Exemple #1
 void Initialize()
     enemyBulletsPoolGreen = EZObjectPool.CreateObjectPool(tablesEtc.disparosEnemigos[0], "Bullets Enemy Green", 4, false, true, true);
     enemyBulletsPoolRed   = EZObjectPool.CreateObjectPool(tablesEtc.disparosEnemigos[1], "Bullets Enemy Red", 5, false, true, true);
     enemyBulletsPoolFire  = EZObjectPool.CreateObjectPool(tablesEtc.disparosEnemigos[2], "Bullets Enemy Fire", 4, false, true, true);
     enemyBombs            = EZObjectPool.CreateObjectPool(bombPrefab, "Bombs Boss", 6, false, true, true);
Exemple #2
 private void Awake()
     if (!objectPool)
         objectPool = EZObjectPool.CreateObjectPool(Resources.Load <GameObject>("Prefabs/GreenButton"), "GreenButtonPool", 2, true, true, true);
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets up this effect's object pool. The pool will only be set up on the first call to this method, so calling it multiple times is safe.
 /// </summary>
 public void SetupPool()
     if (impactEffectPool == null)
         impactEffectPool = EZObjectPool.CreateObjectPool(Template, Template.name, PoolSize, false, true, true);
Exemple #4
 void Awake()
     //Object pool parameters: (object, name of pool, starting pool size, auto resize (should be true), instantiate immediate (should be true), shared pools)
     redBulletPool    = EZObjectPool.CreateObjectPool(redBulletPrefab, "Red Bullets", 100, true, true, true);
     yellowBulletPool = EZObjectPool.CreateObjectPool(yellowBulletPrefab, "Yellow Bullets", 100, true, true, true);
     blueBulletPool   = EZObjectPool.CreateObjectPool(blueBulletPrefab, "Blue Bullets", 100, true, true, true);
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets up this effect's object pool. The pool will only be set up on the first call to this method, so calling it multiple times is safe.
 /// </summary>
 public void SetupPool()
     if (muzzleEffectPool == null)
         muzzleEffectPool = EZObjectPool.CreateObjectPool(Template.gameObject, Template.name, PoolSize, false, true, true);
 void Awake()
     //Object pool parameters: (object, name of pool, starting pool size, auto resize (should be true), instantiate immediate (should be true), shared pools)
     enemy1Pool = EZObjectPool.CreateObjectPool(enemy1Prefab, "Enemy Type 1", 100, true, true, true);
     enemy2Pool = EZObjectPool.CreateObjectPool(enemy2Prefab, "Enemy Type 2", 100, true, true, true);
     enemy3Pool = EZObjectPool.CreateObjectPool(enemy3Prefab, "Enemy Type 3", 100, true, true, true);
Exemple #7
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     scene     = SceneManager.GetActiveScene();
     newHeight = new Vector3(transform.position.x, GameObject.Find("Player").transform.position.y, transform.position.z);
     if (scene.name == "Level1")
         GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Color.red;
         selectColor = 0;
     else if (scene.name == "Level2")
         GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Color.yellow;
         selectColor = 1;
     else if (scene.name == "Level3")
         GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Color.blue;
         selectColor = 2;
     else if (scene.name == "Level4")
         GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Color.red;
         selectColor = 3;
     yellowBulletPool = EZObjectPool.CreateObjectPool(yellowBulletPrefab, "Yellow Boss Bullets", 500, true, true, true);
     redBulletPool    = EZObjectPool.CreateObjectPool(redBulletPrefab, "Red Boss Bullets", 500, true, true, true);
     blueBulletPool   = EZObjectPool.CreateObjectPool(blueBulletPrefab, "Blue Boss Bullets", 500, true, true, true);
Exemple #8
 void Awake()
     carObjectPool        = EZObjectPool.CreateObjectPool(carPrefab, "Cars", carPoolsize, true, true, true);
     bicycleObjectPool    = EZObjectPool.CreateObjectPool(bicyclePrefab, "Bicycles", bicyclePoolsize, true, true, true);
     trainObjectPool      = EZObjectPool.CreateObjectPool(trainPrefab, "Trains", trainPoolsize, true, true, true);
     busObjectPool        = EZObjectPool.CreateObjectPool(busPrefab, "Busses", busPoolsize, true, true, true);
     pedestrianObjectPool = EZObjectPool.CreateObjectPool(pedestrianPrefab, "Pedestrians", pedestrianPoolsize, true, true, true);
Exemple #9
    //private GameObject cactus;
    //private GameObject aloe;

    private void Awake()
        cactusPrefab = Resources.Load("Cactus3") as GameObject;
        aloePrefab   = Resources.Load("Aloe") as GameObject;
        CactusPool   = EZObjectPool.CreateObjectPool(cactusPrefab, "CactusPool", 10, true, true, true);
        AloePool     = EZObjectPool.CreateObjectPool(aloePrefab, "AloePool", 10, true, true, true);
        RumblePool   = EZObjectPool.CreateObjectPool(rumblePrefab, "RumblePool", 10, true, true, true);
    void Start()
        xPos       = Random.Range(-RandomRange, RandomRange);
        yPos       = Random.Range(-RandomRange, RandomRange);
        desiredPos = new Vector3(xPos, yPos, transform.position.z);

        bulletPool = GameObject.Find("Crab Bullets Pool").GetComponent <EZObjectPool>();
Exemple #11
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     pool = GetComponent <EZObjectPool>();
     if (pool.TryGetNextObject(spawnPos[Mathf.RoundToInt(Random.Range(0, 8))].position, Quaternion.identity, out obj))
Exemple #12
    private void Awake()
        objectPool = EZObjectPool.CreateObjectPool(cubovirtual, "Objetos", 300, true, true, false);
        layer      = LayerMask.GetMask("Terreno");

        if (valorx == null)
            valorx = GameObject.Find("X_valor").GetComponent <InputField>();
        if (valory == null)
            valory = GameObject.Find("Y_valor").GetComponent <InputField>();
        if (valorz == null)
            valorz = GameObject.Find("Z_valor").GetComponent <InputField>();
        x_value = int.Parse(valorx.text);
        y_value = int.Parse(valory.text);
        z_value = int.Parse(valorz.text);
        if (int1 == null)
            int1 = GameObject.Find("primerint").GetComponent <InputField>();
        if (int2 == null)
            int2 = GameObject.Find("segundoint").GetComponent <InputField>();
        if (int3 == null)
            int3 = GameObject.Find("tercerint").GetComponent <InputField>();
        if (int4 == null)
            int4 = GameObject.Find("cuartoint").GetComponent <InputField>();
        if (int5 == null)
            int5 = GameObject.Find("quintoint").GetComponent <InputField>();
        int1_value = int.Parse(int1.text);
        int2_value = int.Parse(int2.text);
        int3_value = int.Parse(int3.text);
        int4_value = int.Parse(int4.text);
        int5_value = int.Parse(int5.text);

         * //cubo invisible que esta al medio por si lo necesito
         * poscuboinvisible = new Vector3((x_value / 2) + xinicio, 500, (y_value / 2) + zinicio);
         * RaycastHit rayocuboinvisible;
         * if (Physics.Raycast(poscuboinvisible, Vector3.down, out rayocuboinvisible, 300, layer))
         * {
         *  poscuboinvisible.y = rayocuboinvisible.point.y + 0.5f;
         * }
         * cuboInvisible = Instantiate(cuboinvisible, poscuboinvisible, Quaternion.identity);//el y es arbitrario
 private void GeneratePools()
     bulletsPool         = EZObjectPool.CreateObjectPool(shootPrefab, "Shoot1", 20, true, true, true);
     bombsPool           = EZObjectPool.CreateObjectPool(bombPrefab, "Bombs", 1, true, true, true);
     bombEffectPool      = EZObjectPool.CreateObjectPool(bombEffectPrefab, "BombEffect", 1, true, true, true);
     hitsPool            = EZObjectPool.CreateObjectPool(hitPrefab, "HitEffect", 6, true, true, true);
     breakingBarrelsPool = EZObjectPool.CreateObjectPool(breakingBarrelPrefab, "BreakingBarrels", 2, true, true, true);
     barrelsPool         = EZObjectPool.CreateObjectPool(barrelPrefab, "Barrels", 6, true, true, true);
Exemple #14
 private void Awake()
     //if (objectPool == null)
     objectPool = EZObjectPool.CreateObjectPool(dragIndicatorPrefab, "DraggableSpritePools", 5, true, true, true);
Exemple #15
    void Start()
        xPos       = Random.Range(-RandomRange, RandomRange);
        yPos       = Random.Range(-RandomRange, RandomRange);
        desiredPos = new Vector3(xPos, yPos, transform.position.z);

        bulletPool = GameObject.Find("Batman Bullets Pool").GetComponent <EZObjectPool>();
        target     = FindObjectOfType <PlayerMovement>().transform;
Exemple #16
    // Use this for initialization
    private void Awake()
        objectPool = EZObjectPool.CreateObjectPool(itemIndicatorPrefab, "DropZoneObjectPool", 5, true, true, true);

        //if (!instance)
        instance = this;
Exemple #17
    private void Start()
        InvokeRepeating("FindTarget", 0.01f, 1f);

        if (m_pool == null)
            m_pool = FindObjectOfType <EZObjectPool>();
Exemple #18
    void SetBulletsPool(int level)
        if (level > GameManager.Instance.tablesEtc.disparosJugador.Count - 1)
        var newShotPrefab = GameManager.Instance.tablesEtc.disparosJugador[level];

        playerShots = EZObjectPool.CreateObjectPool(newShotPrefab, "PlayerShots" + level, 15, true, true, true);
Exemple #19
 private void Start()
     vida             = 100f;
     velocidadInicial = velocidadRotacion;
     mainCamera       = Camera.main;
     bullets_pool     = EZObjectPool.GetObjectPool("Bullets_1");
     myStats          = new Stats()
         velocity = 30 + myBullet.stats.velocity
     active = true;
Exemple #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets up this effect's object pool. The pool will only be set up on the first call to this method, so calling it multiple times is safe.
        /// </summary>
        public void SetupPool()
            if (tracerEffectPool == null)
                tracerEffectPool = EZObjectPool.CreateObjectPool(Template.gameObject, Template.name, PoolSize, false, true, true);

                if (ConsistentShowing)
                    countLimit = (int)(1 / ChanceToShow);
                    currCount  = 1;
Exemple #21
    private void Awake()
        //if (instance != null && instance != this)
        //    Destroy(this.gameObject);
        //    return;

        instance   = this;
        objectPool = EZObjectPool.CreateObjectPool(mixButtonPrefab, "simulationContextButton", 2, true, true, true);
    void Start()
        phase1 = true;
        phase2 = false;

        xPos       = Random.Range(-RandomRange, RandomRange);
        yPos       = Random.Range(-RandomRange, RandomRange);
        desiredPos = new Vector3(xPos, yPos, transform.position.z);

        bulletPool      = GameObject.Find("Final Boss Bullets Pool").GetComponent <EZObjectPool>();
        bulletGhostPool = GameObject.Find("Final Boss Ghost Bullets Pool").GetComponent <EZObjectPool>();
        target          = FindObjectOfType <PlayerMovement>().transform;
    void Inicializar()
        //Object Poll de los disparos iniciales
        disparosPool = EZObjectPool.CreateObjectPool(disparoJugador, "Disparos Jugador", 10, true, true, false);
        //Inicializar puntos de disparo
        Transform transformPadre = transform.Find("PuntosDisparo").transform;

        cantidadPuntosDisparo = transformPadre.childCount;
        puntosDisparo         = new Transform[cantidadPuntosDisparo];
        for (var x = 0; x < cantidadPuntosDisparo; x++)
            puntosDisparo[x] = transformPadre.GetChild(x);
Exemple #24
    void Initialize()
        spriteRenderer = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
        playerT        = GameManager.Instance.player.transform;
        ID             = transform.name.Split(' ')[1].Substring(0, 2);

        switch (bulletType)
        case BulletType.FireBullet:
            myBulletPool = GameManager.Instance.enemyBulletsPoolFire;

        case BulletType.RedBullet:
            myBulletPool = GameManager.Instance.enemyBulletsPoolRed;

            myBulletPool = GameManager.Instance.enemyBulletsPoolGreen;
Exemple #25
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        target = GameObject.Find("Player");
        //enemyColor = Random.Range(0, 2);
        switch (enemyColor)
        case 0:
            GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Color.red;
            redBulletPool = EZObjectPool.CreateObjectPool(redBulletPrefab, "Red Enemy Bullets", 100, true, true, true);

        case 1:
            GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Color.yellow;
            yellowBulletPool = EZObjectPool.CreateObjectPool(yellowBulletPrefab, "Yellow Enemy Bullets", 100, true, true, true);

        case 2:
            GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Color.blue;
            blueBulletPool = EZObjectPool.CreateObjectPool(blueBulletPrefab, "Blue Enemy Bullets", 100, true, true, true);
Exemple #26
		void Start() 
			if(healthBarPool==null) {
				GameObject g = GameObject.Find ("HealthBars");
				healthBarPool = g.GetComponent<EZObjectPool>();
			if(canvas==null) {
				canvas = GameObject.Find ("Canvas");

			GameObject eb = this.gameObject;
			healthBarPool.TryGetNextObject(Vector3.zero,Quaternion.identity,out eb);
			energyBar = eb.GetComponent<EnergyBar>();
			energyBar.SetValueMax((int) health);
		//	energyBar.transform.SetParent(canvas.transform);
			EnergyBarFollowObject guiBar = energyBar.GetComponent<EnergyBarFollowObject>();
			guiBar.followObject = this.gameObject.transform.FindChild("BarPoint").gameObject;
			UnitFacade u = (UnitFacade) this.GetUnitFacade();
			GameObject exit = GameObject.Find("CreepExit");
Exemple #27
	public void Start () {
		if(shot==null) {
			if(shotName=="") {
				shotName = "BulletPool";
			shot = GameObject.Find(shotName).GetComponent<EZObjectPool>();
		if (CheckErrors() == true) { return; }
		// find muzzle flash particle systems
		for (int f=0; f < exits.Length; f++) {
			if ( exits[f].transform.childCount == 1 ) { // check for child
				exits[f].flare = exits[f].transform.GetChild(0).gameObject;
				exits[f].particleComponent = exits[f].flare.GetComponent<ParticleSystem>();
		curInaccuracy = inaccuracy; // initialize
		// compute missing value: shotSpeed, maxRange, shotDuration
		if (shotSpeed <= 0) {
			shotSpeed = maxRange / shotDuration;
		} else if (maxRange <= 0) {
			maxRange = shotSpeed * shotDuration;
		} else { // compute shotDuration even if all 3 are set to keep math consistant
			shotDuration = maxRange / shotSpeed;
Exemple #28
 void Start()
     bulletPool = GameObject.Find("Enemy Small Bullets Pool").GetComponent <EZObjectPool>();
     rb         = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
     target     = FindObjectOfType <PlayerMovement>().transform;
Exemple #29
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     pool = FindObjectOfType <EZObjectPool>();
Exemple #30
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     mailPool = GetComponent <EZObjectPool> ();
     dashboard.mailHeldChanged += renderMail;
Exemple #31
 private void Awake()
     minionPool = EZObjectPool.CreateObjectPool(minionPrefab, "MinionPool", 20, true, true, true);
	public void Start() {
		if(blastObjectPool==null) {
			blastObjectPool = GameObject.Find(blastObjectPoolName).gameObject.GetComponent<EZObjectPool>();
Exemple #33
 private void Awake()
     zombiePool = EZObjectPool.CreateObjectPool(zombiePrefab, "ZombiePool", 20, true, true, true);