Exemple #1
 internal static void perceptionPrints()
         EOA.wd("You open the barrel to find a hatchet..");
         EOA.wd("A vintage tomahawk from when this very tavern was a loghouse..");
         /* =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= TODO ADD STUF HERE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= */
         LOOKED_IN_BARREL = true;
         /* =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= TODO ADD STUF HERE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= */
         /* =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= TODO ADD STUF HERE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= */
         EOA.wd("You look around the building. Nothing seems out of place.");
         TRY_NOTICED_BARREL = true;
     else if (!Character.rollCheck("perception", 10) && !LOOKED_IN_BARREL) //if check failed
         EOA.wd("You look around the building. Nothing seems out of place.");
         TRY_NOTICED_BARREL = true;
     else if (Character.rollCheck("perception", 10) && !LOOKED_IN_BARREL)
         EOA.wd("You look around the building and see a large wooden barrel on its side, its lid slightly ajar.");
         NOTICED_BARREL     = true;
         TRY_NOTICED_BARREL = true;
Exemple #2
                    private static void takeItem()
                        loop = true;
                        while (loop)
                            EOA.wd("Would you like to take the tomahawk? Y or N");

                            switch (Console.ReadKey().Key)
                            case ConsoleKey.Y:
                                EOA.wd("\nThe tomahawk has been added to your inventory.");
                                loop = false;

                            case ConsoleKey.N:

                                EOA.wd("Please either enter Y or N!");
Exemple #3
                public static void run()
                    while (Loop)

                        Console.Write("> ");

                        switch (Console.ReadKey().Key)
                        case ConsoleKey.D1:
                        case ConsoleKey.NumPad1:
                            EOA.wd("\nYou walk up to the handsome mahogany door and push it open.");
                            Loop = false;

                        case ConsoleKey.D2:
                        case ConsoleKey.NumPad2:
                        case ConsoleKey.D3:
                        case ConsoleKey.NumPad3:
Exemple #4
                    internal static void optionAHPrints()
                        if (Character.Settings["SpecialEffects"])
                            Console.WriteLine(@"                                                     ___
                                             ___..--'  .`.
                                    ___...--'     -  .` `.`.
                           ___...--' _      -  _   .` -   `.`.
                  ___...--'  -       _   -       .`  `. - _ `.`.
           __..--'_______________ -         _  .`  _   `.   - `.`.
        .`    _ /\    -        .`      _     .`__________`. _  -`.`.
      .` -   _ /  \_     -   .`  _         .` |    The    |`.   - `.`.
    .`-    _  /   /\   -   .`        _   .`   |_Medallion_|  `. _   `.`.
  .`________ /__ /_ \____.`____________.`     ___       ___  - `._____`|
    |   -  __  -|    | - |  ____  |   | | _  |   |  _  |   |  _ |
    | _   |  |  | -  |   | |.--.| |___| |    |___|     |___|    |
    |     |--|  |    | _ | |'--'| |---| |   _|---|     |---|_   |
    |   - |__| _|  - |   | |.--.| |   | |    |   |_  _ |   |    |
 ---``--._      |    |   |=|'--'|=|___|=|====|___|=====|___|====|
 -- . ''  ``--._| _  |  -|_|.--.|_______|_______________________|
`--._           '--- |_  |:|'--'|:::::::|:::::::::::::::::::::::|
_____`--._ ''      . '---'``--._|:::::::|:::::::::::::::::::::::|
----------`--._          ''      ``--.._|:::::::::::::::::::::::|
`--._ _________`--._'        --     .   ''-----..............LGB'
     `--._----------`--._.  _           -- . :''           -    ''
          `--._ _________`--._ :'              -- . :''      -- . ''
 -- . ''       `--._ ---------`--._   -- . :''
          :'        `--._ _________`--._:'  -- . ''      -- . ''
  -- . ''     -- . ''    `--._----------`--._      -- . ''     -- . ''
                              `--._ _________`--._
 -- . ''           :'              `--._ ---------`--._-- . ''    -- . ''
          -- . ''       -- . ''         `--._ _________`--._   -- . ''
:'                 -- . ''          -- . ''  `--._----------`--._");

                        if (!NOTICED_BARREL && !TRY_NOTICED_BARREL && !LOOKED_IN_BARREL)
                            EOA.wd("You walk along a narrow path for five or so minutes until you arrive at a wooden building.");
                            EOA.wd("A battered sign hangs on a wall, reading \"The Medallion\"");

                        if (NOTICED_BARREL && !LOOKED_IN_BARREL)
                            EOA.wd("[1] Go Inside\n[2] Look around\n[3] Look in barrel");
                        else if (LOOKED_IN_BARREL)
                            EOA.wd("[1] Go inside");
                            EOA.wd("[1] Go inside\n[2] Look around");
Exemple #5
            public static bool mugging()
                EOA.wd("[LOONIE] Gimme it all!");
                EOA.wd("You reach for your pocket.. \n");
                EOA.wd($"You have {Character.ethryl} ethryl. You can either give him your entire worth, or lie and give him only half.");
                EOA.wd("[1] Surrender all of your ethryl\n[2] Lie and give him only half of it.");
                Console.Write("> ");

                switch (Console.ReadLine())
                    Character.awardEthryl(Character.ethryl * -1);
                    EOA.wd("They didn't accept your answer and they steal your leather wallet anyway.");

                case "1":
                    Character.awardEthryl(Character.ethryl * -1);
                    EOA.wd("You break the bank, and hand over your leather wallet to the thug.");

                case "2":
                    Character.awardEthryl((Character.ethryl / 2) * -1);
                    EOA.wd("You reach for your wallet, but take only a few ethryl.");
                    EOA.wd("[LOONIE] Is that all you av?");
                    if (Character.rollCheck("stealth", 5))
                        EOA.wd("The thug looks at you suspiciously.");
                        EOA.wd("You stare back with a blank poker face, your stomach in knots.");
                        EOA.wd("Your stealth saved you this time.");
                        EOA.wd("The thug stares at you.");
                        EOA.wd("In nervous shock your hand trembles and the thug leans closer.");
                        EOA.wd("[LOONIE] You look a lil pale there kiddo.");
                        EOA.wd("[LOONIE] How abouts you give me your whole wallet.");
                        EOA.wd("The thug's companions shuffle around, and you feel a cold pain around the side of your head.");
                        EOA.wd("[LOONIE] Hehehe, some people just don't leeaar--");
                        Character.death("you tried to con a thug in his own game.");
        public void assignAbilityScoreIntro()
            EOA.wd("You train for weeks under intense coaching.");
            EOA.wd("[TRAINER] Hey, don't start packing yet.");
            EOA.wd("[TRAINER] You need to choose some ability scores as well.");
            EOA.wd("[TRAINER] They determine how good you are at certain things.");
            EOA.wd("[TRAINER] There are six ability scores; Constitution, Charisma, Intelligence, Perception, Strength and Stealth.");
            EOA.wd("[TRAINER] You get 25 Ability Points to spend on these scores at the start.");
            EOA.wd("[TRAINER] You can get more points by leveling up, or doing certain quests.");
            EOA.wd("[TRAINER] Your skills will start out bad, but as you progress, you'll get better and better.");


        public void aboardShip()
            if (Character.Settings["SpecialEffects"])
                Console.WriteLine(@"                    |
             |    __-__
           __-__ /  | (
          /  | ((   | |
        /(   | ||___|_.  .|
      .' |___|_|`---|-'.' (
 '-._/_| (   |\     |.'    \
     '-._|.-.|-.    |'-.____'.
          `-      Farquaad '

            if (result == 13) // temp
                EOA.wd("\nThree days pass aboard the Farquaad.");
                EOA.wd("You are awoken from your sleep by the noise of the crew.");
                EOA.wd("Another smaller ship, about a quarter the size of the Farquaad pulls into the wharf beside the Farquaad.");
                EOA.wd("[LORD WAKEHART] Worry not, they are the local merchants.");
                EOA.wd("As the incoming ship berths beside the Farquaad, you see the name \"Thorul\" on the starboard side of the vessel.");
                EOA.wd("A man walks onto the top deck, facing Lord Wakehart.");
                EOA.wd("[THORUL] I am Thorul of Braedon.");
                EOA.wd("[THORUL] I present no harm, I have come to trade.");
                EOA.wd("[LORD WAKEHART] By my troth, I accept your presence.");
                EOA.wd("Thorul brings a rack of some of his merchandise out onto the deck.");
                EOA.wd("[THORUL] Take your pick, if you wish.");
                EOA.wd("[LORD WAKEHART] Oh my, could it be...?");
                EOA.wd("Wakehart reaches into the rack, and takes out a large bottle.");
                EOA.wd("[LORD WAKEHART] 43%, aged scotch!");
                EOA.wd("[LORD WAKEHART] For what do you wish to trade with?");
                EOA.wd("[THORUL] 25 Ethryl, for this was quite the doozy to get ahold of.");
                EOA.wd("Wakehart hands a bag over to Thorul, and leaves the deck grinning.");
                EOA.wd("Other crew members make their trades, and exit the deck.");
                EOA.wd("Thorul walks up to you.");
                EOA.wd("[THORUL] Is there anything you wish to purchase?");
                EOA.wd("[THORUL] How about this Scroll of Wisdom?");
                EOA.wd("[THORUL] It was gifted to me by a man over at Narsk.");
                EOA.wd("[THORUL] When chanted, the spell enchants you with wisdom and intelligence.");
                EOA.wd("[THORUL] Alas, it only works on humankind such as yourself, which is quite a shame for a dwarf like myself.");
                EOA.wd("[THORUL] I will give it to you if you polish my balmorals.");

                EOA.wd($"[1] I accept your trade.\n[2] I do not accept your trade.\n> ");

                switch (Console.ReadKey().Key)
                case ConsoleKey.D1:
                case ConsoleKey.NumPad1:
                    EOA.wd("\n[THORUL] It is all yours.");
                    EOA.wd("You pick up the scroll, and it vanishes.");
                    EOA.wd("Your head tingles, and you feel more intelligent.");
                    EOA.wd("Your intelligence ability increases by one.");
                    EOA.wd("You spend the rest of the day polishing Thorul's shoes before heading back inside to sleep.");
                    // wow those must be some massive shoes
                    EOA.wd("Thorul departed just after nightfall.");

                case ConsoleKey.D2:
                case ConsoleKey.NumPad2:
                    EOA.wd("\n[THORUL] That is alright.");
                    EOA.wd("[THORUL] Stay safe, my friend.");
                    EOA.wd("You go back inside to have an early nap.");
                    EOA.wd("Thorul and his crew departs the berth.");
            else if (result == 2 || result == 1) // temp
                EOA.wd("\nThree days pass aboard the Farquaad.");
                EOA.wd("You are awoken from your sleep by the noise of the crew.");
                EOA.wd("Another smaller ship, about a quarter the size of the Farquaad pulls into the wharf beside the Farquaad.");
                EOA.wd("[LORD WAKEHART] Worry not, they are the local... ah... \"pleasure dealers\".");
                EOA.wd("As the incoming ship berths beside the Farquaad, you see the name \"The Pleasurer\" on the starboard side of the vessel.");
                EOA.wd("A man walks onto the top deck, facing Lord Wakehart.");
                EOA.wd("Following the man is a line of five gagged women, each with a tough-looking man holding their arms.");
                EOA.wd("[THORUL] I am Thorul of Braedon.");
                EOA.wd("[THORUL] I present no harm, I have come to sell my... \"goods\".");
                EOA.wd("[LORD WAKEHART] By my troth, I accept your presence.");
                EOA.wd("Thorul shows the women to Lord Wakehart, you and the crew of the Farquaad.");
                EOA.wd("[THORUL] Take your pick, if you wish!");
                EOA.wd("At once, two of the Farquaad's crew raise their hands and point at a woman each. Thorul approaches them and the crew give them a few Ethryl coins.");
                EOA.wd("After scrutinising the remaining three women, Lord Wakehart does the same and pays Thorul some money.");
                EOA.wd("Now, Thorul approaches you.");
                EOA.wd("[THORUL] So, kid. Wanna buy one? 20 ethryl for one night.");
                EOA.wd("[1] I wish to buy one.\n[2] I refuse to buy one.");

                string response = Console.ReadLine();

                switch (response)
                case "1":
                    EOA.wd("You look in your wallet and realise that you have no money.");
                    EOA.wd("\n[THORUL] Don't worry. Since it's your first time, you can have it for free.");
                    EOA.wd("\n[THORUL] It is all yours. I'll come back for it tomorrow!");
                    EOA.wd("You and the woman go to your cabin.");
                    EOA.wd("Thorul departed shortly later.");
                    boughtProstitute = true;

                case "2":
                    EOA.wd("\n[THORUL] That is alright.");
                    EOA.wd("[THORUL] Stay safe, my friend.");
                    EOA.wd("You go back inside to have an early nap.");
                    EOA.wd("Thorul and his crew departs the berth.");

                if (boughtProstitute)
                    EOA.wd("Inside your cabin, the woman whimpers slightly.");
                    EOA.wd("[PROSTITUTE] Please... help me! Let me free!");
                    EOA.wd("[1] You help the woman.\n[2] You ignore her pleads.");

                    switch (Console.ReadKey().Key)
                    case ConsoleKey.D1:
                    case ConsoleKey.NumPad1:
                        EOA.wd("You sneak the woman out of the ship and into the town.");
                        EOA.wd("[PROSTITUTE] How can I ever thank you?");
                        EOA.wd("[PROSTITUTE] Here, have some ethryl; it's the least I can do...");

                        savedProstitute = true;

                    case ConsoleKey.D2:
                    case ConsoleKey.NumPad2:
                        EOA.wd("The woman sighs.");
                        EOA.wd("[PROSTITUTE] I understand.");
                        EOA.wd("She takes off her clothes, and you do the same.");
                        EOA.wd(". . .");

            EOA.wd("The following day, Thorul returns to the ship.");
            EOA.wd("[THORUL] May I have them, please?");
            EOA.wd("The crew and captain hand over their women. The prostitutes all look tired and uncomfortable.");
            if (!savedProstitute)
                EOA.wd("You hand in your woman.");
                EOA.wd("[THORUL] Thank you all!");
                EOA.wd("[THORUL] Where's yours?");
                EOA.wd("You explain that your woman is gone.");
                if (Character.rollCheck("charisma", 18))
                    EOA.wd("[THORUL] I see.");
                    EOA.wd("[THORUL] That's a shame, it was one of our best.");
                    EOA.wd("Your charisma saved you.");
                    EOA.wd("[THORUL] I don't believe your stupid little mouth, kid.");
                    EOA.wd("[THORUL] WHERE THE F**K IS IT?");
                    EOA.wd("You continue to pretend that you do not know.");
                    EOA.wd("Thorul punches you in the face.");
                    EOA.wd("[THORUL] F**k you!");

            EOA.wd("\nAnother week passes.");
            EOA.wd("[LORD WAKEHART] Hey kid.");
            EOA.wd("[LORD WAKEHART] Not long 'til the Farquaad arrives at Sārk.");
            EOA.wd("[LORD WAKEHART] She's gonna stay in the port for a lil' while as we restock.");
            EOA.wd("[LORD WAKEHART] Y'know what, go to the town called Narsk not far from here, and go to the tarven called \"The Medallion\".");
            EOA.wd("[LORD WAKEHART] Talk to my friend Orpheus, he's the barman. He'll tell you some stuff you ought to know.");
            EOA.wd("[LORD WAKEHART] Also, if you didn't know already, ethryl is the currency of Scark.");
            EOA.wd("[LORD WAKEHART] Here's some of it to start you off.");
            EOA.wd("Wakehart hands over a few coins radiating with a strange light.");


            EOA.wd("[LORD WAKEHART] Wizards back in Braedon, on the West Coast granted me a few vials of this strange substance as well.");
            EOA.wd("[LORD WAKEHART] I will give you some; you never know when it might come in handy.");
            EOA.wd("You take a handful of the substance, and it seems to infuse into your skin.");


            EOA.wd("The once lapping waves run still. The Farquaad enters the bay...");
            EOA.wd("[LORD WAKEHART] Make sure you come back by dusk!");


            Character.stage++; // Continuing story
        //NewPlayer function
        public void NewPlayer()
            //Story Line
            EOA.wd("You carefully aim your crossbow directly at the King's chest.");

            EOA.wd("A bloodstained crossbow loaded with a lead bolt sits in your \nsweaty hand as you observe the speech from a ramshackle building.");

            EOA.wd("Your finger pulls the trigger.");

            EOA.wd("You hear an instant uproar as the King's body topples down the \nstone stairs.");

            EOA.wd("In the midst of all the confusion, you begin running.");

            EOA.wd("Suddenly, a baton bludgeons you from behind.");
            if (!Character.dev)

            EOA.wd("You wake up in a mysterious place and realize where you are...");

            EOA.wd("You have been arrested for treason to the king. You are walked up \nto the gallows to which you will be executed.");

            EOA.wd("The executioner firms his grasp around the lever. Before he pulls \nthe lever he mumbles a quick prayer.");

            EOA.wd("[EXECUTIONER] Does anybody object to this her' hanging?");

            EOA.wd("Nothing but silence comes from the crowd.");

            EOA.wd("[TOWNFOLK] Just bloody pull the lever already!");

            EOA.wd("As the executioner moves his hand towards the lever, a voice shouts \nout.");

            EOA.wd("[VOICE] I object!");

            EOA.wd("The executioner's eyes fix upon the man who called.");

            EOA.wd("[EXECUTIONER] Arr, an' who d'ya think you ar'?");

            EOA.wd("[VOICE] Lord Wakehart, the explorer.");

            EOA.wd("[LORD WAKEHART] I wish to pardon this kid.");

            EOA.wd("The executioner has no choice but to obey the laws, Wakehart's lordship \ngrants him power to pardon anyone he wishes.");

            EOA.wd("The rope is loosened around your neck as you are escorted into the \ndisappointed audience by Lord Wakehart.");

            EOA.wd("[LORD WAKEHART] Hey kid, what's your name?");

            EOA.wd("> ", true);

            Character.name = Console.ReadLine();


            EOA.wd($"[LORD WAKEHART] Hey, {Character.name}. Don't think I'm pardoning \nyou for nothing, nah.");

            EOA.wd("[LORD WAKEHART] I've a quest for you, and if you succeed, you'll be \na very rich man.");

            EOA.wd("[LORD WAKEHART] Ha ha, I'm guessing you want to know what this quest \ninvolves!");

            EOA.wd("[LORD WAKEHART] Well, I need a brave adventurer to go to the island \nof Scark.");

            EOA.wd("[LORD WAKEHART] I'll tell you more when we get there, kid.");

            EOA.wd("Before you can say anything, you are rushed off to a training fort...");


            //Training Fort

            EOA.wd("[TRAINER] So.");
            EOA.wd("[TRAINER] I see that the idiot Wakehead or whatever the hell his name \nis has pardoned you.");
            EOA.wd("[TRAINER] Well, I guess I'll have to obey.");
            EOA.wd("[TRAINER] So kid, how'll your flimsy little limbs fight, eh?");
            EOA.wd("[TRAINER] Don't know what I'm talking about?");
            EOA.wd("[TRAINER] Not surprised, from some wanna-be revolutionist like yourself.");
            EOA.wd("[TRAINER] Forgive me, but your attempt on the glorious King's life was \nfutile at best.");
            EOA.wd("[TRAINER] At worst?");
            EOA.wd("[TRAINER] Ha ha ha ha.");
            EOA.wd("[TRAINER] Well anyways, I can train you in four classes.");
            EOA.wd("[TRAINER] Rouge, warrior, ranger or mage.");

            Console.WriteLine(@"The trainer asks you how you would like to fight.

Select a role by inputting it's respective number.
[1] Rouge
[2] Warrior
[3] Ranger
[4] Mage");

            bool userPickedOption = false;

            while (userPickedOption == false)
                Console.Write("> ");

                switch (Console.ReadKey().Key)
                case ConsoleKey.D1:
                case ConsoleKey.NumPad1:     // Rouge
                    Character.characterClass = "Rouge";
                    Character.inventory.Add(ItemID.StringToItem("Iron Shortsword"));
                    userPickedOption = true;


                case ConsoleKey.D2:
                case ConsoleKey.NumPad2:     // Warrior
                    Character.characterClass = "Warrior";
                    Character.inventory.Add(ItemID.StringToItem("Iron Broadsword"));
                    userPickedOption = true;


                case ConsoleKey.D3:
                case ConsoleKey.NumPad3:     // Ranger
                    Character.characterClass = "Ranger";
                    Character.inventory.Add(ItemID.StringToItem("Iron Bow"));
                    Character.inventory.Add(ItemID.StringToItem("Leather Quiver"));
                    userPickedOption = true;


                case ConsoleKey.D4:
                case ConsoleKey.NumPad4:    // Mage
                    Character.characterClass = "Mage";
                    Character.inventory.Add(ItemID.StringToItem("Book of Souls"));
                    userPickedOption = true;


                    Console.WriteLine("Please input a valid number between 1 and 4!");

            //Sean Write Some More Story
Exemple #9
        public void towardsMedallion()
            EOA.wd("You arrive in the wonderful and vibrant city of Narsk.");
            EOA.wd("People are trading and chattering and the whole place seems overly joyful and energetic.");
            EOA.wd("As you walk through the many market stalls and shops of the city, a strange man walks up to you with a slight limp.");
            EOA.wd("[OLD MAN] Ah, w-w-welcome dear lad, I welcome you to Narsk.");
            EOA.wd("[OLD MAN] If you can't already t-tell, it is becoming quite st-teamy out here in the sun.");
            EOA.wd("[OLD MAN] Therefore I shall b-be brief.");
            EOA.wd($"[OLD MAN] A-a-are you {Character.name}?");
            EOA.wd($"[1] Yes, I am {Character.name}\n[2] No, I am not {Character.name}");
            Console.Write("> ");

            bool Loop = true;

            while (Loop)
                switch (Console.ReadKey().Key)
                case ConsoleKey.D1:
                case ConsoleKey.NumPad1:
                    EOA.wd("\n[OLD MAN] Ah, good!");
                    EOA.wd("[OLD MAN] I am p-p-possibly the only one in a 20 klick distance that doesn't hate you r-right now.");
                    EOA.wd("[OLD MAN] T-try not t-to talk to the chunkys, I have heard the thugs around here are rather p-patriotic.");
                    Loop = false;

                    Console.WriteLine("\nPlease select an option!");

                case ConsoleKey.D2:
                case ConsoleKey.NumPad2:
                    EOA.wd("\n[OLD MAN] Oh well.");
                    EOA.wd("[OLD MAN] You will h-have to do.");
                    EOA.wd($"[OLD MAN] I didn't really like the {Character.name} chap anyway.");
                    EOA.wd("[OLD MAN] Did you hear what he d-did to the king?");
                    EOA.wd("[OLD MAN] Aight, I have got something for you.");
                    Loop = false;

            EOA.wd("The old man hands you a scroll.");


            if (MedallionAntiComplex.mission())



            EOA.wd("[LOONIE] Huh, boys look who we 'av 'ere");
            EOA.wd("[LOONIE] A lil boatie!");
            EOA.wd("[LOONIE] How bouts you get your ass out of ere");
            EOA.wd("A group of bar thugs gather around you.. ");
            EOA.wd("[LOONIE] What do ye 'av on you?");
            EOA.wd("The thug shoves you onto the ground.. ");
            EOA.wd("[LOONIE] Not a talker aye? Well it aint matter matter to me.");
            EOA.wd("[LOONIE] I want yer ethryl and any other dazzle you may 'av");
            EOA.wd("[LOONIE] Make it choppy before I send my elbow up yer as.");

            if (Character.rollCheck("charisma", 14))
                EOA.wd("You stand back up and confront the thug.");
                EOA.wd("After noticing the ring on his hand, you talk to him about what his wife would think of his opression.");
                EOA.wd("He calms down and moves to the side, signalling the rest of the gang off.");
                EOA.wd("You were saved by your charisma this time.");
                EOA.wd("You try talking the thug out of this, but your charisma fails you..");
                if (MedallionAntiComplex.mugging())
            EOA.wd("You scurry past the thugs to the front of the bar.");
            EOA.wd("[ORPHEUS] He-llo fine chap!");
            EOA.wd("[ORPHEUS] Wh-at might bring you here?");
Exemple #10
            public static bool mission()
                while (true)
   \                      \
    \  To the dear soul    \
     | reading this,        |
     |                      |
     | I am in need of help.|
     | I cannot talk about  |
     | this ordeal aloud,   |
     | thus I give you this |
    / scroll.              /
   ;                      ;
  / This town is cursed. /
 | I have a mission for |
 | you. Acceptance will |
 \  be paid richly.     \
                    EOA.wd($"[OLD MAN] So what d-do you say, {Character.name}, will you join me in m-my business?");
                    EOA.wd($"[1] Sounds like a mission for me.\n[2] I don't want to do this.");
                    Console.Write("> ");
                    switch (Console.ReadKey().Key)
                    case ConsoleKey.D1:
                    case ConsoleKey.NumPad1:
                        EOA.wd("\n[OLD MAN] Splendid!");
                        EOA.wd("[OLD MAN] I bid you to go to the medallion.");
                        EOA.wd("[OLD MAN] If you have already met Lord Wakeheart, you should know t-that he has bestowed much honour in a young b-barman named Orpheus.");
                        EOA.wd("[OLD MAN] He is the informant to our association around here, and you will find him at the good ol' Medallion t-tavern.");
                        EOA.wd("[OLD MAN] You best get there prior to nightfall,");
                        EOA.wd("[OLD MAN] The chunkys loom out here when the night falls silent.");
                        EOA.wd("[OLD MAN] Mead is half off as well, if it tickles your fancy.");

                    case ConsoleKey.D2:
                    case ConsoleKey.NumPad2:
                        EOA.wd("\n[OLD MAN] Oh my.");
                        EOA.wd("[OLD MAN] You are a brave soul to say such a thing.");
                        EOA.wd("Suddenly the Old Mans voice drops an octave, and his breathing makes a rattling noise.");
                        EOA.wd("[OLD MAN] Those who wish to cross my mission, shall be rewarded with death.");
                        EOA.wd("His pupils dilate, his skin is a pale white.");
                        EOA.wd("His hands reach onto your shoulders.");
                        EOA.wd("[OLD MAN] You cannot live knowing that I wish to cross those who burden our society.");
                        EOA.wd("His fingers grow sharp, and puncture into your shoulders.");
                        EOA.wd("You collapse to the ground, the man on top of you.");
                        EOA.wd("The old man breathes in, you feel your soul escaping from your body.");
                        EOA.wd("You enter his mouth leaving a lifeless body behind.");
                        EOA.wd("You can't feel anything anymore.");     // this sounds like a Harry Potter dementor knowckoff
                        Character.death("you dared to cross the dark sorcerer.");     // death already...? maybe make it so that you DONT die lmao

                        EOA.wd("\nPlease enter 1 or 2!");