Exemple #1
        private void RemoveContentItem(ElementRemovingContext context)
            var element       = (PlaceableContentItem)context.Element;
            var contentItemId = element.ContentItemId;

            // Only remove the content item if no other elements are referencing this one.
            // This can happen if the user cut an element and then pasted it back.
            // That will delete the initial element and create a copy.
            var placeableElements =
                from e in context.Elements.Flatten()
                let p = e as PlaceableContentItem
                        where p != null && p.ContentItemId == contentItemId
                        select p;

            if (placeableElements.Any())

            var contentItem = contentItemId != null?_contentManager.Value.Get(contentItemId.Value, VersionOptions.Latest) : default(ContentItem);

            if (contentItem != null)
Exemple #2
        public void Removing(LayoutSavingContext context)
            var elements = context.RemovedElements.Flatten().ToList();

            foreach (var element in elements)
                var removingContext = new ElementRemovingContext(element, context.Elements, context.RemovedElements, context.Content);
 public virtual void Removing(ElementRemovingContext context)
 public override void Removing(ElementRemovingContext context)
     InvokeDrivers(context.Element, driver => driver.Removing(context));
Exemple #5
 protected virtual void OnRemoving(TElement element, ElementRemovingContext context)
Exemple #6
 public void Removing(ElementRemovingContext context)
     OnRemoving((TElement)context.Element, context);
 void IElementEventHandler.Removing(ElementRemovingContext context)