private void Awake() { if (settings == null) { Debug.LogError("please assign a setting object to Electrum before initializing it."); } if (actionSet == null) { actionSet = settings.actionSet; } if (actionSet == null || actionSet.actions.Count == 0) { Debug.LogWarning("Action set has no action or is not assigned"); } if (singleton == null) { singleton = this; affinityTreshold = settings.affinityTreshold; MaxBindingCandidatesWarning = settings.MaxBindingsCandidateWarning; MaxBindingCandidatesAbort = settings.MaxBindingsCandidatesAbort; DoNothingAction = settings.DoNothingAction; cast = settings.cast; } else { Debug.LogError("Two instances of Electrum currently instancied"); Destroy(this); } foreach (var character in cast) { character.ConstructownModel(); } }
public void SaveMoney() { try { using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(Properties.Settings.Default.DBConnection)) { string sql = "INSERT INTO tblMoney(Platinum, Gold, Electrum, Silver, Copper) "; sql += "VALUES (" + Platinum.ToString() + ", " + Gold.ToString() + ", " + Electrum.ToString() + ", " + Silver.ToString() + ", " + Copper.ToString() + ")"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, con); con.Close(); cmd.Connection.Open(); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); con.Close(); } } catch { } }