public ResponseBag <int> Create(EPatrimonio entity) { // Apply the validations rules to entity. var validations = _validationInsertFactory.Create(); foreach (var validation in validations) { var result = validation.Validate(entity); if (!result.IsValid) { return(new ResponseBag <int> { Ok = false, Message = string.Join(", ", result.Errors) }); } } // Apply the business rules. var rules = _bizRulesInsertFactory.Create(); foreach (var rule in rules) { rule.Apply(entity); } // Save the patrimônio in database. var affectedRows = _repository.Create(entity); return(new ResponseBag <int> { Ok = true, ObjectResponse = affectedRows }); }
public int Create(EPatrimonio entity) { using (var command = _connection.CreateCommand()) { command.CommandText = ProceduresConstants.Prc_Patrimonio_Insert; command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; AddParameter(command, "@Nome", entity.Nome, ParameterDirection.Input); AddParameter(command, "@MarcaId", entity.Marca.MarcaId, ParameterDirection.Input); AddParameter(command, "@Descricao", entity.Descricao, ParameterDirection.Input); AddParameter(command, "@NumTombo", entity.NumTombo, ParameterDirection.Input); var paramPatrimonioId = AddParameter(command, "@PatrimonioId", entity.PatrimonioId, ParameterDirection.Output); try { _connection.Open(); var affectedRows = command.ExecuteNonQuery(); entity.PatrimonioId = Convert.ToInt64(paramPatrimonioId.Value); return(affectedRows); } finally { _connection.Close(); } } }
public IActionResult Create([FromBody] EPatrimonio entity) { if (entity == null) { entity = new EPatrimonio(); } var response = _service.Create(entity); if (!response.Ok) { return(BadRequest(new { Message = response.Message })); } return(CreatedAtRoute("GetPatrimonioById", new { Id = entity.PatrimonioId }, entity)); }
public IActionResult Update([FromRoute] long id, [FromBody] EPatrimonio entity) { if (entity == null) { entity = new EPatrimonio(); } entity.PatrimonioId = id; var response = _service.Update(entity); if (!response.Ok) { return(BadRequest(new { Message = response.Message })); } if (response.ObjectResponse == 0) { return(NotFound()); } return(Accepted()); }
public int Update(EPatrimonio entity) { using (var command = _connection.CreateCommand()) { command.CommandText = ProceduresConstants.Prc_Patrimonio_Update; command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; AddParameter(command, "@PatrimonioId", entity.PatrimonioId, ParameterDirection.Input); AddParameter(command, "@Nome", entity.Nome, ParameterDirection.Input); AddParameter(command, "@MarcaId", entity.Marca.MarcaId, ParameterDirection.Input); AddParameter(command, "@Descricao", entity.Descricao, ParameterDirection.Input); try { _connection.Open(); return(command.ExecuteNonQuery()); } finally { _connection.Close(); } } }