void updateItemList(bool changed = false) { var n = shipsComboBox.Items[shipsComboBox.SelectedIndex] as string; var s = dict[n]; if (changed) { label10.Text = string.Format(@"{0}% kills {1}% losses", s.Kills, s.Losses); shipPictureBox.LoadAsync(EVE.getRenderUriById(s.Id)); } listView2.Items.Clear(); if (radioButton1.Checked) { label8.Text = @"Showing weapon usage of this 7 days, found in killmails."; listView2.Columns[1].Text = "%"; foreach (var x in s.UsedWeapons.OrderByDescending(y => y.Item2)) { listView2.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new[] { x.Item1.Item1, x.Item2.ToString() })); } } else if (radioButton2.Checked) { label8.Text = @"Showing amount of items destroyed in last 7 days."; listView2.Columns[1].Text = "x"; foreach (var x in s.Mods.OrderByDescending(y => y.Item2)) { listView2.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new[] { x.Item1.Item1, x.Item2.ToString() })); } } }
public ValueTask ExecuteAsync(IConsole console) { EVE.Unpack(FilePath); console.Output.WriteLine("Complete!"); return(default);
public ValueTask ExecuteAsync(IConsole console) { EVE.Pack(EveFolder); console.Output.WriteLine("Complete!"); return(default);
public void IdenticalThroughLoadSaveCycle(string eventFileName) { string eventFile = Path.Combine(TestConstants.TestModFolder, "event", eventFileName); var eve = new EVE(eventFile); string tempFile = Path.Combine(TestTempFolder, "saved.eve"); eve.Save(tempFile); var expectedBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(eventFile); var actualBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(tempFile); actualBytes.Should().Equal(expectedBytes); }
public void ReadsFileCorrectly(string eventFileName, int fileId, int headerUnknown, int eventGroupCount, int subgroupCount) { string eventFile = Path.Combine(TestConstants.TestModFolder, "event", eventFileName); var eve = new EVE(eventFile); eve.FileId.Should().Be(fileId); eve.HeaderUnknown.Should().Be(headerUnknown); eve.EventGroupsA.Should().HaveCount(eventGroupCount); eve.EventGroupsB.Should().HaveCount(eventGroupCount); eve.EventGroupsA.Sum(i => i.Count).Should().Be(subgroupCount); eve.EventGroupsB.Sum(i => i.Count).Should().Be(subgroupCount); }
public TacticalAnalyser(int _id, string name = null) { id = _id; dict = new Dictionary <string, Ship>(); InitializeComponent(); if (name == null) { this.Text = "TacticalAnalyser - " + EVE.getCharaNameById(id); } else { this.Text = name; } s = getKillDetail(id).Publish().RefCount(); listView1.ColumnWidthChanged += Program.GenerateListLocker(listView1); listView2.ColumnWidthChanged += Program.GenerateListLocker(listView2); }
public void IndenticalThroughUnpackPack(string eventFileName) { string eventFile = Path.Combine(TestConstants.TestModFolder, "event", eventFileName); string tempDir = Path.Combine(TestTempFolder, "unpacked"); if (Directory.Exists(tempDir)) { Directory.Delete(tempDir, true); } Directory.CreateDirectory(tempDir); EVE.Unpack(eventFile, tempDir); string tempFile = Path.Combine(TestTempFolder, "packed.eve"); EVE.Pack(tempDir, tempFile); var expectedBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(eventFile); var actualBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(tempFile); actualBytes.Should().Equal(expectedBytes); }
private void TacticalAnalyser_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e) { var p = s.SubscribeOn(NewThreadScheduler.Default) .ObserveOn(SynchronizationContext.Current); p.OfType <Tactical.Message.ShipInfo>() .Subscribe(xs => { label1.Visible = false; var s = shipChart.Series[0]; foreach (var x in xs.Item) { var name = x.Item1.Item1; var id = x.Item1.Item2; var kr = x.Item2; var dr = x.Item3; if (double.IsNaN(kr)) { kr = 0; } if (double.IsNaN(dr)) { dr = 0; } dict.Add(name, new Ship() { Id = id, Name = name, Kills = kr, Losses = dr, UsedPercent = kr, Mods = x.Item4, UsedWeapons = x.Item5 }); shipsComboBox.Items.Add(name); if (kr != 0) { var dp = s.Points.Add(kr); dp.AxisLabel = string.Format("{0}{2}{1}%", name, kr, Environment.NewLine); } if (!s.Points.Any()) { label1.Text = "NO DATA"; label1.Visible = true; //var dp = s.Points.Add(100); } } var path = new System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath(); path.AddEllipse(new Rectangle(0, 0, 110, 110)); pictureBox1.Region = new Region(path); pictureBox1.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage; pictureBox1.LoadAsync(EVE.getIconUriById(id)); if (shipsComboBox.Items.Count > 0) { shipsComboBox.Enabled = listView2.Enabled = radioButton1.Enabled = radioButton2.Enabled = true; label7.Visible = false; shipsComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0; shipsComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(this, null); } else { label7.Text = "NO DATA"; } }, Program.FailWith); p.OfType <Tactical.Message.Gang>() .Subscribe(xs => { foreach (var x in xs.Item) { listView1.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new[] { x.Item1, x.Item2.ToString() })); } kosButton.Enabled = true; }); p.OfType <Tactical.Message.TzInfo>() .Subscribe(xs => { if (xs.Item.All(x => x.Item2 == 0)) { label5.Text = "NO DATA"; label5.Visible = true; } else { label5.Visible = false; label6.Visible = true; var s = tzChart.Series[0]; var ca = tzChart.ChartAreas[0]; ca.AxisX.Interval = 3; ca.AxisX.IntervalOffset = 1; ca.AxisX.Maximum = 25; foreach (var x in xs.Item) { var t = s.Points.Add(x.Item2); t.AxisLabel = x.Item1.ToString(); } } }); }