Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Handler for the TALK_OPEN packet (sent in response to party messages)
        /// </summary>
        public static void TalkOpen(Packet pkt)
            short  from    = pkt.GetShort();
            string message = EOChatRenderer.Filter(pkt.GetBreakString(), false);

            if (message != null)
                World.Instance.ActiveMapRenderer.RenderChatMessage(TalkType.Party, from, message);                 //TODO: check that the icons/color don't need to be changed
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Handler for the TALK_REQUEST packet (sent in response to guild messages)
        /// </summary>
        public static void TalkRequest(Packet pkt)
            string from = pkt.GetBreakString();

            from = from.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + from.Substring(1).ToLower();
            string message = EOChatRenderer.Filter(pkt.GetBreakString(), false);

            if (message != null)
                EOGame.Instance.Hud.AddChat(ChatTabs.Group, from, message);                 //TODO: check that the icons/color don't need to be changed
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Handler for the TALK_MESSAGE packet (sent in response to global messages)
        /// </summary>
        public static void TalkMessage(Packet pkt)
            string from = pkt.GetBreakString();

            from = from.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + from.Substring(1).ToLower();
            string message = EOChatRenderer.Filter(pkt.GetBreakString(), false);

            if (message != null)
                EOGame.Instance.Hud.AddChat(ChatTabs.Global, from, message, ChatType.GlobalAnnounce);
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Handler for the TALK_TELL packet (sent in response to PM messages)
        /// </summary>
        public static void TalkTell(Packet pkt)
            string from = pkt.GetBreakString();

            from = from.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + from.Substring(1).ToLower();
            string message = EOChatRenderer.Filter(pkt.GetBreakString(), false);

            if (message != null)
                EOGame.Instance.Hud.AddChat(ChatTabs.Local, from, message, ChatType.Note, ChatColor.PM);
                ChatTabs tab = EOGame.Instance.Hud.GetPrivateChatTab(from);
                if (tab != ChatTabs.None)
                    EOGame.Instance.Hud.AddChat(tab, from, message, ChatType.Note);
Exemple #5
        public HUD(Game g, PacketAPI api)
            : base(g)
                throw new ArgumentException("Need to initialize connection before the in-game stuff will work");
            m_packetAPI = api;

            DrawOrder = 5;

            mainFrame = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 1, true);
            topLeft = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 21, true);
            sidebar = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 22, true);
            topBar = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 23, true);
            filler = new Texture2D(g.GraphicsDevice, 1, 1);
            filler.SetData(new[] {Color.FromNonPremultiplied(8, 8, 8, 255)});

            Texture2D mainButtonTexture = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 25);
            mainBtn = new XNAButton[NUM_BTN];

            //set up panels
            Texture2D invBG = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 44);
            pnlInventory = new XNAPanel(new Rectangle(102, 330, invBG.Width, invBG.Height))
                BackgroundImage = invBG,
                Visible = false

            Texture2D spellsBG = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 62);
            pnlActiveSpells = new XNAPanel(new Rectangle(102, 330, spellsBG.Width, spellsBG.Height))
                BackgroundImage = spellsBG,
                Visible = false

            pnlPassiveSpells = new XNAPanel(new Rectangle(102, 330, spellsBG.Width, spellsBG.Height))
                BackgroundImage = spellsBG,
                Visible = false

            Texture2D chatBG = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 28);
            pnlChat = new XNAPanel(new Rectangle(102, 330, chatBG.Width, chatBG.Height))
                BackgroundImage = chatBG,
                Visible = false

            Texture2D statsBG = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 34);
            pnlStats = new XNAPanel(new Rectangle(102, 330, statsBG.Width, statsBG.Height))
                BackgroundImage = statsBG,
                Visible = false

            Texture2D onlineBG = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 36);
            pnlOnline = new XNAPanel(new Rectangle(102, 330, onlineBG.Width, onlineBG.Height))
                BackgroundImage = onlineBG,
                Visible = false

            Texture2D partyBG = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 42);
            pnlParty = new XNAPanel(new Rectangle(102, 330, partyBG.Width, partyBG.Height))
                BackgroundImage = partyBG,
                Visible = false

            Texture2D settingsBG = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 47);
            pnlSettings = new XNAPanel(new Rectangle(102, 330, settingsBG.Width, settingsBG.Height))
                BackgroundImage = settingsBG,
                Visible = false

            Texture2D helpBG = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 63);
            pnlHelp = new XNAPanel(new Rectangle(102, 330, helpBG.Width, helpBG.Height))
                BackgroundImage = helpBG,
                Visible = false

            Texture2D newsBG = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 48);
            pnlNews = new XNAPanel(new Rectangle(102, 330, newsBG.Width, newsBG.Height)) {BackgroundImage = newsBG};

            //for easy update of all panels via foreach
            List<XNAPanel> pnlCollection = new List<XNAPanel>(10)
            //pnlCollection.Add(pnlMacro); //if this ever happens...

            pnlCollection.ForEach(_pnl => World.IgnoreDialogs(_pnl));

            for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BTN; ++i)
                Texture2D _out = new Texture2D(g.GraphicsDevice, mainButtonTexture.Width / 2, mainButtonTexture.Height / NUM_BTN);
                Texture2D _ovr = new Texture2D(g.GraphicsDevice, mainButtonTexture.Width / 2, mainButtonTexture.Height / NUM_BTN);

                Rectangle _outRec = new Rectangle(0, i * _out.Height, _out.Width, _out.Height);
                Rectangle _ovrRec = new Rectangle(_ovr.Width, i * _ovr.Height, _ovr.Width, _ovr.Height);

                Color[] _outBuf = new Color[_outRec.Width * _outRec.Height];
                Color[] _ovrBuf = new Color[_ovrRec.Width * _ovrRec.Height];

                mainButtonTexture.GetData(0, _outRec, _outBuf, 0, _outBuf.Length);

                mainButtonTexture.GetData(0, _ovrRec, _ovrBuf, 0, _ovrBuf.Length);

                //0-5: left side, starting at 59, 327 with increments of 20
                //6-10: right side, starting at 587, 347
                Vector2 btnLoc = new Vector2(i < 6 ? 62 : 590, (i < 6 ? 330 : 350) + ((i < 6 ? i : i - 6) * 20));

                mainBtn[i] = new XNAButton(new [] { _out, _ovr }, btnLoc);

            //left button onclick events
            mainBtn[0].OnClick += (s,e) => _doStateChange(InGameStates.Inventory);
            mainBtn[1].OnClick += (s,e) => World.Instance.ActiveMapRenderer.ToggleMapView();
            mainBtn[2].OnClick += (s,e) => _doStateChange(InGameStates.Active);
            mainBtn[3].OnClick += (s, e) => _doStateChange(InGameStates.Passive);
            mainBtn[4].OnClick += (s, e) => _doStateChange(InGameStates.Chat);
            mainBtn[5].OnClick += (s, e) => _doStateChange(InGameStates.Stats);

            //right button onclick events
            mainBtn[6].OnClick += (s, e) => _doStateChange(InGameStates.Online);
            mainBtn[7].OnClick += (s, e) => _doStateChange(InGameStates.Party);
            //mainBtn[8].OnClick += OnViewMacro; //not implemented in EO client
            mainBtn[9].OnClick += (s, e) => _doStateChange(InGameStates.Settings);
            mainBtn[10].OnClick += (s, e) => _doStateChange(InGameStates.Help);

            SpriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(g.GraphicsDevice);

            state = InGameStates.News;

            chatRenderer = new EOChatRenderer();
            chatRenderer.AddTextToTab(ChatTabs.Global, World.GetString(DATCONST2.STRING_SERVER),
                ChatType.Note, ChatColor.Server);
            chatRenderer.AddTextToTab(ChatTabs.Global, World.GetString(DATCONST2.STRING_SERVER),
                ChatType.Note, ChatColor.Server);

            newsTab = new ChatTab(pnlNews);

            chatTextBox = new ChatTextBox(new Rectangle(124, 308, 440, 19), g.Content.Load<Texture2D>("cursor"), "Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.0f)
                Selected = true,
                Visible = true,
                MaxChars = 140
            chatTextBox.OnEnterPressed += _doTalk;
            chatTextBox.OnClicked += (s, e) =>
                //make sure clicking on the textarea selects it (this is an annoying problem in the original client)
                if (((EOGame)g).Dispatcher.Subscriber != null)
                    ((XNATextBox) (g as EOGame).Dispatcher.Subscriber).Selected = false;

                (g as EOGame).Dispatcher.Subscriber = chatTextBox;
                chatTextBox.Selected = true;
            chatTextBox.OnTextChanged += (s, e) =>
                if (chatTextBox.Text.Length <= 0)
                    if (modeTextureLoaded && modeTexture != null)
                        modeTextureLoaded = false;
                        modeTexture = null;

                        currentChatMode = ChatMode.NoText;

                if (chatTextBox.Text.Length == 1 && chatTextBox.Text[0] == '~' &&
                    World.Instance.MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter.CurrentMap == World.Instance.JailMap)
                    chatTextBox.Text = "";

                switch (chatTextBox.Text[0])
                    case '!': currentChatMode = ChatMode.Private; break;
                    case '@': //should show global if admin, otherwise, public/normal chat
                        if (World.Instance.MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter.AdminLevel == AdminLevel.Player)
                            goto default;
                        currentChatMode = ChatMode.Global;
                    case '~': currentChatMode = ChatMode.Global; break;
                    case '+':
                        if (World.Instance.MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter.AdminLevel == AdminLevel.Player)
                            goto default;
                        currentChatMode = ChatMode.Admin;
                    case '\'': currentChatMode = ChatMode.Group; break;
                    case '&':
                        if (World.Instance.MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter.GuildName == "")
                            goto default;
                        currentChatMode = ChatMode.Guild;
                    default: currentChatMode = ChatMode.Public; break;

            ((EOGame)g).Dispatcher.Subscriber = chatTextBox;

            m_muteTimer = new Timer(s =>
                chatTextBox.IgnoreAllInput = false;
                currentChatMode = ChatMode.NoText;
                m_muteTimer.Change(Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite);
            }, null, Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite);

            statusLabel = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(97, 455, 1, 1), "Microsoft Sans Serif", 7f);
            clockLabel = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(558, 455, 1, 1), "Microsoft Sans Serif", 7f);

            StatusBars[0] = new HudElementHP();
            StatusBars[1] = new HudElementTP();
            StatusBars[2] = new HudElementSP();
            StatusBars[3] = new HudElementTNL();

            m_whoIsOnline = new EOOnlineList(pnlOnline);
            m_party = new EOPartyPanel(pnlParty);

            m_friendList = new XNAButton(GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 27, false, true),
                new Vector2(592, 312),
                new Rectangle(0, 260, 17, 15),
                new Rectangle(0, 276, 17, 15))
                Visible = true,
                Enabled = true
            m_friendList.OnClick += (o, e) => EOFriendIgnoreListDialog.Show(m_packetAPI, false);
            m_friendList.OnMouseOver += (o, e) => SetStatusLabel(DATCONST2.STATUS_LABEL_TYPE_BUTTON, DATCONST2.STATUS_LABEL_FRIEND_LIST);

            m_ignoreList = new XNAButton(GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 27, false, true),
                new Vector2(609, 312),
                new Rectangle(17, 260, 17, 15),
                new Rectangle(17, 276, 17, 15))
                Visible = true,
                Enabled = true
            m_ignoreList.OnClick += (o, e) => EOFriendIgnoreListDialog.Show(m_packetAPI, true);
            m_ignoreList.OnMouseOver += (o, e) => SetStatusLabel(DATCONST2.STATUS_LABEL_TYPE_BUTTON, DATCONST2.STATUS_LABEL_IGNORE_LIST);

            m_expInfo = new XNAButton(GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 58),
                new Vector2(55, 0),
                new Rectangle(331, 30, 22, 14),
                new Rectangle(331, 30, 22, 14));
            m_expInfo.OnClick += (o, e) => EOSessionExpDialog.Show();
            m_questInfo = new XNAButton(GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 58),
                new Vector2(77, 0),
                new Rectangle(353, 30, 22, 14),
                new Rectangle(353, 30, 22, 14));

            //no need to make this a member variable
            //it does not have any resources to dispose and it is automatically disposed by the framework
            // ReSharper disable once UnusedVariable
            EOSettingsPanel settings = new EOSettingsPanel(pnlSettings);