public static DataTable GetTable(EhrMeasureType mtype,DateTime dateStart,DateTime dateEnd,long provNum) {
			if(RemotingClient.RemotingRole==RemotingRole.ClientWeb) {
				return Meth.GetTable(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(),mtype,dateStart,dateEnd,provNum);
			string command="";
			DataTable tableRaw=new DataTable();
			command="SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(provider.ProvNum) FROM provider WHERE provider.EhrKey="
				+"(SELECT pv.EhrKey FROM provider pv WHERE pv.ProvNum="+POut.Long(provNum)+")";
			string provs=Db.GetScalar(command);
			string[] tempProv=provs.Split(',');
			string provOID="";
			for(int oi=0;oi<tempProv.Length;oi++) {
				if(oi<tempProv.Length-1) {
			command="SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(provider.NationalProvID) FROM provider WHERE provider.EhrKey="
				+"(SELECT pv.EhrKey FROM provider pv WHERE pv.ProvNum="+POut.Long(provNum)+")";
			string provNPIs=Db.GetScalar(command);
			//Some measures use a temp table.  Create a random number to tack onto the end of the temp table name to avoid possible table collisions.
			Random rnd=new Random();
			string rndStr=rnd.Next(1000000).ToString();
			switch(mtype) {
				#region ProblemList
				case EhrMeasureType.ProblemList:
					//Jordan's original query
					//command="SELECT PatNum,LName,FName, "
					//  +"(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM disease WHERE PatNum=patient.PatNum AND DiseaseDefNum="
					//    +POut.Long(PrefC.GetLong(PrefName.ProblemsIndicateNone))+") AS problemsNone, "
					//  +"(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM disease WHERE PatNum=patient.PatNum) AS problemsAll "
					//  +"FROM patient "
					//  +"WHERE EXISTS(SELECT * FROM procedurelog WHERE patient.PatNum=procedurelog.PatNum "
					//  +"AND procedurelog.ProcStatus=2 "//complete
					//  +"AND procedurelog.ProvNum IN("+POut.String(provs)+") "
					//  +"AND procedurelog.ProcDate >= "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" "
					//  +"AND procedurelog.ProcDate <= "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+")";
					//Query optimized to be faster by Cameron
					//command="SELECT A.*,COALESCE(problemsNone.Count,0) AS problemsNone,COALESCE(problemsAll.Count,0) AS problemsAll "
					//	+"FROM (SELECT patient.PatNum,LName,FName FROM patient "
					//	+"INNER JOIN procedurelog ON procedurelog.PatNum=patient.PatNum AND procedurelog.ProcStatus=2 "
					//	+"AND procedurelog.ProvNum IN("+POut.String(provs)+") "
					//	+"AND procedurelog.ProcDate BETWEEN "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" AND "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+" "
					//	+"GROUP BY patient.PatNum) A "
					//	+"LEFT JOIN (SELECT PatNum,COUNT(*) AS 'Count' FROM disease WHERE DiseaseDefNum="+POut.Long(PrefC.GetLong(PrefName.ProblemsIndicateNone))+" "
					//	+"GROUP BY PatNum) problemsNone ON problemsNone.PatNum=A.PatNum "
					//	+"LEFT JOIN (SELECT PatNum,COUNT(*) AS 'Count' FROM disease GROUP BY PatNum) problemsAll ON problemsAll.PatNum=A.PatNum";
					//Query modified to count only problems with ICD9 or SNOMED code attached
					command="SELECT A.*,COALESCE(problemsNone.Count,0) AS problemsNone,COALESCE(problemsAll.Count,0) AS problemsAll "
						+"FROM (SELECT patient.PatNum,LName,FName FROM patient "
						+"INNER JOIN procedurelog ON procedurelog.PatNum=patient.PatNum AND procedurelog.ProcStatus=2 "
						+"AND procedurelog.ProvNum IN("+POut.String(provs)+") "
						+"AND procedurelog.ProcDate BETWEEN "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" AND "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+" "
						+"GROUP BY patient.PatNum) A "
						+"LEFT JOIN (SELECT PatNum,COUNT(*) AS 'Count' FROM disease WHERE DiseaseDefNum="+POut.Long(PrefC.GetLong(PrefName.ProblemsIndicateNone))+" "
						+"AND ProbStatus=0 GROUP BY PatNum) problemsNone ON problemsNone.PatNum=A.PatNum "
						+"LEFT JOIN (SELECT PatNum,COUNT(*) AS 'Count' FROM disease "
						+"INNER JOIN diseasedef ON disease.DiseaseDefNum=diseasedef.DiseaseDefNum "
						+"AND disease.DiseaseDefNum!="+POut.Long(PrefC.GetLong(PrefName.ProblemsIndicateNone))+" "
						+"WHERE (diseasedef.SnomedCode!='' OR diseasedef.ICD9Code!='') "
						+"GROUP BY PatNum) problemsAll ON problemsAll.PatNum=A.PatNum";
				#region MedicationList
				case EhrMeasureType.MedicationList:
					command="SELECT A.*,COALESCE(medsNone.Count,0) AS medsNone,COALESCE(medsAll.Count,0) AS medsAll "
						+"FROM (SELECT patient.PatNum,LName,FName	FROM patient "
						+"INNER JOIN procedurelog ON procedurelog.PatNum=patient.PatNum	AND procedurelog.ProcStatus=2 "
						+"AND procedurelog.ProvNum IN("+POut.String(provs)+")	"
						+"AND procedurelog.ProcDate BETWEEN "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" AND "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+" "
						+"GROUP BY patient.PatNum) A "
						+"LEFT JOIN (SELECT PatNum,COUNT(*) AS 'Count' FROM medicationpat "
						+"WHERE MedicationNum="+POut.Long(PrefC.GetLong(PrefName.MedicationsIndicateNone))+" "
						+"AND (YEAR(DateStop)<1880 OR DateStop>"+POut.Date(dateEnd)+") GROUP BY PatNum) medsNone ON medsNone.PatNum=A.PatNum "
						+"LEFT JOIN (SELECT PatNum,COUNT(*) AS 'Count' FROM medicationpat "
						+"WHERE MedicationNum!="+POut.Long(PrefC.GetLong(PrefName.MedicationsIndicateNone))+" "
						+"GROUP BY PatNum) medsAll ON medsAll.PatNum=A.PatNum";
				#region AllergyList
				case EhrMeasureType.AllergyList:
					//Jordan's original query
					//command="SELECT PatNum,LName,FName, "
					//  +"(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM allergy WHERE PatNum=patient.PatNum AND AllergyDefNum="
					//    +POut.Long(PrefC.GetLong(PrefName.AllergiesIndicateNone))+") AS allergiesNone, "
					//  +"(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM allergy WHERE PatNum=patient.PatNum) AS allergiesAll "
					//  +"FROM patient "
					//  +"WHERE EXISTS(SELECT * FROM procedurelog WHERE patient.PatNum=procedurelog.PatNum "
					//  +"AND procedurelog.ProcStatus=2 "//complete
					//  +"AND procedurelog.ProvNum="+POut.Long(provNum)+" "
					//  +"AND procedurelog.ProcDate >= "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" "
					//  +"AND procedurelog.ProcDate <= "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+")";
					//Query optimized to be faster by Cameron
					command="SELECT A.*,COALESCE(allergiesNone.Count,0) AS allergiesNone,COALESCE(allergiesAll.Count,0) AS allergiesAll "
						+"FROM (SELECT patient.PatNum,LName,FName	FROM patient "
						+"INNER JOIN procedurelog ON procedurelog.PatNum=patient.PatNum	AND procedurelog.ProcStatus=2 "
						+"AND procedurelog.ProvNum IN("+POut.String(provs)+")	"
						+"AND procedurelog.ProcDate BETWEEN "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" AND "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+" "
						+"GROUP BY patient.PatNum) A "
						+"LEFT JOIN (SELECT PatNum,COUNT(*) AS 'Count' FROM allergy	"
						+"WHERE AllergyDefNum="+POut.Long(PrefC.GetLong(PrefName.AllergiesIndicateNone))+" AND StatusIsActive=1 "
						+"GROUP BY PatNum) allergiesNone ON allergiesNone.PatNum=A.PatNum "
						+"LEFT JOIN (SELECT PatNum,COUNT(*) AS 'Count' FROM allergy	"
						+"WHERE AllergyDefNum!="+POut.Long(PrefC.GetLong(PrefName.AllergiesIndicateNone))+" "
						+"GROUP BY PatNum) allergiesAll ON allergiesAll.PatNum=A.PatNum";
				#region Demographics
				case EhrMeasureType.Demographics:
					//language, gender, race, ethnicity, and birthdate
					//Jordan's original query
					//command="SELECT PatNum,LName,FName,Birthdate,Gender,Race,Language "
					//  +"FROM patient "
					//  +"WHERE EXISTS(SELECT * FROM procedurelog WHERE patient.PatNum=procedurelog.PatNum "
					//  +"AND procedurelog.ProcStatus=2 "//complete
					//  +"AND procedurelog.ProvNum="+POut.Long(provNum)+" "
					//  +"AND procedurelog.ProcDate >= "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" "
					//  +"AND procedurelog.ProcDate <= "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+")";
					//Query optimized to be faster by Cameron
					//command="SELECT patient.PatNum,LName,FName,Birthdate,Gender,Race,Language "
					//	+"FROM patient "
					//	+"INNER JOIN procedurelog ON procedurelog.PatNum=patient.PatNum AND procedurelog.ProcStatus=2 "
					//	+"AND procedurelog.ProvNum IN("+POut.String(provs)+")	"
					//	+"AND procedurelog.ProcDate BETWEEN "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" AND "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+" "
					//	+"GROUP BY patient.PatNum";
					command="SELECT patient.PatNum,LName,FName,Birthdate,Gender,Language,COALESCE(race.HasRace,0) AS HasRace,COALESCE(ethnicity.HasEthnicity,0) AS HasEthnicity "
						+"FROM patient "
						+"INNER JOIN procedurelog ON procedurelog.PatNum=patient.PatNum AND procedurelog.ProcStatus=2 "
						+"AND procedurelog.ProvNum IN("+POut.String(provs)+")	"
						+"AND procedurelog.ProcDate BETWEEN "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" AND "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+" "
						+"LEFT JOIN(SELECT PatNum, 1 AS HasRace FROM patientrace "
						+"WHERE patientrace.Race IN( "
						+POut.Int((int)PatRace.White)+" "
						+") GROUP BY PatNum "
						+") AS race ON race.PatNum=patient.PatNum "
						+"LEFT JOIN(SELECT PatNum, 1 AS HasEthnicity FROM patientrace "
						+"WHERE patientrace.Race IN( "
						+POut.Int((int)PatRace.DeclinedToSpecifyEthnicity)+" "
						+") GROUP BY PatNum "
						+") AS ethnicity ON ethnicity.PatNum=patient.PatNum "
						+"GROUP BY patient.PatNum";
				#region Education
				case EhrMeasureType.Education:
					//Jordan's original query
					//command="SELECT PatNum,LName,FName, "
					//  +"(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ehrmeasureevent WHERE PatNum=patient.PatNum AND EventType="+POut.Int((int)EhrMeasureEventType.EducationProvided)+") AS edCount "
					//  +"FROM patient "
					//  +"WHERE EXISTS(SELECT * FROM procedurelog WHERE patient.PatNum=procedurelog.PatNum "
					//  +"AND procedurelog.ProcStatus=2 "//complete
					//  +"AND procedurelog.ProvNum="+POut.Long(provNum)+" "
					//  +"AND procedurelog.ProcDate >= "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" "
					//  +"AND procedurelog.ProcDate <= "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+")";
					//Query optimized to be faster by Cameron
					command="SELECT A.*,COALESCE(edCount.Count,0) AS edCount "
						+"FROM (SELECT patient.PatNum,LName,FName	FROM patient "
						+"INNER JOIN procedurelog ON procedurelog.PatNum=patient.PatNum AND procedurelog.ProcStatus=2 "
						+"AND procedurelog.ProvNum IN("+POut.String(provs)+")	"
						+"AND procedurelog.ProcDate BETWEEN "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" AND "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+" "
						+"GROUP BY patient.PatNum) A "
						+"LEFT JOIN (SELECT PatNum,COUNT(*) AS 'Count' FROM ehrmeasureevent "
						+"WHERE EventType="+POut.Int((int)EhrMeasureEventType.EducationProvided)+" "
						+"GROUP BY PatNum) edCount ON edCount.PatNum=A.PatNum";
				#region TimelyAccess
				case EhrMeasureType.TimelyAccess:
					//denominator is patients
					command="DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tempehrmeasure"+rndStr;
					command="CREATE TABLE tempehrmeasure"+rndStr+@" (
						PatNum bigint NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY,
						LName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
						FName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
						lastVisitDate date NOT NULL,
						deadlineDate date NOT NULL,
						accessProvided tinyint NOT NULL
						) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8";
					//get all patients who have been seen during the period, along with the most recent visit date during the period
					command="INSERT INTO tempehrmeasure"+rndStr+" (PatNum,LName,FName,lastVisitDate) SELECT patient.PatNum,LName,FName, "
						+"MAX(procedurelog.ProcDate) "
						+"FROM patient,procedurelog "
						+"WHERE patient.PatNum=procedurelog.PatNum "
						+"AND procedurelog.ProcStatus=2 "//complete
						//+"AND procedurelog.ProvNum="+POut.Long(provNum)+" "
						+"AND procedurelog.ProvNum IN("+POut.String(provs)+")	"
						+"AND procedurelog.ProcDate >= "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" "
						+"AND procedurelog.ProcDate <= "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+" "
						+"GROUP BY patient.PatNum";
					//calculate the deadlineDate
					command="UPDATE tempehrmeasure"+rndStr+" "
						+"SET deadlineDate = ADDDATE(lastVisitDate, INTERVAL 4 DAY)";
					command="UPDATE tempehrmeasure"+rndStr+" "
						+"SET deadlineDate = ADDDate(lastVisitDate, INTERVAL 2 DAY) "//add 2 more days for weekend
						+"WHERE DAYOFWEEK(lastVisitDate) IN(3,4,5,6)";//tues, wed, thur, fri
					//date provided could be any date before deadline date if there was more than one visit
					command="UPDATE tempehrmeasure"+rndStr+",ehrmeasureevent SET accessProvided = 1 "
						+"WHERE ehrmeasureevent.PatNum=tempehrmeasure"+rndStr+".PatNum "
						+"AND EventType="+POut.Int((int)EhrMeasureEventType.OnlineAccessProvided)+" "
						+"AND DATE(ehrmeasureevent.DateTEvent) <= deadlineDate";
					command="SELECT * FROM tempehrmeasure"+rndStr;
					command="DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tempehrmeasure"+rndStr;
				#region ProvOrderEntry
				case EhrMeasureType.ProvOrderEntry:
					//Jordan's original query
					//command="SELECT PatNum,LName,FName, "
					//  +"(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM medicationpat mp2 WHERE mp2.PatNum=patient.PatNum "
					//  +"AND mp2.PatNote != '' AND mp2.DateStart > "+POut.Date(new DateTime(1880,1,1))+") AS countOrders "
					//  +"FROM patient "
					//  +"WHERE EXISTS(SELECT * FROM procedurelog WHERE patient.PatNum=procedurelog.PatNum "//at least one procedure in the period
					//  +"AND procedurelog.ProcStatus=2 "//complete
					//  +"AND procedurelog.ProvNum="+POut.Long(provNum)+" "
					//  +"AND procedurelog.ProcDate >= "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" "
					//  +"AND procedurelog.ProcDate <= "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+") "
					//  +"AND EXISTS(SELECT * FROM medicationpat WHERE medicationpat.PatNum=patient.PatNum)";//at least one medication
					//Query optimized to be faster by Cameron
					//command="SELECT A.*,COALESCE(countOrders.Count,0) AS countOrders "
					//	+"FROM (SELECT patient.PatNum,LName,FName FROM patient "
					//	+"INNER JOIN procedurelog ON procedurelog.PatNum=patient.PatNum AND procedurelog.ProcStatus=2 "
					//	+"AND procedurelog.ProvNum IN("+POut.String(provs)+")	"
					//	+"AND procedurelog.ProcDate BETWEEN "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" AND "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+" "
					//	+"INNER JOIN medicationpat ON medicationpat.PatNum=patient.PatNum "
					//	+"GROUP BY patient.PatNum) A "
					//	+"LEFT JOIN (SELECT PatNum,COUNT(*) AS 'Count' FROM medicationpat mp2 "
					//	+"WHERE mp2.PatNote!='' AND mp2.DateStart > "+POut.Date(new DateTime(1880,1,1))+" "
					//	+"GROUP BY PatNum) countOrders ON countOrders.PatNum=A.PatNum";
					//Now using IsCpoe flag instead of PatNote and DateStart to mark as an order
					command="SELECT allpats.*,COALESCE(CountCpoe.Count,0) AS CountCpoe "
						+"FROM (SELECT patient.PatNum,patient.LName,patient.FName FROM patient "
						+"INNER JOIN procedurelog ON procedurelog.PatNum=patient.PatNum AND procedurelog.ProcStatus=2 "
						+"AND procedurelog.ProvNum IN("+POut.String(provs)+")	"
						+"AND procedurelog.ProcDate BETWEEN "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" AND "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+" "
						+"INNER JOIN medicationpat ON medicationpat.PatNum=patient.PatNum "
						+"AND MedicationNum!="+POut.Long(PrefC.GetLong(PrefName.MedicationsIndicateNone))+" "
						+"GROUP BY patient.PatNum) allpats "//allpats seen by provider in date range with medication in med list that is not the 'None' medication
						+"LEFT JOIN (SELECT medicationpat.PatNum,COUNT(*) AS 'Count' FROM medicationpat "
						+"WHERE medicationpat.IsCpoe=1 GROUP BY medicationpat.PatNum) CountCpoe ON CountCpoe.PatNum=allpats.PatNum";
				#region CPOE_MedOrdersOnly
				case EhrMeasureType.CPOE_MedOrdersOnly:
					//This optional alternate no longer counts patients with meds in med list, instead we will count the orders created by the Provider during the reporting period and what percentage are CPOE (meaning they were entered through NewCrop)
					command="SELECT patient.PatNum,patient.LName,patient.FName,medicationpat.MedicationPatNum,"
						+"COALESCE(medication.MedName,medicationpat.MedDescript) AS MedName,medicationpat.DateStart,"
						+"medicationpat.IsCpoe FROM patient "
						+"INNER JOIN medicationpat ON medicationpat.PatNum=patient.PatNum "
						+"AND medicationpat.ProvNum IN("+POut.String(provs)+")	"
						+"AND medicationpat.PatNote!='' "
						+"AND medicationpat.DateStart BETWEEN "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" AND "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+" "
						+"LEFT JOIN medication ON medication.MedicationNum=medicationpat.MedicationNum";
				#region CPOE_PreviouslyOrdered
				case EhrMeasureType.CPOE_PreviouslyOrdered:
					//For details regarding this optional alternate see:, summmary: If you prescribe more than 100 meds during the reporting period, maintain medication lists that include meds the Provider did not order, and orders meds for less than 30% of patients with meds in med list during the reporting period, then the denominator can be limited to only those patients for whom the Provider has previously ordered meds.
					command="SELECT allpatsprevordered.*,COALESCE(CountCpoe.Count,0) AS CountCpoe "
						+"FROM (SELECT patient.PatNum,patient.LName,patient.FName FROM patient "
						+"INNER JOIN procedurelog ON procedurelog.PatNum=patient.PatNum AND procedurelog.ProcStatus=2 "
						+"AND procedurelog.ProvNum IN("+POut.String(provs)+") "
						+"AND procedurelog.ProcDate BETWEEN "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" AND "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+" "
						+"INNER JOIN medicationpat ON medicationpat.PatNum=patient.PatNum "
						+"AND medicationpat.MedicationNum!="+POut.Long(PrefC.GetLong(PrefName.MedicationsIndicateNone))+" ";
					//this next join limits to only patients for whom the provider has previously ordered medications
					command+="INNER JOIN (SELECT PatNum FROM medicationpat "
						+"WHERE PatNote!='' AND DateStart > "+POut.Date(new DateTime(1880,1,1))+" "
						+"AND ProvNum IN("+POut.String(provs)+") GROUP BY PatNum) prevordered ON prevordered.PatNum=patient.PatNum "
						+"GROUP BY patient.PatNum) allpatsprevordered "
						+"LEFT JOIN (SELECT medicationpat.PatNum,COUNT(*) AS 'Count' FROM medicationpat "
						+"WHERE medicationpat.IsCpoe=1 GROUP BY PatNum) CountCpoe ON CountCpoe.PatNum=allpatsprevordered.PatNum";
				#region Rx
				case EhrMeasureType.Rx:
					command="SELECT patient.PatNum,LName,FName,SendStatus,RxDate "
						+"FROM rxpat,patient "
						+"WHERE rxpat.PatNum=patient.PatNum "
						+"AND IsControlled = 0 "
						//+"AND rxpat.ProvNum="+POut.Long(provNum)+" "
						+"AND rxpat.ProvNum IN("+POut.String(provs)+")	"
						+"AND RxDate >= "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" "
						+"AND RxDate <= "+POut.Date(dateEnd);
				#region VitalSigns
				case EhrMeasureType.VitalSigns:
					//Jordan's original query
					//command="SELECT PatNum,LName,FName, "
					//  +"(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM vitalsign WHERE vitalsign.PatNum=patient.PatNum AND Height>0 AND Weight>0) AS hwCount, "
					//  +"(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM vitalsign WHERE vitalsign.PatNum=patient.PatNum AND BpSystolic>0 AND BpDiastolic>0) AS bpCount "
					//  +"FROM patient "
					//  +"WHERE EXISTS(SELECT * FROM procedurelog WHERE patient.PatNum=procedurelog.PatNum "
					//  +"AND procedurelog.ProcStatus=2 "//complete
					//  +"AND procedurelog.ProvNum="+POut.Long(provNum)+" "
					//  +"AND procedurelog.ProcDate >= "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" "
					//  +"AND procedurelog.ProcDate <= "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+") "
					//  +"AND patient.Birthdate <= "+POut.Date(DateTime.Today.AddYears(-2));//2 and older
					//Query optimized to be faster by Cameron
					//command="SELECT A.*,COALESCE(hwCount.Count,0) AS hwCount,COALESCE(bpCount.Count,0) AS bpCount "
					//	+"FROM (SELECT patient.PatNum,LName,FName FROM patient "
					//	+"INNER JOIN procedurelog ON procedurelog.PatNum=patient.PatNum AND procedurelog.ProcStatus=2 "
					//	+"AND procedurelog.ProvNum IN("+POut.String(provs)+")	"
					//	+"AND procedurelog.ProcDate BETWEEN "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" AND "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+" "
					//	+"WHERE patient.Birthdate <= "+POut.Date(DateTime.Today.AddYears(-2))+" "//2 and older
					//	+"GROUP BY patient.PatNum) A "
					//	+"LEFT JOIN (SELECT PatNum,COUNT(*) AS 'Count' FROM vitalsign	WHERE Height>0 AND Weight>0 GROUP BY PatNum) hwCount ON hwCount.PatNum=A.PatNum "
					//	+"LEFT JOIN (SELECT PatNum,COUNT(*) AS 'Count' FROM vitalsign WHERE BpSystolic>0 AND BpDiastolic>0 GROUP BY PatNum) bpCount ON bpCount.PatNum=A.PatNum";
					//Query modified for new requirements (Optional 2013, Required 2014 and beyond).  BP 3 and older only, Height/Weight all ages
					command="SELECT A.*,COALESCE(hwCount.Count,0) AS hwCount,COALESCE(bpCount.Count,0) AS bpCount "
						+"FROM (SELECT patient.PatNum,LName,FName FROM patient "
						+"INNER JOIN procedurelog ON procedurelog.PatNum=patient.PatNum AND procedurelog.ProcStatus=2 "
						+"AND procedurelog.ProvNum IN("+POut.String(provs)+")	"
						+"AND procedurelog.ProcDate BETWEEN "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" AND "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+" "
						+"WHERE patient.Birthdate <= "+POut.Date(DateTime.Today.AddYears(-2))+" "//2 and older
						+"GROUP BY patient.PatNum) A "
						+"LEFT JOIN (SELECT PatNum,COUNT(*) AS 'Count' FROM vitalsign	WHERE Height>0 AND Weight>0 GROUP BY PatNum) hwCount ON hwCount.PatNum=A.PatNum "
						+"LEFT JOIN (SELECT PatNum,COUNT(*) AS 'Count' FROM vitalsign WHERE BpSystolic>0 AND BpDiastolic>0 GROUP BY PatNum) bpCount ON bpCount.PatNum=A.PatNum";
				#region VitalSigns2014
				case EhrMeasureType.VitalSigns2014:
					command="SELECT A.*,COALESCE(hwCount.Count,0) AS hwCount,"
						+"(CASE WHEN A.Birthdate <= (A.LastVisitInDateRange-INTERVAL 3 YEAR) ";//BP count only if 3 and older at time of last visit in date range
					command+="THEN COALESCE(bpCount.Count,0) ELSE 1 END) AS bpCount "
						+"FROM (SELECT patient.PatNum,LName,FName,Birthdate,MAX(procedurelog.ProcDate) AS LastVisitInDateRange "
						+"FROM patient "
						+"INNER JOIN procedurelog ON procedurelog.PatNum=patient.PatNum AND procedurelog.ProcStatus=2 "
						+"AND procedurelog.ProvNum IN("+POut.String(provs)+")	"
						+"AND procedurelog.ProcDate BETWEEN "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" AND "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+" "
						+"GROUP BY patient.PatNum) A "
						+"LEFT JOIN (SELECT PatNum,COUNT(*) AS 'Count' FROM vitalsign	WHERE Height>0 AND Weight>0 GROUP BY PatNum) hwCount ON hwCount.PatNum=A.PatNum "
						+"LEFT JOIN (SELECT PatNum,COUNT(*) AS 'Count' FROM vitalsign WHERE BpSystolic>0 AND BpDiastolic>0 GROUP BY PatNum) bpCount ON bpCount.PatNum=A.PatNum";
				#region VitalSignsBMIOnly
				case EhrMeasureType.VitalSignsBMIOnly:
					command="SELECT A.*,COALESCE(hwCount.Count,0) AS hwCount "
						+"FROM (SELECT patient.PatNum,LName,FName FROM patient "
						+"INNER JOIN procedurelog ON procedurelog.PatNum=patient.PatNum AND procedurelog.ProcStatus=2 "
						+"AND procedurelog.ProvNum IN("+POut.String(provs)+")	"
						+"AND procedurelog.ProcDate BETWEEN "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" AND "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+" "
						+"GROUP BY patient.PatNum) A "
						+"LEFT JOIN (SELECT PatNum,COUNT(*) AS 'Count' FROM vitalsign	WHERE Height>0 AND Weight>0 GROUP BY PatNum) hwCount ON hwCount.PatNum=A.PatNum ";
				#region VitalSignsBPOnly
				case EhrMeasureType.VitalSignsBPOnly:
					command="SELECT patient.PatNum,LName,FName,Birthdate,COUNT(DISTINCT VitalsignNum) AS bpcount "
						+"FROM patient "
						+"INNER JOIN procedurelog ON procedurelog.PatNum=patient.PatNum "
						+"AND procedurelog.ProcStatus=2	AND procedurelog.ProvNum IN("+POut.String(provs)+") "
						+"AND procedurelog.ProcDate BETWEEN "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" AND "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+" "
						+"LEFT JOIN vitalsign ON vitalsign.PatNum=patient.PatNum AND BpSystolic!=0 AND BpDiastolic!=0 "
						+"GROUP BY patient.PatNum "
						+"HAVING Birthdate<=MAX(ProcDate)-INTERVAL 3 YEAR ";//only include in results if over 3 yrs old at date of last visit
				#region Smoking
				case EhrMeasureType.Smoking:
					//Jordan's original query
					//command="SELECT PatNum,LName,FName,SmokeStatus "
					//  +"FROM patient "
					//  +"WHERE EXISTS(SELECT * FROM procedurelog WHERE patient.PatNum=procedurelog.PatNum "
					//  +"AND procedurelog.ProcStatus=2 "//complete
					//  +"AND procedurelog.ProvNum="+POut.Long(provNum)+" "
					//  +"AND procedurelog.ProcDate >= "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" "
					//  +"AND procedurelog.ProcDate <= "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+") "
					//  +"AND patient.Birthdate <= "+POut.Date(DateTime.Today.AddYears(-13));//13 and older
					//Query optimized to be faster by Cameron
					command="SELECT patient.PatNum,LName,FName,SmokingSnoMed FROM patient "
						+"INNER JOIN procedurelog ON procedurelog.PatNum=patient.PatNum AND procedurelog.ProcStatus=2 "
						+"AND procedurelog.ProvNum IN("+POut.String(provs)+") "
						+"AND procedurelog.ProcDate BETWEEN "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" AND "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+" "
						+"WHERE patient.Birthdate <= "+POut.Date(DateTime.Today.AddYears(-13))+" "//13 and older
						+"GROUP BY patient.PatNum";
				#region Lab
				case EhrMeasureType.Lab:
					//Jordan's original query
					//command="SELECT patient.PatNum,LName,FName,DateTimeOrder, "
					//  +"(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM labpanel WHERE labpanel.MedicalOrderNum=medicalorder.MedicalOrderNum) AS panelCount "
					//  +"FROM medicalorder,patient "
					//  +"WHERE medicalorder.PatNum=patient.PatNum "
					//  +"AND MedOrderType="+POut.Int((int)MedicalOrderType.Laboratory)+" "
					//  +"AND medicalorder.ProvNum="+POut.Long(provNum)+" "
					//  +"AND DATE(DateTimeOrder) >= "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" "
					//  +"AND DATE(DateTimeOrder) <= "+POut.Date(dateEnd);
					//Query optimized to be faster by Cameron
					//TODO: Combine these queries to get old and new lab data
					command="SELECT 1 AS IsOldLab,patient.PatNum,LName,FName,DateTimeOrder,COALESCE(panels.Count,0) AS ResultCount FROM patient "
						+"INNER JOIN medicalorder ON patient.PatNum=medicalorder.PatNum "
							+"AND MedOrderType="+POut.Int((int)MedicalOrderType.Laboratory)+" "
							+"AND medicalorder.ProvNum IN("+POut.String(provs)+") "
							+"AND DATE(DateTimeOrder) BETWEEN "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" AND "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+" "
						+"LEFT JOIN (SELECT MedicalOrderNum,COUNT(*) AS 'Count' FROM labpanel GROUP BY MedicalOrderNum "
						+") panels ON panels.MedicalOrderNum=medicalorder.MedicalOrderNum "
						+"UNION ALL "
						+"SELECT 0 AS IsOldLab,patient.PatNum,LName,FName,STR_TO_DATE(ObservationDateTimeStart,'%Y%m%d') AS DateTimeOrder,COALESCE(ehrlabs.Count,0) AS ResultCount FROM patient "
						+"INNER JOIN ehrlab ON patient.PatNum=ehrlab.PatNum "
						+"LEFT JOIN (SELECT EhrLabNum, COUNT(*) AS 'Count' FROM ehrlabresult "
							+"WHERE ehrlabresult.ValueType='NM' OR ehrlabresult.ValueType='SN' "
							+"OR ehrlabresult.ObservationValueCodedElementID IN ("+_snomedLabResult+") "
							+"OR ehrlabresult.ObservationValueCodedElementIDAlt IN ("+_snomedLabResult+") "
							+"GROUP BY EhrLabNum "
						+") ehrlabs ON ehrlab.EhrLabNum=ehrlabs.EhrLabNum "
						+"WHERE (CASE WHEN ehrlab.OrderingProviderIdentifierTypeCode='NPI' THEN ehrlab.OrderingProviderID IN("+POut.String(provNPIs)+") " //When the lab is using a NPI number to determine provider.
							+"WHEN ehrlab.OrderingProviderIdentifierTypeCode='PRN' THEN ( " //When the lab is using provider number to determine provider.
								+"CASE WHEN ehrlab.OrderingProviderAssigningAuthorityUniversalID=( " //If the AssigningAuthority is OpenDental.
									+"SELECT IDRoot FROM oidinternal WHERE IDType='Provider' GROUP BY IDType "
								+") THEN ehrlab.OrderingProviderID IN('"+POut.String(provOID)+"') END) " //Use the ProvNum to determine provider.
							+"ELSE FALSE END) " //If the AssigningAuthority is not OpenDental, we have no way to tell who the provider is.
						+"AND ehrlab.ObservationDateTimeStart BETWEEN DATE_FORMAT("+POut.Date(dateStart)+",'%Y%m%d') AND DATE_FORMAT("+POut.Date(dateEnd)+",'%Y%m%d') "
						+"AND (CASE WHEN ehrlab.UsiCodeSystemName='LN' THEN ehrlab.UsiID WHEN ehrlab.UsiCodeSystemNameAlt='LN' THEN ehrlab.UsiIDAlt ELSE '' END) "
							+"NOT IN (SELECT LoincCode FROM loinc WHERE loinc.ClassType LIKE '%rad%')";
				#region ElectronicCopy
				case EhrMeasureType.ElectronicCopy:
					command="DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tempehrmeasure"+rndStr;
					command="CREATE TABLE tempehrmeasure"+rndStr+@" (
						TempEhrMeasureNum bigint NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY,
						PatNum bigint NOT NULL,
						LName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
						FName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
						dateRequested date NOT NULL,
						dateDeadline date NOT NULL,
						copyProvided tinyint NOT NULL,
						) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8";
					command="INSERT INTO tempehrmeasure"+rndStr+" (PatNum,LName,FName,dateRequested) SELECT patient.PatNum,LName,FName,DATE(DateTEvent) "
						+"FROM ehrmeasureevent,patient "
						+"WHERE patient.PatNum=ehrmeasureevent.PatNum "
						+"AND EventType="+POut.Int((int)EhrMeasureEventType.ElectronicCopyRequested)+" "
						+"AND DATE(DateTEvent) >= "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" "
						+"AND DATE(DateTEvent) <= "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+" "
						//+"AND patient.PriProv="+POut.Long(provNum);
						+"AND patient.PriProv IN("+POut.String(provs)+")";
					command="UPDATE tempehrmeasure"+rndStr+" "
						+"SET dateDeadline = ADDDATE(dateRequested, INTERVAL 3 DAY)";
					command="UPDATE tempehrmeasure"+rndStr+" "
						+"SET dateDeadline = ADDDate(dateDeadline, INTERVAL 2 DAY) "//add 2 more days for weekend
						+"WHERE DAYOFWEEK(dateRequested) IN(4,5,6)";//wed, thur, fri
					command="UPDATE tempehrmeasure"+rndStr+",ehrmeasureevent SET copyProvided = 1 "
						+"WHERE ehrmeasureevent.PatNum=tempehrmeasure"+rndStr+".PatNum AND EventType="+POut.Int((int)EhrMeasureEventType.ElectronicCopyProvidedToPt)+" "
						+"AND DATE(ehrmeasureevent.DateTEvent) >= dateRequested "
						+"AND DATE(ehrmeasureevent.DateTEvent) <= dateDeadline";
					command="SELECT * FROM tempehrmeasure"+rndStr;
					command="DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tempehrmeasure"+rndStr;
				#region ClinicalSummaries
				case EhrMeasureType.ClinicalSummaries:
					command="DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tempehrmeasure"+rndStr;
					command="CREATE TABLE tempehrmeasure"+rndStr+@" (
						TempEhrMeasureNum bigint NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY,
						PatNum bigint NOT NULL,
						LName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
						FName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
						visitDate date NOT NULL,
						deadlineDate date NOT NULL,
						summaryProvided tinyint NOT NULL,
						) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8";
					command="INSERT INTO tempehrmeasure"+rndStr+" (PatNum,LName,FName,visitDate) SELECT patient.PatNum,LName,FName,ProcDate "
						+"FROM procedurelog "
						+"LEFT JOIN patient ON patient.PatNum=procedurelog.PatNum "
						+"WHERE ProcDate >= "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" "
						+"AND ProcDate <= "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+" "
						//+"AND procedurelog.ProvNum="+POut.Long(provNum)+" "
						+"AND procedurelog.ProvNum IN("+POut.String(provs)+") "
						+"AND procedurelog.ProcStatus="+POut.Int((int)ProcStat.C)+" "
						+"GROUP BY procedurelog.PatNum,ProcDate";
					command="UPDATE tempehrmeasure"+rndStr+" "
						+"SET deadlineDate = ADDDATE(visitDate, INTERVAL 3 DAY)";
					command="UPDATE tempehrmeasure"+rndStr+" "
						+"SET DeadlineDate = ADDDate(deadlineDate, INTERVAL 2 DAY) "//add 2 more days for weekend
						+"WHERE DAYOFWEEK(visitDate) IN(4,5,6)";//wed, thur, fri
					command="UPDATE tempehrmeasure"+rndStr+",ehrmeasureevent SET summaryProvided = 1 "
						+"WHERE ehrmeasureevent.PatNum=tempehrmeasure"+rndStr+".PatNum AND EventType="+POut.Int((int)EhrMeasureEventType.ClinicalSummaryProvidedToPt)+" "
						+"AND DATE(ehrmeasureevent.DateTEvent) >= visitDate "
						+"AND DATE(ehrmeasureevent.DateTEvent) <= deadlineDate";
					command="SELECT * FROM tempehrmeasure"+rndStr;
					command="DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tempehrmeasure"+rndStr;
				#region Reminders
				case EhrMeasureType.Reminders:
					//Jordan's original query
					//command="SELECT PatNum,LName,FName, "
					//  +"(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ehrmeasureevent WHERE PatNum=patient.PatNum AND EventType="+POut.Int((int)EhrMeasureEventType.ReminderSent)+" "
					//  +"AND DATE(ehrmeasureevent.DateTEvent) >= "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" "
					//  +"AND DATE(ehrmeasureevent.DateTEvent) <= "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+" "
					//  +") AS reminderCount "
					//  +"FROM patient "
					//  +"WHERE patient.Birthdate > '1880-01-01' "//a birthdate is entered
					//  +"AND (patient.Birthdate > "+POut.Date(DateTime.Today.AddYears(-6))+" "//5 years or younger
					//  +"OR patient.Birthdate <= "+POut.Date(DateTime.Today.AddYears(-65))+") "//65+
					//  +"AND patient.PatStatus="+POut.Int((int)PatientStatus.Patient)+" "
					//  +"AND patient.PriProv="+POut.Long(provNum);
					//Query optimized to be faster by Cameron
					//command="SELECT patient.PatNum,LName,FName,COALESCE(reminderCount.Count,0) AS reminderCount FROM patient "
					//	+"LEFT JOIN (SELECT PatNum,COUNT(*) AS 'Count' FROM ehrmeasureevent "
					//	+"WHERE EventType="+POut.Int((int)EhrMeasureEventType.ReminderSent)+" "
					//	+"AND DATE(ehrmeasureevent.DateTEvent) BETWEEN "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" AND "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+" "
					//	+"GROUP BY PatNum) reminderCount ON reminderCount.PatNum=patient.PatNum "
					//	+"WHERE patient.Birthdate > '1880-01-01' "//a birthdate is entered
					//	+"AND (patient.Birthdate > "+POut.Date(DateTime.Today.AddYears(-6))+" "//5 years or younger
					//	+"OR patient.Birthdate <= "+POut.Date(DateTime.Today.AddYears(-65))+") "//65+
					//	+"AND patient.PatStatus="+POut.Int((int)PatientStatus.Patient)+" "
					//	+"AND patient.PriProv IN("+POut.String(provs)+")";
					//Query modified to only return patients that have been seen by any provider in the last 3 years based on dateStart of measurement period
					command="SELECT patient.PatNum,LName,FName,COALESCE(reminderCount.Count,0) AS reminderCount FROM patient "
						+"INNER JOIN procedurelog ON procedurelog.PatNum=patient.PatNum "
						+"AND ProcStatus=2 AND ProcDate>"+POut.Date(dateStart)+"-INTERVAL 3 YEAR "
						+"LEFT JOIN (SELECT ehrmeasureevent.PatNum,COUNT(*) AS 'Count' FROM ehrmeasureevent "
						+"WHERE EventType="+POut.Int((int)EhrMeasureEventType.ReminderSent)+" "
						+"AND DATE(ehrmeasureevent.DateTEvent) BETWEEN "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" AND "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+" "
						+"GROUP BY ehrmeasureevent.PatNum) reminderCount ON reminderCount.PatNum=patient.PatNum "
						+"WHERE patient.Birthdate > '1880-01-01' "//a birthdate is entered
						+"AND (patient.Birthdate > "+POut.Date(dateStart)+"-INTERVAL 5 YEAR "//5 years or younger as of start of measurement period
						+"OR patient.Birthdate <= "+POut.Date(dateStart)+"-INTERVAL 65 YEAR) "//65+ as of start of measurement period
						+"AND patient.PatStatus="+POut.Int((int)PatientStatus.Patient)+" "
						+"AND patient.PriProv IN("+POut.String(provs)+") "
						+"GROUP BY patient.PatNum";
				#region MedReconcile
				case EhrMeasureType.MedReconcile:
					//command="DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tempehrmeasure"+rndStr;
					//command="CREATE TABLE tempehrmeasure"+rndStr+@" (
					//	PatNum bigint NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
					//	LName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
					//	FName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
					//	RefCount int NOT NULL,
					//	ReconcileCount int NOT NULL
					//	) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8";
					//command="INSERT INTO tempehrmeasure"+rndStr+" (PatNum,LName,FName,RefCount) SELECT patient.PatNum,LName,FName,COUNT(*) "
					//	+"FROM refattach,patient "
					//	+"WHERE patient.PatNum=refattach.PatNum "
					//	//+"AND patient.PriProv="+POut.Long(provNum)+" "
					//	+"AND patient.PriProv IN("+POut.String(provs)+") "
					//	+"AND RefDate >= "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" "
					//	+"AND RefDate <= "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+" "
					//	+"AND IsFrom=1 AND IsTransitionOfCare=1 "
					//	+"GROUP BY refattach.PatNum";
					//command="UPDATE tempehrmeasure"+rndStr+" "
					//	+"SET ReconcileCount = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ehrmeasureevent "
					//	+"WHERE ehrmeasureevent.PatNum=tempehrmeasure"+rndStr+".PatNum AND EventType="+POut.Int((int)EhrMeasureEventType.MedicationReconcile)+" "
					//	+"AND DATE(ehrmeasureevent.DateTEvent) >= "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" "
					//	+"AND DATE(ehrmeasureevent.DateTEvent) <= "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+")";
					//command="SELECT * FROM tempehrmeasure"+rndStr;
					//command="DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tempehrmeasure"+rndStr;
					//Reworked to only count patients seen by this provider in the date range
					command="SELECT ptsRefCnt.*,COALESCE(RecCount,0) AS ReconcileCount "
						+"FROM (SELECT ptsSeen.*,COUNT(DISTINCT refattach.RefAttachNum) AS RefCount "
							+"FROM (SELECT patient.PatNum,LName,FName FROM patient "
								+"INNER JOIN procedurelog ON procedurelog.PatNum=patient.PatNum "
								+"AND ProcStatus=2 AND ProcDate BETWEEN "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" AND "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+" "
								+"AND procedurelog.ProvNum IN("+POut.String(provs)+")	"
								+"GROUP BY patient.PatNum) ptsSeen "
							+"INNER JOIN refattach ON ptsSeen.PatNum=refattach.PatNum "
							+"AND RefDate BETWEEN "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" AND "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+" "
							+"AND IsFrom=1 AND IsTransitionOfCare=1 "
							+"GROUP BY ptsSeen.PatNum) ptsRefCnt "
						+"LEFT JOIN (SELECT ehrmeasureevent.PatNum,COUNT(*) AS RecCount FROM ehrmeasureevent "
							+"WHERE EventType="+POut.Int((int)EhrMeasureEventType.MedicationReconcile)+" "
							+"AND DATE(ehrmeasureevent.DateTEvent) BETWEEN "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" AND "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+" "
							+"GROUP BY ehrmeasureevent.PatNum) ptsRecCount ON ptsRefCnt.PatNum=ptsRecCount.PatNum";
				#region SummaryOfCare
				case EhrMeasureType.SummaryOfCare:
					//command="DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tempehrmeasure"+rndStr;
					//command="CREATE TABLE tempehrmeasure"+rndStr+@" (
					//	PatNum bigint NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
					//	LName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
					//	FName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
					//	RefCount int NOT NULL,
					//	CcdCount int NOT NULL
					//	) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8";
					//command="INSERT INTO tempehrmeasure"+rndStr+" (PatNum,LName,FName,RefCount) SELECT patient.PatNum,LName,FName,COUNT(*) "
					//	+"FROM refattach,patient "
					//	+"WHERE patient.PatNum=refattach.PatNum "
					//	//+"AND patient.PriProv="+POut.Long(provNum)+" "
					//	+"AND patient.PriProv IN("+POut.String(provs)+") "
					//	+"AND RefDate >= "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" "
					//	+"AND RefDate <= "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+" "
					//	+"AND IsFrom=0 AND IsTransitionOfCare=1 "
					//	+"GROUP BY refattach.PatNum";
					//command="UPDATE tempehrmeasure"+rndStr+" "
					//	+"SET CcdCount = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ehrmeasureevent "
					//	+"WHERE ehrmeasureevent.PatNum=tempehrmeasure"+rndStr+".PatNum AND EventType="+POut.Int((int)EhrMeasureEventType.SummaryOfCareProvidedToDr)+" "
					//	+"AND DATE(ehrmeasureevent.DateTEvent) >= "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" "
					//	+"AND DATE(ehrmeasureevent.DateTEvent) <= "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+")";
					//command="SELECT * FROM tempehrmeasure"+rndStr;
					//command="DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tempehrmeasure"+rndStr;
					//Reworked to only count patients seen by this provider in the date range
					command="SELECT patient.PatNum,patient.LName,patient.FName,refattach.RefDate, "
						+"referral.FName AS RefFName,referral.LName AS RefLName,SUM(CASE WHEN ISNULL(socevent.FKey) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) AS SOCSent "
						+"FROM refattach "
						+"INNER JOIN referral ON referral.ReferralNum=refattach.ReferralNum "
						+"INNER JOIN patient ON patient.PatNum=refattach.PatNum "
						+"LEFT JOIN ( "
							+"SELECT ehrmeasureevent.FKey "
							+"FROM ehrmeasureevent "
							+"WHERE EventType="+POut.Int((int)EhrMeasureEventType.SummaryOfCareProvidedToDr)+" "
							+"AND DATE(ehrmeasureevent.DateTEvent) BETWEEN "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" AND "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+" "
						+") socevent ON socevent.FKey=refattach.RefAttachNum "
						+"WHERE RefDate BETWEEN "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" AND "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+" "
						+"AND IsFrom=0 AND IsTransitionOfCare=1 "
						+"AND refattach.ProvNum IN("+POut.String(provs)+") "
						+"GROUP BY refattach.RefAttachNum";
					throw new ApplicationException("Type not found: "+mtype.ToString());
			//PatNum, PatientName, Explanation, and Met (X).
			DataTable table=new DataTable("audit");
			DataRow row;
			table.Columns.Add("met");//X or empty
			List<DataRow> rows=new List<DataRow>();
			Patient pat;
			string explanation;
			for(int i=0;i<tableRaw.Rows.Count;i++) {
				pat=new Patient();
				switch(mtype) {
					#region ProblemList
					case EhrMeasureType.ProblemList:
						if(tableRaw.Rows[i]["problemsNone"].ToString()!="0") {
							explanation="Problems indicated 'None'.";
						else if(tableRaw.Rows[i]["problemsAll"].ToString()!="0") {
							explanation="Problems entered: "+tableRaw.Rows[i]["problemsAll"].ToString();
						else {
							//explanation="No Problems entered";
							explanation="No Problems entered with ICD-9 code or SNOMED code attached.";
					#region MedicationList
					case EhrMeasureType.MedicationList:
						if(tableRaw.Rows[i]["medsNone"].ToString()!="0") {
							explanation="Medications indicated 'None'";
						else if(tableRaw.Rows[i]["medsAll"].ToString()!="0") {
							explanation="Medications entered: "+tableRaw.Rows[i]["medsAll"].ToString();
						else {
							explanation="No Medications entered";
					#region AllergyList
					case EhrMeasureType.AllergyList:
						if(tableRaw.Rows[i]["allergiesNone"].ToString()!="0") {
							explanation="Allergies indicated 'None'";
						else if(tableRaw.Rows[i]["allergiesAll"].ToString()!="0") {
							explanation="Allergies entered: "+tableRaw.Rows[i]["allergiesAll"].ToString();
						else {
							explanation="No Allergies entered";
					#region Demographics
					case EhrMeasureType.Demographics:
						if(PIn.Date(tableRaw.Rows[i]["Birthdate"].ToString()).Year<1880) {
						if(tableRaw.Rows[i]["Language"].ToString()=="") {
							if(explanation!="") {
								explanation+=", ";
						if(PIn.Int(tableRaw.Rows[i]["Gender"].ToString())==(int)PatientGender.Unknown) {
							if(explanation!="") {
								explanation+=", ";
						//if(PatientRaces.GetForPatient(PIn.Long(row["PatNum"].ToString())).Count==0) {
						//	if(explanation!="") {
						//		explanation+=", ";
						//	}
						//	explanation+="race, ethnicity";
						if(PIn.Int(tableRaw.Rows[i]["HasRace"].ToString())==0) {
							if(explanation!="") {
								explanation+=", ";
						if(PIn.Int(tableRaw.Rows[i]["HasEthnicity"].ToString())==0) {
							if(explanation!="") {
								explanation+=", ";
						if(explanation=="") {
							explanation="All demographic elements recorded";
						else {
							explanation="Missing: "+explanation;
					#region Education
					case EhrMeasureType.Education:
						if(tableRaw.Rows[i]["edCount"].ToString()=="0") {
							explanation="No education resources";
						else {
							explanation="Education resources provided";
					#region TimelyAccess
					case EhrMeasureType.TimelyAccess:
						DateTime lastVisitDate=PIn.Date(tableRaw.Rows[i]["lastVisitDate"].ToString());
						DateTime deadlineDate=PIn.Date(tableRaw.Rows[i]["deadlineDate"].ToString());
						if(tableRaw.Rows[i]["accessProvided"].ToString()=="0") {
							explanation=lastVisitDate.ToShortDateString()+" no online access provided";
						else {
							explanation="Online access provided before "+deadlineDate.ToShortDateString();
					#region ProvOrderEntry
					case EhrMeasureType.ProvOrderEntry:
					case EhrMeasureType.CPOE_PreviouslyOrdered:
						if(tableRaw.Rows[i]["countCpoe"].ToString()=="0") {
							explanation="No medication order through CPOE";
						else {
							explanation="Medication order in CPOE";
					#region CPOE_MedOrdersOnly
					case EhrMeasureType.CPOE_MedOrdersOnly:
						DateTime medOrderStartDate=PIn.Date(tableRaw.Rows[i]["DateStart"].ToString());
						explanation="Medication order: "+tableRaw.Rows[i]["MedName"].ToString()+", start date: "+medOrderStartDate.ToShortDateString()+".";
						if(tableRaw.Rows[i]["IsCpoe"].ToString()=="1") {
					#region Rx
					case EhrMeasureType.Rx:
						RxSendStatus sendStatus=(RxSendStatus)PIn.Int(tableRaw.Rows[i]["SendStatus"].ToString());
						DateTime rxDate=PIn.Date(tableRaw.Rows[i]["rxDate"].ToString());
						if(sendStatus==RxSendStatus.SentElect) {
							explanation=rxDate.ToShortDateString()+" Rx sent electronically.";
						else {
							explanation=rxDate.ToShortDateString()+" Rx not sent electronically.";
					#region VitalSigns
					case EhrMeasureType.VitalSigns:
						if(tableRaw.Rows[i]["hwCount"].ToString()=="0") {
							explanation+="height, weight";
						if(tableRaw.Rows[i]["bpCount"].ToString()=="0") {
							if(explanation!="") {
								explanation+=", ";
							explanation+="blood pressure";
						if(explanation=="") {
							explanation="Vital signs entered";
						else {
							explanation="Missing: "+explanation;
					#region VitalSigns2014
					case EhrMeasureType.VitalSigns2014:
						if(tableRaw.Rows[i]["hwCount"].ToString()=="0") {
							explanation+="height, weight";
						if(tableRaw.Rows[i]["bpCount"].ToString()=="0") {
							if(explanation!="") {
								explanation+=", ";
							explanation+="blood pressure";
						if(explanation=="") {
							explanation="Vital signs entered";
						else {
							explanation="Missing: "+explanation;
					#region VitalSignsBMIOnly
					case EhrMeasureType.VitalSignsBMIOnly:
						if(tableRaw.Rows[i]["hwCount"].ToString()=="0") {
							explanation+="height, weight";
						if(explanation=="") {
							explanation="Vital signs entered";
						else {
							explanation="Missing: "+explanation;
					#region VitalSignsBPOnly
					case EhrMeasureType.VitalSignsBPOnly:
						if(tableRaw.Rows[i]["bpCount"].ToString()=="0") {
							explanation="Missing: blood pressure";
						else {
							explanation="Vital signs entered";
					#region Smoking
					case EhrMeasureType.Smoking:
						string smokeSnoMed=tableRaw.Rows[i]["SmokingSnoMed"].ToString();
						if(smokeSnoMed=="") {//None
							explanation+="Smoking status not entered.";
							explanation="Smoking status entered.";
					#region Lab
					case EhrMeasureType.Lab:
						int resultCount=PIn.Int(tableRaw.Rows[i]["ResultCount"].ToString());
						bool isOldLab=PIn.Bool(tableRaw.Rows[i]["IsOldLab"].ToString());
						DateTime dateOrder=PIn.Date(tableRaw.Rows[i]["DateTimeOrder"].ToString());
						if(resultCount==0) {
							explanation+=dateOrder.ToShortDateString()+" results not attached.";
							explanation+=isOldLab?" (2011 edition)":"";
						else {
							explanation=dateOrder.ToShortDateString()+" results attached.";
							explanation+=isOldLab?" (2011 edition)":"";
					#region ElectronicCopy
					case EhrMeasureType.ElectronicCopy:
						DateTime dateRequested=PIn.Date(tableRaw.Rows[i]["dateRequested"].ToString());
						if(tableRaw.Rows[i]["copyProvided"].ToString()=="0") {
							explanation=dateRequested.ToShortDateString()+" no copy provided to patient";
						else {
							explanation=dateRequested.ToShortDateString()+" copy provided to patient";
					#region ClinicalSummaries
					case EhrMeasureType.ClinicalSummaries:
						DateTime visitDate=PIn.Date(tableRaw.Rows[i]["visitDate"].ToString());
						if(tableRaw.Rows[i]["summaryProvided"].ToString()=="0") {
							explanation=visitDate.ToShortDateString()+" no summary provided to patient";
						else {
							explanation=visitDate.ToShortDateString()+" summary provided to patient";
					#region Reminders
					case EhrMeasureType.Reminders:
						if(tableRaw.Rows[i]["reminderCount"].ToString()=="0") {
							explanation="No reminders sent";
						else {
							explanation="Reminders sent";
					#region MedReconcile
					case EhrMeasureType.MedReconcile:
						int refCount=PIn.Int(tableRaw.Rows[i]["RefCount"].ToString());//this will always be greater than zero
						int reconcileCount=PIn.Int(tableRaw.Rows[i]["ReconcileCount"].ToString());
						if(reconcileCount<refCount) {
							explanation="Transitions of Care:"+refCount.ToString()+", Reconciles:"+reconcileCount.ToString();
						else {
							explanation="Reconciles performed for each transition of care.";
					#region SummaryOfCare
					case EhrMeasureType.SummaryOfCare:
						int socSent=PIn.Int(tableRaw.Rows[i]["SOCSent"].ToString());
						DateTime refDate=PIn.DateT(tableRaw.Rows[i]["RefDate"].ToString());
						string refLName=PIn.String(tableRaw.Rows[i]["RefLName"].ToString());
						string refFName=PIn.String(tableRaw.Rows[i]["RefFName"].ToString());
						if(socSent<1) {
							explanation="Referral on: "+refDate.ToShortDateString()+" to "+refLName+", "+refFName+" not sent summary of care.";
						else {
							explanation="Referral on: "+refDate.ToShortDateString()+" to "+refLName+", "+refFName+" sent summary of care.";
						throw new ApplicationException("Type not found: "+mtype.ToString());
			for(int i=0;i<rows.Count;i++) {
			return table;
		///<summary>Returns the Measures text based on the EHR certification documents.</summary>
		private static string GetMeasure(EhrMeasureType mtype) {
			//No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db.
			switch(mtype) {
				case EhrMeasureType.ProblemList:
					return "More than 80% of all unique patients seen by the Provider have at least one entry or an indication that no problems are known for the patient recorded as structured data.";
					//Leaving original wording so change will not require re-testing to meet 2011 certification.  The wording below may be used in 2014 MU 1 as it is more accurate.
					//return "More than 80% of all unique patients seen by the Provider have at least one problem entered with an ICD-9 code or SNOMED code attached or an indication that no problems are known for the patient recorded as structured data.";
				case EhrMeasureType.MedicationList:
					return "More than 80% of all unique patients seen by the Provider have at least one entry (or an indication that the patient is not currently prescribed any medication) recorded as structured data.";
				case EhrMeasureType.AllergyList:
					return "More than 80% of all unique patients seen by the Provider have at least one entry (or an indication that the patient has no known medication allergies) recorded as structured data.";
				case EhrMeasureType.Demographics:
					return "More than 50% of all unique patients seen by the Provider have demographics recorded as structured data.";
				case EhrMeasureType.Education:
					return "More than 10% of all unique patients seen by the Provider during the EHR reporting period are provided patient-specific education resources.";
				case EhrMeasureType.TimelyAccess:
					return "More than 10% of all unique patients seen by the Provider are provided timely (available to the patient within four business days of being updated in the certified EHR technology) electronic access to their health information subject to the Provider’s discretion to withhold certain information.";
				case EhrMeasureType.ProvOrderEntry:
					return "More than 30% of unique patients with at least one medication in their medication list seen by the Provider have at least one medication order entered using CPOE.";
				case EhrMeasureType.CPOE_MedOrdersOnly:
					return "More than 30% of medication orders created by the Provider during the reporting period are entered using CPOE.";
				case EhrMeasureType.CPOE_PreviouslyOrdered:
					return "More than 30% of unique patients with at least one medication in their medication list seen by the Provider for whom the Provider has previously ordered medication have at least one medication order entered using CPOE.";
				case EhrMeasureType.Rx:
					return "More than 40% of all permissible prescriptions written by the Provider are transmitted electronically using certified EHR technology.";
				case EhrMeasureType.VitalSigns:
					return "More than 50% of all unique patients (age 3 and over for blood pressure) seen by the Provider, height, weight and blood pressure are recorded as structured data.";
				case EhrMeasureType.VitalSigns2014:
					return "More than 50% of all unique patients (age 3 and over for blood pressure) seen by the Provider, height, weight and blood pressure are recorded as structured data.";
				case EhrMeasureType.VitalSignsBMIOnly:
					return "More than 50% of all unique patients seen by the Provider, height and weight are recorded as structured data.";
				case EhrMeasureType.VitalSignsBPOnly:
					return "More than 50% of all unique patients age 3 and over seen by the Provider have blood pressure recorded as structured data.";
				case EhrMeasureType.Smoking:
					return "More than 50% of all unique patients 13 years old or older seen by the Provider have smoking status recorded as structured data.";
				case EhrMeasureType.Lab:
					return "More than 40% of all clinical lab tests results ordered by the Provider during the EHR reporting period whose results are either in a positive/negative or numerical format are incorporated in certified EHR technology as structured data.";
				case EhrMeasureType.ElectronicCopy:
					return "More than 50% of patients who request an electronic copy of their health information are provided it within 3 business days";
				case EhrMeasureType.ClinicalSummaries:
					return "Clinical summaries provided to patients for more than 50% of all office visits within 3 business days.";
				case EhrMeasureType.Reminders:
					return "More than 20% of all unique patients 65 years or older or 5 years old or younger were sent an appropriate reminder during the EHR reporting period.";
				case EhrMeasureType.MedReconcile:
					return "The Provider performs medication reconciliation for more than 50% of transitions of care in which the patient is transitioned into the care of the Provider.";
				case EhrMeasureType.SummaryOfCare:
					return "The Provider who transitions or refers their patient to another setting of care or provider of care provides a summary of care record for more than 50% of transitions of care and referrals.";
			throw new ApplicationException("Type not found: "+mtype.ToString());
		///<summary>Returns the Measures text based on the EHR certification documents.</summary>
		private static int GetThreshold(EhrMeasureType mtype) {
			//No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db.
			switch(mtype) {
				case EhrMeasureType.ProblemList:
					return 80;
				case EhrMeasureType.MedicationList:
					return 80;
				case EhrMeasureType.AllergyList:
					return 80;
				case EhrMeasureType.Demographics:
					return 50;
				case EhrMeasureType.Education:
					return 10;
				case EhrMeasureType.TimelyAccess:
					return 10;
				case EhrMeasureType.ProvOrderEntry:
					return 30;
				case EhrMeasureType.CPOE_MedOrdersOnly:
					return 30;
				case EhrMeasureType.CPOE_PreviouslyOrdered:
					return 30;
				case EhrMeasureType.Rx:
					return 40;
				case EhrMeasureType.VitalSigns:
					return 50;
				case EhrMeasureType.VitalSigns2014:
					return 50;
				case EhrMeasureType.VitalSignsBMIOnly:
					return 50;
				case EhrMeasureType.VitalSignsBPOnly:
					return 50;
				case EhrMeasureType.Smoking:
					return 50;
				case EhrMeasureType.Lab:
					return 40;
				case EhrMeasureType.ElectronicCopy:
					return 50;
				case EhrMeasureType.ClinicalSummaries:
					return 50;
				case EhrMeasureType.Reminders:
					return 20;
				case EhrMeasureType.MedReconcile:
					return 50;
				case EhrMeasureType.SummaryOfCare:
					return 50;
			throw new ApplicationException("Type not found: "+mtype.ToString());
		///<summary>Returns the count the office will need to report in order to attest to being excluded from this measure.  Will return -1 if there is no applicable count for this measure.</summary>
		private static int GetExclusionCount(EhrMeasureType mtype,DateTime dateStart,DateTime dateEnd,long provNum) {
			if(RemotingClient.RemotingRole==RemotingRole.ClientWeb) {
				return Meth.GetInt(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(),mtype);
			int retval=0;
			string command="";
			DataTable tableRaw=new DataTable();
			command="SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(provider.ProvNum) FROM provider WHERE provider.EhrKey="
				+"(SELECT pv.EhrKey FROM provider pv WHERE pv.ProvNum="+POut.Long(provNum)+")";
			string provs=Db.GetScalar(command);
			switch(mtype) {
				case EhrMeasureType.ProblemList:
				case EhrMeasureType.MedicationList:
				case EhrMeasureType.AllergyList:
				case EhrMeasureType.Demographics:
				case EhrMeasureType.Education:
				case EhrMeasureType.VitalSignsBMIOnly:
				case EhrMeasureType.ElectronicCopy:
				case EhrMeasureType.Lab:
				case EhrMeasureType.MedReconcile:
				case EhrMeasureType.SummaryOfCare:
					return retval=-1;
				#region TimelyAccess
				case EhrMeasureType.TimelyAccess:
					//Exlcuded if no lab tests are ordered or created for patients seen in reporting period
					command="SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'Count' "
						+"FROM (SELECT patient.PatNum	FROM patient "
						+"INNER JOIN procedurelog ON procedurelog.PatNum=patient.PatNum	AND procedurelog.ProcStatus=2 "
						+"AND procedurelog.ProvNum IN("+POut.String(provs)+")	"
						+"AND procedurelog.ProcDate BETWEEN "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" AND "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+" "
						+"GROUP BY patient.PatNum) A "
						+"INNER JOIN medicalorder ON A.PatNum=medicalorder.PatNum "
						+"AND MedOrderType="+POut.Int((int)MedicalOrderType.Laboratory)+" "
						+"AND medicalorder.ProvNum IN("+POut.String(provs)+") "
						+"AND DATE(DateTimeOrder) BETWEEN "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" AND "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+" ";
					//Excluded if problems, medications, or medication allergy information is not ordered or created for patients seen in the reporting period
					command="SELECT SUM(COALESCE(allergies.Count,0)+COALESCE(problems.Count,0)+COALESCE(meds.Count,0)) AS 'Count' "
						+"FROM (SELECT patient.PatNum	FROM patient "
						+"INNER JOIN procedurelog ON procedurelog.PatNum=patient.PatNum	AND procedurelog.ProcStatus=2 "
						+"AND procedurelog.ProvNum IN("+POut.String(provs)+")	"
						+"AND procedurelog.ProcDate BETWEEN "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" AND "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+" "
						+"GROUP BY patient.PatNum) A ";
					//left join allergies with DateTStamp within reporting period
					command+="LEFT JOIN (SELECT PatNum,COUNT(*) AS 'Count' FROM allergy "
						+"WHERE "+DbHelper.DateColumn("DateTStamp")+" BETWEEN "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" AND "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+" "
						+"GROUP BY PatNum) allergies ON allergies.PatNum=A.PatNum ";
					//left join problems with DateTStamp within reporting period
					command+="LEFT JOIN (SELECT PatNum,COUNT(*) AS 'Count' FROM disease "
						+"WHERE "+DbHelper.DateColumn("DateTStamp")+" BETWEEN "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" AND "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+" "
						+"GROUP BY PatNum) problems ON problems.PatNum=A.PatNum ";
					//left join medications with DateStart or DateTStamp within reporting period
					command+="LEFT JOIN (SELECT PatNum,COUNT(*) AS 'Count' FROM medicationpat "
						+"WHERE DateStart BETWEEN "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" AND "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+" "
						+"OR "+DbHelper.DateColumn("DateTStamp")+" BETWEEN "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" AND "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+" "
						+"GROUP BY PatNum) meds ON meds.PatNum=A.PatNum";
					return retval+=PIn.Int(Db.GetScalar(command));
				#region CPOE_Rx
				case EhrMeasureType.ProvOrderEntry:
				case EhrMeasureType.CPOE_MedOrdersOnly:
				case EhrMeasureType.CPOE_PreviouslyOrdered:
				case EhrMeasureType.Rx:
					//Excluded if Provider writes fewer than 100 Tx's during the reporting period
					command="SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT rxpat.RxNum) AS 'Count' "
						+"FROM patient "
						+"INNER JOIN rxpat ON rxpat.PatNum=patient.PatNum "
						+"AND rxpat.ProvNum IN("+POut.String(provs)+")	"
						+"AND RxDate BETWEEN "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" AND "+POut.Date(dateEnd);
					return retval=PIn.Int(Db.GetScalar(command));
				#region VitalSigns
				case EhrMeasureType.VitalSigns:
				case EhrMeasureType.VitalSigns2014:
				case EhrMeasureType.VitalSignsBPOnly:
					//Excluded if Provider sees no patients 3 years or older at the time of their last visit in reporting period.
					command="SELECT SUM((CASE WHEN A.Birthdate <= (A.LastVisitInDateRange-INTERVAL 3 YEAR) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)) AS 'Count' "
						+"FROM (SELECT Birthdate,MAX(procedurelog.ProcDate) AS LastVisitInDateRange "
						+"FROM patient "
						+"INNER JOIN procedurelog ON procedurelog.PatNum=patient.PatNum AND procedurelog.ProcStatus=2 "
						+"AND procedurelog.ProvNum IN("+POut.String(provs)+")	"
						+"AND procedurelog.ProcDate BETWEEN "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" AND "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+" "
						+"GROUP BY patient.PatNum) A ";
					return retval=PIn.Int(Db.GetScalar(command));
				#region Smoking
				case EhrMeasureType.Smoking:
					//Excluded if Provider sees no patients 13 years or older at the time of their last visit in reporting period.
					command="SELECT SUM((CASE WHEN A.Birthdate <= (A.LastVisitInDateRange-INTERVAL 13 YEAR) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)) AS 'Count' "
						+"FROM (SELECT Birthdate,MAX(procedurelog.ProcDate) AS LastVisitInDateRange "
						+"FROM patient "
						+"INNER JOIN procedurelog ON procedurelog.PatNum=patient.PatNum AND procedurelog.ProcStatus=2 "
						+"AND procedurelog.ProvNum IN("+POut.String(provs)+")	"
						+"AND procedurelog.ProcDate BETWEEN "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" AND "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+" "
						+"GROUP BY patient.PatNum) A ";
					return retval=PIn.Int(Db.GetScalar(command));
				#region ClinicalSummaries
				case EhrMeasureType.ClinicalSummaries:
					//Excluded if no completed procedures during the reporting period
					command="SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT ProcNum) FROM procedurelog "
						+"WHERE ProcStatus=2 AND ProvNum IN("+POut.String(provs)+")	"
						+"AND procedurelog.ProcDate BETWEEN "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" AND "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+" ";
					return retval=PIn.Int(Db.GetScalar(command));
				#region Reminders
				case EhrMeasureType.Reminders:
					//Excluded if Provider sees no patients 65 years or older or 5 years or younger at the time of their last visit in reporting period.
					command="SELECT SUM((CASE WHEN (A.Birthdate > (A.LastVisitInDateRange-INTERVAL 6 YEAR) ";//6th birthday had not happened by date of last visit, 5 years or younger
					command+="OR A.Birthdate <= (A.LastVisitInDateRange-INTERVAL 65 YEAR)) ";//had 65th birthday by date of last vist, 65 or older
					command+="THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)) AS 'Count' "
						+"FROM (SELECT Birthdate,MAX(procedurelog.ProcDate) AS LastVisitInDateRange "
						+"FROM patient "
						+"INNER JOIN procedurelog ON procedurelog.PatNum=patient.PatNum AND procedurelog.ProcStatus=2 "
						+"AND procedurelog.ProvNum IN("+POut.String(provs)+")	"
						+"AND procedurelog.ProcDate BETWEEN "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" AND "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+" "
						+"GROUP BY patient.PatNum) A ";
					return retval=PIn.Int(Db.GetScalar(command));
			throw new ApplicationException("Type not found: "+mtype.ToString());
		///<summary>Returns the description of what the count displayed is.  May be count of patients under a certain age or number of Rx's written, this will be the label that describes the number.</summary>
		private static string GetExclusionCountDescript(EhrMeasureType mtype) {
			//No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db.
			switch(mtype) {
				case EhrMeasureType.ProblemList:
				case EhrMeasureType.MedicationList:
				case EhrMeasureType.AllergyList:
				case EhrMeasureType.Demographics:
				case EhrMeasureType.Education:
				case EhrMeasureType.VitalSignsBMIOnly:
				case EhrMeasureType.ElectronicCopy:
				case EhrMeasureType.Lab:
				case EhrMeasureType.MedReconcile:
				case EhrMeasureType.SummaryOfCare:
					return "";
				case EhrMeasureType.TimelyAccess:
					return "Count of lab orders, problems, medications, and medication allergies entered during the reporting period.";
				case EhrMeasureType.ProvOrderEntry:
				case EhrMeasureType.CPOE_MedOrdersOnly:
				case EhrMeasureType.CPOE_PreviouslyOrdered:
				case EhrMeasureType.Rx:
					return "Count of prescriptions entered during the reporting period.";
				case EhrMeasureType.VitalSigns:
				case EhrMeasureType.VitalSigns2014:
				case EhrMeasureType.VitalSignsBPOnly:
					return "Count of patients seen who were 3 years or older at the time of their last visit during the reporting period.";
				case EhrMeasureType.Smoking:
					return "Count of patients seen who were 13 years or older at the time of their last visit during the reporting period.";
				case EhrMeasureType.ClinicalSummaries:
					return "Count of procedures completed during the reporting period.";
				case EhrMeasureType.Reminders:
					return "Count of patients 65 years or older or 5 years or younger at the time of their last visit during the reporting period.";
			throw new ApplicationException("Type not found: "+mtype.ToString());
		///<summary>Returns the explanation of the exclusion if there is one, if none returns 'No exclusions.'.</summary>
		private static string GetExclusionExplain(EhrMeasureType mtype) {
			//No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db.
			switch(mtype) {
				case EhrMeasureType.ProblemList:
				case EhrMeasureType.MedicationList:
				case EhrMeasureType.AllergyList:
				case EhrMeasureType.Demographics:
				case EhrMeasureType.Education:
					return "No exclusions.";
				case EhrMeasureType.TimelyAccess:
					return "Any Provider that neither orders nor creates lab tests or information that would be contained in the problem list, medication list, or medication allergy list during the reporting period.";
				case EhrMeasureType.ProvOrderEntry:
				case EhrMeasureType.CPOE_MedOrdersOnly:
				case EhrMeasureType.CPOE_PreviouslyOrdered:
					return "Any Provider who writes fewer than 100 prescriptions during the reporting period.";
				case EhrMeasureType.Rx:
					return @"1. Any Provider who writes fewer than 100 prescriptions during the reporting period.
2. Any Provider who does not have a pharmacy within their organization and there are no pharmacies that accept electronic prescriptions within 10 miles of the practice at the start of the reporting period.";
				case EhrMeasureType.VitalSigns:
					return @"1. Any Provider who sees no patients 3 years or older is excluded from recording blood pressure.
2. Any Provider who believes that all three vital signs of height, weight, and blood pressure have no relevance to their scope of practice is excluded from recording them.
3. Any Provider who believes that height and weight are relevant to their scope of practice, but blood pressure is not, is excluded from recording blood pressure.
4. Any Provider who believes that blood pressure is relevant to their scope of practice, but height and weight are not, is excluded from recording height and weight.";
				case EhrMeasureType.VitalSigns2014:
					return @"1. Any Provider who sees no patients 3 years or older is excluded from recording blood pressure.
2. Any Provider who believes that all three vital signs of height, weight, and blood pressure have no relevance to their scope of practice is excluded from recording them.
3. Any Provider who believes that height and weight are relevant to their scope of practice, but blood pressure is not, is excluded from recording blood pressure.
4. Any Provider who believes that blood pressure is relevant to their scope of practice, but height and weight are not, is excluded from recording height and weight.";
				case EhrMeasureType.VitalSignsBMIOnly:
					return "Any Provider who believes that height and weight are not relevant to their scope of practice is excluded from recording them.";
				case EhrMeasureType.VitalSignsBPOnly:
					return @"1. Any Provider who sees no patients 3 years or older is excluded from recording blood pressure.
2. Any Provider who believes that blood pressure is not relevant to their scope of practice is excluded from recording it.";
				case EhrMeasureType.Smoking:
					return "Any Provider who sees no patients 13 years or older during the reporting period.";
				case EhrMeasureType.Lab:
					return "Any Provider who orders no lab tests whose results are either in a positive/negative or numeric format during the reporting period.";
				case EhrMeasureType.ElectronicCopy:
					return "Any Provider who has no requests from patients or their agents for an electronic copy of patient health information during the reporting period.";
				case EhrMeasureType.ClinicalSummaries:
					return "Any Provider who has no completed procedures during the reporting period.";
				case EhrMeasureType.Reminders:
					return "Any Provider who has no patients 65 years or older or 5 years or younger.";
				case EhrMeasureType.MedReconcile:
					return "Any Provider who was not the recipient of any transitions of care during the reporting period.";
				case EhrMeasureType.SummaryOfCare:
					return "Any Provider who neither transfers a patient to another setting nor refers a patient to another provider during the reporting period.";
			throw new ApplicationException("Type not found: "+mtype.ToString());
		///<summary>Returns the explanation of the denominator based on the EHR certification documents.</summary>
		private static string GetDenominatorExplain(EhrMeasureType mtype) {
			//No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db.
			switch(mtype) {
				case EhrMeasureType.ProblemList:
					return "All unique patients with at least one completed procedure by the Provider during the reporting period.";
				case EhrMeasureType.MedicationList:
					return "All unique patients with at least one completed procedure by the Provider during the reporting period.";
				case EhrMeasureType.AllergyList:
					return "All unique patients with at least one completed procedure by the Provider during the reporting period.";
				case EhrMeasureType.Demographics:
					return "All unique patients with at least one completed procedure by the Provider during the reporting period.";
				case EhrMeasureType.Education:
					return "All unique patients with at least one completed procedure by the Provider during the reporting period.";
				case EhrMeasureType.TimelyAccess:
					return "All unique patients with at least one completed procedure by the Provider during the reporting period.";
				case EhrMeasureType.ProvOrderEntry:
					return "All unique patients with at least one completed procedure by the Provider during the reporting period and with at least one medication in their medication list.";
				case EhrMeasureType.CPOE_MedOrdersOnly:
					return "The number of medication orders created by the Provider during the reporting period.";
				case EhrMeasureType.CPOE_PreviouslyOrdered:
					return "All unique patients with at least one completed procedure by the Provider during the reporting period, with at least one medication in their medication list, and for whom the Provider has previously ordered medications.";
				case EhrMeasureType.Rx:
					return "All permissible prescriptions by the Provider during the reporting period.";
				case EhrMeasureType.VitalSigns:
					return "All unique patients (age 3 and over for blood pressure) with at least one completed procedure by the Provider during the reporting period.";
				case EhrMeasureType.VitalSigns2014:
					return "All unique patients (age 3 and over for blood pressure) with at least one completed procedure by the Provider during the reporting period.";
				case EhrMeasureType.VitalSignsBMIOnly:
					return "All unique patients with at least one completed procedure by the Provider during the reporting period.";
				case EhrMeasureType.VitalSignsBPOnly:
					return "All unique patients age 3 and over with at least one completed procedure by the Provider during the reporting period.";
				case EhrMeasureType.Smoking:
					return "All unique patients 13 years or older with at least one completed procedure by the Provider during the reporting period.";
				case EhrMeasureType.Lab:
					return "All lab orders by the Provider during the reporting period.";
				case EhrMeasureType.ElectronicCopy:
					return "All requests for electronic copies of health information during the reporting period.";
				case EhrMeasureType.ClinicalSummaries:
					return "All office visits during the reporting period.  An office visit is calculated as any number of completed procedures by the Provider for a given date.";
				case EhrMeasureType.Reminders:
					//return "All unique patients of the Provider 65+ or 5-.  Not restricted to those seen during the reporting period.  Must have status of Patient rather than Inactive, Nonpatient, Deceased, etc.";
					return "All unique patients of the Provider 65+ or 5-.  Must have status of Patient rather than Inactive, Nonpatient, Deceased, etc.";
				case EhrMeasureType.MedReconcile:
					return "Number of incoming transitions of care from another provider during the reporting period.";
				case EhrMeasureType.SummaryOfCare:
					return "Number of outgoing transitions of care and referrals during the reporting period.";
			throw new ApplicationException("Type not found: "+mtype.ToString());
		///<summary>Returns the explanation of the numerator based on the EHR certification documents.</summary>
		private static string GetNumeratorExplain(EhrMeasureType mtype) {
			//No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db.
			switch(mtype) {
				case EhrMeasureType.ProblemList:
					return "Patients with at least one problem list entry or an indication of 'None' on problem list.";
					//Leaving original wording so change will not require re-testing to meet 2011 certification.  The wording below may be used in 2014 MU 1 as it is more accurate.
					//return "Patients with at least one problem entered with an ICD-9 code or SNOMED code attached or an indication of 'None' in their problem list.";
				case EhrMeasureType.MedicationList:
					return "Patients with at least one medication list entry or an indication of 'None' on medication list.";
				case EhrMeasureType.AllergyList:
					return "Patients with at least one allergy list entry or an indication of 'None' on allergy list.";
				case EhrMeasureType.Demographics:
					return "Patients with all required demographic elements recorded as structured data: language, gender, race, ethnicity, and birthdate.";
				case EhrMeasureType.Education:
					return "Patients provided patient-specific education resources, not dependent on requests.";
				case EhrMeasureType.TimelyAccess:
					return "Electronic access of health information provided to seen patients within 4 business days of being entered into their EHR, not dependent on requests.";
				case EhrMeasureType.ProvOrderEntry:
					return "Patients with a medication order entered using CPOE.";
				case EhrMeasureType.CPOE_MedOrdersOnly:
					return "The number of medication orders entered by the Provider during the reporting period using CPOE.";
				case EhrMeasureType.CPOE_PreviouslyOrdered:
					return "Patients with a medication order entered using CPOE.";
				case EhrMeasureType.Rx:
					return "Permissible prescriptions transmitted electronically.";
				case EhrMeasureType.VitalSigns:
					return "Patients with height, weight, and blood pressure recorded.";
				case EhrMeasureType.VitalSigns2014:
					return "Patients with height, weight, and blood pressure recorded.";
				case EhrMeasureType.VitalSignsBMIOnly:
					return "Patients with height and weight recorded.";
				case EhrMeasureType.VitalSignsBPOnly:
					return "Patients with blood pressure recorded.";
				case EhrMeasureType.Smoking:
					return "Patients with smoking status recorded.";
				case EhrMeasureType.Lab:
					return "Lab results entered.";
				case EhrMeasureType.ElectronicCopy:
					return "Electronic copy received within 3 business days.";
				case EhrMeasureType.ClinicalSummaries:
					return "Clinical summaries of office visits provided to patients within 3 business days, not dependent on requests.";
				case EhrMeasureType.Reminders:
					return "Appropriate reminders sent during the reporting period.";
				case EhrMeasureType.MedReconcile:
					return "Medication reconciliation was performed for each transition of care.";
				case EhrMeasureType.SummaryOfCare:
					return "Summary of care record was provided for each transition or referral.";
			throw new ApplicationException("Type not found: "+mtype.ToString());
		///<summary>Returns the Objective text based on the EHR certification documents.</summary>
		private static string GetObjective(EhrMeasureType mtype) {
			//No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db.
			switch(mtype) {
				case EhrMeasureType.ProblemList:
					return "Maintain an up-to-date problem list of current and active diagnoses.";
				case EhrMeasureType.MedicationList:
					return "Maintain active medication list.";
				case EhrMeasureType.AllergyList:
					return "Maintain active medication allergy list";
				case EhrMeasureType.Demographics:
					return "Record demographics: Preferred language, Gender, Race, Ethnicity, Date of Birth";
				case EhrMeasureType.Education:
					return "Use certified EHR technology to identify patient-specific education resources and provide those resources to the patient if appropriate.";
				case EhrMeasureType.TimelyAccess:
					return "Provide patients with timely electronic access to their health information (including lab results, problem list, medication lists, medication allergies) within four business days of the information being available to the EP";
				case EhrMeasureType.ProvOrderEntry:
					return "Use CPOE for medication orders directly entered by any licensed healthcare professional who can enter orders into the medical record per state, local and professional guidelines.";
				case EhrMeasureType.CPOE_MedOrdersOnly:
					return "Use CPOE for medication orders directly entered by any licensed healthcare professional who can enter orders into the medical record per state, local and professional guidelines.";
				case EhrMeasureType.CPOE_PreviouslyOrdered:
					return "Use CPOE for medication orders directly entered by any licensed healthcare professional who can enter orders into the medical record per state, local and professional guidelines.";
				case EhrMeasureType.Rx:
					return "Generate and transmit permissible prescriptions electronically (eRx).";
				case EhrMeasureType.VitalSigns:
					return "Record and chart changes in vital signs: Height, Weight, Blood pressure for age 3 and over, Calculate and display BMI, Plot and display growth charts for children 2-20 years, including BMI";
				case EhrMeasureType.VitalSigns2014:
					return "Record and chart changes in vital signs: Height, Weight, Blood pressure for age 3 and over, Calculate and display BMI, Plot and display growth charts for children 2-20 years, including BMI";
				case EhrMeasureType.VitalSignsBMIOnly:
					return "Record and chart changes in vital signs: Height, Weight, Calculate and display BMI, Plot and display growth charts for children 2-20 years, including BMI";
				case EhrMeasureType.VitalSignsBPOnly:
					return "Record changes in blood pressure for age 3 and over";
				case EhrMeasureType.Smoking:
					return "Record smoking status for patients 13 years old or older.";
				case EhrMeasureType.Lab:
					return "Incorporate clinical lab-test results into certified EHR technology as structured data.";
				case EhrMeasureType.ElectronicCopy:
					return "Provide patients with an electronic copy of their health information (including diagnostic test results, problem list, medication lists, medication allergies), upon request.";
				case EhrMeasureType.ClinicalSummaries:
					return "Provide clinical summaries for patients for each office visit.";
				case EhrMeasureType.Reminders:
					return "Send reminders to patients per patient preference for preventive/ follow up care.";
				case EhrMeasureType.MedReconcile:
					return "The EP, eligible hospital or CAH who receives a patient from another setting of care or provider of care or believes an encounter is relevant should perform medication reconciliation.";
				case EhrMeasureType.SummaryOfCare:
					return "The EP, eligible hospital or CAH who transitions their patient to another setting of care or provider of care or refers their patient to another provider of care should provide summary of care record for each transition of care or referral.";
			throw new ApplicationException("Type not found: "+mtype.ToString());
Exemple #10
 public static DataTable GetTable(EhrMeasureType mtype,DateTime dateStart,DateTime dateEnd,long provNum)
     if(RemotingClient.RemotingRole==RemotingRole.ClientWeb) {
         return Meth.GetTable(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(),mtype,dateStart,dateEnd,provNum);
     string command="";
     DataTable tableRaw=new DataTable();
     switch(mtype) {
         case EhrMeasureType.ProblemList:
             command="SELECT PatNum,LName,FName, "
                 +"(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM disease WHERE PatNum=patient.PatNum AND DiseaseDefNum="
                     +POut.Long(PrefC.GetLong(PrefName.ProblemsIndicateNone))+") AS problemsNone, "
                 +"(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM disease WHERE PatNum=patient.PatNum) AS problemsAll "
                 +"FROM patient "
                 +"WHERE EXISTS(SELECT * FROM procedurelog WHERE patient.PatNum=procedurelog.PatNum "
                 +"AND procedurelog.ProcStatus=2 "//complete
                 +"AND procedurelog.ProvNum="+POut.Long(provNum)+" "
                 +"AND procedurelog.ProcDate >= "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" "
                 +"AND procedurelog.ProcDate <= "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+")";
         case EhrMeasureType.MedicationList:
             command="SELECT PatNum,LName,FName, "
                 +"(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM medicationpat WHERE PatNum=patient.PatNum AND MedicationNum="
                     +POut.Long(PrefC.GetLong(PrefName.MedicationsIndicateNone))+") AS medsNone, "
                 +"(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM medicationpat WHERE PatNum=patient.PatNum) AS medsAll "
                 +"FROM patient "
                 +"WHERE EXISTS(SELECT * FROM procedurelog WHERE patient.PatNum=procedurelog.PatNum "
                 +"AND procedurelog.ProcStatus=2 "//complete
                 +"AND procedurelog.ProvNum="+POut.Long(provNum)+" "
                 +"AND procedurelog.ProcDate >= "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" "
                 +"AND procedurelog.ProcDate <= "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+")";
         case EhrMeasureType.AllergyList:
             command="SELECT PatNum,LName,FName, "
                 +"(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM allergy WHERE PatNum=patient.PatNum AND AllergyDefNum="
                     +POut.Long(PrefC.GetLong(PrefName.AllergiesIndicateNone))+") AS allergiesNone, "
                 +"(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM allergy WHERE PatNum=patient.PatNum) AS allergiesAll "
                 +"FROM patient "
                 +"WHERE EXISTS(SELECT * FROM procedurelog WHERE patient.PatNum=procedurelog.PatNum "
                 +"AND procedurelog.ProcStatus=2 "//complete
                 +"AND procedurelog.ProvNum="+POut.Long(provNum)+" "
                 +"AND procedurelog.ProcDate >= "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" "
                 +"AND procedurelog.ProcDate <= "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+")";
         case EhrMeasureType.Demographics:
             //language, gender, race, ethnicity, and birthdate
             command="SELECT PatNum,LName,FName,Birthdate,Gender,Race,Language "
                 +"FROM patient "
                 +"WHERE EXISTS(SELECT * FROM procedurelog WHERE patient.PatNum=procedurelog.PatNum "
                 +"AND procedurelog.ProcStatus=2 "//complete
                 +"AND procedurelog.ProvNum="+POut.Long(provNum)+" "
                 +"AND procedurelog.ProcDate >= "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" "
                 +"AND procedurelog.ProcDate <= "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+")";
         case EhrMeasureType.Education:
             command="SELECT PatNum,LName,FName, "
                 +"(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ehrmeasureevent WHERE PatNum=patient.PatNum AND EventType="+POut.Int((int)EhrMeasureEventType.EducationProvided)+") AS edCount "
                 +"FROM patient "
                 +"WHERE EXISTS(SELECT * FROM procedurelog WHERE patient.PatNum=procedurelog.PatNum "
                 +"AND procedurelog.ProcStatus=2 "//complete
                 +"AND procedurelog.ProvNum="+POut.Long(provNum)+" "
                 +"AND procedurelog.ProcDate >= "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" "
                 +"AND procedurelog.ProcDate <= "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+")";
         case EhrMeasureType.TimelyAccess:
             //denominator is patients
             command="DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tempehrmeasure";
             command=@"CREATE TABLE tempehrmeasure (
                 PatNum bigint NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY,
                 LName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
                 FName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
                 lastVisitDate date NOT NULL,
                 deadlineDate date NOT NULL,
                 accessProvided tinyint NOT NULL
                 ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8";
             //get all patients who have been seen during the period, along with the most recent visit date during the period
             command="INSERT INTO tempehrmeasure (PatNum,LName,FName,lastVisitDate) SELECT patient.PatNum,LName,FName, "
                 +"MAX(procedurelog.ProcDate) "
                 +"FROM patient,procedurelog "
                 +"WHERE patient.PatNum=procedurelog.PatNum "
                 +"AND procedurelog.ProcStatus=2 "//complete
                 +"AND procedurelog.ProvNum="+POut.Long(provNum)+" "
                 +"AND procedurelog.ProcDate >= "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" "
                 +"AND procedurelog.ProcDate <= "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+" "
                 +"GROUP BY patient.PatNum";
             //calculate the deadlineDate
             command="UPDATE tempehrmeasure "
                 +"SET deadlineDate = ADDDATE(lastVisitDate, INTERVAL 4 DAY)";
             command="UPDATE tempehrmeasure "
                 +"SET deadlineDate = ADDDate(lastVisitDate, INTERVAL 2 DAY) "//add 2 more days for weekend
                 +"WHERE DAYOFWEEK(lastVisitDate) IN(3,4,5,6)";//tues, wed, thur, fri
             //date provided could be any date before deadline date if there was more than one visit
             command="UPDATE tempehrmeasure,ehrmeasureevent SET accessProvided = 1 "
                 +"WHERE ehrmeasureevent.PatNum=tempehrmeasure.PatNum "
                 +"AND EventType="+POut.Int((int)EhrMeasureEventType.OnlineAccessProvided)+" "
                 +"AND DATE(ehrmeasureevent.DateTEvent) <= deadlineDate";
             command="SELECT * FROM tempehrmeasure";
             command="DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tempehrmeasure";
         case EhrMeasureType.ProvOrderEntry:
             command="SELECT PatNum,LName,FName, "
                 +"(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM medicationpat mp2 WHERE mp2.PatNum=patient.PatNum "
                 +"AND mp2.PatNote != '' AND mp2.DateStart > "+POut.Date(new DateTime(1880,1,1))+") AS countOrders "
                 +"FROM patient "
                 +"WHERE EXISTS(SELECT * FROM procedurelog WHERE patient.PatNum=procedurelog.PatNum "//at least one procedure in the period
                 +"AND procedurelog.ProcStatus=2 "//complete
                 +"AND procedurelog.ProvNum="+POut.Long(provNum)+" "
                 +"AND procedurelog.ProcDate >= "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" "
                 +"AND procedurelog.ProcDate <= "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+") "
                 +"AND EXISTS(SELECT * FROM medicationpat WHERE medicationpat.PatNum=patient.PatNum)";//at least one medication
         case EhrMeasureType.Rx:
             command="SELECT patient.PatNum,LName,FName,SendStatus,RxDate "
                 +"FROM rxpat,patient "
                 +"WHERE rxpat.PatNum=patient.PatNum "
                 +"AND IsControlled = 0 "
                 +"AND rxpat.ProvNum="+POut.Long(provNum)+" "
                 +"AND RxDate >= "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" "
                 +"AND RxDate <= "+POut.Date(dateEnd);
         case EhrMeasureType.VitalSigns:
             command="SELECT PatNum,LName,FName, "
                 +"(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM vitalsign WHERE vitalsign.PatNum=patient.PatNum AND Height>0 AND Weight>0) AS hwCount, "
                 +"(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM vitalsign WHERE vitalsign.PatNum=patient.PatNum AND BpSystolic>0 AND BpDiastolic>0) AS bpCount "
                 +"FROM patient "
                 +"WHERE EXISTS(SELECT * FROM procedurelog WHERE patient.PatNum=procedurelog.PatNum "
                 +"AND procedurelog.ProcStatus=2 "//complete
                 +"AND procedurelog.ProvNum="+POut.Long(provNum)+" "
                 +"AND procedurelog.ProcDate >= "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" "
                 +"AND procedurelog.ProcDate <= "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+") "
                 +"AND patient.Birthdate <= "+POut.Date(DateTime.Today.AddYears(-2));//2 and older
         case EhrMeasureType.Smoking:
             command="SELECT PatNum,LName,FName,SmokeStatus "
                 +"FROM patient "
                 +"WHERE EXISTS(SELECT * FROM procedurelog WHERE patient.PatNum=procedurelog.PatNum "
                 +"AND procedurelog.ProcStatus=2 "//complete
                 +"AND procedurelog.ProvNum="+POut.Long(provNum)+" "
                 +"AND procedurelog.ProcDate >= "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" "
                 +"AND procedurelog.ProcDate <= "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+") "
                 +"AND patient.Birthdate <= "+POut.Date(DateTime.Today.AddYears(-13));//13 and older
         case EhrMeasureType.Lab:
             command="SELECT patient.PatNum,LName,FName,DateTimeOrder, "
                 +"(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM labpanel WHERE labpanel.MedicalOrderNum=medicalorder.MedicalOrderNum) AS panelCount "
                 +"FROM medicalorder,patient "
                 +"WHERE medicalorder.PatNum=patient.PatNum "
                 +"AND MedOrderType="+POut.Int((int)MedicalOrderType.Laboratory)+" "
                 +"AND medicalorder.ProvNum="+POut.Long(provNum)+" "
                 +"AND DATE(DateTimeOrder) >= "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" "
                 +"AND DATE(DateTimeOrder) <= "+POut.Date(dateEnd);
         case EhrMeasureType.ElectronicCopy:
             command="DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tempehrmeasure";
             command=@"CREATE TABLE tempehrmeasure (
                 TempEhrMeasureNum bigint NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY,
                 PatNum bigint NOT NULL,
                 LName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
                 FName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
                 dateRequested date NOT NULL,
                 dateDeadline date NOT NULL,
                 copyProvided tinyint NOT NULL,
                 ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8";
             command="INSERT INTO tempehrmeasure (PatNum,LName,FName,dateRequested) SELECT patient.PatNum,LName,FName,DATE(DateTEvent) "
                 +"FROM ehrmeasureevent,patient "
                 +"WHERE patient.PatNum=ehrmeasureevent.PatNum "
                 +"AND EventType="+POut.Int((int)EhrMeasureEventType.ElectronicCopyRequested)+" "
                 +"AND DATE(DateTEvent) >= "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" "
                 +"AND DATE(DateTEvent) <= "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+" "
                 +"AND patient.PriProv="+POut.Long(provNum);
             command="UPDATE tempehrmeasure "
                 +"SET dateDeadline = ADDDATE(dateRequested, INTERVAL 3 DAY)";
             command="UPDATE tempehrmeasure "
                 +"SET dateDeadline = ADDDate(dateDeadline, INTERVAL 2 DAY) "//add 2 more days for weekend
                 +"WHERE DAYOFWEEK(dateRequested) IN(4,5,6)";//wed, thur, fri
             command="UPDATE tempehrmeasure,ehrmeasureevent SET copyProvided = 1 "
                 +"WHERE ehrmeasureevent.PatNum=tempehrmeasure.PatNum AND EventType="+POut.Int((int)EhrMeasureEventType.ElectronicCopyProvidedToPt)+" "
                 +"AND DATE(ehrmeasureevent.DateTEvent) >= dateRequested "
                 +"AND DATE(ehrmeasureevent.DateTEvent) <= dateDeadline";
             command="SELECT * FROM tempehrmeasure";
             command="DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tempehrmeasure";
         case EhrMeasureType.ClinicalSummaries:
             command="DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tempehrmeasure";
             command=@"CREATE TABLE tempehrmeasure (
                 TempEhrMeasureNum bigint NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY,
                 PatNum bigint NOT NULL,
                 LName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
                 FName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
                 visitDate date NOT NULL,
                 deadlineDate date NOT NULL,
                 summaryProvided tinyint NOT NULL,
                 ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8";
             command="INSERT INTO tempehrmeasure (PatNum,LName,FName,visitDate) SELECT patient.PatNum,LName,FName,ProcDate "
                 +"FROM procedurelog "
                 +"LEFT JOIN patient ON patient.PatNum=procedurelog.PatNum "
                 +"WHERE ProcDate >= "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" "
                 +"AND ProcDate <= "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+" "
                 +"AND procedurelog.ProvNum="+POut.Long(provNum)+" "
                 +"GROUP BY procedurelog.PatNum,ProcDate";
             command="UPDATE tempehrmeasure "
                 +"SET deadlineDate = ADDDATE(visitDate, INTERVAL 3 DAY)";
             command="UPDATE tempehrmeasure "
                 +"SET DeadlineDate = ADDDate(deadlineDate, INTERVAL 2 DAY) "//add 2 more days for weekend
                 +"WHERE DAYOFWEEK(visitDate) IN(4,5,6)";//wed, thur, fri
             command="UPDATE tempehrmeasure,ehrmeasureevent SET summaryProvided = 1 "
                 +"WHERE ehrmeasureevent.PatNum=tempehrmeasure.PatNum AND EventType="+POut.Int((int)EhrMeasureEventType.ClinicalSummaryProvidedToPt)+" "
                 +"AND DATE(ehrmeasureevent.DateTEvent) >= visitDate "
                 +"AND DATE(ehrmeasureevent.DateTEvent) <= deadlineDate";
             command="SELECT * FROM tempehrmeasure";
             command="DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tempehrmeasure";
         case EhrMeasureType.Reminders:
             command="SELECT PatNum,LName,FName, "
                 +"(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ehrmeasureevent WHERE PatNum=patient.PatNum AND EventType="+POut.Int((int)EhrMeasureEventType.ReminderSent)+" "
                 +"AND DATE(ehrmeasureevent.DateTEvent) >= "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" "
                 +"AND DATE(ehrmeasureevent.DateTEvent) <= "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+" "
                 +") AS reminderCount "
                 +"FROM patient "
                 +"WHERE patient.Birthdate > '1880-01-01' "//a birthdate is entered
                 +"AND (patient.Birthdate > "+POut.Date(DateTime.Today.AddYears(-6))+" "//5 years or younger
                 +"OR patient.Birthdate <= "+POut.Date(DateTime.Today.AddYears(-65))+") "//65+
                 +"AND patient.PatStatus="+POut.Int((int)PatientStatus.Patient)+" "
                 +"AND patient.PriProv="+POut.Long(provNum);
         case EhrMeasureType.MedReconcile:
             command="DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tempehrmeasure";
             command=@"CREATE TABLE tempehrmeasure (
                 PatNum bigint NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
                 LName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
                 FName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
                 RefCount int NOT NULL,
                 ReconcileCount int NOT NULL
                 ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8";
             command="INSERT INTO tempehrmeasure (PatNum,LName,FName,RefCount) SELECT patient.PatNum,LName,FName,COUNT(*) "
                 +"FROM refattach,patient "
                 +"WHERE patient.PatNum=refattach.PatNum "
                 +"AND patient.PriProv="+POut.Long(provNum)+" "
                 +"AND RefDate >= "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" "
                 +"AND RefDate <= "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+" "
                 +"AND IsFrom=1 AND IsTransitionOfCare=1 "
                 +"GROUP BY refattach.PatNum";
             command="UPDATE tempehrmeasure "
                 +"SET ReconcileCount = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ehrmeasureevent "
                 +"WHERE ehrmeasureevent.PatNum=tempehrmeasure.PatNum AND EventType="+POut.Int((int)EhrMeasureEventType.MedicationReconcile)+" "
                 +"AND DATE(ehrmeasureevent.DateTEvent) >= "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" "
                 +"AND DATE(ehrmeasureevent.DateTEvent) <= "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+")";
             command="SELECT * FROM tempehrmeasure";
             command="DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tempehrmeasure";
         case EhrMeasureType.SummaryOfCare:
             command="DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tempehrmeasure";
             command=@"CREATE TABLE tempehrmeasure (
                 PatNum bigint NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
                 LName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
                 FName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
                 RefCount int NOT NULL,
                 CcdCount int NOT NULL
                 ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8";
             command="INSERT INTO tempehrmeasure (PatNum,LName,FName,RefCount) SELECT patient.PatNum,LName,FName,COUNT(*) "
                 +"FROM refattach,patient "
                 +"WHERE patient.PatNum=refattach.PatNum "
                 +"AND patient.PriProv="+POut.Long(provNum)+" "
                 +"AND RefDate >= "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" "
                 +"AND RefDate <= "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+" "
                 +"AND IsFrom=0 AND IsTransitionOfCare=1 "
                 +"GROUP BY refattach.PatNum";
             command="UPDATE tempehrmeasure "
                 +"SET CcdCount = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ehrmeasureevent "
                 +"WHERE ehrmeasureevent.PatNum=tempehrmeasure.PatNum AND EventType="+POut.Int((int)EhrMeasureEventType.SummaryOfCareProvidedToDr)+" "
                 +"AND DATE(ehrmeasureevent.DateTEvent) >= "+POut.Date(dateStart)+" "
                 +"AND DATE(ehrmeasureevent.DateTEvent) <= "+POut.Date(dateEnd)+")";
             command="SELECT * FROM tempehrmeasure";
             command="DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tempehrmeasure";
             throw new ApplicationException("Type not found: "+mtype.ToString());
     //PatNum, PatientName, Explanation, and Met (X).
     DataTable table=new DataTable("audit");
     DataRow row;
     table.Columns.Add("met");//X or empty
     List<DataRow> rows=new List<DataRow>();
     Patient pat;
     string explanation;
     for(int i=0;i<tableRaw.Rows.Count;i++) {
         pat=new Patient();
         switch(mtype) {
             case EhrMeasureType.ProblemList:
                 if(tableRaw.Rows[i]["problemsNone"].ToString()!="0") {
                     explanation="Problems indicated 'None'";
                 else if(tableRaw.Rows[i]["problemsAll"].ToString()!="0") {
                     explanation="Problems entered: "+tableRaw.Rows[i]["problemsAll"].ToString();
                     explanation="No Problems entered";
             case EhrMeasureType.MedicationList:
                 if(tableRaw.Rows[i]["medsNone"].ToString()!="0") {
                     explanation="Medications indicated 'None'";
                 else if(tableRaw.Rows[i]["medsAll"].ToString()!="0") {
                     explanation="Medications entered: "+tableRaw.Rows[i]["medsAll"].ToString();
                 else {
                     explanation="No Medications entered";
             case EhrMeasureType.AllergyList:
                 if(tableRaw.Rows[i]["allergiesNone"].ToString()!="0") {
                     explanation="Allergies indicated 'None'";
                 else if(tableRaw.Rows[i]["allergiesAll"].ToString()!="0") {
                     explanation="Allergies entered: "+tableRaw.Rows[i]["allergiesAll"].ToString();
                 else {
                     explanation="No Allergies entered";
             case EhrMeasureType.Demographics:
                 if(PIn.Date(tableRaw.Rows[i]["Birthdate"].ToString()).Year<1880) {
                 if(tableRaw.Rows[i]["Language"].ToString()=="") {
                     if(explanation!="") {
                         explanation+=", ";
                 if(PIn.Int(tableRaw.Rows[i]["Gender"].ToString())==(int)PatientGender.Unknown) {
                     if(explanation!="") {
                         explanation+=", ";
                 if(tableRaw.Rows[i]["Race"].ToString()=="0") {
                     if(explanation!="") {
                         explanation+=", ";
                     explanation+="race, ethnicity";
                 if(explanation=="") {
                     explanation="All demographic elements recorded";
                 else {
                     explanation="Missing: "+explanation;
             case EhrMeasureType.Education:
                 if(tableRaw.Rows[i]["edCount"].ToString()=="0") {
                     explanation="No education resources";
                 else {
                     explanation="Education resources provided";
             case EhrMeasureType.TimelyAccess:
                 DateTime lastVisitDate=PIn.Date(tableRaw.Rows[i]["lastVisitDate"].ToString());
                 DateTime deadlineDate=PIn.Date(tableRaw.Rows[i]["deadlineDate"].ToString());
                 if(tableRaw.Rows[i]["accessProvided"].ToString()=="0") {
                     explanation=lastVisitDate.ToShortDateString()+" no online access provided";
                 else {
                     explanation="Online access provided before "+deadlineDate.ToShortDateString();
             case EhrMeasureType.ProvOrderEntry:
                 if(tableRaw.Rows[i]["countOrders"].ToString()=="0") {
                     explanation="No medication order through CPOE";
                 else {
                     explanation="Medication order in CPOE";
             case EhrMeasureType.Rx:
                 RxSendStatus sendStatus=(RxSendStatus)PIn.Int(tableRaw.Rows[i]["SendStatus"].ToString());
                 DateTime rxDate=PIn.Date(tableRaw.Rows[i]["rxDate"].ToString());
                 if(sendStatus==RxSendStatus.SentElect) {
                     explanation=rxDate.ToShortDateString()+" Rx sent electronically.";
                 else {
                     explanation=rxDate.ToShortDateString()+" Rx not sent electronically.";
             case EhrMeasureType.VitalSigns:
                 if(tableRaw.Rows[i]["hwCount"].ToString()=="0") {
                     explanation+="height, weight";
                 if(tableRaw.Rows[i]["bpCount"].ToString()=="0") {
                     if(explanation!="") {
                         explanation+=", ";
                     explanation+="blood pressure";
                 if(explanation=="") {
                     explanation="Vital signs entered";
                 else {
                     explanation="Missing: "+explanation;
             case EhrMeasureType.Smoking:
                 SmokingStatus smokeStatus=(SmokingStatus)PIn.Int(tableRaw.Rows[i]["SmokeStatus"].ToString());
                 if(smokeStatus==SmokingStatus.UnknownIfEver_Recode9) {
                     explanation+="Smoking status not entered.";
                     explanation="Smoking status entered.";
             case EhrMeasureType.Lab:
                 int panelCount=PIn.Int(tableRaw.Rows[i]["panelCount"].ToString());
                 DateTime dateOrder=PIn.Date(tableRaw.Rows[i]["DateTimeOrder"].ToString());
                 if(panelCount==0) {
                     explanation+=dateOrder.ToShortDateString()+" results not attached.";
                 else {
                     explanation=dateOrder.ToShortDateString()+" results attached.";
             case EhrMeasureType.ElectronicCopy:
                 DateTime dateRequested=PIn.Date(tableRaw.Rows[i]["dateRequested"].ToString());
                 if(tableRaw.Rows[i]["copyProvided"].ToString()=="0") {
                     explanation=dateRequested.ToShortDateString()+" no copy provided to patient";
                 else {
                     explanation=dateRequested.ToShortDateString()+" copy provided to patient";
             case EhrMeasureType.ClinicalSummaries:
                 DateTime visitDate=PIn.Date(tableRaw.Rows[i]["visitDate"].ToString());
                 if(tableRaw.Rows[i]["summaryProvided"].ToString()=="0") {
                     explanation=visitDate.ToShortDateString()+" no summary provided to patient";
                 else {
                     explanation=visitDate.ToShortDateString()+" summary provided to patient";
             case EhrMeasureType.Reminders:
                 if(tableRaw.Rows[i]["reminderCount"].ToString()=="0") {
                     explanation="No reminders sent";
                 else {
                     explanation="Reminders sent";
             case EhrMeasureType.MedReconcile:
                 int refCount=PIn.Int(tableRaw.Rows[i]["RefCount"].ToString());//this will always be greater than zero
                 int reconcileCount=PIn.Int(tableRaw.Rows[i]["ReconcileCount"].ToString());
                 if(reconcileCount<refCount) {
                     explanation="Transitions of Care:"+refCount.ToString()+", Reconciles:"+reconcileCount.ToString();
                 else {
                     explanation="Reconciles performed for each transition of care.";
             case EhrMeasureType.SummaryOfCare:
                 int refCount2=PIn.Int(tableRaw.Rows[i]["RefCount"].ToString());//this will always be greater than zero
                 int ccdCount=PIn.Int(tableRaw.Rows[i]["CcdCount"].ToString());
                 if(ccdCount<refCount2) {
                     explanation="Transitions of Care:"+refCount2.ToString()+", Summaries provided:"+ccdCount.ToString();
                 else {
                     explanation="Summaries provided for each transition of care.";
                 throw new ApplicationException("Type not found: "+mtype.ToString());
     for(int i=0;i<rows.Count;i++) {
     return table;