// @todo: use temp, random names for zip files
        public static void CopyDirectory(string Source, string Dest, ECopyOptions Options)
            string SourceDirName = Path.GetFileName(Source);
            string DestDirName   = Path.GetFileName(Dest);

            if (Options.HasFlag(ECopyOptions.IsUpload))
                if (!Directory.Exists(Source))

                // Zip source directory
                string SourceZipPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetFullPath(Path.GetDirectoryName(Source)), SourceDirName + ".zip");
                ZipFile Zip = new ZipFile(SourceZipPath);
                Zip.CompressionLevel = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level9;
                Zip.BufferSize       = 0x10000;
                Zip.AddDirectory(Source, DestDirName);

                // Upload the zip file
                string DestWorkingDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(Dest).Replace("\\", "/");
                string DestZipName    = DestDirName + ".zip";
                CopyFile(SourceZipPath, DestWorkingDir + "/" + DestZipName, true);

                if (!Options.HasFlag(ECopyOptions.DoNotReplace))
                    Command(DestWorkingDir, "rm -rf \"" + DestDirName + "\"", "", null);

                if (!Options.HasFlag(ECopyOptions.DoNotUnpack))
                    // Unpack, if requested
                    Command(DestWorkingDir, "unzip \"" + DestZipName + "\"", "", null);
                    Command(DestWorkingDir, "rm \"" + DestZipName + "\"", "", null);

                // Zip source directory
                string SourceWorkingDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(Source).Replace("\\", "/");
                string ZipCommand       = "zip -0 -r -y -T " + SourceDirName + ".zip " + SourceDirName;
                Command(SourceWorkingDir, ZipCommand, "", null);

                // Download the zip file
                string SourceZipPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Source), SourceDirName + ".zip").Replace("\\", "/");
                string DestZipPath   = Path.Combine(Path.GetFullPath(Path.GetDirectoryName(Dest)), DestDirName + ".zip");
                CopyFile(SourceZipPath, DestZipPath, false);

                if (!Options.HasFlag(ECopyOptions.DoNotReplace) && Directory.Exists(Dest))
                    Directory.GetFiles(Dest, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList().ForEach(Entry => { File.SetAttributes(Entry, FileAttributes.Normal); });
                    Directory.Delete(Dest, true);

                if (!Options.HasFlag(ECopyOptions.DoNotUnpack))
                    // Unpack, if requested
                    using (ZipFile Zip = ZipFile.Read(DestZipPath))
                        Zip.ToList().ForEach(Entry =>
                            Entry.FileName = DestDirName + Entry.FileName.Substring(SourceDirName.Length);
                            Entry.Extract(Path.GetDirectoryName(Dest), ExtractExistingFileAction.OverwriteSilently);


                Command(SourceWorkingDir, "rm \"" + SourceDirName + ".zip\"", "", null);
        // @todo: use temp, random names for zip files
        public static void CopyDirectory(string Source, string Dest, ECopyOptions Options)
            string SourceDirName = Path.GetFileName(Source);
            string DestDirName = Path.GetFileName(Dest);

            if (Options.HasFlag(ECopyOptions.IsUpload))
                if (!Directory.Exists(Source))

                // Zip source directory
                string SourceZipPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetFullPath(Path.GetDirectoryName(Source)), SourceDirName + ".zip");
                ZipFile Zip = new ZipFile(SourceZipPath);
                Zip.CompressionLevel = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level9;
                Zip.BufferSize = 0x10000;
                Zip.AddDirectory(Source, DestDirName);

                // Upload the zip file
                string DestWorkingDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(Dest).Replace("\\", "/");
                string DestZipName = DestDirName + ".zip";
                CopyFile(SourceZipPath, DestWorkingDir + "/" + DestZipName, true);

                if (!Options.HasFlag(ECopyOptions.DoNotReplace))
                    Command(DestWorkingDir, "rm -rf \"" + DestDirName + "\"", "", null);

                if (!Options.HasFlag(ECopyOptions.DoNotUnpack))
                    // Unpack, if requested
                    Command(DestWorkingDir, "unzip \"" + DestZipName + "\"", "", null);
                    Command(DestWorkingDir, "rm \"" + DestZipName + "\"", "", null);

                // Zip source directory
                string SourceWorkingDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(Source).Replace("\\", "/");
                string ZipCommand = "zip -0 -r -y -T " + SourceDirName + ".zip " + SourceDirName;
                Command(SourceWorkingDir, ZipCommand, "", null);

                // Download the zip file
                string SourceZipPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Source), SourceDirName + ".zip").Replace("\\", "/");
                string DestZipPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetFullPath(Path.GetDirectoryName(Dest)), DestDirName + ".zip");
                CopyFile(SourceZipPath, DestZipPath, false);

                if (!Options.HasFlag(ECopyOptions.DoNotReplace) && Directory.Exists(Dest))
                    Directory.GetFiles(Dest, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList().ForEach(Entry => { File.SetAttributes(Entry, FileAttributes.Normal); });
                    Directory.Delete(Dest, true);

                if (!Options.HasFlag(ECopyOptions.DoNotUnpack))
                    // Unpack, if requested
                    using (ZipFile Zip = ZipFile.Read(DestZipPath))
                        Zip.ToList().ForEach(Entry =>
                            Entry.FileName = DestDirName + Entry.FileName.Substring(SourceDirName.Length);
                            Entry.Extract(Path.GetDirectoryName(Dest), ExtractExistingFileAction.OverwriteSilently);


                Command(SourceWorkingDir, "rm \"" + SourceDirName + ".zip\"", "", null);