private async Task SetDataContainerAndLength(PointOfInterestExtended poiItem, Feature feature)
            ElevationSetterHelper.SetElevation(feature.Geometry, _elevationDataStorage);
            poiItem.FeatureCollection = new FeatureCollection {
            poiItem.DataContainer = await _dataContainerConverterService.ToDataContainer(
                poiItem.FeatureCollection.ToBytes(), poiItem.Title + ".geojson");

            foreach (var coordinate in poiItem.DataContainer.Routes
                     .SelectMany(r => r.Segments)
                     .SelectMany(s => s.Latlngs)
                     .Where(l => l.Alt == null || l.Alt.Value == 0))
                coordinate.Alt = await _elevationDataStorage.GetElevation(coordinate.ToCoordinate());

            foreach (var route in poiItem.DataContainer.Routes)
                var itmRoute = route.Segments.SelectMany(s => s.Latlngs)
                               .Select(l => _wgs84ItmMathTransform.Transform(l.ToCoordinate().ToDoubleArray()))
                               .Select(c => c.ToCoordinate()).ToArray();
                var skip1 = itmRoute.Skip(1);
                poiItem.LengthInKm += itmRoute.Zip(skip1, (curr, prev) => curr.Distance(prev)).Sum() / 1000;
Exemple #2
        public async Task <IActionResult> GetRouting(string from, string to, string type)
            LineString lineString;
            var        profile   = ConvertProfile(type);
            var        pointFrom = await GetGeographicPosition(from);

            var pointTo = await GetGeographicPosition(to);

            if (ModelState.IsValid == false)
            if (profile == ProfileType.None)
                lineString = GetDenseStraightLine(pointFrom, pointTo);
                lineString = await _graphHopperGateway.GetRouting(new RoutingGatewayRequest
                    From    = from,
                    To      = to,
                    Profile = profile,

                if (!lineString.Coordinates.Any())
                    lineString = _geometryFactory.CreateLineString(new[] { pointFrom, pointTo }) as LineString;
            ElevationSetterHelper.SetElevation(lineString, _elevationDataStorage);
            var table = new AttributesTable
                { "Name", "Routing from " + @from + " to " + to + " profile type: " + profile },
                { "Creator", "IsraelHikingMap" }
            var feature = new Feature(lineString, table);

            return(Ok(new FeatureCollection {