string.Format("Failed to update email profile for store. Could not find Sitecore ID for email profile with id: {0}.", value));
Exemple #11
        private void CreateEmailProfile(string name, string type)
            var languages             = ObjectFactory.Instance.Resolve <ILanguageService>().GetAllLanguages();
            var orderConfirmationType = EmailType.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == type);

            var emailProfile = EmailProfile.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Name == name) ?? new EmailProfile();

            emailProfile.Name    = name;
            emailProfile.Deleted = false;

            foreach (var language in languages)
                var emailContent = emailProfile.EmailContents.SingleOrDefault(x => x.CultureCode == language.CultureCode && x.EmailType.Name == type) ?? new EmailContent();

                emailContent.ContentId    = "0d0c0ed6-7144-4a9a-a7d1-3284c8d459d1";
                emailContent.CultureCode  = language.CultureCode;
                emailContent.EmailProfile = emailProfile;
                emailContent.EmailType    = orderConfirmationType;
                emailContent.Subject      = "OrderConfirmation email";

        public ProductCatalogGroup CatalogGroup(string name, string description, Currency defaultCurrency)
            ProductCatalogGroup catalogGroup = _catalogGroups.Value.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name == name);

            if (catalogGroup == null)
                EmailProfile defaultEmailProfile = _emailProfiles.Value.Select(x => x.Name == "Default" && !x.Deleted).First();
                var          defaultOrderNumbers = _orderNumbers.Value.Select(x => x.OrderNumberName == "Default" && !x.Deleted).First();
                catalogGroup = new ProductCatalogGroup
                    EmailProfile     = defaultEmailProfile,
                    OrderNumberSerie = defaultOrderNumbers

            catalogGroup.Name          = name;
            catalogGroup.Currency      = defaultCurrency;
            catalogGroup.Description   = description;
            catalogGroup.MemberGroupId = "-1";
            catalogGroup.MemberTypeId  = "-1";
            catalogGroup.Deleted       = false;

        private void sendCustomerWelcomeEmail(string email, string password, int customerId, string memberId, string orderNumber, string orderGuid, string cultureCode, EmailProfile emailProfile)
            var queryStringParameters = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { "customerId", customerId.ToString() },
                { "memberId", memberId },
                { "orderNumber", orderNumber },
                { "orderGuid", orderGuid },
                { "User.Username", email },
                { "User.Password", password }

                var customGlobalization = new CustomGlobalization(_commerceConfiguration);
                customGlobalization.SetCulture(new CultureInfo(String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cultureCode) ? customGlobalization.DefaultCulture.ToString() : cultureCode));
                _emailService.Send(customGlobalization, emailProfile, _emailTypeName, new MailAddress(email), queryStringParameters);
            catch (SmtpException exception)
                _loggingService.Log <CreateMemberForCustomerTask>(exception);
Exemple #14
 // Email profiles
 public static ID SitecoreId(this EmailProfile @this)
     return(new ID(@this.Guid));