Exemple #1
        public IActionResult Create(Order order)
            // The added security measures on the post route is to ensure no
            // one adds a Product with a different User ID than what the one 'logged in'

            string loggedIn  = HttpContext.Session.GetString("LoggedIn");
            int?   accountId = HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("AccountId");
            string email     = HttpContext.Session.GetString("Email");

            // if 'loggedIn' not present, proceed to default view
            if (loggedIn == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Accounts"));

            // Else checks to see if the account is in the DB
                // Creates a new account object using the session email
                Account accountInDb = dbContext.Accounts.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Email == email);

                // If email is not in the DB, kill Session and returns the View
                if (accountInDb == null)
                    TempData["LogoutError"] = "And error has occured and you have been logged out! Please login to continue!";
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Accounts"));

                // Else checks to see if the session ID matches the queried Account ID for the
                // ID in session
                    // If the ID's don't match, kills the session and returns the View
                    if (accountInDb.AccountId != (int)accountId)
                        TempData["LogoutError"] = "And error has occured and you have been logged out! Please login to continue!";
                        return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Accounts"));

                    // Else understands that the user is 'logged in' and moves the user to the
                    // Index in the Products controller
                        // Checks to see if all the data fields were completed
                        if (ModelState.IsValid)
                            // Updates the DateTime values for the DB Entry
                            order.CreatedAt = DateTime.Now;
                            order.UpdatedAt = DateTime.Now;

                            // Updates the UserId for the "Creator"
                            order.AccountId = (int)accountId;


                            // Subtracts the Order Amount from the Product Quantity
                            var productOrder = dbContext.Products
                                               .Where(p => p.ProductId == order.ProductId)

                            // Subtracts the Order Amount from the Product Quantity
                            productOrder.Quantity = productOrder.Quantity - order.Amount;

                            return(RedirectToAction("Show", "Products", new{ id = order.ProductId }));

                        // If not valid, return errors
                            // Creates a ViewBag variable for NavBar display
                            ViewBag.LoggedIn = true;

                            // Creates a ViewBag variable for NavBar to access the Accounts/Show route
                            ViewBag.AccountId = (int)accountId;

                            // ViewBag for general error (as in attempting to change the Order.Amount via Inspect Element)
                            // Cannot return a View from another controller with a model object
                            ViewBag.InvalidAction = "Your selection is Invalid, please select an amount from the list";

                            // Creates a new ProductBundle for the Show View
                            var productBundle = new ECommerceBundle();

                            productBundle.Product = dbContext.Products
                                                    .Include(p => p.Creator)
                                                    .Include(p => p.Customers)
                                                    .ThenInclude(o => o.Account)
                                                    .FirstOrDefault(p => p.ProductId == order.ProductId);

                            return(View("~/Views/Products/Show.cshtml", productBundle));
        public IActionResult Filter(string searchString)
            // The added security measures on the post route is to ensure no
            // one adds a Product with a different User ID than what the one 'logged in'

            string loggedIn  = HttpContext.Session.GetString("LoggedIn");
            int?   accountId = HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("AccountId");
            string email     = HttpContext.Session.GetString("Email");

            // if 'loggedIn' not present, proceed to default view
            if (loggedIn == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Accounts"));

            // Else checks to see if the account is in the DB
                // Creates a new account object using the session email
                Account accountInDb = dbContext.Accounts.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Email == email);

                // If email is not in the DB, kill Session and returns the View
                if (accountInDb == null)
                    TempData["LogoutError"] = "And error has occured and you have been logged out! Please login to continue!";
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Accounts"));

                // Else checks to see if the session ID matches the queried Account ID for the
                // ID in session
                    // If the ID's don't match, kills the session and returns the View
                    if (accountInDb.AccountId != (int)accountId)
                        TempData["LogoutError"] = "And error has occured and you have been logged out! Please login to continue!";
                        return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Accounts"));

                    // Else understands that the user is 'logged in' and applies filter
                    // logic before returning the Products Index View
                        // Creates a ViewBag variable for NavBar display
                        ViewBag.LoggedIn = true;

                        // Creates a ViewBag variable for NavBar to access the Accounts/Show route
                        ViewBag.AccountId = (int)accountId;

                        // Creates a ViewBag object to designate the page is Filtered
                        ViewBag.Filtered = true;

                        // Creates a new ProductBundle for the Products View
                        var productBundle = new ECommerceBundle();

                        productBundle.ProductList = dbContext.Products
                                                    .Include(p => p.Creator)
                                                    .Include(p => p.Customers)
                                                    .ThenInclude(o => o.Account)
                                                    .Where(p => p.Name.Contains(searchString))
                                                    .OrderByDescending(a => a.CreatedAt)

                        return(View("Products", productBundle));
        public IActionResult Update(UpdateProduct submission, int id)
            // The added security measures on the post route is to ensure no
            // one adds a Product with a different User ID than what the one 'logged in'

            string loggedIn  = HttpContext.Session.GetString("LoggedIn");
            int?   accountId = HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("AccountId");
            string email     = HttpContext.Session.GetString("Email");

            // if 'loggedIn' not present, proceed to default view
            if (loggedIn == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Accounts"));

            // Else checks to see if the account is in the DB
                // Creates a new account object using the session email
                Account accountInDb = dbContext.Accounts.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Email == email);

                // If email is not in the DB, kill Session and returns the View
                if (accountInDb == null)
                    TempData["LogoutError"] = "And error has occured and you have been logged out! Please login to continue!";
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Accounts"));

                // Else checks to see if the session ID matches the queried Account ID for the
                // ID in session
                    // If the ID's don't match, kills the session and returns the View
                    if (accountInDb.AccountId != (int)accountId)
                        TempData["LogoutError"] = "And error has occured and you have been logged out! Please login to continue!";
                        return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Accounts"));

                    // Else understands that the user is 'logged in' and moves the user to the
                    // Index in the Products controller
                        // Checks to see if all the data fields were completed
                        if (ModelState.IsValid)
                            // Create a new product object for updating
                            Product product = dbContext.Products.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ProductId == id);

                            // Updates the DateTime values for the DB Entry
                            product.UpdatedAt = DateTime.Now;

                            // If the ID's don't match, log the user out and clear session
                            if (product.AccountId != accountId)
                                TempData["LogoutError"] = "And error has occured and you have been logged out! Please login to continue!";
                                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Accounts"));

                            // Else, check fields to update
                                // Checks to see if Name field is populated
                                if (submission.Name != null)
                                    // if not null, sets the DB Name field as the submission field
                                    product.Name = submission.Name;

                                // Checks to see if Image field is populated
                                if (submission.Image != null)
                                    // if not null, sets the DB Image field as the submission field
                                    product.Image = submission.Image;

                                // Checks to see if Quantity field is populated
                                if (submission.Quantity != null)
                                    // if not null, checks to see if Quantity reduces the Product's amount below 0
                                    if (product.Quantity + (int)submission.Quantity >= 0)
                                        // If greater than or equal 0, set the new Product Quantity
                                        product.Quantity = product.Quantity + (int)submission.Quantity;

                                    // Else, throw a model error and return the View
                                        // ModelState Quantity Error
                                        ModelState.AddModelError("Quantity", "You cannot reduce the product's quantity below 0 units!");

                                        // Creates a ViewBag variable for NavBar display
                                        ViewBag.LoggedIn = true;

                                        // Creates a ViewBag variable for NavBar to access the Accounts/Show route
                                        ViewBag.AccountId = (int)accountId;

                                        var productBundle = new ECommerceBundle();

                                        // Creates a new ProductBundle for the Show View
                                        productBundle.Product = dbContext.Products
                                                                .Include(p => p.Creator)
                                                                .Include(p => p.Customers)
                                                                .ThenInclude(o => o.Account)
                                                                .FirstOrDefault(p => p.ProductId == id);

                                        // Creates a reference for the Update route for Products
                                        ViewBag.ProductId = productBundle.Product.ProductId;

                                        return(View("Show", productBundle));

                                // Checks to see if Quantity field is populated

                                if (submission.Description != null)
                                    // if not null, sets the DB Description field as the submission field
                                    product.Description = submission.Description;

                                // Updates the DB and returns the Show View for the product
                                return(RedirectToAction("Show", new{ id = product.ProductId }));

                        // If not valid, return errors
                            // Creates a ViewBag variable for NavBar display
                            ViewBag.LoggedIn = true;

                            // Creates a ViewBag variable for NavBar to access the Accounts/Show route
                            ViewBag.AccountId = (int)accountId;

                            var productBundle = new ECommerceBundle();

                            // Creates a new ProductBundle for the Show View
                            productBundle.Product = dbContext.Products
                                                    .Include(p => p.Creator)
                                                    .Include(p => p.Customers)
                                                    .ThenInclude(o => o.Account)
                                                    .FirstOrDefault(p => p.ProductId == id);

                            // Creates a reference for the Update route for Products
                            ViewBag.ProductId = productBundle.Product.ProductId;

                            return(View("Show", productBundle));
        // <---------- Accounts GET routes ---------->

        // RESTful route for Product Dashboard
        public IActionResult Index()
            // Retrieves data from ession to qury as an event handler.
            // Checks to see if the Session data is present to prevent penetration
            string loggedIn  = HttpContext.Session.GetString("LoggedIn");
            int?   accountId = HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("AccountId");
            string email     = HttpContext.Session.GetString("Email");

            // if 'loggedIn' not present, proceed to default view
            if (loggedIn == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Accounts"));

            // Else checks to see if the account is in the DB
                // Creates a new account object using the session email
                Account accountInDb = dbContext.Accounts.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Email == email);

                // If email is not in the DB, kill Session and returns the View
                if (accountInDb == null)
                    TempData["LogoutError"] = "And error has occured and you have been logged out! Please login to continue!";
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Accounts"));

                // Else checks to see if the session ID matches the queried Account ID for the
                // ID in session
                    // If the ID's don't match, kills the session and returns the View
                    if (accountInDb.AccountId != (int)accountId)
                        TempData["LogoutError"] = "And error has occured and you have been logged out! Please login to continue!";
                        return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Accounts"));

                    // Else undersatnds that the user is 'logged in' and moves the user to the
                    // Index in the Products controller
                        // Creates a ViewBag variable for NavBar display
                        ViewBag.LoggedIn = true;

                        // Creates a ViewBag variable for NavBar to access the Accounts/Show route
                        ViewBag.AccountId = (int)accountId;

                        // Creates a bundle object for displaying multiple object lists on the View
                        var dashboardBundle = new ECommerceBundle();

                        // List for Accounts (Limited to most recent 3)
                        dashboardBundle.AccountList = dbContext.Accounts
                                                      .Include(a => a.CreatedProducts)
                                                      .Include(a => a.Orders)
                                                      .ThenInclude(o => o.Product)
                                                      .OrderByDescending(a => a.CreatedAt)

                        // List for Products (Limited to most recent 4)
                        dashboardBundle.ProductList = dbContext.Products
                                                      .Include(p => p.Creator)
                                                      .Include(p => p.Customers)
                                                      .ThenInclude(o => o.Account)
                                                      .OrderByDescending(a => a.CreatedAt)

                        // List for Orders (Limited to most recent 3)
                        dashboardBundle.OrderList = dbContext.Orders
                                                    .Include(o => o.Account)
                                                    .Include(o => o.Product)
                                                    .OrderByDescending(o => o.CreatedAt)

        public IActionResult Create(Product product)
            // The added security measures on the post route is to ensure no
            // one adds a Product with a different User ID than what the one 'logged in'

            string loggedIn  = HttpContext.Session.GetString("LoggedIn");
            int?   accountId = HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("AccountId");
            string email     = HttpContext.Session.GetString("Email");

            // if 'loggedIn' not present, proceed to default view
            if (loggedIn == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Accounts"));

            // Else checks to see if the account is in the DB
                // Creates a new account object using the session email
                Account accountInDb = dbContext.Accounts.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Email == email);

                // If email is not in the DB, kill Session and returns the View
                if (accountInDb == null)
                    TempData["LogoutError"] = "And error has occured and you have been logged out! Please login to continue!";
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Accounts"));

                // Else checks to see if the session ID matches the queried Account ID for the
                // ID in session
                    // If the ID's don't match, kills the session and returns the View
                    if (accountInDb.AccountId != (int)accountId)
                        TempData["LogoutError"] = "And error has occured and you have been logged out! Please login to continue!";
                        return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Accounts"));

                    // Else understands that the user is 'logged in' and moves the user to the
                    // Index in the Products controller
                        // Checks to see if all the data fields were completed
                        if (ModelState.IsValid)
                            // Updates the DateTime values for the DB Entry
                            product.CreatedAt = DateTime.Now;
                            product.UpdatedAt = DateTime.Now;

                            // Updates the UserId for the "Creator"
                            product.AccountId = (int)accountId;

                            if (product.Image == null)
                                product.Image = "https://via.placeholder.com/100";


                            return(RedirectToAction("Show", new{ id = product.ProductId }));

                        // If not valid, return errors
                            // Creates a ViewBag variable for NavBar display
                            ViewBag.LoggedIn = true;

                            // Creates a ViewBag variable for NavBar to access the Accounts/Show route
                            ViewBag.AccountId = (int)accountId;

                            // Creates a new ProductBundle for the Products View

                            var productBundle = new ECommerceBundle();

                            productBundle.ProductList = dbContext.Products
                                                        .Include(p => p.Creator)
                                                        .Include(p => p.Customers)
                                                        .ThenInclude(o => o.Account)
                                                        .OrderByDescending(a => a.CreatedAt)

                            return(View("Products", productBundle));
        public IActionResult Show(int id)
            // Retrieves data from ession to qury as an event handler.
            // Checks to see if the Session data is present to prevent penetration
            string loggedIn  = HttpContext.Session.GetString("LoggedIn");
            int?   accountId = HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("AccountId");
            string email     = HttpContext.Session.GetString("Email");

            // if 'loggedIn' not present, proceed to default view
            if (loggedIn == null)

            // Else checks to see if the account is in the DB
                // Creates a new account object using the session email
                Account accountInDb = dbContext.Accounts.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Email == email);

                // If email is not in the DB, kill Session and returns the View
                if (accountInDb == null)
                    TempData["LogoutError"] = "And error has occured and you have been logged out! Please login to continue!";

                // Else checks to see if the session ID matches the queried Account ID for the
                // ID in session
                    // If the ID's don't match, kills the session and returns the View
                    if (accountInDb.AccountId != (int)accountId)
                        TempData["LogoutError"] = "And error has occured and you have been logged out! Please login to continue!";

                    // Else undersatnds that the user is 'logged in' and queries the DB for the
                    // Account and the associated Products/Orders related to that Account
                        // Creates a ViewBag variable for NavBar display
                        ViewBag.LoggedIn = true;

                        // Creates a ViewBag variable for NavBar to access the Accounts/Show route
                        ViewBag.AccountId = (int)accountId;

                        var productBundle = new ECommerceBundle();

                        // Creates a new ProductBundle for the Show View
                        productBundle.Product = dbContext.Products
                                                .Include(p => p.Creator)
                                                .Include(p => p.Customers)
                                                .ThenInclude(o => o.Account)
                                                .FirstOrDefault(p => p.ProductId == id);

                        // Creates a reference for the Update route for Products
                        ViewBag.ProductId = productBundle.Product.ProductId;
