static bool AddVisitCode(EasyMethod m, FieldInfo field, EasyExpression var, List <CodeStatement> assertions, bool transformer) { EasyExpression prop = var.Property(GetPropertyName(field.Name)); EasyExpression nodeStack = Easy.Var("nodeStack"); if (field.FieldType.FullName.StartsWith("System.Collections.Generic.List")) { Type elType = field.FieldType.GetGenericArguments()[0]; if (!typeof(INode).IsAssignableFrom(elType)) { return(false); } assertions.Add(AssertIsNotNull(prop)); string code; if (transformer) { code = CreateTransformerLoop(GetCode(prop), ConvertType(elType).BaseType); } else { code = "\t\t\tforeach (" + ConvertType(elType).BaseType + " o in " + GetCode(prop) + ") {\n" + "\t\t\t\tDebug.Assert(o != null);\n" + "\t\t\t\to.AcceptVisitor(this, data);\n" + "\t\t\t}"; } m.Statements.Add(new CodeSnippetStatement(code)); return(true); } if (!typeof(INode).IsAssignableFrom(field.FieldType)) { return(false); } assertions.Add(AssertIsNotNull(prop)); if (transformer) { m.Statements.Add(nodeStack.InvokeMethod("Push", prop)); } m.Statements.Add(prop.InvokeMethod("AcceptVisitor", Easy.This, Easy.Var("data"))); if (transformer) { m.Body.Assign(prop, nodeStack.InvokeMethod("Pop").CastTo(ConvertType(field.FieldType))); } return(true); }
static void AddFieldVisitCode(EasyMethod m, Type type, EasyExpression var, List <CodeStatement> assertions, bool transformer) { if (type != null) { if (type.BaseType != typeof(StatementWithEmbeddedStatement)) { AddFieldVisitCode(m, type.BaseType, var, assertions, transformer); } foreach (FieldInfo field in type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic)) { AddVisitCode(m, field, var, assertions, transformer); } if (type.BaseType == typeof(StatementWithEmbeddedStatement)) { AddFieldVisitCode(m, type.BaseType, var, assertions, transformer); } } }
static CodeTypeDeclaration CreateAstVisitorClass(List <Type> nodeTypes, bool transformer) { EasyTypeDeclaration td = new EasyTypeDeclaration(transformer ? "AbstractAstTransformer" : "AbstractAstVisitor"); td.TypeAttributes = TypeAttributes.Public | TypeAttributes.Abstract; td.BaseTypes.Add(new CodeTypeReference("IAstVisitor")); if (transformer) { string comment = "The AbstractAstTransformer will iterate through the whole AST,\n " + "just like the AbstractAstVisitor. However, the AbstractAstTransformer allows\n " + "you to modify the AST at the same time: It does not use 'foreach' internally,\n " + "so you can add members to collections of parents of the current node (but\n " + "you cannot insert or delete items as that will make the index used invalid).\n " + "You can use the methods ReplaceCurrentNode and RemoveCurrentNode to replace\n " + "or remove the current node, totally independent from the type of the parent node."; Easy.AddSummary(td, comment); EasyField field = td.AddField(Easy.TypeRef("Stack", "INode"), "nodeStack"); field.InitExpression = Easy.New(field.Type); /* * CodeExpression nodeStack = Easy.Var("nodeStack"); * CodeMemberProperty p = new CodeMemberProperty(); * p.Name = "CurrentNode"; * p.Type = new CodeTypeReference("INode"); * p.Attributes = MemberAttributes.Public | MemberAttributes.Final; * p.GetStatements.Add(new CodeMethodReturnStatement(new CodeVariableReferenceExpression("currentNode"))); * p.SetStatements.Add(new CodeAssignStatement(new CodeVariableReferenceExpression("currentNode"), * new CodePropertySetValueReferenceExpression())); * td.Members.Add(p); */ EasyMethod m = td.AddMethod("ReplaceCurrentNode"); m.AddParameter(Easy.TypeRef("INode"), "newNode"); m.Statements.Add(Easy.Var("nodeStack").InvokeMethod("Pop")); m.Statements.Add(Easy.Var("nodeStack").InvokeMethod("Push", Easy.Var("newNode"))); m = td.AddMethod("RemoveCurrentNode"); m.Statements.Add(Easy.Var("nodeStack").InvokeMethod("Pop")); m.Statements.Add(Easy.Var("nodeStack").InvokeMethod("Push", Easy.Null)); } foreach (Type type in nodeTypes) { if (!type.IsAbstract) { EasyMethod m = td.AddMethod(typeof(object), VisitPrefix + type.Name); m.Attributes = MemberAttributes.Public; m.AddParameter(ConvertType(type), GetFieldName(type.Name)); m.AddParameter(typeof(object), "data"); List <CodeStatement> assertions = new List <CodeStatement>(); string varVariableName = GetFieldName(type.Name); EasyExpression var = Easy.Var(varVariableName); assertions.Add(AssertIsNotNull(var)); AddFieldVisitCode(m, type, var, assertions, transformer); if (type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(HasChildrenAttribute), true).Length > 0) { if (transformer) { m.Statements.Add(new CodeSnippetStatement(CreateTransformerLoop(varVariableName + ".Children", "INode"))); m.Body.Return(Easy.Null); } else { m.Body.Return(var.InvokeMethod("AcceptChildren", Easy.This, Easy.Var("data"))); } } else { CodeExpressionStatement lastStatement = null; if (m.Statements.Count > 0) { lastStatement = m.Statements[m.Statements.Count - 1] as CodeExpressionStatement; } if (lastStatement != null) { m.Statements.RemoveAt(m.Statements.Count - 1); m.Body.Return(lastStatement.Expression); } else { m.Body.Return(Easy.Null); } } for (int i = 0; i < assertions.Count; i++) { m.Statements.Insert(i, assertions[i]); } } } return(td); }