static void Main(string[] args) { var srcDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(args[0]); //var dstDirectory = srcDirectory.Parent.CreateSubdirectory(srcDirectory.Name + "-converted"); var dstDirectory = new DirectoryInfo("C:\\users\\user\\AIML-output"); dstDirectory.Create(); var input = dstDirectory.CreateSubdirectory("Input"); var output = dstDirectory.CreateSubdirectory("Output"); var global = new GlobalData(); global.AfterLoad(dstDirectory); EditorModelIO.Save(global); var copying = ""; foreach (var e in srcDirectory.GetDirectories()) { var model = new EditorModel(e, srcDirectory, srcDirectory); ObsoleteModelIO.LoadAndConvert(model); var modelDst = input.CreateSubdirectory(e.Name); model.HackLocations(srcDirectory, modelDst); model.Save(); //copying += string.Format(@"copy ""{0}\{2}"" ""{1}\{2}"""+"\n", e.FullName, modelDst.FullName, "face.mp4"); //copying += string.Format(@"copy ""{0}\{2}"" ""{1}\{2}"""+"\n", e.FullName, modelDst.FullName, "desktop.avi"); var files = e.GetFiles(); copying += string.Format(@"xcopy ""{0}\AIML*.avi"" ""{1}\""" + "\n", e.FullName, output.FullName); } File.WriteAllText(dstDirectory + "\\copy.bat", copying); }
public static void DoEditorJob(string[] args) { if (args.Length == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Pass the argument to the program: the directory with movies"); return; } var model = EditorModelIO.Load(EditorModelIO.SubstituteDebugDirectories(args[0])); if (model.Montage.SoundIntervals == null || model.Montage.SoundIntervals.Count == 0) { try { new Tuto.TutoServices.PraatService().DoWork(model); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("Praat failed. Separation by sound will not be available\n\n" + e.Message, "Tuto.Editor", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Exclamation); } } var window = new MainWindow(); window.DataContext = model; new Application().Run(window); }
public static void Main() { var dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(@"..\..\..\..\AIML\Publishing"); var data = EditorModelIO.ReadGlobalData(dirInfo); var model = new PublishViewModel(data.TopicsRoot, data.VideoData); var wnd = new PublishPanel(); wnd.DataContext = model; new Application().Run(wnd); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var path = EditorModelIO.SubstituteDebugDirectories("debug\\10"); Directory.CreateDirectory(path); File.Delete(path + "\\local.tuto"); var model = EditorModelIO.Load(path); model.Save(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var directory = new DirectoryInfo(args[0]); var slides = directory.CreateSubdirectory("LaTeXCompiledSlides"); slides.Delete(true); slides.Create(); var latexDirectory = directory.CreateSubdirectory("LaTeX"); var files = latexDirectory.GetFiles("L*.tex"); var galleries = new List <GalleryInfo>(); var processor = new LatexProcessor(); foreach (var file in files) { var doc = processor.Parse(file); var docs = doc.Sections.Select(z => new LatexDocument { Preamble = doc.Preamble, Sections = new List <LatexSection> { z } }).ToList(); int number = 0; foreach (var e in docs) { var pdf = processor.Compile(e, latexDirectory); var targetDirectory = slides.CreateSubdirectory(file.Name + "." + number); processor.ConvertToPng(pdf, targetDirectory); galleries.Add(new GalleryInfo { Name = e.LastSection.Name, Directory = targetDirectory }); number++; } } var matcher = Matchers.ByName <VideoItem, GalleryInfo>(galleries, z => z.Name, (a, b) => a.Directory.FullName == b.Directory.FullName); var model = EditorModelIO.ReadGlobalData(directory); var root = ItemTreeBuilder.Build <FolderItem, LectureItem, VideoItem>(model); matcher.Push(root); DataBinding <VideoItem> .SaveLayer <GalleryInfo>(root, directory); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { var currentDirectoryName = EditorModelIO.SubstituteDebugDirectories(args[0]); currentDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(currentDirectoryName); var oldFormatFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(currentDirectory.FullName, "project.tuto")); var newFormatFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(currentDirectory.FullName, GlobalData.VideoListName)); if (oldFormatFile.Exists && !newFormatFile.Exists) { var globalData = EditorModelIO.ReadGlobalData(currentDirectory); var structure = Convert(globalData); structure.Save(); } Application = new System.Windows.Application(); var model = new MainViewModel(currentDirectory, () => SourcesFactory()); var window = new MainWindow(); window.DataContext = model; Application.Run(window); }