/// <summary>
 /// <para> After download, gets the content of the file.</para>
 /// <para> Small files can be read all at once by calling this function with an offset of 0 and cubDataToRead equal to the size of the file.</para>
 /// <para> Larger files can be read in chunks to reduce memory usage (since both sides of the IPC client and the game itself must allocate</para>
 /// <para> enough memory for each chunk).  Once the last byte is read, the file is implicitly closed and further calls to UGCRead will fail</para>
 /// <para> unless UGCDownload is called again.</para>
 /// <para> For especially large files (anything over 100MB) it is a requirement that the file is read in chunks.</para>
 /// </summary>
 public static int UGCRead(UGCHandle_t hContent, byte[] pvData, int cubDataToRead, uint cOffset, EUGCReadAction eAction)
     return(NativeMethods.ISteamRemoteStorage_UGCRead(CSteamAPIContext.GetSteamRemoteStorage(), hContent, pvData, cubDataToRead, cOffset, eAction));
 public static int UGCRead(UGCHandle_t hContent, byte[] pvData, int cubDataToRead, uint cOffset, EUGCReadAction eAction)
     return NativeMethods.ISteamRemoteStorage_UGCRead(hContent, pvData, cubDataToRead, cOffset, eAction);
Exemple #3
 public Int32 UGCRead(UInt64 hContent, Byte[] pvData, UInt32 uOffset, EUGCReadAction eAction)
     return(this.GetFunction <NativeUGCReadUBIUE>(this.Functions.UGCRead24)(this.ObjectAddress, hContent, pvData, (Int32)pvData.Length, uOffset, eAction));
		public static extern int ISteamRemoteStorage_UGCRead(UGCHandle_t hContent, [In, Out] byte[] pvData, int cubDataToRead, uint cOffset, EUGCReadAction eAction);
Exemple #5
 /// After download, gets the content of the file.
 /// Small files can be read all at once by calling this function with an offset of 0 and cubDataToRead equal to the size of the file.
 /// Larger files can be read in chunks to reduce memory usage (since both sides of the IPC client and the game itself must allocate
 /// enough memory for each chunk).  Once the last byte is read, the file is implicitly closed and further calls to UGCRead will fail
 /// unless UGCDownload is called again.
 /// For especially large files (anything over 100MB) it is a requirement that the file is read in chunks.
 public static int UGCRead(UGCHandle_t hContent, byte[] pvData, int cubDataToRead, uint cOffset, EUGCReadAction eAction)