private void OnDrawGizmosSelected()
        if (meshFilter == null)

        Mesh      mesh      = meshFilter.sharedMesh;
        Transform transform = meshFilter.transform;

        //Gizmos.color = Color.white;

        //Gizmos.DrawWireCube(transform.TransformPoint(, tileBounds.size);

        var edge = EdgeDetector.FindMeshEdge(axis, tileBounds, mesh);

        Gizmos.color = Color.yellow;
        for (int i = 0; i < edge.EdgesCount; i++)
            Vector3[] edgeVertices = edge.GetEdgeVertices(i);

            Vector3 worldV0 = transform.TransformPoint(edgeVertices[0]);
            Vector3 worldV1 = transform.TransformPoint(edgeVertices[1]);

            Gizmos.DrawLine(worldV0, worldV1);

            Gizmos.DrawSphere(worldV0, 0.01f);
            Gizmos.DrawSphere(worldV1, 0.01f);
 public void testEdgeDetection()
     String testPath = "testEdge/";
     String[] pictures = Directory.GetFiles(testPath);
     EdgeDetector eD = new EdgeDetector(testPath);
     String directory = "Edged/";
     String[] edgedPictures = Directory.GetFiles(directory);
     Assert.AreEqual(edgedPictures.Length, pictures.Length, "Some images were not preccessed in Edge Detection");
     int edgedCount = 0;
     for (int i = 0; i < edgedPictures.Length; i++)
         bool isBlackOrWhite = true;
         Bitmap finalImages = new Bitmap(edgedPictures[i]);
         for (int j = 0; j < finalImages.Width; j++)
             for (int k = 0; k < finalImages.Height; k++)
                 if(finalImages.GetPixel(j,k).R > 0 && finalImages.GetPixel(j,k).R < 255)
                     isBlackOrWhite = false;
         if (isBlackOrWhite)
         Assert.AreEqual(true, isBlackOrWhite, "Image is not an edged image");
     Assert.AreEqual(edgedPictures.Length, edgedCount, "Not all images were Edged");
        private void DirectionToFile_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (_currentImage == null)

            Stopwatch performanceCounter = new Stopwatch();


            CanvasARGB  canvas      = Get_ProgressOrOrigInput();
            CanvasPixel canvasPixel = CanvasPixel.CreateBitmpaFromCanvas(canvas);

            CanvasEdgeVO canvasEdges = CanvasEdgeVO.CreateEdgesFromCanvas(canvasPixel);

            EdgeDetector.EdgeReducer(canvasEdges, 255);

            EdgesWriteToFile(canvasEdges, "directions3.txt");

            CanvasPixel evisualise = VisualiseDetectedEdges(canvasEdges);

            _lastImage = CanvasPixel.CreateBitmpaFromCanvas(evisualise);


            Helper_SetAppTitle(string.Format("{0,000} s ", performanceCounter.Elapsed.TotalSeconds));

Exemple #4
        public void EdgeTrackingTest()
            var drive = new Drive(Path.Combine(Dir.CarusoTestDirectory, Dir.EdgeTrackingDirectory), Drive.Reason.Read);
            var image = new Bitmap(drive.Files("simple").First());
            var left  = EdgeDetector.EdgePoints(image, Direction.FromLeft);

            Assert.IsTrue(left[0] == -1);
            Assert.IsTrue(left[75] == 46);
            Assert.IsTrue(left[363] == 46);
            Assert.IsTrue(left[364] == 6);
            Assert.IsTrue(left[405] == 6);
            Assert.IsTrue(left[406] == 46);
            Assert.IsTrue(left[424] == 46);
            Assert.IsTrue(left[425] == -1);
            Assert.IsTrue(left[499] == -1);

            var right = EdgeDetector.EdgePoints(image, Direction.FromRight);

            Assert.IsTrue(right[0] == -1);
            Assert.IsTrue(right[75] == 154);
            Assert.IsTrue(right[218] == 154);
            Assert.IsTrue(right[219] == 188);
            Assert.IsTrue(right[294] == 188);
            Assert.IsTrue(right[295] == 154);
            Assert.IsTrue(right[424] == 154);
            Assert.IsTrue(right[425] == -1);
            Assert.IsTrue(right[499] == -1);
    public GroundedPounceState(IPlayerEntity playerController, IStateMachine stateMachine) : base(playerController, stateMachine)
        playerController.FeetHitbox.enabled = false;

        _hitbox       = playerController.FeetHitbox;
        jumpDirection = new Vector2(horizontalForce, verticalForce);
        jumpForce     = playerController.PlayerControllerSettings.JumpVelocity;
        edgeDetector  = new EdgeDetector(base.IsGrounded);
        public void UpdateMeshEdges()
            edges = new MeshEdge[6];

            edges[0] = EdgeDetector.FindMeshEdge(Vector3.up, bounds, mainMesh.sharedMesh);
            edges[1] = EdgeDetector.FindMeshEdge(Vector3.down, bounds, mainMesh.sharedMesh);

            edges[2] = EdgeDetector.FindMeshEdge(Vector3.right, bounds, mainMesh.sharedMesh);
            edges[3] = EdgeDetector.FindMeshEdge(Vector3.left, bounds, mainMesh.sharedMesh);

            edges[4] = EdgeDetector.FindMeshEdge(Vector3.forward, bounds, mainMesh.sharedMesh);
            edges[5] = EdgeDetector.FindMeshEdge(Vector3.back, bounds, mainMesh.sharedMesh);
    private void Slide(bool _sliding, bool ceiling, float _move)
        //Vector2 _targetVelocity;

        if (!_sliding && grounded)
            if (ceiling)
                _sliding = true;

        if (_sliding)
            if (idleCollider != null && slidingCollider != null && grounded && !EdgeDetector.GetEdge())
                idleCollider.enabled    = false;
                slidingCollider.enabled = true;
                idleCollider.enabled    = true;
                slidingCollider.enabled = false;

            if (GameMaster.GetCurrentStamina() > 0 && Mathf.Abs(_move) > 0)
                if (grounded)
                    targetVelocity.x = _move * slideSpeed;
                targetVelocity.x = _move * maxSpeed;
        else if (!_sliding)
            if (idleCollider != null && slidingCollider != null)
                idleCollider.enabled    = true;
                slidingCollider.enabled = false;

            targetVelocity.x = _move * maxSpeed;
    private void PrintEdgesHash()
        Mesh mesh = meshFilter.sharedMesh;

        var edgeXp = EdgeDetector.FindMeshEdge(Vector3.right, tileBounds, mesh);
        var edgeXn = EdgeDetector.FindMeshEdge(Vector3.left, tileBounds, mesh);
        var edgeYp = EdgeDetector.FindMeshEdge(Vector3.up, tileBounds, mesh);
        var edgeYn = EdgeDetector.FindMeshEdge(Vector3.down, tileBounds, mesh);
        var edgeZp = EdgeDetector.FindMeshEdge(Vector3.forward, tileBounds, mesh);
        var edgeZn = EdgeDetector.FindMeshEdge(Vector3.back, tileBounds, mesh);

        Debug.Log("X+ " + edgeXp.GetHashCode() + " | X- " + edgeXn.GetHashCode());
        Debug.Log("Y+ " + edgeYp.GetHashCode() + " | Y- " + edgeYn.GetHashCode());
        Debug.Log("Z+ " + edgeZp.GetHashCode() + " | Z- " + edgeZn.GetHashCode());
    protected override void DetectEdge()

        bool walkingCollider = false;
        bool slideCollider   = false;

        if (EdgeDetector.GetEdge())
            walkingCollider = idleCollider.enabled;
            slideCollider   = slidingCollider.enabled;

            slidingCollider.enabled = false;
            idleCollider.enabled    = true;
        else if (EdgeDetector.GetOnEdge() && !EdgeDetector.GetEdge())
            slidingCollider.enabled = slideCollider;
            idleCollider.enabled    = walkingCollider;
Exemple #10
        public void SmootheningTest()
            int[]     testarray = Enumerable.Range(1, 1000).ToArray();
            const int nsize     = 100;

            int[] firstExpected  = new int[nsize];
            int[] secondExpected = new int[testarray.Length - nsize];

            for (int ii = 1; ii <= nsize; ii++)
                double summation = ((ii) * (ii + 1) / 2.0);
                firstExpected[ii - 1] = (int)(summation / (double)ii);
            for (int ii = nsize + 1; ii < testarray.Length; ii++)
                double summation = ((ii) * (ii + 1) / 2.0) - ((ii - nsize) * (ii - nsize + 1) / 2.0);
                secondExpected[ii - nsize - 1] = (int)(summation / (double)nsize);

            var expected = (firstExpected.Concat(secondExpected)).Take(500);
            var actual   = EdgeDetector.Smoothen(testarray, nsize).Take(500);

            Assert.IsTrue(expected.Zip(actual, (first, second) => first == second).All(x => x));
Exemple #11
        public Bitmap Draw()
            var _bitmap = bitmap.Clone() as Bitmap;

Exemple #12
        public Bitmap Draw()
            var _bitmap = bitmap.Clone() as Bitmap;

Exemple #13
        public Bitmap Draw()
            var _bitmap = bitmap.Clone() as Bitmap;

Exemple #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles a new CPU image.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="width">Width of the image, in pixels.</param>
        /// <param name="height">Height of the image, in pixels.</param>
        /// <param name="rowStride">Row stride of the image, in pixels.</param>
        /// <param name="pixelBuffer">Pointer to raw image buffer.</param>
        /// <param name="bufferSize">The size of the image buffer, in bytes.</param>
        private byte[] onImageAvailable(
            int width, int height, int rowStride, IntPtr pixelBuffer, int bufferSize)
            if (edgeDetectionBackgroundTexture == null ||
                edgeDetectionResultImage == null ||
                edgeDetectionBackgroundTexture.width != width ||
                edgeDetectionBackgroundTexture.height != height)
                edgeDetectionBackgroundTexture =
                    new Texture2D(width, height, TextureFormat.R8, false, false);
                edgeDetectionResultImage             = new byte[width * height];
                cameraImageToDisplayUvTransformation = Frame.CameraImage.ImageDisplayUvs;

            // CACHING - TODO
            //if (m_CachedOrientation != Screen.orientation ||
            //    m_CachedScreenDimensions.x != Screen.width ||
            //    m_CachedScreenDimensions.y != Screen.height)
            //    m_CameraImageToDisplayUvTransformation = Frame.CameraImage.ImageDisplayUvs;
            //    m_CachedOrientation = Screen.orientation;
            //    m_CachedScreenDimensions = new Vector2(Screen.width, Screen.height);

            // Detect edges within the image.
            if (EdgeDetector.Detect(
                    edgeDetectionResultImage, pixelBuffer, width, height, rowStride))
                Debug.Log("Egdes detected");

                // Look for circles
                if (edgeDetectionResultImage != null)
                    //Debug.Log("Image size: " + width + " " + height);
                    var result = cvController.detectCircles(edgeDetectionResultImage, width, height, 320, 240, 15, 20, 40);

                    if (result.Count > 0)
                        Debug.Log("Drawing circles");
                        foreach (var circle in result)
                            int[,] points;
                            bool pointsAvailable = cvController.circlePoints.TryGetValue(circle.Item1, out points);

                            if (pointsAvailable)
                                for (int j = 0; j < points.Length / 2; j++)
                                    int ycoord = circle.Item3 + points[j, 1];
                                    int xcoord = circle.Item2 + points[j, 0];
                                    if (xcoord >= 0 && xcoord < width && ycoord >= 0 && ycoord < height)
                                        edgeDetectionResultImage[ycoord * width + xcoord] = 0x96;

                // Update the rendering texture with the edge image.
                    "_ImageTex", edgeDetectionBackgroundTexture);

                const string TOP_LEFT_RIGHT    = "_UvTopLeftRight";
                const string BOTTOM_LEFT_RIGHT = "_UvBottomLeftRight";
                EdgeDetectionBackgroundImage.material.SetVector(TOP_LEFT_RIGHT, new Vector4(
                EdgeDetectionBackgroundImage.material.SetVector(BOTTOM_LEFT_RIGHT, new Vector4(


Exemple #15
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Thread capturaVideoThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Program.CapturarVideo));

            VideoCapture captura = new VideoCapture("D:\\Dictuc\\out1.avi");
            VideoWriter  salida  = new VideoWriter("D:\\Dictuc\\outSegmentado.avi", FourCC.XVID, 10.0, new Size(captura.FrameWidth, captura.FrameHeight), true);

            Mat imagenProcesada = new Mat();
            int numImg          = 0;

            while (true)
                imagen = Cv2.ImRead("D:\\uvas2.jpg");
                Mat          imagenRuidoFiltrado     = FiltradoRuido(imagenProcesada);
                Mat          imagenGrisContraste     = EscalaGrisesEqualizada(imagenRuidoFiltrado);
                Mat          imagenGrisFrecAltasProc = FrecuenciasAltasPotenciadasContraste(imagenGrisContraste);
                EdgeDetector edgeDetector            = new EdgeDetector()
                    Threshold           = (byte)18,
                    SparseDistance      = 3,
                    WeightPreviousPoint = (float)2.0,
                    WeightCurrentPoint  = (float)1.0,
                    WeightAfterPoint    = (float)2.0,

                EdgeDetector edgeDetector2 = new EdgeDetector()
                    Threshold           = (byte)20,
                    SparseDistance      = 5,
                    WeightPreviousPoint = (float)0.5,
                    WeightCurrentPoint  = (float)1.0,
                    WeightAfterPoint    = (float)0.5,

                Mat imagenBordes = edgeDetector.EdgeImage(imagenGrisContraste);
                Mat imagenBordes2 = edgeDetector2.EdgeImage(imagenGrisContraste);
                Mat imagenBinaria, imagenAberturaRelleno;
                CalculoMatrizBinariaYRelleno(imagenBordes2, out imagenBinaria, out imagenAberturaRelleno);

                Mat mascaraInv = 255 - imagenAberturaRelleno;

                Mat DistSureFg  = new Mat();
                Mat AreasSureFg = new Mat();
                Mat Unknown     = new Mat();
                AreasSureFg += 1;
                Cv2.DistanceTransform(imagenAberturaRelleno, DistSureFg, DistanceTypes.L1, DistanceMaskSize.Mask5);
                int numAreas = Cv2.ConnectedComponents(imagenAberturaRelleno, AreasSureFg, PixelConnectivity.Connectivity8);

                float[,] distValues = new float[DistSureFg.Rows, DistSureFg.Cols];

                for (int i = 0; i < DistSureFg.Rows; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < DistSureFg.Cols; j++)
                        distValues[i, j] = DistSureFg.At <float>(i, j);

                Segment[] segments = new Segment[numAreas];

                for (int i = 0; i < AreasSureFg.Rows; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < AreasSureFg.Cols; j++)
                        int   m = AreasSureFg.At <Int32>(i, j);
                        byte  pixelSurrounding = 0;
                        float distance         = (float)0;

                        //if (i >= 1)
                        //    distance = distValues[i - 1, j];
                        //    if (distance == 2)
                        //    {
                        //        pixelSurrounding |= Segment.PIXEL_SURROUNDED_LEFT;
                        //    }
                        //if (i < AreasSureFg.Rows - 1)
                        //    distance = distValues[i + 1, j];
                        //    if (distance == 2)
                        //    {
                        //        pixelSurrounding |= Segment.PIXEL_SURROUNDED_RIGHT;
                        //    }
                        //if (j >= 1)
                        //    distance = distValues[i, j - 1];
                        //    if (distance == 2)
                        //    {
                        //        pixelSurrounding |= Segment.PIXEL_SURROUNDED_DOWN;
                        //    }
                        //if (j < AreasSureFg.Cols - 1)
                        //    distance = distValues[i, j + 1];
                        //    if (distance == 2)
                        //    {
                        //        pixelSurrounding |= Segment.PIXEL_SURROUNDED_UP;
                        //    }

                        SegmentPixelData newPixel = new SegmentPixelData()
                            Distance          = distValues[i, j],
                            CoordsXY          = new int[] { i, j },
                            Concave           = 0,
                            Indexes           = new int[] { -1, -1 },
                            PixelsSurrounding = pixelSurrounding,
                            SubsegmentLabel   = 0,

                        if (segments[m] == null)
                            segments[m] = new Segment()
                                SegmentId = m,
                                PixelData = new List <SegmentPixelData>(),
                            segments[m].MaxDistance = (segments[m].MaxDistance > newPixel.Distance) ? (int)segments[m].MaxDistance : (int)newPixel.Distance;

                Mat Centroides = new Mat();
                var indexadorCentroides = Centroides.GetGenericIndexer <byte>();
                var indexadorFiguras    = AreasSureFg.GetGenericIndexer <Int32>();

                foreach (var s in segments.Where(s => s.Circularity <= 0.9))
                    int distancia = 0;
                    if (s.Circularity > 0.7)
                        distancia = 5;
                    else if (s.Circularity > 0.5)
                        distancia = 5;
                    else if (s.Circularity > 0.25)
                        distancia = 6;
                        distancia = 6;

                    distancia = (distancia < s.MaxDistance) ? distancia : s.MaxDistance - 1;

                    foreach (var p in s.PixelData.Where(p => p.Distance <= distancia))
                        if (imagenAberturaRelleno.At <byte>(p.CoordsXY[0], p.CoordsXY[1]) != (byte)0)
                            indexadorCentroides[p.CoordsXY[0], p.CoordsXY[1]] = 0;

                Cv2.Subtract(imagenAberturaRelleno + 255, Centroides, Unknown);

                #region segmentStuff
                //List<int> indexConcavos = segments.Where(s => s.Circularity > 1).Select(s => s.SegmentId).ToList();

                //foreach (var s in segments.Where(s => s.Circularity < 1.1 && s.Circularity > 0.9))
                //    foreach (var p in s.PixelData/*.Where(p => p.Distance == 1)*/)
                //    {
                //        if (imagenAberturaRelleno.At<byte>(p.CoordsXY[0], p.CoordsXY[1]) != (byte)0)
                //        {
                //            indexadorFiguras[p.CoordsXY[0], p.CoordsXY[1]] = 255;
                //        }
                //    }

                //foreach (var s in segments.Where(s => s.Circularity >= 1.1))
                //    foreach (var p in s.PixelData/*.Where(p => p.Distance == 1)*/)
                //    {
                //        if (imagenAberturaRelleno.At<byte>(p.CoordsXY[0], p.CoordsXY[1]) != (byte)0)
                //        {
                //            indexadorFiguras[p.CoordsXY[0], p.CoordsXY[1]] = 255;
                //        }
                //    }

                //foreach (var s in segments)
                //    s.SetPixelConcavity();
                //    s.Segmentation();
                //    foreach (var p in s.PixelData.Where(p => p.Distance == 1))
                //    {
                //        if (p.Concave == 1)
                //        {
                //            indexadorFiguras[p.CoordsXY[0], p.CoordsXY[1]] = 255;
                //        }
                //        if (p.Concave == -1)
                //        {
                //            indexadorFiguras[p.CoordsXY[0], p.CoordsXY[1]] = 255;
                //        }
                //    }

                //foreach (var s in segments)
                //    //s.SetPixelConcavity();
                //    //s.Segmentation();
                //    foreach (var p in s.PixelData.Where(p => p.Distance == 2))
                //    {
                //        indexadorFiguras[p.CoordsXY[0], p.CoordsXY[1]] = 230;
                //    }


                Mat colormap   = new Mat();
                Mat Marcadores = new Mat();
                Cv2.ConnectedComponents(Centroides, Marcadores);
                Marcadores = Marcadores + 1;
                var indexador2 = Marcadores.GetGenericIndexer <Int32>();
                for (int i = 0; i < Unknown.Rows; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < Unknown.Cols; j++)
                        if (Unknown.At <byte>(i, j) == 255)
                            indexador2[i, j] = 0;

                colormap.ConvertTo(colormap, MatType.CV_8UC3);
                Cv2.ApplyColorMap(colormap, colormap, ColormapTypes.Rainbow);
                Cv2.ImWrite("D:\\Dictuc\\marcadores.png", Marcadores);

                //Mat img1 = new Mat();
                Mat DistColor = new Mat();
                //imagenGrisContraste = 255 - imagenGrisContraste;
                Cv2.CvtColor(imagenAberturaRelleno, DistColor, ColorConversionCodes.GRAY2BGR);
                DistColor.ConvertTo(DistColor, MatType.CV_8U);

                Cv2.Watershed(DistColor, Marcadores);

                Cv2.ImWrite("D:\\Dictuc\\watersheedIn.png", DistColor);

                var indexador4 = imagen.GetGenericIndexer <Vec3i>();
                //for (int i = 0; i < imagen.Rows; i++)
                //    for (int j = 0; j < imagen.Cols; j++)
                //    {
                //        //if (Centroides.At<byte>(i, j) > 0)
                //        //    indexador4[i, j] = new Vec3i(0, 0, 255);
                //        if (Marcadores.At<Int32>(i, j) == -1)
                //            indexador4[i, j] = new Vec3i(255, 20, 20);
                //    }

                for (int i = 0; i < imagen.Rows; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < imagen.Cols; j++)
                        //if (Centroides.At<byte>(i, j) > 0)
                        //    indexador4[i, j] = new Vec3i(0, 0, 255);
                        if (imagenBordes.At <char>(i, j) > 0)
                            indexador4[i, j] = new Vec3i(255, 20, 20);

                Mat seg = new Mat();
                var indexador5 = seg.GetGenericIndexer <int>();
                for (int i = 0; i < Marcadores.Rows; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < Marcadores.Cols; j++)
                        indexador5[i, j] = (Math.Abs(indexador5[i, j]) > 1) ? 255 : 0;
                Mat kE1 = Cv2.GetStructuringElement(MorphShapes.Rect, new Size(1, 1));
                Cv2.Erode(seg, seg, kE1, iterations: 3);
                int thrs1 = 1500;
                int thrs2 = 1800;
                Mat edge1 = new Mat();
                seg.ConvertTo(seg, MatType.CV_8U);
                Cv2.Canny(seg, edge1, thrs1, thrs2, apertureSize: 5);

                SimpleBlobDetector.Params params1 = new SimpleBlobDetector.Params()
                    MinThreshold        = 0,
                    MaxThreshold        = 255,
                    FilterByArea        = true,
                    MinArea             = 15,
                    FilterByCircularity = false,
                    MinCircularity      = (float)0.01,
                    FilterByConvexity   = false,
                    MinConvexity        = (float)0.1,
                    FilterByInertia     = false,
                    MinInertiaRatio     = (float)0.01,
                SimpleBlobDetector detectorBlobs = SimpleBlobDetector.Create(params1);
                KeyPoint[]         segmentosBlob = detectorBlobs.Detect(edge1);

                Mat segmentosBlobMat = new Mat(1, segmentosBlob.Count(), MatType.CV_32FC1);
                var indexador6       = segmentosBlobMat.GetGenericIndexer <float>();
                for (int i = 0; i < segmentosBlob.Count(); i++)
                    indexador6[0, i] = segmentosBlob[i].Size;

                Mat      hist   = new Mat();
                Rangef[] ranges = { new Rangef(0, (float)segmentosBlob.Max(x => x.Size)) };
                Cv2.CalcHist(new Mat[] { segmentosBlobMat }, new int[] { 0 }, null, hist, 1, new int[] { 100 }, ranges, uniform: true, accumulate: true);
                float[] histAcumulado           = new float[hist.Rows];
                float[] histAcumuladoPorcentaje = new float[11];

                histAcumulado[0] = hist.At <float>(0, 0);

                for (int i = 1; i < hist.Rows; i++)
                    histAcumulado[i] = hist.At <float>(i, 0) + histAcumulado[i - 1];

                int k = 1;
                for (int i = 1; i < histAcumuladoPorcentaje.Count(); i++)
                    for (; k < hist.Rows; k++)
                        float porcentajeActual    = histAcumulado[k] / segmentosBlob.Count() * 100;
                        float porcentajeAnterior  = histAcumulado[k - 1] / segmentosBlob.Count() * 100;
                        float porcentajeRequerido = (float)((i < 10) ? i * 10 : 99.3);
                        if (porcentajeRequerido <= porcentajeActual)
                            float tamañoPorcentajeActual        = (float)(k * (float)segmentosBlob.Max(x => x.Size) / 100.0);
                            float tamañoPorcentajeAnterior      = (float)((k - 1) * (float)segmentosBlob.Max(x => x.Size) / 100.0);
                            float tasaVariacionTamañoPorcentaje = (tamañoPorcentajeActual - tamañoPorcentajeAnterior) / (porcentajeActual - porcentajeAnterior);
                            histAcumuladoPorcentaje[i] = tamañoPorcentajeAnterior + tasaVariacionTamañoPorcentaje * (i * 10 - porcentajeAnterior);

                for (int i = 0; i < histAcumuladoPorcentaje.Count(); i++)
                    Console.Write(histAcumuladoPorcentaje[i] + ",");

                //            data1 = [];

                //              for i in range(0, len(keypoints1)):

                //                data1.append(keypoints1[i].size * coefTamano)
                //                #tamano.write(str(i)+'\t'+str(keypoints1[i].size*2*0.3)+'\n')
                //  cv2.line(im_with_keypoints1, (int(float(keypoints1[i].pt[0] - keypoints1[i].size)), int(float(keypoints1[i].pt[1]))), (int(float(keypoints1[i].pt[0] + keypoints1[i].size)), int(float(keypoints1[i].pt[1]))), (255, 0, 0), 1)

                //                cv2.line(im_with_keypoints1, (int(float(keypoints1[i].pt[0])), int(float(keypoints1[i].pt[1] - keypoints1[i].size))), (int(float(keypoints1[i].pt[0])), int(float(keypoints1[i].pt[1] + keypoints1[i].size))), (255, 0, 0), 1)

                //# print(data1)
                //n1, bins1, patches1 = hist(data1, 200,[0, max(data1)], normed = 100, cumulative = True, bottom = True, histtype = 'stepfilled', align = 'mid', orientation = 'vertical', rwidth = 1, log = False, color = "r")

                //              tamano = open(temp + "instancia_" + instancia + ".txt", "w")

                //              x = np.array(bins1)

                //              y = np.append([0], n1)

                //                  xnew = [x[1], x[21], x[36], x[45], x[53], x[60], x[69], x[78], x[88], x[97], x[200]]
                //ynew = [y[1], y[21], y[36], y[45], y[53], y[60], y[69], y[78], y[88], y[97], y[200]]

                //tamano.write('INSERT INTO [dbo].[Granulometria](Cod_Instancia,Fecha,P_10,P_20,P_30,P_40,P_50,P_60,P_70,P_80,P_90,P_100, Filename) values (')
                //tamano.write(instancia + ",CONVERT(datetime, '" + sys.argv[1][0:4] + "-" + sys.argv[1][4:6] + "-" + sys.argv[1][6:8] + ' ' + sys.argv[1][9:11] + ':' + sys.argv[1][11:13] + ':' + sys.argv[1][13:15] + "', 120)")

                //for j in range(1, len(xnew)):
                //  #tamano.write (str(j)+'\t'+str(round(xnew[j],1))+'\t'+str(round(ynew[j]*100,2))+'\n')
                //  tamano.write(',' + str(round(xnew[j], 1)))

                //tamano.write(",'" + sys.argv[1] + " - Resultado.jpg'")

                //CvXImgProc.Thinning(mascaraInv, mascaraInv, ThinningTypes.ZHANGSUEN);

                Mat imWithKeypoints1 = new Mat();
                Cv2.DrawKeypoints(imagen, segmentosBlob, imWithKeypoints1, new Scalar(0, 0, 255), DrawMatchesFlags.DrawRichKeypoints);

                var dataTamaños = segmentosBlob.Select(s => s.Size).ToArray();

                Cv2.ImWrite("D:\\Dictuc\\output0" + numImg + ".png", imagen);
                Cv2.ImWrite("D:\\Dictuc\\output1" + numImg++ + ".png", imWithKeypoints1);

                Cv2.ImShow("Segmentado", imagen);
                Cv2.ImShow("GrisContraste", imagenGrisContraste);
                Cv2.ImShow("bordes90", imagenBordes);
                Cv2.ImShow("bordes50", imagenBordes2);



Exemple #16
        /// <summary>
        ///   Create a shred object given a filepath to a bitmap image
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filepath"> destination path of the shred image </param>
        /// <param name="ignoreTopBottom"> Default is true, set to false to scan top and bottom aswell </param>
        public Shred(string filepath, bool ignoreTopBottom = true)
            Filepath = filepath;
            Id       = _count++;

            Logger.Trace("Starting Chamfer From Left");

            int directions = ignoreTopBottom ? 4 : 8;

            Convolution = new List <double[]>(directions);
            Luminousity = new List <double[]>(directions);
            Chamfer     = new List <int[]>(directions);
            Thresholded = new List <double[]>(directions);
            Sparsity    = new List <long>(directions);
            Offsets     = new List <int[]>(directions);

            using (Bitmap source = new Bitmap(filepath))
                var image = new Image <Bgra, Byte>(source);

                // Initialize List for Random Access
                for (int ii = 0; ii < directions; ii++)
                    Convolution.Add(new double[0]);
                    Luminousity.Add(new double[0]);
                    Thresholded.Add(new double[0]);
                    Chamfer.Add(new int[0]);
                    Offsets.Add(new int[0]);

                foreach (int side in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Direction)))
                    // 2 per side
                    if (side * 2 >= directions)

                    int regularIndex = Index((Direction)side, Orientation.Regular);
                    int reverseIndex = regularIndex + 1; //Index((Direction) side, Orientation.Reversed);

                    Logger.Trace("Measuring Side no:" + side);

                    int[] offset = EdgeDetector.EdgePoints(source, (Direction)side);
                    Offsets[regularIndex] = offset;
                    Offsets[reverseIndex] = Utility.Reverse(offset);

                    double[] luminousity = Forensics.Luminousity.RepresentativeLuminousity(image, BUFFER, SAMPLE_SIZE,
                    Luminousity[regularIndex] = luminousity;
                    Luminousity[reverseIndex] = Utility.Reverse(luminousity);

                    int[]    indicies     = Utility.GetKernelIndicies(ConvolutionKernel, -1);
                    double[] convolutions = Utility.Convolute(Luminousity[regularIndex], ConvolutionKernel, indicies);
                    Convolution[regularIndex] = convolutions;
                    Convolution[reverseIndex] = Utility.Reverse(convolutions);

                    double[] thresholded = Utility.Threshold(Utility.Absolute(Convolution[regularIndex]), THRESHOLD);
                    Thresholded[regularIndex] = thresholded;
                    Thresholded[reverseIndex] = Utility.Reverse(thresholded);

                    int[] chamfer = Forensics.Chamfer.Measure(Thresholded[regularIndex]);
                    Chamfer[regularIndex] = chamfer;
                    Chamfer[reverseIndex] = Utility.Reverse(chamfer);

                    long sparsity = Forensics.Chamfer.Sparsity(Chamfer[regularIndex]);
                    Sparsity[regularIndex] = sparsity;
                    Sparsity[reverseIndex] = sparsity;