public void TestInitialize() { IFhirModel _fhirModel; FhirPropertyIndex _propIndex; ResourceVisitor _resourceVisitor; ElementIndexer _elementIndexer; var _indexStoreMock = new Mock<IIndexStore>(); var spPatientName = new SearchParamDefinition() { Resource = "Patient", Name = "name", Description = @"A portion of either family or given name of the patient", Type = SearchParamType.String, Path = new string[] { "", } }; var searchParameters = new List<SearchParamDefinition> { spPatientName }; var resources = new Dictionary<Type, string> { { typeof(Patient), "Patient" }, { typeof(HumanName), "HumanName" } }; var enums = new List<Type>(); //CK: I use real objects: saves me a lot of mocking and provides for a bit of integration testing. _fhirModel = new FhirModel(resources, searchParameters, enums); _propIndex = new FhirPropertyIndex(_fhirModel, new List<Type> { typeof(Patient), typeof(HumanName) }); _resourceVisitor = new ResourceVisitor(_propIndex); _elementIndexer = new ElementIndexer(_fhirModel); //_indexStoreMock.Setup(ixs => ixs.Save(It.IsAny<IndexValue>)) sutLimited = new IndexService(_fhirModel, _propIndex, _resourceVisitor, _elementIndexer, _indexStoreMock.Object); _fhirModel = new FhirModel(); //For this test I want all available types and searchparameters. _propIndex = new FhirPropertyIndex(_fhirModel); _resourceVisitor = new ResourceVisitor(_propIndex); _elementIndexer = new ElementIndexer(_fhirModel); sutFull = new IndexService(_fhirModel, _propIndex, _resourceVisitor, _elementIndexer, _indexStoreMock.Object); }
public IndexService(IFhirModel fhirModel, ResourceVisitor resourceVisitor, ElementIndexer elementIndexer, IIndexStore indexStore) { _fhirModel = fhirModel; _resourceVisitor = resourceVisitor; _elementIndexer = elementIndexer; _indexStore = indexStore; }
public IndexService(IFhirModel fhirModel, FhirPropertyIndex propIndex, ResourceVisitor resourceVisitor, ElementIndexer elementIndexer, IIndexStore indexStore) { _fhirModel = fhirModel; _propIndex = propIndex; _resourceVisitor = resourceVisitor; _elementIndexer = elementIndexer; _indexStore = indexStore; }
//private ObservableEventListener eventListener; //private EventEntry lastLogEntry; //private class LogObserver : IObserver<EventEntry> //{ // private readonly Action<EventEntry> _resultAction; // public LogObserver(Action<EventEntry> resultAction) // { // _resultAction = resultAction; // } // public void OnCompleted() // { // } // public void OnError(Exception error) // { // } // public void OnNext(EventEntry value) // { // _resultAction(value); // } //} public ElementIndexerTests() { var fhirModel = new FhirModel(); //eventListener = new ObservableEventListener(); //eventListener.EnableEvents(SparkEngineEventSource.Log, EventLevel.LogAlways, // Keywords.All); //eventListener.Subscribe(new LogObserver(result => lastLogEntry = result)); _sut = new ElementIndexer(fhirModel, new Mock <ILogger <ElementIndexer> >().Object); }
public void InitializeTest() { var fhirModel = new FhirModel(); eventListener = new ObservableEventListener(); eventListener.EnableEvents(SparkEngineEventSource.Log, EventLevel.LogAlways, Keywords.All); eventListener.Subscribe(new LogObserver(result => lastLogEntry = result)); sut = new ElementIndexer(fhirModel); }
public int IndexOf(ArticleElement @object) { if (@object == null) { return(-1); // NOTE: By definition, no bead can be null. } ElementIndexer indexer = new ElementIndexer(@object.BaseDataObject); Iterate(indexer); return(indexer.Index); }
public IndexServiceTests() { var indexStoreMock = new Mock <IIndexStore>(); _examplePatientJson = TextFileHelper.ReadTextFileFromDisk( $".{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Examples{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}patient-example.json"); _exampleAppointmentJson = TextFileHelper.ReadTextFileFromDisk( $".{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Examples{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}appointment-example2doctors.json"); _carePlanWithContainedGoal = TextFileHelper.ReadTextFileFromDisk( $".{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Examples{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}careplan-example-f201-renal.json"); _exampleObservationJson = TextFileHelper.ReadTextFileFromDisk( $".{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Examples{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}observation-example-bloodpressure.json"); var spPatientName = new SearchParamDefinition { Resource = "Patient", Name = "name", Description = new Markdown(@"A portion of either family or given name of the patient"), Type = SearchParamType.String, Path = new[] { "" }, Expression = "" }; var spMiddleName = new SearchParamDefinition { Resource = "Patient", Name = "middlename", Type = SearchParamType.String, Path = new[] { "'')" }, Expression = "'')" }; var searchParameters = new List <SearchParamDefinition> { spPatientName, spMiddleName }; var resources = new Dictionary <Type, string> { { typeof(Patient), "Patient" }, { typeof(HumanName), "HumanName" } }; // For this test setup we want a limited available types and search parameters. IFhirModel limitedFhirModel = new FhirModel(resources, searchParameters); var limitedElementIndexer = new ElementIndexer(limitedFhirModel, new Mock <ILogger <ElementIndexer> >().Object); _limitedIndexService = new IndexService(limitedFhirModel, indexStoreMock.Object, limitedElementIndexer); // For this test setup we want all available types and search parameters. IFhirModel fullFhirModel = new FhirModel(); var fullElementIndexer = new ElementIndexer(fullFhirModel, new Mock <ILogger <ElementIndexer> >().Object); _fullIndexService = new IndexService(fullFhirModel, indexStoreMock.Object, fullElementIndexer); }
/// <summary> /// Validates the elements and returns the height of all elements. /// </summary> /// <param name="rowElements">The row elements.</param> /// <returns></returns> private int ValidateElements(ElementIndexer[] rowElements) { int height = Constants.Zero; var indexesFound = new List<int>(rowElements.Length); rowElements.ForAll(e => { int index = e.index; D.AssertNotEqual(Constants.MinusOne, index,; if (indexesFound.Contains(index)) { D.Warn("Duplicate {0} index {1} found. Order will not be deterministic.", typeof(ElementIndexer).Name, index); } indexesFound.Add(index); if (height == Constants.Zero) { height = e.GetComponent<UIWidget>().height; } else { D.AssertEqual(height, e.gameObject.GetComponent<UIWidget>().height); } }); return height; }
public void TestInitialize() { IFhirModel _fhirModel; FhirPropertyIndex _propIndex; ResourceVisitor _resourceVisitor; ElementIndexer _elementIndexer; var _indexStoreMock = new Mock <IIndexStore>(); var spPatientName = new SearchParamDefinition() { Resource = "Patient", Name = "name", Description = @"A portion of either family or given name of the patient", Type = SearchParamType.String, Path = new string[] { "", } }; var searchParameters = new List <SearchParamDefinition> { spPatientName }; var resources = new Dictionary <Type, string> { { typeof(Patient), "Patient" }, { typeof(HumanName), "HumanName" } }; var enums = new List <Type>(); //CK: I use real objects: saves me a lot of mocking and provides for a bit of integration testing. _fhirModel = new FhirModel(resources, searchParameters, enums); _propIndex = new FhirPropertyIndex(_fhirModel, new List <Type> { typeof(Patient), typeof(HumanName) }); _resourceVisitor = new ResourceVisitor(_propIndex); _elementIndexer = new ElementIndexer(_fhirModel); //_indexStoreMock.Setup(ixs => ixs.Save(It.IsAny<IndexValue>)) sutLimited = new IndexService(_fhirModel, _propIndex, _resourceVisitor, _elementIndexer, _indexStoreMock.Object); _fhirModel = new FhirModel(); //For this test I want all available types and searchparameters. _propIndex = new FhirPropertyIndex(_fhirModel); _resourceVisitor = new ResourceVisitor(_propIndex); _elementIndexer = new ElementIndexer(_fhirModel); sutFull = new IndexService(_fhirModel, _propIndex, _resourceVisitor, _elementIndexer, _indexStoreMock.Object); }
/// <summary> /// Positions the element and adds a separator to its right (if indicated). /// Returns the starting localPosition.x for the next element which will be to the immediate /// right of the end of the element and/or separator. /// </summary> /// <param name="element">The element.</param> /// <param name="localPositionX">The value to set the element's localPosition.x.</param> /// <param name="addSeparator">if set to <c>true</c> [add separator].</param> /// <returns></returns> private int PositionElement(ElementIndexer element, int localPositionX, bool addSeparator) { //D.Log("{0} setting {1} to localPosition.x = {2}.", GetType().Name, element.GetType().Name, localPositionX); element.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(localPositionX, _rowMemberLocalPositionY); element.transform.SetSiblingIndex(element.index); var elementWidth = element.GetComponent<UIWidget>().width; var nextLocalPositionX = localPositionX + elementWidth; if (addSeparator) { MakeAndPositionSeparator(nextLocalPositionX); nextLocalPositionX += _separatorWidth; } //D.Log("{0} local position now at {1}.", element.GetType().Name, element.transform.localPosition); return nextLocalPositionX; }
public void InitializeTest() { var fhirModel = new FhirModel(); sut = new ElementIndexer(fhirModel); }
/// <summary> /// Validates the elements. /// </summary> /// <param name="rowElements">The row elements.</param> /// <returns></returns> private void ValidateElements(ElementIndexer[] rowElements) { var indexesFound = new List<int>(rowElements.Length); rowElements.ForAll(e => { int index = e.index; D.AssertNotEqual(Constants.MinusOne, index, "{0}.{1} not set.".Inject(, typeof(ElementIndexer).Name)); if (indexesFound.Contains(index)) { D.Warn("Duplicate {0} index {1} found. Order will not be deterministic.", typeof(ElementIndexer).Name, index); } indexesFound.Add(index); }); }
public IndexService(IFhirModel fhirModel, IIndexStore indexStore, ElementIndexer elementIndexer) { _fhirModel = fhirModel; _indexStore = indexStore; _elementIndexer = elementIndexer; }