Exemple #1
        public void PlayerLosesTheRoundAfterExceedingTwentyOne()
            while (_blackjackGameRound.PlayersSumOfCards[EPlayers.Player1] < 21)
                _blackjackGameRound.PlayerCall(EPlayers.Player1, ERoundCalls.Hit);

            int          playerOneSumOfCards  = _blackjackGameRound.PlayersSumOfCards[EPlayers.Player1];
            ERoundResult playerOneRoundResult = _blackjackGameRound.PlayerResults[EPlayers.Player1];

            if (playerOneSumOfCards <= 21)
                string errorMessage = $"Player one is excepted to have a card collection where the sum of card values exceed 21! Actual sum of player one's cards is: {playerOneSumOfCards}";

            if (playerOneRoundResult != ERoundResult.DealerWins)
                string errorMessage = $"Player one is excepted to have the round result {ERoundResult.DealerWins}! Actual round result of player one is: {playerOneRoundResult}";
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Add the player result of the game round
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="roundNumber">Identifier of the round in the game</param>
        /// <param name="roundResult">Result of the round for the player</param>
        public void AddRoundResult(int roundNumber, ERoundResult roundResult)
            if (_roundResults.ContainsKey(roundNumber))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Round result has been already entered for the same round number! It is not allowed to use the same round number identifier for different rounds!");

            _roundResults.Add(roundNumber, roundResult);