Exemple #1
 public void Rotate(Coordinates coordinates, EFace lookingFace, ERotateDirection rotateDirection, float rotationTime)
     //start rotation (can NOT skip)
     Rotate(new RotationStruct(new Coordinates[1] {
     }, lookingFace, rotateDirection, rotationTime, false));
Exemple #2
    IEnumerator RandomizeWorld()
        //wait before randomize
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(world.randomWorldConfig.TimeBeforeRandomize));

        //for n times, rotate row or column
        for (int i = 0; i < world.randomWorldConfig.RandomizeTimes; i++)
            //randomize rotation
            EFace            face            = (EFace)Random.Range(0, 6);
            int              x               = Random.Range(0, world.worldConfig.NumberCells);
            int              y               = Random.Range(0, world.worldConfig.NumberCells);
            ERotateDirection randomDirection = (ERotateDirection)Random.Range(0, 4);

            //effective rotation
            Rotate(new Coordinates(face, x, y), EFace.front, randomDirection, world.randomWorldConfig.RotationTime);

            //wait until the end of the rotation
            yield return(new WaitWhile(() => waitRotation));

            //if not last rotation, wait time between every rotation
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(world.randomWorldConfig.TimeBetweenRotation));

            if (world.randomWorldConfig.Loop)
                i = 0;

        //call start game
Exemple #3
 public RotationStruct(Coordinates[] coordinates, EFace lookingFace, ERotateDirection rotateDirection, float rotationTime, bool canSkipAnimation)
     this.coordinates      = coordinates;
     this.lookingFace      = lookingFace;
     this.rotateDirection  = rotateDirection;
     this.rotationTime     = rotationTime;
     this.canSkipAnimation = canSkipAnimation;
Exemple #4
    public void PlayerRotate(Coordinates[] coordinates, EFace lookingFace, ERotateDirection rotateDirection, float rotationTime)
        //do nothing if is running a rotation not skippable (enemy rotation)
        if (rotatingWorld_Coroutine != null && rotationsToDo.Peek().canSkipAnimation == false)

        //else start rotation (can skip)
        Rotate(new RotationStruct(coordinates, lookingFace, rotateDirection, rotationTime, true));
Exemple #5
    /// <summary>
    /// Enemy rotate cube
    /// </summary>
    public void RotateByEnemy(int numberRotations, float rotationTime)
        //for n times, rotate row or column
        for (int i = 0; i < numberRotations; i++)
            //randomize rotation
            EFace            face            = (EFace)Random.Range(0, 6);
            int              x               = Random.Range(0, worldConfig.NumberCells);
            int              y               = Random.Range(0, worldConfig.NumberCells);
            ERotateDirection randomDirection = (ERotateDirection)Random.Range(0, 4);

            //effective rotation
            worldRotator.Rotate(new Coordinates(face, x, y), EFace.front, randomDirection, rotationTime);
    List <Coordinates> RotateMoreCells(ERotateDirection rotateDirection)
        int   selectorSize = GameManager.instance.levelManager.levelConfig.SelectorSize;
        EFace lookingFace  = WorldUtility.LateralFace(transform);

        //check if get cells on x or y
        bool useX = rotateDirection == ERotateDirection.up || rotateDirection == ERotateDirection.down;

        //if rotating up or down face, when looking from right or left, inverse useX
        if (coordinates.face == EFace.up || coordinates.face == EFace.down)
            if (lookingFace == EFace.right || lookingFace == EFace.left)
                useX = !useX;

        int value = useX ? coordinates.x : coordinates.y;

        //check if there are enough cells to the right (useX) or up (!useX)
        bool increase = value + selectorSize - 1 < GameManager.instance.world.worldConfig.NumberCells;

        //min (next after our cell) and max (until selector size)
        //or min (from selector cell) and max (next after our cell)
        int min = increase ? value + 1 : value - (selectorSize - 1);
        int max = increase ? value + selectorSize : value;

        //increase or decrease
        List <Coordinates> coordinatesToRotate = new List <Coordinates>();

        for (int i = min; i < max; i++)
            //get coordinates using x or y
            Coordinates coords = useX ? new Coordinates(coordinates.face, i, coordinates.y) : new Coordinates(coordinates.face, coordinates.x, i);

            //if there is a cell, add it
            if (GameManager.instance.world.Cells.ContainsKey(coords))

 void DoRotation(ERotateDirection rotateDirection)
     //do for number of rotations
     for (int i = 0; i < GameManager.instance.levelManager.levelConfig.NumberRotations; i++)
         //if selector is greater, rotate more cells
         if (GameManager.instance.levelManager.levelConfig.SelectorSize > 1)
             List <Coordinates> coordinatesToRotate = RotateMoreCells(rotateDirection);  //get list of coordinates to rotate
             coordinatesToRotate.Add(coordinates);                                       //add our coordinates
             GameManager.instance.world.PlayerRotate(coordinatesToRotate.ToArray(), WorldUtility.LateralFace(transform), rotateDirection, GameManager.instance.world.worldConfig.RotationTime);
         //else rotate only this cell
             GameManager.instance.world.PlayerRotate(coordinates, WorldUtility.LateralFace(transform), rotateDirection, GameManager.instance.world.worldConfig.RotationTime);
 private RotateCommand(ERotateDirection p_rotation) : base(ECommandTypes.ROTATE)
     m_rotation = p_rotation;
Exemple #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Rotate the cube
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="coordinates">coordinates to rotate</param>
 /// <param name="lookingFace">rotation of the camera</param>
 /// <param name="rotateDirection">row (right, left) or column (up, down)</param>
 public void PlayerRotate(Coordinates[] coordinates, EFace lookingFace, ERotateDirection rotateDirection, float rotationTime)
     worldRotator.PlayerRotate(coordinates, lookingFace, rotateDirection, rotationTime);
 void DoSelectionCell(ERotateDirection direction)
     //update coordinates
     coordinates = WorldUtility.SelectCell(WorldUtility.SelectFace(transform), coordinates.x, coordinates.y, WorldUtility.LateralFace(transform), direction);
    /// <summary>
    /// Select new cell
    /// </summary>
    public static Coordinates SelectCell(EFace startFace, int x, int y, EFace lookingFace, ERotateDirection rotateDirection)
        Coordinates selectedCell = new Coordinates(startFace, x, y);

        //select right left
        if (rotateDirection == ERotateDirection.right || rotateDirection == ERotateDirection.left)
            bool forward = rotateDirection == ERotateDirection.right;

            if (startFace == EFace.up || startFace == EFace.down)
                //if face up or face down, the inputs are differents based on the rotation of the camera
                switch (lookingFace)
                case EFace.front:
                    selectedCell.x = SelectIndex(x, forward, GameManager.instance.world.worldConfig.NumberCells);

                case EFace.right:
                    if (startFace == EFace.up)
                        selectedCell.y = SelectIndex(y, forward, GameManager.instance.world.worldConfig.NumberCells);
                        selectedCell.y = SelectIndex(y, !forward, GameManager.instance.world.worldConfig.NumberCells);

                case EFace.back:
                    selectedCell.x = SelectIndex(x, !forward, GameManager.instance.world.worldConfig.NumberCells);

                case EFace.left:
                    if (startFace == EFace.up)
                        selectedCell.y = SelectIndex(y, !forward, GameManager.instance.world.worldConfig.NumberCells);
                        selectedCell.y = SelectIndex(y, forward, GameManager.instance.world.worldConfig.NumberCells);
                //else just select row lateral faces
                selectedCell.x = SelectIndex(x, forward, GameManager.instance.world.worldConfig.NumberCells);
        //select up down
            bool forward = rotateDirection == ERotateDirection.up;

            //if face up or face down, the inputs are differents based on the rotation of the camera
            if (startFace == EFace.up || startFace == EFace.down)
                switch (lookingFace)
                case EFace.front:
                    selectedCell.y = SelectIndex(y, forward, GameManager.instance.world.worldConfig.NumberCells);

                case EFace.right:
                    if (startFace == EFace.up)
                        selectedCell.x = SelectIndex(x, !forward, GameManager.instance.world.worldConfig.NumberCells);
                        selectedCell.x = SelectIndex(x, forward, GameManager.instance.world.worldConfig.NumberCells);

                case EFace.back:
                    selectedCell.y = SelectIndex(y, !forward, GameManager.instance.world.worldConfig.NumberCells);

                case EFace.left:
                    if (startFace == EFace.up)
                        selectedCell.x = SelectIndex(x, forward, GameManager.instance.world.worldConfig.NumberCells);
                        selectedCell.x = SelectIndex(x, !forward, GameManager.instance.world.worldConfig.NumberCells);
                //else just select column
                selectedCell.y = SelectIndex(y, forward, GameManager.instance.world.worldConfig.NumberCells);
