Exemple #1
        protected void ChangeBubble(Patch Patch, Random r)
            //0x03D4AB - B x - speed on shoot (0x01) (do 1-3)
            int xVelShoot = r.Next(0x03) + 0x01;

            Patch.Add(0x03D4AB, (byte)xVelShoot, "(B) | X-Velocity Shoot (Integer)");

            //0x03D4CF - B y - speed on shoot(0x02) (do 0-6)
            int yVelShoot = r.Next(0x06);

            Patch.Add(0x03D4CF, (byte)yVelShoot, "(B) | Y-Velocity Shoot (Integer)");

            //0x03DB21 - B max shots (0x03) (do 2-5, i.e. 1-4 total projectiles)
            //    Valid from 0x02 - 0x0F. Lags a bunch >= 0x06.
            int maxShots = r.Next(0x04) + 0x02;

            Patch.Add(0x03DB21, (byte)maxShots, "(B) | Max Shots");

            //0x03DB2F - B weapon type(0x04)
            // Don't do

            //0x03DB34 - B sound effect
            ESoundID sound = GetRandomSound(r);

            Patch.Add(0x03DB34, (byte)sound, "(B) | Sound");

            //0x03DB3D - B shots per ammo tick (0x02) (do 1-4)
            int magSize = r.Next(0x04) + 0x01;

            Patch.Add(0x03DB3D, (byte)magSize, "(B) | Shots Per Ammo Tick");
            AmmoUsage.Add(1d / (double)magSize);

            //0x03DFA4 - B y - pos to embed in surface(0xFF)
            // Dumb

            //0x03DFA9 - B x - speed on surface (0x02)
            //      0x01 - 0x04 ?
            int xVelRoll = r.Next(0x04) + 0x01;

            Patch.Add(0x03DFA9, (byte)xVelRoll, "(B) | X-Velocity Surface (Integer)");

            //0x03DFC0 - B x - speed after falling from ledge (0x00)
            //      Make 50% chance to be 0, or 1-5
            int    xVelFall        = 0x00;
            double rTestXFallSpeed = r.NextDouble();

            if (rTestXFallSpeed > 0.5)
                xVelFall = r.Next(0x05) + 0x01;
            Patch.Add(0x03DFC0, (byte)xVelFall, "(B) | X-Velocity Fall (Integer)");

            //0x03DFC8 - B y - speed after falling(0xFE)
            //      Either 0xFA - 0xFF or 0x01 - 0x06
            int[] yFallVels = new int[] { 0xFA, 0xFB, 0xFC, 0xFD, 0xFE, 0xFF, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06 };
            int   rIndex    = r.Next(yFallVels.Length);
            int   yFallVel  = yFallVels[rIndex];

            Patch.Add(0x03DFC8, (byte)yFallVel, "(B) | Y-Velocity Fall (Integer)");
        protected void ChangeCrash(Patch in_Patch, ISeed in_Seed)
            //0x03D4AD - C x-speed on shoot (04) (do 2-7)
            Int32 xVel = in_Seed.NextInt32(0x06) + 0x02;

            in_Patch.Add(0x03D4AD, (Byte)xVel, "(C) | X-Velocity (Integer)");

            //0x03D4D7 - C y-speed integer for explosion (up only) (0)
            // TODO: Figure how this works more to apply in all directions
            // For now, 25% chance to make this move upward at 2px/fr
            Int32  yVelExplode      = 0x00;
            Double rTestYVelExplode = in_Seed.NextDouble();

            if (rTestYVelExplode > 0.75)
                yVelExplode = in_Seed.NextInt32(2) + 0x01;

            in_Patch.Add(0x03D4D7, (Byte)yVelExplode, "(C) | X-Velocity (Explosion)");

            //0x03DB99 - C ammo per shot (04) (do 1-3)
            Int32 ammoUse = in_Seed.NextInt32(0x03) + 0x01;

            in_Patch.Add(0x03DB99, (Byte)ammoUse, "(C) | Ammo Usage");

            // 0x03DB9F - C explosion type? (02)
            // Change to 03 to "single explosion" type. Most other values break the game.
            // For now, 50% chance to change
            Int32  multiExplode      = 0x02;
            Double rTestMultiExplode = in_Seed.NextDouble();

            if (rTestMultiExplode > 0.50)
                multiExplode = 0x03;

            in_Patch.Add(0x03DB9F, (Byte)multiExplode, "(C) | Explosion Type");

            //0x03DBA6 - C shoot sound effect (24)
            ESoundID sound = this.GetRandomSound(in_Seed);

            in_Patch.Add(0x03DBA6, (Byte)sound, "(C) | Sound Shoot");

            //0x03E089 - C attach sound effect (2E)
            sound = this.GetRandomSound(in_Seed);
            in_Patch.Add(0x03E089, (Byte)sound, "(C) | Sound Attach");

            //0x03E09C - C delay before explosion (7E) (do 01 to C0)
            Int32 delayExplosion = in_Seed.NextInt32(0xBF) + 0x01;

            in_Patch.Add(0x03E09C, (Byte)delayExplosion, "(C) | Explode Delay");

            //0x03E0DA - C explode sound effect
            sound = this.GetRandomSound(in_Seed);
            in_Patch.Add(0x03E0DA, (Byte)sound, "(C) | Sound Explode");
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a random unique sound for a weapon to use
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="r"></param>
        /// <returns>Sound ID byte</returns>
        private ESoundID GetRandomSound(Random r)
            int      i     = r.Next(sounds.Count);
            ESoundID sound = sounds.ElementAt(i);


            // Pick a random charge level if charge sound is chosen
            if (sound == ESoundID.WeaponH_Charge0)
                i     = r.Next(3);
                sound = ESoundID.WeaponH_Charge0 + i;
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a random unique sound for a weapon to use
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="r"></param>
        /// <returns>Sound ID Byte</returns>
        private ESoundID GetRandomSound(ISeed in_Seed)
            Int32    i     = in_Seed.NextInt32(sounds.Count);
            ESoundID sound = sounds.ElementAt(i);


            // Pick a random charge level if charge sound is chosen
            if (sound == ESoundID.WeaponH_Charge0)
                i     = in_Seed.NextInt32(3);
                sound = ESoundID.WeaponH_Charge0 + i;
Exemple #5
        protected void ChangeMetal(Patch Patch, Random r)
            //0x03DBB6 - M max shots (04) (change to 0x02-0x05, or 1-4)
            int maxShots = r.Next(0x04) + 0x02;

            Patch.Add(0x03DBB6, (byte)maxShots, "(M) | Max Shots");

            //0x03DBC9 - M sound effect(23)
            ESoundID sound = GetRandomSound(r);

            Patch.Add(0x03DBC9, (byte)sound, "(M) | Sound");

            //0x03DBD2 - M shots per ammo tick(04) (change to 1-5)
            int magSize = r.Next(0x05) + 0x01;

            Patch.Add(0x03DBD2, (byte)magSize, "(M) | Shots Per Ammo Tick");
            AmmoUsage.Add(1d / magSize);

            // Speeds.  Change each to be 2-7.  Diagonal will be half each, rounded up.
            int velX  = r.Next(0x06) + 0x02;
            int velY  = r.Next(0x06) + 0x02;
            int halfY = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)velY / 2d);
            int halfX = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)velX / 2d);

            //0x03DC12 - M y - speed, holding up(04)
            Patch.Add(0x03DC12, (byte)velY, "(M) | Y-Velocity Up");

            //0x03DC31 - M x - speed, no direction(04)
            Patch.Add(0x03DC31, (byte)velX, "(M) | X-Velocity Neutral");

            //0x03DC35 - M x - speed, holding left(04)
            Patch.Add(0x03DC35, (byte)velX, "(M) | X-Velocity Left");

            //0x03DC39 - M x - speed, holding right(04)
            Patch.Add(0x03DC39, (byte)velX, "(M) | X-Velocity Right");

            //0x03DC13 - M y - speed, holding down(FC)
            Patch.Add(0x03DC13, (byte)(0x00 - (byte)velY), "(M) | Y-Velocity Down");

            //0x03DC16 - M y - speed, holding up + left(02)
            Patch.Add(0x03DC16, (byte)halfY, "(M) | Y-Velocity Up+Left");

            //0x03DC17 - M y - speed, holding down + left(FD)
            Patch.Add(0x03DC17, (byte)(0x00 - (byte)halfY), "(M) | Y-Velocity Down+Left");

            //0x03DC1A - M y - speed, holding up + right(02)
            Patch.Add(0x03DC1A, (byte)halfY, "(M) | Y-Velocity Up+Right");

            //0x03DC1B - M y - speed, holding down + right(FD)
            Patch.Add(0x03DC1B, (byte)(0x00 - (byte)halfY), "(M) | Y-Velocity Down+Right");

            //0x03DC36 - M x - speed, holding up + left(02)
            Patch.Add(0x03DC36, (byte)halfX, "(M) | X-Velocity Up+Left");

            //0x03DC37 - M x - speed, holding down + left(02)
            Patch.Add(0x03DC37, (byte)halfX, "(M) | X-Velocity Down+Left");

            //0x03DC3A - M x - speed, holding up + right(02)
            Patch.Add(0x03DC3A, (byte)halfX, "(M) | X-Velocity Up+Right");

            //0x03DC3B - M x - speed, holding down + right(02)
            Patch.Add(0x03DC3B, (byte)halfX, "(M) | X-Velocity Down+Right");
Exemple #6
        protected void ChangeFlash(Patch Patch, Random r)
            //0x03DC59 - F sound (21)
            ESoundID sound = GetRandomSound(r);

            Patch.Add(0x03DC59, (byte)sound, "(F) | Sound");

            //0x03E172 - F custom subroutine for reusable weapon
            // 75% chance to occur
            double rTestFChange = r.NextDouble();

            if (rTestFChange > 0.25)
                // 0x03E175 - New ammo-usage address.
                byte[] ammos  = new byte[] { 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08 };
                int    rIndex = r.Next(7);
                byte   ammo   = ammos[rIndex];

                // Change ammo-tick subroutine into one that resumes time
                byte[] sub = new byte[]
                    0xA5, 0xA1,         // LDA ammoFlash = #$0A
                    0xE9, ammo,         // SBC {ammo use}
                    0x85, 0xA1,         // STA ammoFlash = #$0A
                    0x5E, 0x20, 0x04,   // LSR megaXDir, X @ megaXDir = #$C0
                    0xA9, 0x00,         // LDA #$00
                    0x85, 0xAA,         // STA $00AA = #$00
                    0x85, 0x50,         // STA $0050 = #$00 ; we erased LDA #$01, but doesn't seem to hurt
                for (int i = 0; i < sub.Length; i++)
                    Patch.Add(0x03E172 + i, sub[i], "(F) | Reusable Time-Stopper Subroutine");

                // 0x03E16E and 0x03D49D is the new duration, in frames. They must both be the same value.
                int duration = 0x01;
                switch (ammo)
                case 0x02:
                    duration = r.Next(70) + 20;

                case 0x03:
                    duration = r.Next(60) + 40;

                case 0x04:
                    duration = r.Next(60) + 60;

                case 0x05:
                    duration = r.Next(60) + 80;

                case 0x06:
                    duration = r.Next(60) + 100;

                case 0x07:
                    duration = r.Next(85) + 120;

                case 0x08:
                    duration = r.Next(115) + 140;

                default: break;
                Patch.Add(0x03E16E, (byte)duration, "(F) | Freeze Duration (1)");
                Patch.Add(0x03D49D, (byte)duration, "(F) | Freeze Duration (2)");

                // Finally, a fix is needed to prevent ammo underflow
                // 0x03DC41 - WpnMove_FStart
                sub = new byte[]
                    0xA2, 0x02,         // LDX #$02
                    0xAD, 0x22, 0x04,   // LDA $0422 = #$61
                    0x30, 0x1E,         // BMI WpnMove_Done
                    0xA5, 0xA1,         // LDA ammoFlash = #$02
                    0xC9, 0x07,         // CMP #$07
                    0x90, 0x18,         // BCC WpnMove_Done
                for (int i = 0; i < sub.Length; i++)
                    Patch.Add(0x03DC41 + i, sub[i], "(F) | Reusable Time-Stopper Ammo-Underflow Fix");
                // Standard Time Stopper, but modify the tick frequency
                // Default 0x0F. For 28 ticks, that's 7 seconds. Modify to be 4-10 seconds, which is about 0x09 to 0x16
                int tickDelay = r.Next(0x13) + 9;
                Patch.Add(0x03E16E, (byte)tickDelay, "(F) | Time-Stopper Ammo Tick Delay (1)");
                Patch.Add(0x03D49D, (byte)tickDelay, "(F) | Time-Stopper Ammo Tick Delay (2)");
Exemple #7
        protected void ChangeQuick(Patch Patch, Random r)
            // Q autofire delay, default 0x0B
            //    Do from 0x05 to 0x12
            int autoFireDelay = r.Next(0x0D) + 0x05;

            Patch.Add(0x03DB54, (byte)autoFireDelay, "(Q) | Autofire Delay");

            // Q max shots, default 0x05
            //    Do from 0x03 to 0x07(2 to 6 shots)
            int maxShots = r.Next(0x04) + 0x03;

            Patch.Add(0x03DB5C, (byte)maxShots, "(Q) | Max Shots");

            // 0x03DB6F - Q sound effect
            ESoundID sound = GetRandomSound(r);

            Patch.Add(0x03DB6F, (byte)sound, "(Q) | Sound");

            // Q shots per ammo tick, default 0x08
            //    Do from 0x04 to 0x0A ?
            int magSize = r.Next(0x06) + 0x04;

            Patch.Add(0x03DB78, (byte)magSize, "(Q) | Shots Per Ammo Tick");
            AmmoUsage.Add(1d / (double)magSize);

            // Q behavior, distance, default 0x12
            //    Do from 0x0A to 0x20 ?
            int distance = r.Next(0x16) + 0x0A;

            Patch.Add(0x03DFE2, (byte)distance, "(Q) | Travel Distance");

            // Q behavior, initial angle, default 0x4B
            //    Do from 0x00 to 0x60 ?
            int angle1 = r.Next(0x60);

            Patch.Add(0x03DFEA, (byte)angle1, "(Q) | Initial Angle");

            //0x03DFF2 - Q behavior, weird, default 0x00
            //    Don't use, but change to 0x01 for dumb effect

            // Q behavior, angle, default 0x40
            //    0x40 - (GOOD)Normal
            //    0x80 - (GOOD / HARD) Disappears(doesn't return)
            //    0x00 - (GOOD)Sine wave
            //    0x03 - (GOOD)Float downwards(interesting behavior when changing other byte)
            //    0x04, 05 - Float downwards(short, not different enough from 03)
            //    0x06 - Float downwards(faster)
            int[] angle2s = new int[] { 0x40, 0x80, 0x00, 0x03 };
            int   rIndex  = r.Next(angle2s.Length);
            int   angle2  = angle2s[rIndex];

            Patch.Add(0x03DFFF, (byte)angle2, "(Q) | Secondary Angle");

            // Q behavior, time before disappearing on return, default 0x23
            //    Do from 0x1E to 0x30
            int despawnDelay = r.Next(0x12) + 0x1E;

            Patch.Add(0x03E007, (byte)despawnDelay, "(Q) | Despawn Delay");

            // Q behavior, return angle, default 0x4B
            //    Do from 0x00 to 0x90
            int angle3 = r.Next(0x90);

            Patch.Add(0x03E013, (byte)angle3, "(Q) | Return Angle");

            //0x03E01B - Q behavior, weird, default 0x00
            //    Change to 0x01 for interesting effects
Exemple #8
        protected void ChangeWood(Patch Patch, Random r)
            //0x03DEDA - W deploy time (0C)
            //    Can change from 06 to 12
            //    Note: Shield glitches on odd numbers.  Use evens only.
            int[] deployDelays = new int[] {
                0x00, 0x02, 0x04, 0x06, 0x08, 0x0A, 0x0C, 0x10, 0x14, 0x1C, 0x22
            int rIndex      = r.Next(deployDelays.Length);
            int deployDelay = deployDelays[rIndex];

            Patch.Add(0x03DEDA, (byte)deployDelay, "(W) | Deploy Delay");

            //0x03DF0D - W spin animation? (01)

            //0x03DF1B - W delay between sounds(07)
            // TODO

            //0x03DF1F - W deploy sound effect
            ESoundID sound = GetRandomSound(r);

            Patch.Add(0x03DF1F, (byte)sound, "(W) | Deploy Sound");

            //0x03DF41 - W which directions the shield is allowed to launch in (F0)
            //    Can prevent launching left / right, up / down, etc

            //0x03DF4D - W launch directions (C0)
            //    Don't use this one

            //0x03DF50 - W launch x - direction subroutine
            //    50% chance to have inverted x controls
            //    Change "LSR AND #40" (4A 29 40) to simply "AND #40" to implement
            double rTestReverseX = r.NextDouble();

            if (rTestReverseX > 0.5)
                Patch.Add(0x03DF50, 0x29, "(W) | Reverse X-Direction Code AND");
                Patch.Add(0x03DF51, 0x40, "(W) | Reverse X-Direction Code #$40");
                Patch.Add(0x03DF52, 0xEA, "(W) | Reverse X-Direction Code NOP"); // (best thing i could find to simply "skip" a line)

            //0x03DF59 - W x - speed(04) (do 0x02-0x08)
            int launchVel = r.Next(0x06) + 0x02;

            Patch.Add(0x03DF59, (byte)launchVel, "(W) | Launch X-Velocity Integer");

            //0x03DF64 - W launch y - direction(10)
            //  Change to 0x20 to reverse, 50% chance
            int    reverseY      = 0x10;
            double rTestReverseY = r.NextDouble();

            if (rTestReverseY > 0.5)
                reverseY = 0x20;
            Patch.Add(0x03DF64, (byte)reverseY, "(W) | Launch Y-Direction");

            //0x03DF72 - W ammo usage (3) (do from 1 to 3)
            int ammoUse = r.Next(0x03) + 0x01;

            Patch.Add(0x03DF72, (byte)ammoUse, "(W) | Ammo Usage");

            //0x03DF7D - W y - speed(04)
            Patch.Add(0x03DF7D, (byte)launchVel, "(W) | Launch Y-Velocity Integer");
Exemple #9
        protected void ChangeAir(Patch Patch, Random r)
            //0x03DAD6 - A num projectiles, default 0x04
            //  Values 0x02 and 0x03 work, but larger values behave strangely
            int    numProjectiles      = 0x04;
            double rTestNumProjectiles = r.NextDouble();

            if (rTestNumProjectiles > 0.80)
                numProjectiles = 0x03;
            else if (rTestNumProjectiles > 0.60)
                numProjectiles = 0x02;
            Patch.Add(0x03DAD6, (byte)numProjectiles, "(A) | Number of Projectiles");

            //0x03DADA - A projectile type, default 0x02
            //  Can use this to change behavior completely!Buggy though.

            //0x03DAE6 - A sound effect (0x3F)
            ESoundID sound = GetRandomSound(r);

            Patch.Add(0x03DAE6, (byte)sound, "(A) | Sound");

            //0x03DAEE - A ammo used(0x02)
            int ammoUse = r.Next(0x02) + 0x01;

            Patch.Add(0x03DAEE, (byte)ammoUse, "(A) | Ammo Use");

            //0x03DE6E - A projectile y-acceleration fraction(10)
            // Do 0x02 to 0x32, where values above 0x10 are less common
            int yAccFrac = r.Next(0x17) + 0x02;

            if (yAccFrac > 0x10)
                // double the addition of any acceleration value chosen above 0x10
                yAccFrac += (yAccFrac - 0x10) * 2;
            Patch.Add(0x03DE6E, (byte)yAccFrac, "(A) | Y-Acceleration (fraction)");

            //0x03DE76 - A projectile y-acceleration integer(00)
            // 15% chance to be significantly faster
            int    yAccInt = 0x00;
            double rYAcc   = r.NextDouble();

            if (rYAcc > 0.85)
                yAccInt = 0x01;
            Patch.Add(0x03DE76, (byte)yAccInt, "(A) | Y-Acceleration (integer)");

            //0x03DE7E - A x - speed fraction projectile 1(19)
            //0x03DE7F - A x - speed fraction projectile 2(99)
            //0x03DE80 - A x - speed fraction projectile 3(33)
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                int xFracSpeed = r.Next(0xFF) + 0x01;
                Patch.Add(0x03DE7E + i, (byte)xFracSpeed, String.Format("(A) | Projectile {0} X-Velocity (fraction)", i + 1));

            //0x03DE81 - A x - speed integer projectile 1(01)
            //0x03DE82 - A x - speed integer projectile 2(01)
            //0x03DE83 - A x - speed integer projectile 3(02)
            int[] xIntSpeeds = new int[] {
                0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x06
            int rIndex    = 0;
            int xIntSpeed = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                rIndex    = r.Next(xIntSpeeds.Length);
                xIntSpeed = xIntSpeeds[rIndex];
                Patch.Add(0x03DE81 + i, (byte)xIntSpeed, String.Format("(A) | Projectile {0} X-Velocity (integer)", i + 1));
Exemple #10
        protected void ChangeHeat(Patch Patch, Random r)
            //0x03DE55 - H L1 Ammo use(01)
            //0x03DE56 - H L2 Ammo use(06)
            //0x03DE57 - H L3 Ammo use(0A)
            // 90% chance for L1 to be free, else cost 1 ammo
            // L2 ammo cost = L1 ammo cost
            // L3 will cost 1-4 ammo
            double rTestL1Ammo = r.NextDouble();
            byte   L1Ammo      = (rTestL1Ammo > 0.1) ? (byte)0 : (byte)1;

            Patch.Add(0x03DE55, L1Ammo, $"(H) | Shot L1 Ammo Cost: {L1Ammo}");
            Patch.Add(0x03DE56, L1Ammo, $"(H) | Shot L2 Ammo Cost: {L1Ammo}");

            byte[] bytes = new byte[] { 0x01, 0x01, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x03, 0x03, };
            int    rInt  = r.Next(bytes.Length);

            Patch.Add(0x03DE57, bytes[rInt], $"(H) | Shot L3 Ammo Cost: {bytes[rInt]}");

            // Charge Behavior
            // 20% to have old charge behavior, 40% to skip 1 level, 40% to shoot L3 immediately
            double rTestChargeType = r.NextDouble();

            //0x03DD66 - H change these 4 bytes to 0xEA to skip L2 charge
            if (rTestChargeType < 0.8)
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    Patch.Add(0x03DD66 + i, 0xEA, $"(H) | Skip L2 Charge");
            //0x03DD62 - H after doing the previous, change these 2 bytes to 0xEA to skip charge altogether
            if (rTestChargeType < 0.4)
                Patch.Add(0x03DD62, 0xEA, $"(H) | Skip L1 Charge");
                Patch.Add(0x03DD63, 0xEA, $"(H) | Skip L1 Charge");
                //0x03DD95 - H change this from 0x0D to 0x14 to fire the charge on press instead of on release
                Patch.Add(0x03DD95, 0x14, $"(H) | Fire Shot On Press");

            // Charge delay for L2 will be between 0x10 and 0x80 frames
            //0x03DD61 - H L2 charge delay (0x7D)
            int chargeDelayL2 = r.Next(0x70) + 0x09;

            Patch.Add(0x03DD61, (byte)chargeDelayL2, "(H) | L2 Charge Delay");

            // Charge delay for L3 will L2 plus a value between 0x10 and 0x40 frames
            //0x03DD67 - H L3 charge delay(0xBB)
            int chargeDelayL3 = r.Next(0x30) + 0x09 + chargeDelayL2;

            if (rTestChargeType >= 0.8)
                Patch.Add(0x03DD67, (byte)chargeDelayL3, "(H) | L3 Charge Delay");

            //0x03DDEC - H shot sound effect(38)
            ESoundID sound = GetRandomSound(r);

            Patch.Add(0x03DDEC, (byte)sound, "(H) | Shot Sound");

            //0x03DDF1 - H x - speed (04, all levels)
            //    Do from 02 to 08
            int xVel = r.Next(0x07) + 0x02;

            Patch.Add(0x03DDF1, (byte)xVel, "(H) | X-Velocity");

            //0x03DE45 - H charge sound 1(35) Unused
            //0x03DE46 - H charge sound 2(35)
            sound = GetRandomSound(r);
            Patch.Add(0x03DE46, (byte)sound, "(H) | L1 Sound");

            //0x03DE47 - H charge sound 3(36)
            sound = GetRandomSound(r);
            Patch.Add(0x03DE47, (byte)sound, "(H) | L2 Sound");

            //0x03DE48 - H charge sound 4(37)
            sound = GetRandomSound(r);
            Patch.Add(0x03DE48, (byte)sound, "(H) | L3 Sound");