Exemple #1
        protected override void Draw(CanvasDrawingSession drawingSession
                                     , CanvasSpriteBatch spriteBatch
            // 逆向遍历队列,可以让新粒子绘制在旧粒子下方,这样当很多粒子在同一个位置生成时,效果较好
            for (int i = ActiveParticles.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                Particle particle = ActiveParticles[i];

                // NormalizedLifeTime 是一个0到1之间的值,用来表示粒子在生命周期中的进度,这个值接近0或接近1时,
                // 粒子将会渐隐/渐显,使用它来计算粒子的透明度和缩放
                float normalizedLifetime = particle.TimeSinceStart / 4;
                if (normalizedLifetime > 1)
                    normalizedLifetime = 1;

                // We want particles to fade in and fade out, so we'll calculate alpha to be
                // (normalizedLifetime) * (1 - normalizedLifetime). This way, when normalizedLifetime
                // is 0 or 1, alpha is 0. The maximum value is at normalizedLifetime = .5, and is:
                //      (normalizedLifetime) * (1-normalizedLifetime)
                //      (.5)                 * (1-.5)
                //      .25
                // Since we want the maximum alpha to be 1, not .25, we'll scale the entire equation by 4.
                float alpha = (float)EasingHelper.QuinticEase(Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Animation.EasingMode.EaseOut, normalizedLifetime);
                var   x     = particle.ScaleX;
                var   y     = particle.ScaleY;
                // Make particles grow as they age.
                // They'll start at 75% of their size, and increase to 100% once they're finished.
                if (isImmersive)
                    alpha *= 0.8f;
                    x     *= 1.2f;
                    y     *= 1.2f;
                if (spriteBatch != null)
                    spriteBatch.Draw(smokeSurfaces[particle.Key], particle.Position, new Vector4(1, 1, 1, alpha), bitmapCenter,
                                     particle.Rotation, new Vector2(x, y), CanvasSpriteFlip.None);
                    // Compute a transform matrix for this particle.
                    var transform = Matrix3x2.CreateRotation(particle.Rotation, bitmapCenter) *
                                    Matrix3x2.CreateScale(x, y, bitmapCenter) *
                                    Matrix3x2.CreateTranslation(particle.Position - bitmapCenter);

                    // Draw the particle.
                    drawingSession.DrawImage(smokeSurfaces[particle.Key], 0, 0, bitmapBounds, alpha, CanvasImageInterpolation.Linear, new Matrix4x4(transform));
Exemple #2
 public void Update()
     if (surfaceLoaded)
         if (nowFrame < inFrames)
             var progress = nowFrame / (float)inFrames;
             progress   = (float)EasingHelper.QuinticEase(Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Animation.EasingMode.EaseOut, progress);
             position.X = (float)(xOffset * (progress - 0.5)) / 2;
             position.Y = (float)(yOffset * (progress - 0.5)) / 2;
             opcity     = 0.8f * progress;
         rotation = 0.000174532922222222f * nowFrame;
Exemple #3
        public void update(Vector2 size)
            if (tempSurface != null && canDraw)
                scale.X  = (float)(size.X / bound.Width > size.Y / bound.Height ? size.X / bound.Width : size.Y / bound.Height);
                scale.Y  = scale.X;
                position = size / 2;
                if (isImmersive)
                    if (nowFrame <= inFrames)
                        opacity = (float)EasingHelper.QuinticEase(Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Animation.EasingMode.EaseOut, (double)nowFrame / inFrames);
                else if (nowFrame != 0)
                    nowFrame -= 1;
                    opacity   = (float)EasingHelper.QuinticEase(Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Animation.EasingMode.EaseOut, (double)nowFrame / inFrames);
                    if (nowFrame == 0)
                        canDraw = false;

                if (enableBlur)
                    if (blurFrame <= inFrames)
                        blur.BlurAmount = blurAmount * (float)EasingHelper.CircleEase(Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Animation.EasingMode.EaseOut, (double)blurFrame / inFrames);
                else if (blurFrame != 0)
                    blur.BlurAmount = blurAmount * (float)EasingHelper.CircleEase(Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Animation.EasingMode.EaseIn, (double)blurFrame / inFrames);
Exemple #4
 private double GetElasticFactor(double percent)
     return(ElasticFactor * (1 - EasingHelper.QuinticEase(EasingMode.EaseOut, percent)));