Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes value from control to matching Xml node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="con"></param>
        /// <param name="xDoc"></param>
        protected void WriteControlValueToXmlNode(Control con, XmlDocument xDoc)
            // TODO: give this method the parent id treatment
            if (con is EformHidden)
                IEformInputField tb = (IEformInputField)con;
                this.SetXmlNodeValue(tb, xDoc);
            else if (con is EformTextBox)
                EformTextBox tb = (EformTextBox)con;
                this.SetXmlNodeValue(tb, xDoc);

            else if (con is EformComboBox)
                IEformInputField tb = (IEformInputField)con;
                this.SetXmlNodeValue(tb, xDoc);

            else if (con is EformTextArea)
                IEformInputField tb = (IEformInputField)con;
                this.SetXmlNodeValue(tb, xDoc);

            else if (con is EformDropDownList)
                IEformInputField tb = (IEformInputField)con;
                this.SetXmlNodeValue(tb, xDoc);
            else if (con is EformSelect)
                EformSelect es = (EformSelect)con;
                this.SetXmlNodeValue(es, xDoc);
            else if (con is EformCheckBox)
                EformCheckBox cb = (EformCheckBox)con;

                string recordId = cb.RecordId;
                // XmlNode node = null;

                 #region get node
                 * // use recordId to locate the node if it is set
                 * if (recordId != null && !recordId.Equals(""))
                 * {
                 *      string xPath = "//"+cb.Table+"[attribute::RecordId='"+recordId+"']";
                 *      XmlNode parentNode = xDoc.SelectSingleNode(xPath);
                 *      if (parentNode != null)
                 *      {
                 *              node = parentNode.SelectSingleNode("child::"+cb.Field);
                 *      }
                 * }
                 * else // in all other cases, find the first node that matches the table and field name.
                 * {
                 *      string xpath = "//" + cb.Table + "/" + cb.Field;
                 *      node = xDoc.SelectSingleNode(xpath);
                 * }

                XmlNode node = GetXmlNode(cb.Table, cb.Field, cb.RecordId, cb.ParentRecordId, xDoc);

                if (node != null)
                    string val = Request.Form[con.UniqueID];

                    if (val != null && val.Equals("on"))
                        // brandon: cb.Text is the text label (sigh. ask Microsoft)
                        // node.InnerText = cb.Text;
                        node.InnerText = cb.Value;
                        node.InnerText = "";
            else if (con is EformRadioButton)
                EformRadioButton rb = (EformRadioButton)con;

                string recordId = rb.RecordId;

                 * XmlNode node = null;
                 #region get node
                 * // use recordId to locate the node if it is set
                 * if (recordId != null && !recordId.Equals(""))
                 * {
                 *      string xPath = "//"+rb.Table+"[attribute::RecordId='"+recordId+"']";
                 *      XmlNode parentNode = xDoc.SelectSingleNode(xPath);
                 *      if (parentNode != null)
                 *      {
                 *              node = parentNode.SelectSingleNode("child::"+rb.Field);
                 *      }
                 * }
                 * else // in all other cases, find the first node that matches the table and field name.
                 * {
                 *      string xpath = "//" + rb.Table + "/" + rb.Field;
                 *      node = xDoc.SelectSingleNode(xpath);
                 * }

                XmlNode node = GetXmlNode(rb.Table, rb.Field, rb.RecordId, rb.ParentRecordId, xDoc);

                if (node != null)
                    string val = Request.Form[con.UniqueID];

                    if (val != null && val.Equals("on"))
                        // brandon: cb.Text is the text label (sigh. ask Microsoft)
                        // node.InnerText = cb.Text;
                        node.InnerText = rb.Value;
                        node.InnerText = "";
            else if (con is EformRadioButtonList)
                // EformRadioButtonList rb = (EformRadioButtonList) con;
                EformRadioButtonList rb = (EformRadioButtonList)con;

                XmlNode node = FetchNode(xDoc, rb.Table, rb.Field, rb.RecordId, rb.ParentRecordId);

                if (node != null)
                    node.InnerText = rb.Value;// Request.Form[con.UniqueID];

                    if (node.InnerText != null && !"".Equals(node.InnerText))
                        // handle additional fields
                        if (rb.Field1 != null && !"".Equals(rb.Field1))
                            XmlNode node1 = FetchNode(xDoc, rb.Table, rb.Field1, rb.RecordId, rb.ParentRecordId);
                            node1.InnerText = rb.Value1;

                        if (rb.Field2 != null && !"".Equals(rb.Field2))
                            XmlNode node2 = FetchNode(xDoc, rb.Table, rb.Field2, rb.RecordId, rb.ParentRecordId);
                            node2.InnerText = rb.Value2;

                        if (rb.Field3 != null && !"".Equals(rb.Field3))
                            XmlNode node3 = FetchNode(xDoc, rb.Table, rb.Field3, rb.RecordId, rb.ParentRecordId);
                            node3.InnerText = rb.Value3;
            else if (con is EformRadioButtonGroup)
                // save each additional field
                // may also need to deal w/ xml for child controls
                EformRadioButtonGroup rg = (EformRadioButtonGroup)con;
                string val = rg.GetSelectedValue(this.Request);
                if (val != null && !"".Equals(val))
                    // DO WE NEED TO WORRY ABOUT PARENT ID HERE?
                    if (rg.Field1 != null && !"".Equals(rg.Field1))
                        XmlNode node = FetchNode(xDoc, rg.Table, rg.Field1, rg.RecordId, rg.ParentRecordId);
                        node.InnerText = rg.Value1;

                    if (rg.Field2 != null && !"".Equals(rg.Field2))
                        XmlNode node = FetchNode(xDoc, rg.Table, rg.Field2, rg.RecordId, rg.ParentRecordId);
                        node.InnerText = rg.Value2;

                    if (rg.Field3 != null && !"".Equals(rg.Field3))
                        XmlNode node = FetchNode(xDoc, rg.Table, rg.Field3, rg.RecordId, rg.ParentRecordId);
                        node.InnerText = rg.Value3;

                    // we already know our value
                    EformRadioButton rb = rg.GetCheckedButton(this.Request);
                    if (rb != null)
                        XmlNode node = GetXmlNode(rg.Table, rg.Field, rg.RecordId, rg.ParentRecordId, xDoc);

                        if (node != null)
                            node.InnerText = rb.Value;
                else                 // we will have to unset values if the user "cleared" the group of radio buttons
                    if (rg.Field1 != null && !"".Equals(rg.Field1))
                        XmlNode node1 = FetchNode(xDoc, rg.Table, rg.Field1, rg.RecordId, rg.ParentRecordId);
                        node1.InnerText = null;

                    if (rg.Field2 != null && !"".Equals(rg.Field2))
                        XmlNode node2 = FetchNode(xDoc, rg.Table, rg.Field2, rg.RecordId, rg.ParentRecordId);
                        node2.InnerText = null;

                    if (rg.Field3 != null && !"".Equals(rg.Field3))
                        XmlNode node3 = FetchNode(xDoc, rg.Table, rg.Field3, rg.RecordId, rg.ParentRecordId);
                        node3.InnerText = null;

                    XmlNode node = GetXmlNode(rg.Table, rg.Field, rg.RecordId, rg.ParentRecordId, xDoc);

                    if (node != null)
                        node.InnerText = null;
            else if (con is EformCheckBoxList || con is EformRadioButtonList)
                IEformInputField eFormControl = con as IEformInputField;
                this.SetXmlNodeValue(eFormControl, xDoc);
Exemple #2
        /*protected void SetInvalidStyle(Control con)
         * {
         *      if(con is HtmlControl)
         *      {
         *              ((HtmlControl)con).Style.Add("background-color", "yellow;");
         *      }
         *      else if(con is WebControl)
         *      {
         *              ((WebControl)con).Style.Add("background-color", "yellow;");
         *      }
         *      else if(con is ComboBox)
         *      {
         *              ((ComboBox)con).Style = "background-color: yellow;";
         *      }
         * }*/

        protected void SetInvalidStyle(Control con, string highlightColor)
            string myStyle = "";

            string color = highlightColor + ";";

            if (con is HtmlControl)
                myStyle = ((HtmlControl)con).Attributes["style"];
            else if (con is WebControl)
                myStyle = ((WebControl)con).Attributes["style"];
            //else if(con is ComboBox)
            //    myStyle = ((ComboBox)con).Style;
            else if (con is EformRadioButtonGroup)
                myStyle = ((EformRadioButtonGroup)con).GroupStyle;

            if (myStyle == null || myStyle == "")
                if (con is HtmlControl)
                    ((HtmlControl)con).Style.Add("background-color", color);
                else if (con is WebControl)
                    ((WebControl)con).Style.Add("background-color", color);
                //else if(con is ComboBox)
                //    ((ComboBox)con).Style = "background-color: " + color;
                else if (con is EformRadioButtonGroup)
                    EformRadioButtonGroup rbg = (EformRadioButtonGroup)con;
                    rbg.GroupStyle = "background-color: " + color;
            else             // append styles
                string newStyle;

                if (myStyle.Trim().EndsWith(";"))
                    newStyle = myStyle + "background-color: " + color;
                    newStyle = myStyle + "; background-color: " + color;

                if (con is HtmlControl)
                    ((HtmlControl)con).Attributes["style"] = newStyle;
                else if (con is WebControl)
                    ((WebControl)con).Attributes["style"] = newStyle;
                //else if(con is ComboBox)
                //    ((ComboBox)con).Style = newStyle;
                else if (con is EformRadioButtonGroup)
                    EformRadioButtonGroup rbg = (EformRadioButtonGroup)con;
                    rbg.GroupStyle = newStyle;
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="con"></param>
        /// <param name="xmlDoc"></param>
        /// <param name="inputFieldValue"></param>
        protected void SetControlValue(IEformInputField con, XmlDocument xmlDoc, string inputFieldValue)
            if (inputFieldValue != null)
                // TODO: collapse this into a call on the IEformInputField interface
                if (con is EformTextBox)
                    EformTextBox temp = (EformTextBox)con;
                    //temp.Value = inputFieldValue;
                    temp.Text = inputFieldValue;

                else if (con is EformHidden)
                    EformHidden temp = (EformHidden)con;
                    // let's experiment
                    string val = inputFieldValue;
                    if (temp.Field.EndsWith("Date")) // we want Dates enabled to pick up the DateText conversion
                        temp.Disabled = false;
                        // we need to propagate the value here, b/c it would be empty on the page
                        temp.Value = val;
                    else if (val == null || "".Equals(val))
                        temp.Disabled = true;
                        temp.Disabled = false;
                        // persist the value in this case
                        temp.Value = val;

                    // leave the value alone, keeping what was on the page;
                    // temp.Value = inputFieldValue;

                else if (con is EformTextArea)
                    EformTextArea temp = (EformTextArea)con;
                    //temp.Value = inputFieldValue;
                    temp.Text = inputFieldValue;

                else if (con is EformDropDownList)
                    EformDropDownList temp = (EformDropDownList)con;
                    //temp.Value = inputFieldValue;
                    temp.SelectedValue = inputFieldValue;

                else if (con is EformComboBox)
                    EformComboBox temp = (EformComboBox)con;
                    temp.Value = inputFieldValue;

                //else if (con is EformRadioButtonList)
                //    EformRadioButtonList temp = (EformRadioButtonList)con;
                //    string val = inputFieldValue;

                //    if (val != null && !val.Equals(""))
                //        temp.SelectedValue = val;
                else if (con is EformRadioButtonGroup)
                    EformRadioButtonGroup rg = (EformRadioButtonGroup)con;

                    // tell it to the child controls
                    foreach (Control c in rg.Controls)
                        if (c is EformRadioButton)
                            EformRadioButton rb = (EformRadioButton)c;

                            string nodeInnerText = GetNodeValue(rg, xmlDoc);

                            if (nodeInnerText != null && !"".Equals(nodeInnerText))
                                if (rb.Value.Equals(nodeInnerText))
                                    rb.Checked = true;
                else if (con is EformRadioButton)
                    EformRadioButton rb = (EformRadioButton)con;

                    string nodeInnerText = inputFieldValue;

                    if (nodeInnerText != null && nodeInnerText != "")
                        rb.Checked = true;
                else if (con is EformCheckBox)
                    EformCheckBox cb = (EformCheckBox)con;

                    string nodeInnerText = inputFieldValue;

                    if (nodeInnerText != null && nodeInnerText != "")
                        cb.Checked = true;
                else if (con is EformSelect)
                    EformSelect temp = (EformSelect)con;
                    temp.Text = inputFieldValue;
                else if (con is EformCheckBoxList || con is EformRadioButtonList)
                    IEformInputField eFormControl = con as IEformInputField;
                    eFormControl.Value = inputFieldValue;