Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Uploads image by resizing and storing it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source"></param>
        /// <param name="resizes"></param>
        /// <param name="fileName"></param>
        /// <param name="contentType"></param>
        /// <param name="uploadedOn"></param>
        /// <param name="appType"></param>
        /// <param name="userId"></param>
        /// <param name="uploadFrom"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <Media> UploadImageAsync(Stream source,
                                                   List <ImageResizeInfo> resizes,
                                                   string fileName,
                                                   string contentType,
                                                   string title,
                                                   DateTimeOffset uploadedOn,
                                                   EAppType appType,
                                                   int userId,
                                                   EUploadedFrom uploadFrom = EUploadedFrom.Browser)
            int resizeCount = 0;

            var(widthOrig, heightOrig) = GetOriginalSize(source);

            foreach (var resize in resizes)
                using (var dest = new MemoryStream())
                    // each time source is read, it needs reset
                    source.Position = 0;

                    // don't resize original png and gif may output large file size, save it as is
                    if (resize.TargetSize == int.MaxValue)
                        await _storageProvider.SaveFileAsync(source, fileName, resize.Path, resize.PathSeparator);
                    else if (Math.Max(widthOrig, heightOrig) > resize.TargetSize) // only resize and save when it's larger than target
                        Resize(source, dest, resize.TargetSize);
                        dest.Position = 0;
                        await _storageProvider.SaveFileAsync(dest, fileName, resize.Path, resize.PathSeparator);

            // create record in db
            var media = new Media
                UserId       = userId,
                AppType      = appType,
                FileName     = fileName,
                Title        = title,
                Description  = null,
                Length       = source.Length,
                MediaType    = EMediaType.Image,
                UploadedOn   = uploadedOn,
                UploadedFrom = uploadFrom,
                Width        = widthOrig,
                Height       = heightOrig,
                Caption      = title,
                ContentType  = contentType,
                Alt          = title,
                ResizeCount  = resizeCount,

            await _mediaRepo.CreateAsync(media);

Exemple #2
        public static string GetAppName(uint appID, out EAppType appType)
            App data;

            using (var db = Database.Get())
                data = db.Query <App>("SELECT `AppID`, `Apps`.`Name`, `LastKnownName`, `Apps`.`AppType` FROM `Apps` WHERE `AppID` = @AppID", new { AppID = appID }).SingleOrDefault();

            appType = data.AppID == 0 || data.AppType == EAppType.Invalid ? EAppType.Application : data.AppType;

            return(FormatAppName(appID, data));
        /// <summary>
        /// Uploads image by resizing and storing it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source"></param>
        /// <param name="resizes"></param>
        /// <param name="fileName"></param>
        /// <param name="contentType"></param>
        /// <param name="uploadedOn"></param>
        /// <param name="appType"></param>
        /// <param name="userId"></param>
        /// <param name="uploadFrom"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <Media> UploadImageAsync(Stream source,
                                                   List <ImageResizeInfo> resizes,
                                                   string fileName,
                                                   string contentType,
                                                   string title,
                                                   DateTimeOffset uploadedOn,
                                                   EAppType appType,
                                                   int userId,
                                                   EUploadedFrom uploadFrom = EUploadedFrom.Browser)
            int widthOrig;
            int heightOrig;
            int resizeCount = 0;

            if (contentType.Equals("image/gif"))
                using (var imageColl = new MagickImageCollection(source))
                    widthOrig  = imageColl[0].Width;
                    heightOrig = imageColl[0].Height;

                    // currently for gif I only save original so there is no resizing
                    // TODO: with ImageMagick resizing a gif take a long time
                    // plus the resized gif has a larger file size than original
                    // I tried limit gif length to 800px, but even resizing to small has these issues

                    // resize and store
                    foreach (var resize in resizes)
                        // save original without resizing
                        if (resize.TargetSize == int.MaxValue)
                            source.Position = 0;
                            await _storageProvider.SaveFileAsync(source, fileName, resize.Path, resize.PathSeparator);
                        //else if (Math.Max(widthOrig, heightOrig) > resize.TargetSize)
                        //    resizeCount++;
                        //    var (width, height) = GetNewSize(widthOrig, heightOrig, resize.TargetSize);

                        //    imageColl.Coalesce();
                        //    foreach (var image in imageColl)
                        //    {
                        //        var colors = image.TotalColors;
                        //        image.Resize(width, height); // resize will make # of colors higher
                        //        image.Quantize(new QuantizeSettings
                        //        {
                        //            Colors = colors, // set it back to the smaller original colors
                        //            DitherMethod = DitherMethod.No
                        //        });
                        //    }

                        //    imageColl.Optimize();
                        //    await _storageProvider.SaveFileAsync(imageColl.ToByteArray(), fileName, resize.Path, resize.PathSeparator);
            else if (contentType.Equals("image/png"))
                using (var image = new MagickImage(source))
                    widthOrig  = image.Width;
                    heightOrig = image.Height;

                    foreach (var resize in resizes)
                        // save original without resizing for png
                        if (resize.TargetSize == int.MaxValue)
                            source.Position = 0;
                            await _storageProvider.SaveFileAsync(source, fileName, resize.Path, resize.PathSeparator);
                        else if (Math.Max(widthOrig, heightOrig) > resize.TargetSize)
                            var(width, height) = GetNewSize(widthOrig, heightOrig, resize.TargetSize);
                            //image.Quality = 75; // does not seem to affect output file size, so commented out
                            image.Resize(width, height);

                            await _storageProvider.SaveFileAsync(image.ToByteArray(), fileName, resize.Path, resize.PathSeparator);
            else // jpg
                using (var image = new MagickImage(source))
                    widthOrig  = image.Width;
                    heightOrig = image.Height;

                    foreach (var resize in resizes)
                        if (resize.TargetSize == int.MaxValue || Math.Max(widthOrig, heightOrig) > resize.TargetSize)
                            if (resize.TargetSize != int.MaxValue)
                            var(width, height) = GetNewSize(widthOrig, heightOrig, resize.TargetSize);
                            // setting the Quality is needed for having it here makes a difference for a smaller output file size!
                            image.Quality = 85; // 75 is default
                            image.Resize(width, height);

                            await _storageProvider.SaveFileAsync(image.ToByteArray(), fileName, resize.Path, resize.PathSeparator);

            // create record in db
            var media = new Media
                UserId       = userId,
                AppType      = appType,
                FileName     = fileName,
                Title        = title,
                Description  = null,
                Length       = source.Length,
                MediaType    = EMediaType.Image,
                UploadedOn   = uploadedOn,
                UploadedFrom = uploadFrom,
                Width        = widthOrig,
                Height       = heightOrig,
                Caption      = title,
                ContentType  = contentType,
                Alt          = title,
                ResizeCount  = resizeCount,

            await _mediaRepo.CreateAsync(media);

Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns full path to a file after saving it to Azure Blob Storage.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userId">The id of the user who uploads.</param>
        /// <param name="fileName">Slugged filename with ext.</param>
        /// <param name="year">Upload year.</param>
        /// <param name="month">Upload month.</param>
        /// <param name="content">The content of file.</param>
        /// <param name="appId">Which app it uploaded it.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <string> SaveFileAsync(int userId, string fileName, string year, string month, byte[] content, EAppType appId)
            // blobName "blog/1/2017/11/filename", container is "media"
            string blobName = string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}/{4}",

            // get a ref to blob which does not call server
            var blob = _container.GetBlockBlobReference(blobName);

            // make sure blob is unique
            int i = 1;

            while (await blob.ExistsAsync())
                blobName = blobName.Insert(blobName.LastIndexOf('.'), $"-{i}");
                blob     = _container.GetBlockBlobReference(blobName);

            // set content type
            blob.Properties.ContentType = MimeTypeMap.GetMimeType(Path.GetExtension(fileName));

            // create blob with contents
            await blob.UploadFromByteArrayAsync(content, 0, content.Length);

        public bool Deserialize(JSON_BuffEffectParam json)
            if (json == null)
            this.iname      = json.iname;
            this.job        = json.job;
            this.buki       = json.buki;
            this.birth      = json.birth;
            this.sex        = (ESex)json.sex;
            this.un_group   = json.un_group;
            this.elem       = Convert.ToInt32(json.elem.ToString("d7"), 2);
            this.rate       = (OInt)json.rate;
            this.turn       = (OInt)json.turn;
            this.chk_target = (EffectCheckTargets)json.chktgt;
            this.chk_timing = (EffectCheckTimings)json.timing;
            this.cond       = (ESkillCondition)json.cond;
            this.mIsUpBuff  = (OBool)false;
            this.mUpTiming  = (EffectCheckTimings)json.up_timing;
            this.mAppType   = (EAppType)json.app_type;
            this.mAppMct    = json.app_mct;
            this.mEffRange  = (EEffRange)json.eff_range;
            this.mFlags     = (BuffFlags)0;
            if (json.is_up_rep != 0)
                this.mFlags |= BuffFlags.UpReplenish;
            if (json.is_no_dis != 0)
                this.mFlags |= BuffFlags.NoDisabled;
            if (json.is_no_bt != 0)
                this.mFlags |= BuffFlags.NoBuffTurn;
            ParamTypes type1  = (ParamTypes)json.type1;
            ParamTypes type2  = (ParamTypes)json.type2;
            ParamTypes type3  = (ParamTypes)json.type3;
            ParamTypes type4  = (ParamTypes)json.type4;
            ParamTypes type5  = (ParamTypes)json.type5;
            ParamTypes type6  = (ParamTypes)json.type6;
            ParamTypes type7  = (ParamTypes)json.type7;
            ParamTypes type8  = (ParamTypes)json.type8;
            ParamTypes type9  = (ParamTypes)json.type9;
            ParamTypes type10 = (ParamTypes)json.type10;
            ParamTypes type11 = (ParamTypes)json.type11;
            int        length = 0;

            if (type1 != ParamTypes.None)
            if (type2 != ParamTypes.None)
            if (type3 != ParamTypes.None)
            if (type4 != ParamTypes.None)
            if (type5 != ParamTypes.None)
            if (type6 != ParamTypes.None)
            if (type7 != ParamTypes.None)
            if (type8 != ParamTypes.None)
            if (type9 != ParamTypes.None)
            if (type10 != ParamTypes.None)
            if (type11 != ParamTypes.None)
            if (length > 0)
                this.buffs = new BuffEffectParam.Buff[length];
                int index = 0;
                if (type1 != ParamTypes.None)
                    this.buffs[index]           = new BuffEffectParam.Buff();
                    this.buffs[index].type      = type1;
                    this.buffs[index].value_ini = (OInt)json.vini1;
                    this.buffs[index].value_max = (OInt)json.vmax1;
                    this.buffs[index].value_one = (OInt)json.vone1;
                    this.buffs[index].calc      = (SkillParamCalcTypes)json.calc1;
                if (type2 != ParamTypes.None)
                    this.buffs[index]           = new BuffEffectParam.Buff();
                    this.buffs[index].type      = type2;
                    this.buffs[index].value_ini = (OInt)json.vini2;
                    this.buffs[index].value_max = (OInt)json.vmax2;
                    this.buffs[index].value_one = (OInt)json.vone2;
                    this.buffs[index].calc      = (SkillParamCalcTypes)json.calc2;
                if (type3 != ParamTypes.None)
                    this.buffs[index]           = new BuffEffectParam.Buff();
                    this.buffs[index].type      = type3;
                    this.buffs[index].value_ini = (OInt)json.vini3;
                    this.buffs[index].value_max = (OInt)json.vmax3;
                    this.buffs[index].value_one = (OInt)json.vone3;
                    this.buffs[index].calc      = (SkillParamCalcTypes)json.calc3;
                if (type4 != ParamTypes.None)
                    this.buffs[index]           = new BuffEffectParam.Buff();
                    this.buffs[index].type      = type4;
                    this.buffs[index].value_ini = (OInt)json.vini4;
                    this.buffs[index].value_max = (OInt)json.vmax4;
                    this.buffs[index].value_one = (OInt)json.vone4;
                    this.buffs[index].calc      = (SkillParamCalcTypes)json.calc4;
                if (type5 != ParamTypes.None)
                    this.buffs[index]           = new BuffEffectParam.Buff();
                    this.buffs[index].type      = type5;
                    this.buffs[index].value_ini = (OInt)json.vini5;
                    this.buffs[index].value_max = (OInt)json.vmax5;
                    this.buffs[index].value_one = (OInt)json.vone5;
                    this.buffs[index].calc      = (SkillParamCalcTypes)json.calc5;
                if (type6 != ParamTypes.None)
                    this.buffs[index]           = new BuffEffectParam.Buff();
                    this.buffs[index].type      = type6;
                    this.buffs[index].value_ini = (OInt)json.vini6;
                    this.buffs[index].value_max = (OInt)json.vmax6;
                    this.buffs[index].value_one = (OInt)json.vone6;
                    this.buffs[index].calc      = (SkillParamCalcTypes)json.calc6;
                if (type7 != ParamTypes.None)
                    this.buffs[index]           = new BuffEffectParam.Buff();
                    this.buffs[index].type      = type7;
                    this.buffs[index].value_ini = (OInt)json.vini7;
                    this.buffs[index].value_max = (OInt)json.vmax7;
                    this.buffs[index].value_one = (OInt)json.vone7;
                    this.buffs[index].calc      = (SkillParamCalcTypes)json.calc7;
                if (type8 != ParamTypes.None)
                    this.buffs[index]           = new BuffEffectParam.Buff();
                    this.buffs[index].type      = type8;
                    this.buffs[index].value_ini = (OInt)json.vini8;
                    this.buffs[index].value_max = (OInt)json.vmax8;
                    this.buffs[index].value_one = (OInt)json.vone8;
                    this.buffs[index].calc      = (SkillParamCalcTypes)json.calc8;
                if (type9 != ParamTypes.None)
                    this.buffs[index]           = new BuffEffectParam.Buff();
                    this.buffs[index].type      = type9;
                    this.buffs[index].value_ini = (OInt)json.vini9;
                    this.buffs[index].value_max = (OInt)json.vmax9;
                    this.buffs[index].value_one = (OInt)json.vone9;
                    this.buffs[index].calc      = (SkillParamCalcTypes)json.calc9;
                if (type10 != ParamTypes.None)
                    this.buffs[index]           = new BuffEffectParam.Buff();
                    this.buffs[index].type      = type10;
                    this.buffs[index].value_ini = (OInt)json.vini10;
                    this.buffs[index].value_max = (OInt)json.vmax10;
                    this.buffs[index].value_one = (OInt)json.vone10;
                    this.buffs[index].calc      = (SkillParamCalcTypes)json.calc10;
                if (type11 != ParamTypes.None)
                    this.buffs[index]           = new BuffEffectParam.Buff();
                    this.buffs[index].type      = type11;
                    this.buffs[index].value_ini = (OInt)json.vini11;
                    this.buffs[index].value_max = (OInt)json.vmax11;
                    this.buffs[index].value_one = (OInt)json.vone11;
                    this.buffs[index].calc      = (SkillParamCalcTypes)json.calc11;
                    int num = index + 1;
                foreach (BuffEffectParam.Buff buff in this.buffs)
                    if ((int)buff.value_one != 0)
                        this.mIsUpBuff = (OBool)true;
            if (json.custom_targets != null)
                this.custom_targets = new string[json.custom_targets.Length];
                for (int index = 0; index < json.custom_targets.Length; ++index)
                    this.custom_targets[index] = json.custom_targets[index];
Exemple #6
        public bool Deserialize(JSON_BuffEffectParam json)
            if (json == null)
            this.iname      = json.iname;
            this.job        = json.job;
            this.buki       = json.buki;
            this.birth      = json.birth;
            this.sex        = (ESex)json.sex;
            this.elem       = Convert.ToInt32(json.elem.ToString("d7"), 2);
            this.rate       = (OInt)json.rate;
            this.turn       = (OInt)json.turn;
            this.chk_target = (EffectCheckTargets)json.chktgt;
            this.chk_timing = (EffectCheckTimings)json.timing;
            this.cond       = (ESkillCondition)json.cond;
            this.mAppType   = (EAppType)json.app_type;
            this.mAppMct    = json.app_mct;
            this.mEffRange  = (EEffRange)json.eff_range;
            ParamTypes type1  = (ParamTypes)json.type1;
            ParamTypes type2  = (ParamTypes)json.type2;
            ParamTypes type3  = (ParamTypes)json.type3;
            ParamTypes type4  = (ParamTypes)json.type4;
            ParamTypes type5  = (ParamTypes)json.type5;
            ParamTypes type6  = (ParamTypes)json.type6;
            ParamTypes type7  = (ParamTypes)json.type7;
            ParamTypes type8  = (ParamTypes)json.type8;
            ParamTypes type9  = (ParamTypes)json.type9;
            ParamTypes type10 = (ParamTypes)json.type10;
            int        length = 0;

            if (type1 != ParamTypes.None)
            if (type2 != ParamTypes.None)
            if (type3 != ParamTypes.None)
            if (type4 != ParamTypes.None)
            if (type5 != ParamTypes.None)
            if (type6 != ParamTypes.None)
            if (type7 != ParamTypes.None)
            if (type8 != ParamTypes.None)
            if (type9 != ParamTypes.None)
            if (type10 != ParamTypes.None)
            if (length > 0)
                this.buffs = new BuffEffectParam.Buff[length];
                int index = 0;
                if (type1 != ParamTypes.None)
                    this.buffs[index]           = new BuffEffectParam.Buff();
                    this.buffs[index].type      = type1;
                    this.buffs[index].value_ini = (OInt)json.vini1;
                    this.buffs[index].value_max = (OInt)json.vmax1;
                    this.buffs[index].calc      = (SkillParamCalcTypes)json.calc1;
                if (type2 != ParamTypes.None)
                    this.buffs[index]           = new BuffEffectParam.Buff();
                    this.buffs[index].type      = type2;
                    this.buffs[index].value_ini = (OInt)json.vini2;
                    this.buffs[index].value_max = (OInt)json.vmax2;
                    this.buffs[index].calc      = (SkillParamCalcTypes)json.calc2;
                if (type3 != ParamTypes.None)
                    this.buffs[index]           = new BuffEffectParam.Buff();
                    this.buffs[index].type      = type3;
                    this.buffs[index].value_ini = (OInt)json.vini3;
                    this.buffs[index].value_max = (OInt)json.vmax3;
                    this.buffs[index].calc      = (SkillParamCalcTypes)json.calc3;
                if (type4 != ParamTypes.None)
                    this.buffs[index]           = new BuffEffectParam.Buff();
                    this.buffs[index].type      = type4;
                    this.buffs[index].value_ini = (OInt)json.vini4;
                    this.buffs[index].value_max = (OInt)json.vmax4;
                    this.buffs[index].calc      = (SkillParamCalcTypes)json.calc4;
                if (type5 != ParamTypes.None)
                    this.buffs[index]           = new BuffEffectParam.Buff();
                    this.buffs[index].type      = type5;
                    this.buffs[index].value_ini = (OInt)json.vini5;
                    this.buffs[index].value_max = (OInt)json.vmax5;
                    this.buffs[index].calc      = (SkillParamCalcTypes)json.calc5;
                if (type6 != ParamTypes.None)
                    this.buffs[index]           = new BuffEffectParam.Buff();
                    this.buffs[index].type      = type6;
                    this.buffs[index].value_ini = (OInt)json.vini6;
                    this.buffs[index].value_max = (OInt)json.vmax6;
                    this.buffs[index].calc      = (SkillParamCalcTypes)json.calc6;
                if (type7 != ParamTypes.None)
                    this.buffs[index]           = new BuffEffectParam.Buff();
                    this.buffs[index].type      = type7;
                    this.buffs[index].value_ini = (OInt)json.vini7;
                    this.buffs[index].value_max = (OInt)json.vmax7;
                    this.buffs[index].calc      = (SkillParamCalcTypes)json.calc7;
                if (type8 != ParamTypes.None)
                    this.buffs[index]           = new BuffEffectParam.Buff();
                    this.buffs[index].type      = type8;
                    this.buffs[index].value_ini = (OInt)json.vini8;
                    this.buffs[index].value_max = (OInt)json.vmax8;
                    this.buffs[index].calc      = (SkillParamCalcTypes)json.calc8;
                if (type9 != ParamTypes.None)
                    this.buffs[index]           = new BuffEffectParam.Buff();
                    this.buffs[index].type      = type9;
                    this.buffs[index].value_ini = (OInt)json.vini9;
                    this.buffs[index].value_max = (OInt)json.vmax9;
                    this.buffs[index].calc      = (SkillParamCalcTypes)json.calc9;
                if (type10 != ParamTypes.None)
                    this.buffs[index]           = new BuffEffectParam.Buff();
                    this.buffs[index].type      = type10;
                    this.buffs[index].value_ini = (OInt)json.vini10;
                    this.buffs[index].value_max = (OInt)json.vmax10;
                    this.buffs[index].calc      = (SkillParamCalcTypes)json.calc10;
                    int num = index + 1;
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns media url after upload to storage.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userId">Id of the user uploading the media.</param>
        /// <param name="fileName">File name with ext.</param>
        /// <param name="content">File content</param>
        /// <param name="appId">Which app it uploaded it.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Note: This method is optimized for metaweblog use with olw, other apps have totally
        /// different file logic.
        /// Depending on the storage provider, the returned media url could be relative path
        /// (File Sys) or absolute path (Azure Blog).
        /// </remarks>
        public async Task <string> UploadMediaAsync(int userId, string fileName, byte[] content, EAppType appId, EUploadedFrom uploadFrom)
            // verify ext is supported
            var ext = Path.GetExtension(fileName);

            if (ext.IsNullOrEmpty() || !Accepted_Image_Types.Contains(ext, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                throw new FanException("Upload file type is not supported.");

            // time
            var uploadedOn = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
            var year       = uploadedOn.Year.ToString();
            var month      = uploadedOn.Month.ToString("d2");

            // make sure file name is not too long
            var fileNameWithoutExt = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName);

            if (fileNameWithoutExt.Length > MEDIA_FILENAME_MAXLEN)
                fileNameWithoutExt = fileNameWithoutExt.Substring(0, MEDIA_FILENAME_MAXLEN);

            // there is a quirk file uploaded from olw had "_2" suffixed to the name
            if (uploadFrom == EUploadedFrom.MetaWeblog && fileNameWithoutExt.EndsWith("_2"))
                fileNameWithoutExt = fileNameWithoutExt.Remove(fileNameWithoutExt.Length - 2);

            // slug file name
            // chinese fn ends up emtpy and the thumb file with chinese fn ends up with only "thumb"
            var slug = Util.FormatSlug(fileNameWithoutExt);

            if (slug.IsNullOrEmpty())
                slug = Util.RandomString(6);
            else if (uploadFrom == EUploadedFrom.MetaWeblog && slug == "thumb")
                slug = string.Concat(Util.RandomString(6), "_thumb");
            string fileNameSlugged = $"{slug}{ext}";

            // save file to storage and get back file path
            var filePath = await _storageProvider.SaveFileAsync(userId, fileNameSlugged, year, month, content, EAppType.Blog);

            // encode filename
            var fileNameEncoded = WebUtility.HtmlEncode(fileNameWithoutExt);

            // since file name could have been updated for uniqueness
            var start          = filePath.LastIndexOf('/') + 1;
            var uniqueFileName = filePath.Substring(start, filePath.Length - start);

            // save record to db
            var media = new Media
                UserId       = userId,
                AppId        = appId,
                FileName     = uniqueFileName,  // unique filename from storage provider
                Title        = fileNameEncoded, // original filename
                Description  = null,
                Length       = content.LongLength,
                MediaType    = EMediaType.Image,
                UploadedOn   = uploadedOn,
                UploadedFrom = uploadFrom,
            await _mediaRepo.CreateAsync(media);

 public void SetApplicationType(EAppType value)
     _app_temp_settings[APPLICATION_TYPE] = ((int)value).ToString();
Exemple #9
 public static void SetAppType(int type)
     appType = (EAppType)type;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns relative path to a file after saving it on the file system.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userId">The id of the user who uploads.</param>
        /// <param name="fileName">Slugged filename with ext.</param>
        /// <param name="year">Upload year.</param>
        /// <param name="month">Upload month.</param>
        /// <param name="content">The content of file.</param>
        /// <param name="appId">Which app it uploaded it.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <string> SaveFileAsync(int userId, string fileName, string year, string month, byte[] content, EAppType appId)
            // app name
            var appName = appId.ToString().ToLowerInvariant();

            // dir to save this file in
            var dirPath = string.Format("{0}\\{1}\\{2}\\{3}\\{4}\\{5}",

            // make sure dir exists
            if (!Directory.Exists(dirPath))

            // combine dir and filename
            var filePath = Path.Combine(dirPath, fileName);

            // make sure file is unique
            int i = 1;

            while (File.Exists(filePath))
                fileName = fileName.Insert(fileName.LastIndexOf('.'), $"-{i}");
                filePath = Path.Combine(dirPath, fileName);

            // save file to file sys
            using (var targetStream = File.Create(filePath))
                using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(content))
                    await stream.CopyToAsync(targetStream);

            // returns relative path
Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Uploads image by resizing and storing it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source"></param>
        /// <param name="resizes"></param>
        /// <param name="fileName"></param>
        /// <param name="contentType"></param>
        /// <param name="uploadedOn"></param>
        /// <param name="appType"></param>
        /// <param name="userId"></param>
        /// <param name="uploadFrom"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <Media> UploadImageAsync(Stream source,
                                                   List <ImageResizeInfo> resizes,
                                                   string fileName,
                                                   string contentType,
                                                   string title,
                                                   DateTimeOffset uploadedOn,
                                                   EAppType appType,
                                                   int userId,
                                                   EUploadedFrom uploadFrom = EUploadedFrom.Browser)
            int widthOrig;
            int heightOrig;
            int resizeCount = 0;

            if (contentType.Equals("image/gif"))
                using (var imageColl = new MagickImageCollection(source))
                    widthOrig  = imageColl[0].Width;
                    heightOrig = imageColl[0].Height;

                    // resize and store
                    foreach (var resize in resizes)
                        // save original without resizing, currently I couldn't dec original file size by resizing with ImageMagick
                        if (resize.TargetSize == int.MaxValue)
                            source.Position = 0;
                            await _storageProvider.SaveFileAsync(source, fileName, resize.Path, resize.PathSeparator);
                        else if (Math.Max(widthOrig, heightOrig) > resize.TargetSize)
                            var(width, height) = GetNewSize(widthOrig, heightOrig, resize.TargetSize);

                            foreach (var image in imageColl)
                                var colors = image.TotalColors;
                                image.Resize(width, height); // resize will make # of colors higher
                                image.Quantize(new QuantizeSettings
                                    Colors       = colors, // set it back to the smaller original colors
                                    DitherMethod = DitherMethod.No

                            await _storageProvider.SaveFileAsync(imageColl.ToByteArray(), fileName, resize.Path, resize.PathSeparator);
            else if (contentType.Equals("image/png"))
                using (var image = new MagickImage(source))
                    widthOrig  = image.Width;
                    heightOrig = image.Height;

                    foreach (var resize in resizes)
                        // save original without resizing for png
                        if (resize.TargetSize == int.MaxValue)
                            source.Position = 0;
                            await _storageProvider.SaveFileAsync(source, fileName, resize.Path, resize.PathSeparator);
                        else if (Math.Max(widthOrig, heightOrig) > resize.TargetSize)
                            var(width, height) = GetNewSize(widthOrig, heightOrig, resize.TargetSize);
                            //image.Quality = 75; // does not seem to affect output file size, so commented out
                            image.Resize(width, height);

                            await _storageProvider.SaveFileAsync(image.ToByteArray(), fileName, resize.Path, resize.PathSeparator);
            else // jpg
                using (var image = new MagickImage(source))
                    widthOrig  = image.Width;
                    heightOrig = image.Height;

                    foreach (var resize in resizes)
                        if (resize.TargetSize == int.MaxValue || Math.Max(widthOrig, heightOrig) > resize.TargetSize)
                            if (resize.TargetSize != int.MaxValue)
                            var(width, height) = GetNewSize(widthOrig, heightOrig, resize.TargetSize);
                            image.Quality      = 75; // though 75 is default, having it here does make a difference on making output file size smaller!
                            image.Resize(width, height);

                            await _storageProvider.SaveFileAsync(image.ToByteArray(), fileName, resize.Path, resize.PathSeparator);

            // create record in db
            var media = new Media
                UserId       = userId,
                AppType      = appType,
                FileName     = fileName,
                Title        = title,
                Description  = null,
                Length       = source.Length,
                MediaType    = EMediaType.Image,
                UploadedOn   = uploadedOn,
                UploadedFrom = uploadFrom,
                Width        = widthOrig,
                Height       = heightOrig,
                Caption      = title,
                ContentType  = contentType,
                Alt          = title,
                ResizeCount  = resizeCount,

            await _mediaRepo.CreateAsync(media);
