Exemple #1
        internal static async Task ChooseRace(Player player, IMessageChannel channel)
            EmbedBuilder race = new EmbedBuilder();

            race.WithTitle($"{player.name}'s Race");
            race.WithDescription("Select a race using the reactions, each has a unique perk. You may not change this option later.");
            race.AddField($"{EUI.GetLetter(7)} | **Human** {Environment.NewLine}",
                          $"Basic Humans{Environment.NewLine}" +
                          $"Perk: {PerkLoad.Load("Human Adaptation").desc}{Environment.NewLine}");
            race.AddField($"{EUI.GetLetter(19)} | **Tsiun** {Environment.NewLine}",
                          $"Black or dark color skinned, thin, pointy ears, large eyes and pupils which fill " +
                          $"the entire eye, prefer darker areas, learn well by observing others{Environment.NewLine}" +
                          $"Perk: {PerkLoad.Load("Tsiun Trickery").desc}{Environment.NewLine}");
            race.AddField($"{EUI.GetLetter(20)} | **Uskavian** {Environment.NewLine}",
                          $"Large creatures, not known as a smart race, not very creative and usually does" +
                          $" what they know works, brown or darker skin color with some patterns sometimes{Environment.NewLine}" +
                          $"Perk: {PerkLoad.Load("Uskavian Learning").desc}{Environment.NewLine}");
            race.AddField($"{EUI.GetLetter(12)} | **Miganan** {Environment.NewLine}",
                          $"Similar to humans but with only pale skin variants, mostly white up to grey-ish" +
                          $" with a touch of slight beige, very strong skin, grows no hair{Environment.NewLine}" +
                          $"Perk: {PerkLoad.Load("Migana Skin").desc}{Environment.NewLine}");
            race.AddField($"{EUI.GetLetter(8)} | **Ireskian** {Environment.NewLine}",
                          $"Usually around a feet or two shorter than humans, like to craft and creating things," +
                          $" artistic folks, longingly keep their young appearance{Environment.NewLine}" +
                          $"Perk: {PerkLoad.Load("Ireskian Talent").desc}{Environment.NewLine}");
            await player.NewUI(null, race.Build(), channel, MsgType.ChooseRace);
Exemple #2
        internal static async Task SkillUpgradePage(Player player, ISocketMessageChannel chan)
            EmbedBuilder em = new EmbedBuilder();

            em.WithFooter($"Skill Points: {player.skillPoints}{Environment.NewLine}");
            em.WithDescription($"Use the reactions to select on which stat to spend your skill point."
                               + $"{Environment.NewLine}{EUI.GetLetter(4)} {ReferenceData.EnduranceInfo()}"
                               + $"{Environment.NewLine}{EUI.GetLetter(8)} {ReferenceData.IntelligenceInfo()}"
                               + $"{Environment.NewLine}{EUI.GetLetter(18)} {ReferenceData.StrengthInfo()}"
                               + $"{Environment.NewLine}{EUI.GetLetter(2)} {ReferenceData.CharismaInfo()}"
                               + $"{Environment.NewLine}{EUI.GetLetter(3)} {ReferenceData.DexterityInfo()}"
                               + $"{Environment.NewLine}{EUI.GetLetter(15)} {ReferenceData.PerceptionInfo()}"
                               + "");
            await player.NewUI(await chan.SendMessageAsync(embed: em.Build()),
Exemple #3
        internal static async Task SetSkills(Player player, IMessageChannel channel,
                                             int e, int[] rolls, bool[] rused, bool edit = false)
            rolls ??= GetRolls();

            if (e > 0)
                SetASkill(player, e - 1, rolls, rused);

            EmbedBuilder em = DUtils.BuildEmbed(player.name, "Select a number from the rolls list using reactions to set that roll as the following stat",
                                                null, player.userSettings.Color);

            MsgType type = MsgType.SetSkill;

            EmbedFieldBuilder statField = new EmbedFieldBuilder()
                Name = "**Stat To Set**", IsInline = true

            if (player.stats.endurance == 0)
                statField.Value = ReferenceData.EnduranceInfo();
            else if (player.stats.intelligence == 0)
                statField.Value = ReferenceData.IntelligenceInfo();
            else if (player.stats.strength == 0)
                statField.Value = ReferenceData.StrengthInfo();
            else if (player.stats.charisma == 0)
                statField.Value = ReferenceData.CharismaInfo();
            else if (player.stats.dexterity == 0)
                statField.Value = ReferenceData.DexterityInfo();
            else if (player.stats.perception == 0)
                statField.Value = ReferenceData.PerceptionInfo();
                em.WithDescription("Please confirm your stats," +
                                   " these may not be re rolled later." +
                                   $" Click {EUI.cancel} to reassign your rolls." +
                                   $" Click {EUI.ok} to proceed with these stats.");
                em.AddField("Stats", ""
                            + $"Endurance: {player.stats.endurance}{Environment.NewLine}"
                            + $"Intelligence: {player.stats.intelligence}{Environment.NewLine}"
                            + $"Strength: {player.stats.strength}{Environment.NewLine}"
                            + $"Charisma: {player.stats.charisma}{Environment.NewLine}"
                            + $"Dexterity: {player.stats.dexterity}{Environment.NewLine}"
                            + $"Perception: {player.stats.perception}{Environment.NewLine}"
                type = MsgType.ConfirmSkills;
                edit = false;

            if (type == MsgType.SetSkill)
                string[] scEmote = { EUI.GetLetter(0), EUI.GetLetter(1), EUI.GetLetter(2),
                                     EUI.GetLetter(3), EUI.GetLetter(4), EUI.GetLetter(5) };
                string   rollsLeft = null;
                for (int r = 0; r < 6; r++)
                    rollsLeft += scEmote[r];
                    if (rused[r])
                        rollsLeft += $"~~[{rolls[r]}]~~";
                        rollsLeft += $" = [{rolls[r]}]";
                    rollsLeft += Environment.NewLine;
                em.AddField("**Rolls**", rollsLeft, true);
                int[]    stats = { player.stats.endurance, player.stats.intelligence, player.stats.strength,
                                   player.stats.charisma,     player.stats.dexterity,    player.stats.perception };
                string[] titles    = { "Endurance", "Intelligence", "Strength", "Charisma", "Dexterity", "Perception" };
                string   currStats = null;
                for (int i = 0; i < stats.Length; i++)
                    if (stats[i] > 0)
                        currStats += $" {titles[i]}: {stats[i]}";
                    else if (i == 0 || stats[i - 1] > 0)
                        currStats += $" {titles[i]}:__";
                        currStats += $" {titles[i]}: ??";
                    currStats += Environment.NewLine;
                em.AddField("**Current Stats**", currStats, true);
            IUserMessage msgEdit = null;

            if (edit && (msgEdit = await player.ui.GetUiMessage()) != null)
                await msgEdit.ModifyAsync(x =>
                    x.Embed = em.Build();

                await msgEdit.RemoveReactionAsync(new Emoji(EUI.GetLetter(e - 1)),

                player.ui.data = $"{Utils.JSON(rolls)};{Utils.JSON(rused)}";
                if (player.ui != null)
                    await player.ui.TryDeleteMessage();
                await player.NewUI($"For help on how to use interfaces, click the {EUI.help} emote",
                                   em.Build(), channel, type, $"{Utils.JSON(rolls)};{Utils.JSON(rused)}");