Exemple #1
        /// <summary>Convert a time frame to the string to use in a request</summary>
        public static string ToRequestString(EMarketTimeFrames tf)
            switch (tf)
            default: throw new Exception($"Unknown time frame value: {tf}");

            case EMarketTimeFrames.None:     return("");

            case EMarketTimeFrames.Minute1:  return("1m");

            case EMarketTimeFrames.Minute5:  return("5m");

            case EMarketTimeFrames.Minute15: return("15m");

            case EMarketTimeFrames.Minute30: return("30m");

            case EMarketTimeFrames.Hour1:    return("1h");

            case EMarketTimeFrames.Hour3:    return("3h");

            case EMarketTimeFrames.Hour6:    return("6h");

            case EMarketTimeFrames.Hour12:   return("12h");

            case EMarketTimeFrames.Day1:     return("1D");

            case EMarketTimeFrames.Week1:    return("7D");

            case EMarketTimeFrames.Week2:    return("14D");

            case EMarketTimeFrames.Month1:   return("1M");
Exemple #2
        public List <Candle> GetChartData(CurrencyPair pair, EMarketTimeFrames tf, long time_beg, long time_end, CancellationToken?cancel = null)
            // https://api.bitfinex.com/v2/candles/trade:TimeFrame:Symbol/Section
            var reply = GetData($"v2/candles/trade:{Misc.ToRequestString(tf)}:{pair.Id}/hist", cancel,
                                new KV("start", Misc.ToUnixTime(time_beg) * 1000),
                                new KV("end", Misc.ToUnixTime(time_end) * 1000),
                                new KV("sort", -1));

            // Update the chart data for the given pair
            Candles.ParseUpdate(pair, tf, JArray.Parse(reply));
            return(Candles[pair, tf]);
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>Return the candle data for the given pair</summary>
        public List <Candle> this[CurrencyPair pair, EMarketTimeFrames tf]
                    (!m_data.TryGetValue(pair, out var time_frames) ? new List <Candle>() :
                     !time_frames.TryGetValue(tf, out var candles) ? new List <Candle>() :
                if (!m_data.TryGetValue(pair, out var time_frames))
                    m_data.Add(pair, time_frames = new TimeFramesToCandles());

                time_frames[tf] = value;
 public SubscriptionCandleData(CurrencyPair pair, EMarketTimeFrames tf)
     : base(API.ChannelName.Candles)
     Pair      = pair;
     TimeFrame = tf;
Exemple #5
 /// <summary>Return candle data for the given time range</summary>
 public List <Candle> GetChartData(CurrencyPair pair, EMarketTimeFrames tf, DateTimeOffset time_beg, DateTimeOffset time_end, CancellationToken?cancel = null)
     return(GetChartData(pair, tf, time_beg.Ticks, time_end.Ticks, cancel));
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>Parse a candle message</summary>
        public void ParseUpdate(CurrencyPair pair, EMarketTimeFrames tf, JArray data)
            // Get the candle collection
            var candles = this[pair, tf];

            // If the update contains an array of arrays, then this is a history update
            if (data[0].Type == JTokenType.Array)
                // Expect the data to be order from oldest to newest
                var new_candles = data.Select(x => new Candle((JArray)x)).ToList();

                // Insert 'new_candles' into 'candles'
                if (new_candles.Count != 0)
                    // Erase the range spanned by 'new_candles'
                    var beg  = new_candles[0];
                    var end  = new_candles[new_candles.Count - 1];
                    var ibeg = candles.BinarySearch(beg);
                    var iend = candles.BinarySearch(end);
                    if (ibeg < 0)
                        ibeg = ~ibeg;
                    if (iend < 0)
                        iend = ~iend;
                    candles.RemoveRange(ibeg, iend - ibeg);

                    // Insert the new candles into 'candles'
                    candles.InsertRange(ibeg, new_candles);
            // Otherwise, this is an update to the latest candle
                var new_candle = new Candle(data);

                // Insert/Update 'new_candle' in 'candles'
                var last = candles.Count != 0 ? candles[candles.Count - 1] : null;
                if (last == null || last.Timestamp < new_candle.Timestamp)
                else if (last.Timestamp == new_candle.Timestamp)
                    candles[candles.Count - 1] = new_candle;
                    var idx = candles.BinarySearch(new_candle);
                    if (idx >= 0)
                        candles[idx] = new_candle;
                        candles.Insert(~idx, new_candle);

            // Save the candle collection
            this[pair, tf] = candles;
Exemple #7
 /// <summary>True if there is candle data for 'pair' at period 'tf'</summary>
 public bool Contains(CurrencyPair pair, EMarketTimeFrames tf)
         (m_data.TryGetValue(pair, out var time_frames) &&
          time_frames.TryGetValue(tf, out var candles));