Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// The value of pre-cascade property has changed
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Stage"></param>
        /// <param name="Property"></param>
        private void Property_onChanged(EPropertyStage Stage, ICssProperty Property)
            SetProperties.SetFlag(Property.CssName.Value, Property.HasValue);

            /*if (!Property.HasValue) SetProperties.Remove(Property.CssName);
             * else SetProperties.Add(Property.CssName);*/

            if (Property.CssName is null)
                throw new Exception($"Cannot fire onChange events for unnamed property! (Name: {Property.CssName}");
            StyleDefinition def = CssDefinitions.StyleDefinitions[Property.CssName];

            if (def is null)
                throw new Exception($"Cannot find a definition for Css property: \"{Property.CssName}\"");

            EPropertyDirtFlags Flags = def.Flags;
            StackTrace         Stack = null;

            //stack = new StackTrace(STACK_FRAME_OFFSET, true);
            Property_Changed?.Invoke(Stage, Property, Flags, Stack);
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new CSS property definition
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Name">CSS property name</param>
        /// <param name="Inherited">Do child elements inherit this value if they are unset?</param>
        /// <param name="Flags">Indicates what aspects of an element this property affects</param>
        /// <param name="Initial">Default value for the property</param>
        /// <param name="Keywords">List of keywords which can be assigned to this property</param>
        /// <param name="IsPrivate">If TRUE then this property cannot be set from style-sheets</param>
        public StyleDefinition(AtomicName <ECssPropertyID> Name, bool Inherited, EPropertyDirtFlags Flags, CssValue Initial, ECssValueTypes AllowedTypes = 0x0, string[] Keywords = null, bool IsPrivate = false, CssPercentageResolver Percentage_Resolver = null, params Tuple <EPropertyStage, PropertyResolverFunc>[] Resolvers)
            this.Name                = Name;
            this.Flags               = Flags;
            this.IsPrivate           = IsPrivate;
            this.Inherited           = Inherited;
            this.Initial             = Initial;
            this.Percentage_Resolver = Percentage_Resolver;

            if (Keywords is null)
                keywordWhitelist = Array.Empty <string>();
                keywordWhitelist = Keywords.ToArray();

            // Append the specified allowed types to our defaults
            this.AllowedTypes |= AllowedTypes;

            // Setup our resolver index
            foreach (var o in Resolvers)
                propertyStageResolver[(int)o.Item1] = o.Item2;
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// A post-cascade property has changed assigned values
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Property"></param>
        /// <param name="Flags"></param>
        /// <param name="Stack"></param>
        private void Handle_Cascaded_Property_Change(EPropertyStage Stage, ICssProperty Property, EPropertyDirtFlags Flags, StackTrace Stack)
            bool IsFlow   = (Flags & EPropertyDirtFlags.Flow) != 0;// Layout
            bool IsBlock  = (Flags & EPropertyDirtFlags.Box) != 0;
            bool IsVisual = (Flags & EPropertyDirtFlags.Visual) != 0;
            bool IsFont   = (Flags & EPropertyDirtFlags.Text) != 0;

            // If the value that changed was a specified one and it affects the block then we need to update our block
            if (IsBlock && Stage >= EPropertyStage.Specified)
                // Flag us dirty so we can resolve next time its called
                // Notify our parent by flagging them aswell
                // Owner.Box.Flag(EBoxInvalidationReason.Property_Changed);
                // Owner.Box.FlagProperty(Flags);

            // Update our dirt flags appropriately
            if (IsFlow || IsVisual)
            if (IsFont)

            //Logging.Log.Info("[Property Changed]: {0}", Prop.FieldName);
            onProperty_Change?.Invoke(Property, Flags, Stack);
Exemple #4
 /// <summary>
 /// A state-specific property changed, we need to resolve this single property
 /// </summary>
 private void Handle_Declared_Property_Change(EPropertyStage Stage, ICssProperty Property, EPropertyDirtFlags Flags, StackTrace Origin)
     /* XXX:
      * To be honest cascading here doesnt make sense
      * if a declared property changes that wont always change the value of our cascaded property.
      * We should check if this property IS the cascaded property and if so then just update that single property!