public PackNode Insert(Image img)
            if (!this.IsLeaf)             //we're not a leaf so try inserting into a child
                PackNode newNode = _children[0].Insert(img);
                if (newNode != null)
                // no room in first, insert into second
            //if there's already a lightmap here, return
            if (_imgId >= 0)

            //if we're too small, return
            if (_rct.Width + 1 < img.Size.Width || _rct.Height + 1 < img.Size.Height)

            //if we're just right, accept
            if (_rct.Width + 1 == img.Size.Width && _rct.Height + 1 == img.Size.Height)

            //otherwise, gotta split this node and create some kids
            _children    = new PackNode[2];
            _children[0] = new PackNode();
            _children[1] = new PackNode();

            //decide which way to split
            int dw = this._rct.Width - img.Width;
            int dh = this._rct.Height - img.Height;

            if (dw > dh)
                _children[0]._rct = ERectangle.FromLTRB(_rct.Left, _rct.Top, _rct.Left + img.Width - 1, _rct.Bottom);
                _children[1]._rct = ERectangle.FromLTRB(_rct.Left + img.Width, _rct.Top, _rct.Right, _rct.Bottom);
                _children[0]._rct = ERectangle.FromLTRB(_rct.Left, _rct.Top, _rct.Right, _rct.Top + img.Height - 1);
                _children[1]._rct = ERectangle.FromLTRB(_rct.Left, _rct.Top + img.Height, _rct.Right, _rct.Bottom);

            //insert into first child we created
Exemple #2
        public static void SplitImage(Document psd, int layerIndex, string outputFilePrefix)
            ImageResources.GridGuidesInfo guidesInfo = (ImageResources.GridGuidesInfo)psd.GetResource(typeof(ImageResources.GridGuidesInfo));

            List <int> vertical = new List <int>();
            List <ImageResources.GridGuidesInfo.GridGuide> guides = guidesInfo.GetGuidesByAlignment(false);

            foreach (ImageResources.GridGuidesInfo.GridGuide gg in guides)

            List <int> horizontal = new List <int>();

            guides = guidesInfo.GetGuidesByAlignment(true);
            foreach (ImageResources.GridGuidesInfo.GridGuide gg in guides)

            Bitmap bmp   = psd.Layers[layerIndex].Bitmap;
            int    lastX = 0;
            int    cnt   = 0;

            foreach (int x in horizontal)
                int lastY = 0;
                foreach (int y in vertical)
                    ERectangle rct    = ERectangle.FromLTRB(lastX, lastY, x, y);
                    Bitmap     bmpNew = new Bitmap(rct.Width, rct.Height, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
                    Graphics   g      = Graphics.FromImage(bmpNew);
                    g.DrawImage(bmp, new Rectangle(0, 0, rct.Width, rct.Height), rct.ToRectangle(), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

                    //TODO: examine bitmap and see if it can be reduced (e.g. middle parts are probably the same)

                    Endogine.BitmapHelpers.BitmapHelper.Save(bmpNew, outputFilePrefix + "_slice" + cnt + ".png");
                    lastY = y;
                lastX = x;
Exemple #3
        public Smoke()
            this.MouseActive   = true;
            this.TextureFilter = Sprite.TextureFilters.High;
            this.Scaling       = new EPointF(5, 5);
            this.Ink           = RasterOps.ROPs.AddPin;

            this.Create(100, 100);

            lwidth  = this.Width / res;
            lheight = this.Height / res;

            v = new vsquare[lwidth + 1][];
            for (int i = 0; i < v.Length; i++)
                v[i] = new vsquare[lheight + 1];

            vbuf = new vbuffer[lwidth + 1][];
            for (int i = 0; i < vbuf.Length; i++)
                vbuf[i] = new vbuffer[lheight + 1];

            p = new particle[pnum];

            CurrentColor = Color.FromArgb(2, 255, 0, 0);

            ERectangle emitter = ERectangle.FromLTRB(this.Width / 2 - 20, this.Height - 20, this.Width / 2 + 20, this.Height);

            for (int i = 0; i < pnum; i++)
                p[i] = new particle(emitter, this);
            for (int i = 0; i <= lwidth; i++)
                for (int u = 0; u <= lheight; u++)
                    v[i][u]    = new vsquare(i * res, u * res, this);
                    vbuf[i][u] = new vbuffer(i * res, u * res, this);

            RandomGust = new Gust();
Exemple #4
        public static unsafe Bitmap TrimWhitespace(Bitmap bmp, out EPoint topLeftCorner)
            //TODO: name should be TrimAlpha
            int    nThreshold = 0;
            Canvas canvas     = Canvas.Create(bmp);

            canvas.Locked = true;

            ERectangle rctBounds = ERectangle.FromLTRB(0, 0, canvas.Width, canvas.Height);

            for (int side = 0; side < 2; side++)
                int yDir = 1;
                int yUse = 0;
                if (side == 1)
                    yDir = -1;
                    yUse = canvas.Height - 2;

                bool bFound = false;
                for (int y = 0; y < canvas.Height; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < canvas.Width; x++)
                        if (canvas.GetPixel(x, yUse).A > nThreshold)
                            if (side == 0)
                                rctBounds.Top = yUse;
                                rctBounds.Bottom = yUse;

                            bFound = true;
                    if (bFound)
                    yUse += yDir;

            for (int side = 0; side < 2; side++)
                int xDir = 1;
                int xUse = 0;
                if (side == 1)
                    xDir = -1;
                    xUse = canvas.Width - 1;

                bool bFound = false;
                for (int x = 0; x < canvas.Width; x++)
                    xUse += xDir;
                    for (int y = 0; y < canvas.Height; y++)
                        if (canvas.GetPixel(xUse, y).A > nThreshold)
                            if (side == 0)
                                rctBounds.Left = xUse;
                                rctBounds.Right = xUse;

                            bFound = true;
                    if (bFound)

            canvas.Locked = false;

            if (rctBounds.Width == 0 || rctBounds.Height == 0)
                topLeftCorner = new EPoint();

            Bitmap   trimmedBmp = new Bitmap(rctBounds.Width, rctBounds.Height);
            Graphics g          = Graphics.FromImage(trimmedBmp);

            g.DrawImage(bmp, new Rectangle(0, 0, rctBounds.Width, rctBounds.Height),
                        rctBounds.X, rctBounds.Y, rctBounds.Width, rctBounds.Height,

            topLeftCorner = new EPoint(rctBounds.X, rctBounds.Y);

Exemple #5
        public static Bitmap RenderToBitmap(int nTwipSize, ArrayList commandList, ArrayList fillStyles, ArrayList lineStyles, out EPoint ptOffset)
            EPoint pntCurrentLoc = new EPoint();

            ArrayList pathInfos       = new ArrayList();
            PathInfo  pathInfoCurrent = new PathInfo();


            bool hasDrawnSinceLastStyleChange = false;

            EPointF ptScale = new EPointF(1, 1) / nTwipSize;

            string sDebug = "";

            foreach (ShapeCommand.Base cmd in commandList)
                if (cmd.MovesTurtle)
                    if (cmd.Draws)
                        ((ShapeCommand.Draw)cmd).AddToPath(pathInfoCurrent.Path, pntCurrentLoc, ptScale.X);
                        if (Shape.Debug)
                            ArrayList pts = ((ShapeCommand.Draw)cmd).GeneratePoints(pntCurrentLoc);
                            if (cmd is ShapeCommand.Curve)
                                sDebug += "Curve";
                                sDebug += "Line";
                            sDebug += "\r\n";

                            foreach (EPointF pt in pts)
                                sDebug += pt.ToString() + "\r\n";
                        hasDrawnSinceLastStyleChange = true;
                    pntCurrentLoc = cmd.GetNewLoc(pntCurrentLoc);
                    if (hasDrawnSinceLastStyleChange)
                        pathInfoCurrent = new PathInfo();

                    if (cmd is ShapeCommand.FillStyle)
                        ShapeCommand.FillStyle fs = (ShapeCommand.FillStyle)cmd;
                        Brush brush = null;
                        if (fs.StyleId > 0)
                            brush = ((Style.FillStyle)fillStyles[fs.StyleId - 1]).GetBrush();
                        if (fs.Side == 0)
                            pathInfoCurrent.Brush0 = brush;
                            pathInfoCurrent.Brush1 = brush;
                    else if (cmd is ShapeCommand.LineStyle)
                        ShapeCommand.LineStyle ls = (ShapeCommand.LineStyle)cmd;
                        Pen pen = null;
                        if (ls.StyleId > 0)
                            pen = ((Style.LineStyle)lineStyles[ls.StyleId - 1]).GetPen();
                        pathInfoCurrent.Pen = pen;

                        if (pen != null)
                            pen.Width *= ptScale.X;

                    hasDrawnSinceLastStyleChange = false;

            Matrix transform = new Matrix();

            transform.Scale(ptScale.X, ptScale.Y);

            ERectangle bounds = ERectangle.FromLTRB(99999, 99999, -99999, -99999);

            foreach (PathInfo pathInfo in pathInfos)
            ptOffset = bounds.TopLeft;

            if (bounds.Width == 0 || bounds.Height == 0)
            //this.Bounds = bounds;

            if (Shape.Debug)
                Endogine.Files.FileReadWrite.Write("__s.txt", sDebug);

            transform = new Matrix();
            transform.Translate(-bounds.X, -bounds.Y);
            foreach (PathInfo pathInfo in pathInfos)

            Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(bounds.Width, bounds.Height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);

            Endogine.BitmapHelpers.Canvas canvas = Endogine.BitmapHelpers.Canvas.Create(bmp);
            canvas.Locked = true;
            canvas.Fill(Color.FromArgb(0, 255, 255, 255));
            Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);

            g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
            foreach (PathInfo pathInfo in pathInfos)
                if (pathInfo.Pen != null)
                    g.DrawPath(pathInfo.Pen, pathInfo.Path);
                if (pathInfo.Brush0 != null)
                    g.FillPath(pathInfo.Brush0, pathInfo.Path);
                if (pathInfo.Brush1 != null)               //TODO: can GDI+ handle Flash's two different fills (0 and 1)?
                    g.FillPath(pathInfo.Brush1, pathInfo.Path);

        public static Bitmap PackBitmapsIntoOneLarge(ArrayList bmps, EPoint pntPreferredLayout, out Node infoRoot)
            //If no specification of number of tiles on X and Y, make a guess:
            if (pntPreferredLayout == null)
                int nNumOnX = (int)Math.Sqrt(bmps.Count);
                if (nNumOnX * nNumOnX < bmps.Count)
                int nNumOnY = bmps.Count / nNumOnX;
                if (nNumOnX * nNumOnY < bmps.Count)

                pntPreferredLayout = new EPoint(nNumOnX, nNumOnY);

            bool bTrimWhiteSpace = true;

            //when packing the bitmap tightly, must store the offsets of bitmap frames so they don't wiggle on playback:
            bool bUseIndividualOffsets = true;

            infoRoot = new Node();
            Node node = infoRoot.AppendChild("root");

            node.AppendChild("NumFramesTotal").Value = bmps.Count;
            node.AppendChild("NumFramesOnX").Value   = pntPreferredLayout.X;

            Node subNode;

            subNode = node.AppendChild("Animations");
            //subNode.AppendChild("Default").Value = "0 0-4";

            EPoint[] offsets = new EPoint[bmps.Count];

            //this is the smallest rectangle that can encompass all frames:
            ERectangle rctBounds = ERectangle.FromLTRB(9999, 9999, -9999, -9999);

            //Trim white space from all bitmaps
            subNode = node.AppendChild("Frames");
            for (int i = 0; i < bmps.Count; i++)
                Bitmap bmp = (Bitmap)bmps[i];

                if (bTrimWhiteSpace)
                    EPoint pntMid = new EPoint(bmp.Size.Width, bmp.Size.Height) / 2;
                    EPoint pntTopLeftCorner;
                    bmp     = BitmapHelper.TrimWhitespace(bmp, out pntTopLeftCorner);
                    bmps[i] = bmp;

                    offsets[i] = pntTopLeftCorner;

                    if (bUseIndividualOffsets)                     //make more compact (but offset values are needed):
                        rctBounds.Expand(new ERectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height));
                        //make offset to middle of input bitmap
                        offsets[i] = pntMid - pntTopLeftCorner;
                    else                     //Expand bounds so no offset values are needed:
                        rctBounds.Expand(new ERectangle(pntTopLeftCorner.X, pntTopLeftCorner.Y, bmp.Width, bmp.Height));
                    rctBounds.Expand(new ERectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height));

            //Create the merged bitmap:
            EPoint   totalSize = rctBounds.Size * pntPreferredLayout;
            Bitmap   largeBmp  = new Bitmap(totalSize.X, totalSize.Y);
            Graphics g         = Graphics.FromImage(largeBmp);

            for (int i = 0; i < bmps.Count; i++)
                Bitmap bmp    = (Bitmap)bmps[i];
                EPoint pntDst = new EPoint((i % pntPreferredLayout.X) * rctBounds.Size.X, (i / pntPreferredLayout.X) * rctBounds.Size.Y);

                Node subsub = subNode.AppendChild("Frame");
                subsub.Value = i.ToString();

                if (bUseIndividualOffsets)
                    //subsub.AppendChild("Offset").Value = (offsets[i]+rctBounds.TopLeft).ToString();
                    subsub.AppendChild("Offset").Value = offsets[i].ToString();
                    //pntDst is upper left corner of destination rectangle.
                    //Since we don't use individual offset, we want to move it according to offset:
                    pntDst = pntDst - rctBounds.TopLeft + offsets[i];
                g.DrawImage(bmp, new RectangleF(pntDst.ToPoint(), new Size(bmp.Width, bmp.Height)));

            if (bUseIndividualOffsets)
                node.AppendChild("RegPoint").Value = new EPoint().ToString();
                node.AppendChild("RegPoint").Value = rctBounds.TopLeft.ToString();

Exemple #7
        private void CalcSourceRects()
            MemberSpriteBitmap mb = this.Member;

            this._cuttingRectPixels = ERectangle.FromLTRB(
                (int)(this._cuttingRectFract.Left * mb.Size.X),
                (int)(this._cuttingRectFract.Top * mb.Size.Y),
                (int)(this._cuttingRectFract.Right * mb.Size.X),
                (int)(this._cuttingRectFract.Bottom * mb.Size.Y));

            if (this._cuttingRectFract.Width > 0.001f && this._cuttingRectPixels.Width == 0)
            if (this._cuttingRectFract.Height > 0.001f && this._cuttingRectPixels.Height == 0)

            ERectangleF[,] rects = this.CreateRectanglesFromCuttingRect(this._cuttingRectPixels.ToERectangleF(), this.Member.Size.ToEPointF());
            this._midSection     = rects[1, 1].ToERectangle();

            for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++)
                    ERectangleF rct = rects[x, y];
                    if (rct.Width == 0 || rct.Height == 0)
                        if (this._spriteArray[x, y] != null)
                            this._spriteArray[x, y].Dispose();
                            this._spriteArray[x, y] = null;
                        Sprite sp = this._spriteArray[x, y];
                        if (sp == null)
                            sp        = new Sprite();
                            sp.Parent = this;
                            sp.Name   = x.ToString() + ";" + y.ToString();
                            this._spriteArray[x, y] = sp;
                        sp.Member     = this.Member;
                        sp.SourceRect = rct.ToERectangle();
                        sp.RegPoint   = sp.SourceRect.Location;

            for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++)
                    if (this._spriteArray[x, y] != null)
                        this.m_aSprites.Add(this._spriteArray[x, y]);