Exemple #1
        public void DisplayAllSales()
            var _ctx = new EComContext();

            var AllOrderDetails = from od in _ctx.OrderDetails
                                  .Include(p => p.Product)
                                  .ThenInclude(su => su.Supplier)
                                  .Include(o => o.Order)
                                  .Include(sh => sh.Shipper)
                                  .Include(c => c.Customer)
                                  select od;

            int     count            = 0;
            decimal totalSalesAmount = 0;

            Console.WriteLine("ALL SALES : \n\n");
            foreach (var orderDetail in AllOrderDetails)
                Console.WriteLine("S/N {0}", ++count);
                Console.WriteLine("Product name : {0}", orderDetail.Product.Name);
                Console.WriteLine("Customer name : {0} {1}", orderDetail.Customer.FirstName, orderDetail.Customer.LastName);
                Console.WriteLine("Quantity ordered : {0}", orderDetail.Quantity);
                Console.WriteLine("Unit price : {0:#,###}", orderDetail.Product.Price);
                Console.WriteLine("Total cost : {0:#,###}", (orderDetail.Product.Price * orderDetail.Quantity));
                totalSalesAmount += (orderDetail.Product.Price * orderDetail.Product.Quantity);


            //Console.WriteLine("\nTotal sales : {0:#,###}", totalSalesAmount);
Exemple #2
        public void DisplayTopFiveDeals()
            var _ctx = new EComContext();

            var TopFiveDeals = (
                from o in _ctx.OrderDetails
                .Include(p => p.Product)
                group o by o.Product.Name into g
                orderby g.Count() descending
                select  new {
                ProductName = g.Key,
                PurchaseCount = g.Count(),
                Amount = g.ToList()[0].Product.Price

            Console.WriteLine("Top five deals are : \n \n");

            foreach (var Deal in TopFiveDeals)
                Console.WriteLine("Product Name : " + Deal.ProductName);
                Console.WriteLine("Product cost : " + Deal.Amount);
                Console.WriteLine("Number of times purchased : " + Deal.PurchaseCount);
                Console.WriteLine("\n \n");
Exemple #3
        public void DisplayCustomersFromFiveLocationsWhoseOrdersIsGreaterThanAmount(decimal inputAmount)
            var _ctx = new EComContext();

            decimal amount = inputAmount;

            var CustomersFromFiveLocationsWhoseOrdersIsGreaterThanAmount =

                    from o in _ctx.OrderDetails
                    .Include(p => p.Product)
                    .Include(c => c.Customer)
                    .Include(a => a.Customer.Address)
                    where o.Product.Price > amount
                    group o by o.Customer.Address into g
                    select g

            Console.WriteLine("Customers from 5 locations with orders greater than 50,000 \n \n");

            foreach (var address in CustomersFromFiveLocationsWhoseOrdersIsGreaterThanAmount)
                Console.WriteLine("Customer : " + address.ToList()[0].Customer.FirstName + " " + address.ToList()[0].Customer.LastName);
                Console.WriteLine("Location : " + address.Key.StreetNumber + " " + address.Key.Street + " street, " + address.Key.City);
                Console.WriteLine("Amount : {0:#,###.##}", address.ToList()[0].Product.Price);

            var a = 0;
        public void DisplayCustomersGroupedByCity()
            var _ctx = new EComContext();

            var CityAndItsCustomers = from c in _ctx.Customers
                                      .Include(c => c.Address)
                                      group c by c.Address.City into g
                                      select g;

            foreach (var city in CityAndItsCustomers)
                Console.WriteLine("Customers in the city : {0}\n \n", city.Key);

                foreach (var cstmer in city)
                    Console.WriteLine(cstmer.FirstName + " " + cstmer.LastName);
                Console.WriteLine("\n \n");
Exemple #5
        public void DisplaySalesByCity()
            var     _ctx       = new EComContext();
            decimal totalSales = 0;

            var AllSalesGroupedByCity = from od in _ctx.OrderDetails
                                        .Include(p => p.Product)
                                        .Include(c => c.Customer)
                                        .ThenInclude(a => a.Address)
                                        group od by od.Customer.Address.City into g
                                        select g;

            //var test = true;
            Console.WriteLine("SALES BY CITY : \n\n");

            foreach (var category in AllSalesGroupedByCity)
                string  cityName     = category.Key;
                decimal citySale     = 0;
                int     cityQuantity = 0;

                var catToList = category.ToList();

                foreach (var orderDet in catToList)
                    citySale     += (orderDet.Product.Price * orderDet.Quantity);
                    cityQuantity += orderDet.Quantity;

                Console.WriteLine("City name : {0}", cityName);
                Console.WriteLine("Total quantity sold in city : {0}", cityQuantity);
                Console.WriteLine("Total sale in city : {0:#,###}", citySale);

                totalSales += citySale;
            Console.WriteLine("Total sales : {0:#,###}", totalSales);
Exemple #6
        public void DisplaySalesByCustomer()
            var     _ctx       = new EComContext();
            decimal totalSales = 0;

            var AllSalesByCustomer = from od in _ctx.OrderDetails
                                     .Include(c => c.Customer)
                                     .Include(p => p.Product)
                                     group od by od.Customer into g
                                     select g;

            Console.WriteLine("SALES BY CUSTOMER : \n\n");

            foreach (var customer in AllSalesByCustomer)
                string  customerName     = customer.Key.FirstName + " " + customer.Key.LastName;
                decimal customerSale     = 0;
                int     customerQuantity = 0;

                var catToList = customer.ToList();

                foreach (var orderDet in catToList)
                    customerSale     += (orderDet.Product.Price * orderDet.Quantity);
                    customerQuantity += orderDet.Quantity;

                Console.WriteLine("Customer name : {0}", customerName);
                Console.WriteLine("Total number of products bought by customer : {0}", customerQuantity);
                Console.WriteLine("Total cost of products bought by customer : {0:#,###}", customerSale);

                totalSales += customerSale;
            Console.WriteLine("Total sales : {0:#,###}", totalSales);
Exemple #7
        public void DisplaySalesBySupplier()
            var     _ctx       = new EComContext();
            decimal totalSales = 0;

            var AllSalesBySupplier = from od in _ctx.OrderDetails
                                     .Include(p => p.Product)
                                     .ThenInclude(su => su.Supplier)
                                     group od by od.Product.Supplier into g
                                     select g;

            Console.WriteLine("SALES BY SUPPLIER : \n\n");

            foreach (var supplier in AllSalesBySupplier)
                string  supplierName     = supplier.Key.SupplierName;
                decimal supplierSale     = 0;
                int     supplierQuantity = 0;

                var catToList = supplier.ToList();

                foreach (var orderDet in catToList)
                    supplierSale     += (orderDet.Product.Price * orderDet.Quantity);
                    supplierQuantity += orderDet.Quantity;

                Console.WriteLine("Supplier name : {0}", supplierName);
                Console.WriteLine("Total product sales supplied by supplier : {0}", supplierQuantity);
                Console.WriteLine("Total sale of product by supplier : {0:#,###}", supplierSale);

                totalSales += supplierSale;
            Console.WriteLine("Total sales : {0:#,###}", totalSales);
Exemple #8
        public void DisplaySalesByShipper()
            var     _ctx       = new EComContext();
            decimal totalSales = 0;

            var AllSalesByShipper = from od in _ctx.OrderDetails
                                    .Include(sh => sh.Shipper)
                                    .Include(p => p.Product)
                                    group od by od.Shipper into g
                                    select g;

            Console.WriteLine("SALES BY SHIPPER : \n\n");

            foreach (var shipper in AllSalesByShipper)
                string  shipperName     = shipper.Key.ShipperName;
                decimal shipperSale     = 0;
                int     shipperQuantity = 0;

                var catToList = shipper.ToList();

                foreach (var orderDet in catToList)
                    shipperSale     += (orderDet.Product.Price * orderDet.Quantity);
                    shipperQuantity += orderDet.Quantity;

                Console.WriteLine("Shipper name : {0}", shipperName);
                Console.WriteLine("Total product shipped by shipper to customers : {0}", shipperQuantity);
                Console.WriteLine("Total sale shipped by shipper : {0:#,###}", shipperSale);

                totalSales += shipperSale;
            Console.WriteLine("Total sales : {0:#,###}", totalSales);
Exemple #9
        public void DisplaySalesByProduct()
            var     _ctx       = new EComContext();
            decimal totalSales = 0;

            var AllSalesGroupedByProduct = from od in _ctx.OrderDetails
                                           .Include(p => p.Product)
                                           group od by od.Product into g
                                           select g;

            Console.WriteLine("SALES BY PRODUCT : \n\n");

            foreach (var product in AllSalesGroupedByProduct)
                string  productName     = product.Key.Name;
                decimal productSale     = 0;
                int     productQuantity = 0;

                var catToList = product.ToList();

                foreach (var orderDet in catToList)
                    productSale     += (orderDet.Product.Price * orderDet.Quantity);
                    productQuantity += orderDet.Quantity;

                Console.WriteLine("Product name : {0}", productName);
                Console.WriteLine("Total quantity of product sold : {0}", productQuantity);
                Console.WriteLine("Total sale of product : {0:#,###}", productSale);

                totalSales += productSale;
            Console.WriteLine("Total sales : {0:#,###}", totalSales);
Exemple #10
        public void DisplaySalesByCategory()
            var     _ctx       = new EComContext();
            decimal totalSales = 0;

            var salesByCategory = from od in _ctx.OrderDetails
                                  .Include(cat => cat.Product.Category)
                                  group od by od.Product.Category into g
                                  select g;

            Console.WriteLine("SALES BY CATEGORY : \n\n");

            foreach (var category in salesByCategory)
                string  catName     = category.Key.Name;
                decimal catSale     = 0;
                int     catQuantity = 0;

                var catToList = category.ToList();

                foreach (var orderDet in catToList)
                    catSale     += (orderDet.Product.Price * orderDet.Quantity);
                    catQuantity += orderDet.Quantity;

                Console.WriteLine("Category name : {0}", catName);
                Console.WriteLine("Total quantity sold : {0}", catQuantity);
                Console.WriteLine("Total category sale : {0:#,###}", catSale);

                totalSales += catSale;
            Console.WriteLine("Total sales : {0:#,###}", totalSales);
Exemple #11
 public HomeController(EComContext context)
     dbContext = context;
Exemple #12
 public AdminController(EComContext context,
                        IHostingEnvironment hostingEnvironment)
     dbContext = context;