// Function loads the currently Highlighted song and starts the game
        private void StartPlayingWithCurrentlyHightlightedSong()
            FileInfo cMidiFileInfo;

            // Use the Highlighted Song as the Song to Use
            switch (meHighlightedMusic)
            case EMusic.Simple:
                // Set the Music to Play
                mcCurrentMusic = mcSIMPLE_MUSIC;

                // Store the Path of the Music to play
                cMidiFileInfo = new FileInfo("../../Data/Music/Simple.mid");

            case EMusic.DansMario:
                // Set the Music to Play
                mcCurrentMusic = mcDANS_MARIO_MUSIC;

                // Store the Path of the Music to play
                cMidiFileInfo = new FileInfo("../../Data/Music/DansMario.mid");

            case EMusic.Mario:
                // Set the Music to Play
                mcCurrentMusic = mcMARIO_MUSIC;

                // Store the Path of the Music to play
                cMidiFileInfo = new FileInfo("../../Data/Music/Mario.mid");

            // Reset the Players Score to zero
            miScore = 0;

            // Start Playing the Music
            mcWindowsMediaPlayer.URL = cMidiFileInfo.FullName;

            // Start Playing the Game
            meShootingGalleryState = EShootingGalleryGameStates.Play;
        // Reset class variables to their default values
        public void Reset()
            // Record that we are playing Pong
            meGame = EGames.ShootingGallery;

            // Set the games initial State
            meShootingGalleryState = EShootingGalleryGameStates.ChoosingSong;

            // Set the default Music to use
            meHighlightedMusic = EMusic.Mario;
            mcCurrentMusic     = mcMARIO_MUSIC;

            // Stop any Music that might be playing

            // Reset the duration the Song has been done playing for
            mfSecondsSongHasBeenCompleteFor = 0.0f;

            // Create the Target List
            mcTargetList = new List <CTarget>();
        // Handle key presses
        public override EGames KeyDown(KeyEventArgs e)
            // If the Pause button is pressed
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Space)
                // If we are currently Playing the Game
                if (meShootingGalleryState == EShootingGalleryGameStates.Play)
                    // Pause the music

                    // Pause the Game
                    meShootingGalleryState = EShootingGalleryGameStates.Pause;
                // Else if the Game is currently Paused
                else if (meShootingGalleryState == EShootingGalleryGameStates.Pause)
                    // Start the music

                    // Play the Game
                    meShootingGalleryState = EShootingGalleryGameStates.Play;
                // Don't Pause if currently choosing a Song

            // If we are Choosing a Song
            if (meShootingGalleryState == EShootingGalleryGameStates.ChoosingSong)
                // If the Player wants to play with the Highlighted Song
                if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter || e.KeyCode == Keys.Space)

            // If the Player wants to change the Highlighted Song
            // If Up was pressed
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Up)
                // Highlight the Previous song

                // Wrap around
                if (meHighlightedMusic < 0)
                    meHighlightedMusic = EMusic.DansMario;
            // Else if Down was pressed
            else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Down)
                // Highlight the Next song

                // Wrap around
                if (meHighlightedMusic > EMusic.DansMario)
                    meHighlightedMusic = 0;

            // If the Restart button is pressed
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.R)
                // Return to Choosing a Song
