Exemple #1
    static bool SetupPrefab(GameObject prefab, string targetDirectoryAbsPath, string targetDirectoryRelPath, string directoryName, bool hasGibs)
        GameObject abs = GameObject.Find("AssetPackagerSettings");

        if (abs == null)
            EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Error!", "Unable to complete operation. Please make sure the AssetPackagerSettings prefab has been placed within your scene.", "Ok");
            Debug.LogError("Error! AssetPackagerSettings prefab missing from scene.");
        AssetPackagerSettings assetPackagerSettings = abs.GetComponent <AssetPackagerSettings>();

        // prepare the render texture process. instantiate lights and camera.
        Camera    newCamera = (Camera)Instantiate((Camera)assetPackagerSettings.scriptCamera);
        Transform lighting  = (Transform)Instantiate((Transform)assetPackagerSettings.tileTextureLighting);

        string[] split      = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(prefab).Split(new char[] { '/' });
        string   prefabName = Main.TrimEndFromString(split[split.Length - 1], ".prefab");

        if (prefab == null)
            EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Error!", "While attempting to convert " + prefabName + ", the prefab was either null or otherwise unreadable.", "Ok");
            Debug.LogError("Error! Unable to setup prefab.");

        bool generateRenderTexture = EditorPrefabManager.ConfigurePrefab(prefab, directoryName, prefabName, hasGibs);

        string destinationPath = targetDirectoryAbsPath + prefab.GetComponent <TileProperties>().name + ".png";
        string loadPath        = targetDirectoryRelPath + prefab.GetComponent <TileProperties>().name + ".png";
//		Vector3 size = prefab.GetComponent<TileProperties>().GetWorldSize();
        Bounds bounds = prefab.GetComponent <TileProperties>().GetLocalBounds();

        // check to see if the render texture already exists and if we should not re-generate them.
        if (generateRenderTexture == false)
            prefab.GetComponent <TileProperties>().tileTexture = (Texture2D)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(loadPath, typeof(Texture2D));
            if (prefab.GetComponent <TileProperties>().tileTexture == null)
                generateRenderTexture = true;

        if (generateRenderTexture)
            prefab.GetComponent <TileProperties>().tileTexture = EditorUtilities.GenerateRenderTexture(prefab, newCamera, destinationPath, loadPath, bounds, TextureFormat.RGB24);

        // clean up the render texture creation process. destroy the lights and camera.

Exemple #2
    public static bool MakeGibPrefabFromSelection(Object obj, string bundleName, ref List <string> prefabList)
        // ensure that all assets have been imported properly.

        string assetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(obj);

        string[] assetPathSplit = assetPath.Split(new char[] { '/' });

        // save the source and target files strings.
        string sourceFile = assetPathSplit[assetPathSplit.Length - 1];
        string prefabFile = sourceFile;

        if (prefabFile.EndsWith(".ma"))
            prefabFile = Main.TrimEndFromString(prefabFile, ".ma") + ".prefab";
        else if (prefabFile.EndsWith(".mb"))
            prefabFile = Main.TrimEndFromString(prefabFile, ".mb") + ".prefab";
        else if (prefabFile.EndsWith(".obj"))
            prefabFile = Main.TrimEndFromString(prefabFile, ".obj") + ".prefab";
        else if (prefabFile.EndsWith(".fbx"))
            prefabFile = Main.TrimEndFromString(prefabFile, ".fbx") + ".prefab";

        // prepare the path strings.
        string currentDirectoryName   = "";
        string targetDirectoryRelPath = "";

        if (assetPathSplit[assetPathSplit.Length - 2] == "Gibs")
            currentDirectoryName   = assetPathSplit[assetPathSplit.Length - 3];
            targetDirectoryRelPath = "Assets" + warehousePrefabDirectory + currentDirectoryName + "/Gibs/";
        else if (assetPathSplit[assetPathSplit.Length - 2] == "Extra")
            currentDirectoryName   = assetPathSplit[assetPathSplit.Length - 4];
            targetDirectoryRelPath = "Assets" + warehousePrefabDirectory + currentDirectoryName + "/Gibs/Extra/";

        string targetDirectoryAbsPath = Application.dataPath + warehousePrefabDirectory + currentDirectoryName + "/";

        // create a new base directory at the destination, if necessary.
        if (Directory.Exists(targetDirectoryAbsPath) == false)

        // create a new gib directory at the destination, if necessary.
        if (Directory.Exists(targetDirectoryAbsPath + "Gibs/") == false)
            Directory.CreateDirectory(targetDirectoryAbsPath + "Gibs/");

        if (assetPathSplit[assetPathSplit.Length - 2] == "Extra")
            // create a new extra directory at the destination, if necessary.
            if (Directory.Exists(targetDirectoryAbsPath + "Gibs/Extra/") == false)
                Directory.CreateDirectory(targetDirectoryAbsPath + "Gibs/Extra/");

        // if the old prefab exists, delete it.
        AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(targetDirectoryRelPath + prefabFile);

        // create the new prefab.
        GameObject mayaFile = (GameObject)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(assetPath, typeof(GameObject));

        if (mayaFile == null)
            // an error occurred.
            EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Error!", string.Format("Could not read maya file:\n{0}", assetPath), "Ok");
            Debug.LogError(string.Format("Error! Could not read maya file: {0}", assetPath));

        print(string.Format("Now generating: {0}", targetDirectoryRelPath + prefabFile));
        GameObject prefab = PrefabUtility.CreatePrefab(targetDirectoryRelPath + prefabFile, mayaFile, ReplacePrefabOptions.Default);

        // if this is a gib, add the gib properties to it.
        if (assetPathSplit[assetPathSplit.Length - 2] == "Gibs")
            EditorPrefabManager.ConfigureGibPrefab(prefab, currentDirectoryName, bundleName);

        // the gib settings needs to know to which category it belongs.
        if (prefab.GetComponent <GibSettings>() != null)
            prefab.GetComponent <GibSettings>().category = currentDirectoryName;
            prefab.GetComponent <GibSettings>().bundle   = bundleName;

        prefabList.Add(targetDirectoryRelPath + prefabFile);
