// This finds the cut coordinates and splits the other poly with inner vertices
    private static void SplitOuterWithInner(LinkedListNode <EarClipVertex> start, EarClipPolygon p)
        LinkedListNode <EarClipVertex> insertbefore = null;
        float   foundu   = float.MaxValue;
        Vector2 foundpos = new Vector2();

        // Create a line from start that goes beyond the right most vertex of p
        LinkedListNode <EarClipVertex> pr = FindRightMostVertex(p);
        float  startx       = start.Value.Position.x;
        float  endx         = pr.Value.Position.x + 10.0f;
        Line2D starttoright = new Line2D(start.Value.Position, new Vector2(endx, start.Value.Position.y));

        // Calculate a small bonus (0.1 mappixel)
        float bonus = starttoright.GetNearestOnLine(new Vector2(start.Value.Position.x + 0.1f, start.Value.Position.y));

        // Go for all lines in the outer polygon
        LinkedListNode <EarClipVertex> v1 = p.Last;
        LinkedListNode <EarClipVertex> v2 = p.First;

        while (v2 != null)
            // Check if the line goes between startx and endx
            if ((v1.Value.Position.x > startx || v2.Value.Position.x > startx) &&
                (v1.Value.Position.x < endx || v2.Value.Position.x < endx))
                // Find intersection
                Line2D pl = new Line2D(v1.Value.Position, v2.Value.Position);
                float  u, ul;
                pl.GetIntersection(starttoright, out u, out ul);
                if (float.IsNaN(u))
                    // We have found a line that is perfectly horizontal
                    // (parallel to the cut scan line) Check if the line
                    // is overlapping the cut scan line.
                    if (v1.Value.Position.y == start.Value.Position.y)
                        // This is an exceptional situation which causes a bit of a problem, because
                        // this could be a previously made cut, which overlaps another line from the
                        // same cut and we have to determine which of the two we will join with. If we
                        // pick the wrong one, the polygon is no longer valid and triangulation will fail.

                        // Calculate distance of each vertex in units
                        u  = starttoright.GetNearestOnLine(v1.Value.Position);
                        ul = starttoright.GetNearestOnLine(v2.Value.Position);

                        // Rule out vertices before the scan line
                        if (u < 0.0f)
                            u = float.MaxValue;
                        if (ul < 0.0f)
                            ul = float.MaxValue;

                        float   insert_u = Math.Min(u, ul);
                        Vector2 inserpos = starttoright.GetCoordinatesAt(insert_u);

                        // Check in which direction the line goes.
                        if (v1.Value.Position.x > v2.Value.Position.x)
                            // The line goes from right to left (towards our start point)
                            // so we must always insert our cut after this line.

                            // If the next line goes up, we consider this a better candidate than
                            // a horizontal line that goes from left to right (the other cut line)
                            // so we give it a small bonus.
                            LinkedListNode <EarClipVertex> v3 = v2.Next ?? v2.List.First;
                            if (v3.Value.Position.y < v2.Value.Position.y)
                                insert_u -= bonus;

                            // Remember this when it is a closer match
                            if (insert_u <= foundu)
                                insertbefore = v2.Next ?? v2.List.First;
                                foundu       = insert_u;
                                foundpos     = inserpos;
                            // The line goes from left to right (away from our start point)
                            // so we must always insert our cut before this line.

                            // If the previous line goes down, we consider this a better candidate than
                            // a horizontal line that goes from right to left (the other cut line)
                            // so we give it a small bonus.
                            LinkedListNode <EarClipVertex> v3 = v1.Previous ?? v1.List.Last;
                            if (v3.Value.Position.y > v1.Value.Position.y)
                                insert_u -= bonus;

                            // Remember this when it is a closer match
                            if (insert_u <= foundu)
                                insertbefore = v2;
                                foundu       = insert_u;
                                foundpos     = inserpos;
                // Found a closer match?
                else if ((ul >= 0.0f) && (ul <= 1.0f) && (u > 0.0f) && (u <= foundu))
                    // Found a closer intersection
                    insertbefore = v2;
                    foundu       = u;
                    foundpos     = starttoright.GetCoordinatesAt(u);

            // Next
            v1 = v2;
            v2 = v2.Next;

        // Found anything?
        if (insertbefore != null)
            Sidedef sd = (insertbefore.Previous == null) ? insertbefore.List.Last.Value.Sidedef : insertbefore.Previous.Value.Sidedef;

            // Find the position where we have to split the outer polygon
            EarClipVertex split = new EarClipVertex(foundpos, null);

            // Insert manual split vertices
            p.AddBefore(insertbefore, new EarClipVertex(split, sd));

            // Start inserting from the start (do I make sense this time?)
            v1 = start;
                // Insert inner polygon vertex
                p.AddBefore(insertbefore, new EarClipVertex(v1.Value));
                v1 = (v1.Next ?? v1.List.First);
            } while (v1 != start);

            // Insert manual split vertices
            p.AddBefore(insertbefore, new EarClipVertex(start.Value, sd));
            if (split.Position != insertbefore.Value.Position)
                p.AddBefore(insertbefore, new EarClipVertex(split, sd));