protected void uploadFilesToEktron(FileUpload fiU) { // folder ID where I want the files to go long folderId = 103; // create the content item title in the form "YYYY T - CCCC" where Y is year, T is term and C is program code. string content_title = "aasdf" + DateTime.Now.ToString(); // initialize framework. Ektron.Cms.API.Library libraryAPI = new Ektron.Cms.API.Library(); LibraryManager lmgr = new LibraryManager(); // determine if the item already exists. Ektron.Cms.Content.LibraryCriteria criteria = new Ektron.Cms.Content.LibraryCriteria(); // upload the file to Ektron Ektron.Cms.LibraryConfigData lib_setting_data = libraryAPI.GetLibrarySettings(folderId); string filename = Server.MapPath(lib_setting_data.FileDirectory) + Path.GetFileName(fiU.FileName); Ektron.Cms.LibraryData item = new Ektron.Cms.LibraryData() { Title = content_title, ParentId = folderId, FileName = filename, File = File1.FileBytes }; if (fiU.PostedFile.ContentType == "application/pdf") { lmgr.Add(item); ltlMessage.Text = "Library item added with ID = " + item.Id.ToString(); } else ltlMessage.Text = "Not added. File must be a PDF."; }
private void Page_Load(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e) { //Put user code to initialize the page here Collection cQuickLink = new Collection(); string RedirectPath = string.Empty; string aliasName = string.Empty; string zLibPath = string.Empty; m_refContentApi = new ContentAPI(); Ektron.Cms.UrlAliasing.UrlAliasCommonApi _refUrlCommonApi = new Ektron.Cms.UrlAliasing.UrlAliasCommonApi(); string strNewQuery = Request.ServerVariables["QUERY_STRING"]; if (! (Request.QueryString["ItemID"] == null)) { itemID =Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["ItemID"]); strNewQuery = (string) (strNewQuery.Replace((string) ("ItemID=" + itemID), "").Replace("&&", "&")); } if (! (Request.QueryString["libID"] == null)) { libID =Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["libID"]); strNewQuery = (string) (strNewQuery.Replace((string) ("libID=" + libID), "").Replace("&&", "&")); } if (! (Request.QueryString["LinkIdentifier"] == null)) { strLinkIdentifier = Request.QueryString["LinkIdentifier"]; strNewQuery = (string) (strNewQuery.Replace((string) ("LinkIdentifier=" + strLinkIdentifier), "").Replace("&&", "&")); } if (Request.QueryString["FolderID"] == null) { bUseQLink = true; } else { folderID = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["FolderID"]); strNewQuery = (string) (strNewQuery.Replace((string) ("FolderID=" + folderID), "").Replace("&&", "&")); } if (strLinkIdentifier == "") { strLinkIdentifier = "id"; } if (bUseQLink) { //Use quicklink if (strLinkIdentifier != "ekfrm") { aliasName = _refUrlCommonApi.GetAliasForContent(itemID); } if (! libID.Equals(null) && libID > 0 && ! (aliasName.Length > 0)) { Ektron.Cms.API.Library zapi = new Ektron.Cms.API.Library(); aliasName = (string) (zapi.GetLibraryItem(libID).FileName.Replace(m_refContentApi.SitePath, "/")); } else { cQuickLink = (Collection)m_refContentApi.EkLibraryRef.GetLibraryItemByContentID(itemID, _refUrlCommonApi.ContentLanguage,true); } if ((cQuickLink != null) && cQuickLink.Count >0 && aliasName == string.Empty) { if (Convert.ToInt32(cQuickLink["LibraryTypeID"]) == 1) //image, do not use the app/sitepath { if (Convert.ToInt32(cQuickLink["IsPrivate"]) == 0) { RedirectPath = m_refContentApi.SitePath + "assets/" + Server.HtmlDecode(Convert.ToString(cQuickLink["LibraryFilename"])); } else { RedirectPath = m_refContentApi.SitePath + "privateassets/" + Server.HtmlDecode(Convert.ToString(cQuickLink["LibraryFilename"])); } } else if ((cQuickLink["LibraryFilename"].ToString().IndexOf("javascript:void") >= 0) && (cQuickLink["ContentID"].ToString() != "")) { RedirectPath = m_refContentApi.AppPath + "showcontent.aspx?id=" + itemID; } else if ((cQuickLink["LibraryFilename"].ToString().ToLower().IndexOf("downloadasset.aspx") >= 0) && (cQuickLink["ContentID"].ToString() != "")) { RedirectPath = m_refContentApi.AppPath + cQuickLink["LibraryFilename"].ToString(); } else if (cQuickLink["LibraryFilename"].ToString().ToLower().IndexOf("linkit.aspx") < 0) { // make sure the quicklink doesn't link to this page or it'll be stuck in infinite loop RedirectPath = m_refContentApi.SitePath + Server.HtmlDecode(Convert.ToString(cQuickLink["LibraryFilename"])); } } else { RedirectPath = (string) ((m_refContentApi.SitePath + aliasName).Replace("//", "/")); // If there is an alias it should show if they use linkit as Quicklink. } } if (((RedirectPath == "") && bUseQLink == true) || (bUseQLink == false)) { // see if content has a multitemplate attached to it first templateData = m_refContentApi.GetMultiTemplateASPX(itemID); if (templateData == null) { templateData = m_refContentApi.GetTemplatesByFolderId(m_refContentApi.GetJustFolderIdByContentId(itemID)); } if (Convert.ToString(templateData.FileName).IndexOf("?") >= 0) { RedirectPath = m_refContentApi.SitePath + templateData.FileName + "&" + strLinkIdentifier + "=" + itemID; } else { RedirectPath = m_refContentApi.SitePath + templateData.FileName + "?" + strLinkIdentifier + "=" + itemID; } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(aliasName)) // Only if there is no alias append the following. { if (strNewQuery != "" && strNewQuery != "&") { strNewQuery = strNewQuery.Trim("&".ToCharArray()); if (RedirectPath.IndexOf("?") >= 0) { RedirectPath = (string) (RedirectPath + "&" + strNewQuery); } else { RedirectPath = RedirectPath + "?" + strNewQuery; } } } // domain folder redirect only if RedirectPath is not a full URL if (! RedirectPath.StartsWith("http")) { string domain = m_refContentApi.GetDomainByContentId(itemID); if (domain != null&& domain != "" && m_refContentApi.SitePath == "/") { RedirectPath = (string) ("http://" + domain + "/" + RedirectPath.Substring(1)); } else if (domain != null&& domain != "") { RedirectPath = (string) ("http://" + domain + "/" + RedirectPath.Replace(m_refContentApi.SitePath, "")); } } if (Page.IsPostBack && (!(cQuickLink == null)) && cQuickLink.Count>0 && (Convert.ToInt32(cQuickLink["LibraryTypeID"]) == 5)) { string strUrl = string.Empty; strUrl = m_refContentApi.QualifyUrlForServerTransfer(RedirectPath); if (strUrl.Length > 0) { try { //#16799 - using the redirect to a page, the form data is not posting to specified template. //Changed form response redirect to server.transfer to forward form values when possible. //source: CommonApi.vb(, ApplicationApi.vb, ServerControlLibrary / FormBlock / FormBlock.cs, workarea / linkit.aspx.vb) //PRB: "View State Is Invalid" Error Message When You Use Server.Transfer //;en-us;Q316920 //Note: I have not seen the problem mentioned in the MS KB. -doug domeny 2005-11-22 Context.RewritePath(strUrl, false); Server.Transfer(strUrl, true); return; } catch (System.Threading.ThreadAbortException) { //When you do a Server.Transfer() or Response.Redirect(), if you have code after this statement, it sometimes throws an error. return; } catch (Exception ex) { if (RedirectPath.IndexOf("?") >= 1) { RedirectPath += "&"; } else { RedirectPath += "?"; } RedirectPath += (string)("TransferError=" + EkFunctions.UrlEncode(ex.Message)); } } } Response.Redirect(RedirectPath); }