public void initializeWorld() { graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = 1280; graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = 720; // pausedText.changeFontSize(100); = Game1.instance.chooseFullScreen; graphics.ApplyChanges(); cameraViewMatrix = Matrix.CreateLookAt( cameraPosition, cameraLookAt, Vector3.Up); cameraProjectionMatrix = Matrix.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView( MathHelper.ToRadians(45.0f), graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.AspectRatio, 1.0f, 10000.0f); // TODO: Add your initialization logic here //create rooster roosterList[0] = new RoosterClass(content, graphics); roosterList[0].InitializeRooster(13); //create multiple chickens //initialize chickens chickenList[0] = new ChickenClass(content, graphics); chickenList[0].InitializeChicken(0); //on button press/chicken buy selection create another chicken object //add graphics, and initialize then add to chickenlist //initialize character myCharacter = new CharacterClass(content, graphics); myCharacter.InitializeCharacter(); //initialize broken egg brokenEggList[0] = new BrokenEggClass(content, graphics); brokenEggList[0].initializeBrokenEgg(); //initialize egg eggList[0] = new EggClass(content, graphics); eggList[0].initializeEgg(); //initialize egg shadow shadowList[0] = new EggShadowClass(content, graphics); shadowList[0].initializeEggShadow(); //initilize fox myFox = new FoxClass(content, graphics); myFox.initializeFox(new Vector3(3600, 80, 3600), numChic); //economics player = new EconomicsClass(); player.InitializeEconomic(); //boots myBootList[0] = new RubberBootClass(content, graphics); myBootList[0].initializeBoots(); //win/loss winLoss = new VictoryConditionClass(); winLoss.initializeVictory(); //initilize all data isPaused = true; //camera cameraPosition = new Vector3(3500.0f, 450.0f, 6000.0f); //initial camera position camRearOffset = 1000.0f; //default distance between camera and character camHeightOffset = 800f; //default distance between camera and ground maxCamHeight = 2000f; minCamHeight = 200f; maxCamOffset = 3000f; minCamOffset = 200f; //roosters numRooster = 1; //initial number of roosters maxRooster = 5; //max number of roosters roosterTime = 0; //tracks number of seconds since last rooster spawned roostQueueTime = 7; //time between rooster spawning roosterQueue = 0; //chicken numChic = 1; //initial number of chickens maxChicken = 10; //max number of chickens chickenTime = 0f; //tracks number of seconds since last chicken spawned chicQueueTime = 7f; //time between chicken spawning chickenQueue = 0; //egg values eggCount = 0; //number of eggs caught by Character numEgg = 0; //broken egg numBrokeEgg = 0; //number of broken eggs on ground brokenEggDisappear = 30.0f; // time for broken egg to disappear brokenEggTime = 0.0f; //day timer days = 0; //tracks number of total days5 dayTime = 0; //tracks number of seconds since day began endDay = 500; //day ends when dayTime equals endDay /180 default value timedGoalEnd = 30; timedGoalCurrent = 0; endOfDay = false; //boots numBoots = 0; bootTime = 0.0f; //tracks time since last boot spawned bootWaitTime = 10.0f; //time between spawns (when bootSpawnTime equals bootWaitTime add boots) bootDeleteTime = 30.0f; //time that boot will disappear bootPresent = false; //shows if there is a boot spawned bootsEquipped = false; // shows if player has picked up boots equippedTime = 0.0f; //tracks time since boots were Equipped maxEquipTime = 30.0f; //hotkey buttonCheck = false; buttonCheck2 = false; // base.Initialize(); }
public void addEggShadow(Vector3 chickenPosition) { shadowList[numEgg] = new EggShadowClass(content, graphics); shadowList[numEgg].position = chickenPosition; shadowList[numEgg].position.Y = 185f; }