public async Task ShowProfileData(string myid) { progressBar.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; try { //Console.WriteLine("name vvvvv- - - ", myid); ////Console.WriteLine(aPassword); try { tableName = MyAWSConfigs.AdminDBTableName; item = Dynamodb.GetItem(myid, tableName); //Console.WriteLine(item["aPassword"]); //check item is there if (item != null) { //Console.WriteLine("name - - - ", item["aName"]); AdminName.Text = item["aName"]; AdminPhone.Text = item["aPhone"]; AdminEMail.Text = item["aId"]; //set pro pic to image string imagename = item["aPropic"]; await Task.Run(() => Models.S3Bucket.DownloadFile(imagename, MyAWSConfigs.AdminS3BucketName)); var BaseDirectoryPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; string filePath = BaseDirectoryPath + $"Resources/Images/{imagename}"; AdminDp.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(filePath)); AdminType.Text = "Non-Root Admin"; //check admin is root or not if (item["root"].AsBoolean() == true) { AdminType.Text = "Root Admin - Only you can access other Admins data"; } } else { MessageBox.Show("Can not Load Data!!!"); } } catch (AmazonDynamoDBException ex) { MessageBox.Show("Message : Server Error", ex.Message); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Message : Unknown Error", ex.Message); } } finally { Mouse.OverrideCursor = null; } }
private async Task LoadData(string id) { progressBar.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; try { IEnumerable <RefPerson> temp = await Task.Run(() => RefPerson.GetAllRefPersons()); List <RefPerson> refs = new List <RefPerson>(temp); List <String> selectedrefs = new List <String>(); List <String> tickedreaders = new List <String>(); //selectedrefs = var item = Dynamodb.GetItem(id, MyAWSConfigs.ReaderDBtableName); Console.WriteLine("dsdddddddddddddddddddddddd" + item["description"]); selectedrefs = item["refList"].AsListOfString(); foreach (var r in refs) { r.isCheckedRef = false; } //Console.WriteLine(); for (int i = 0; i < selectedrefs.Count; i++) { foreach (var j in refs) { if ( == selectedrefs[i]) { tickedreaders.Add(; j.isCheckedRef = true; } } } foreach (var j in refs) { //tickedreaders.Add(; Console.WriteLine("\n" + j.isCheckedRef); } RefDataGrid.ItemsSource = refs; RefDataGrid.Items.Refresh(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } finally { progressBar.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; } }
private async void ButtonSubmit_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { bool isFilePathEmpty = string.IsNullOrEmpty(uploadFilePath); if (!isFilePathEmpty) { ProgressDialogController controller = await this.ShowProgressAsync("Please wait...", "Uploading data"); controller.SetIndeterminate(); controller.SetCancelable(false); string[] temp = uploadFilePath.Split('.'); string fileId = $"{myId}.{temp[temp.Length - 1]}"; string BaseDirectoryPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; string filePath = BaseDirectoryPath + $"Resources\\Images\\{fileId}"; Item item = Dynamodb.GetItem(myId, MyAWSConfigs.AdminDBTableName); string oldImage = item["aPropic"]; Console.WriteLine("><><><><><><><><><><>" + oldImage); //Delete old profile pic in local //string oldFilePath = BaseDirectoryPath + $"Resources\\Images\\{oldImage}"; //DeleteOldPic(oldFilePath); //Delete old profile pic in s3Bucket S3Bucket.DeleteFile(oldImage, MyAWSConfigs.AdminS3BucketName); item["aPropic"] = fileId; await Task.Run(() => Models.S3Bucket.UploadFile(uploadFilePath, fileId, MyAWSConfigs.AdminS3BucketName)); MessageBox.Show(fileId); await Task.Run(() => Models.Dynamodb.UpdateItem(item, Models.MyAWSConfigs.AdminDBTableName)); await controller.CloseAsync(); await this.ShowMessageAsync("Success", "Changed Successfully..", MessageDialogStyle.Affirmative); //activity recorded Models.ActivityLogs.Activity(Models.Components.AdminComponent, "User Changed Profile Picture"); //imgUploadImage.Source = null; } else { await this.ShowMessageAsync("Error", "Please check all fields", MessageDialogStyle.Affirmative); } } catch { await this.ShowMessageAsync("Error", "Task not completed", MessageDialogStyle.Affirmative); } }
private void block_toggle_Unchecked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Document doc = new Document(); doc["aId"] = blockId; // List of attribute updates. // The following replaces the existing authors list. doc["blocked"] = false; Dynamodb.UpdateItem(doc, Models.MyAWSConfigs.AdminDBTableName); }
// only root admins can register admins, otherwise gives warnings private void RegAdmin_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string tableName = MyAWSConfigs.AdminDBTableName; var item = Dynamodb.GetItem(aId, tableName); if (item["root"].AsBoolean() == true) { RegisterAdmin acv = new RegisterAdmin(); RegAdmin.IsEnabled = true; acv.ShowDialog(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Only the rood admin can register the new users"); } }
//show profile in the edit window private void ShowProfileData() { try { string tableName = MyAWSConfigs.AdminDBTableName; Item item = Dynamodb.GetItem(myId, tableName); Console.Write("my adminid<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<", myId, ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"); txtEmail.Text = myId; txtName.Text = item["aName"]; txtPhone.Text = item["aPhone"]; } catch (AmazonDynamoDBException ex) { MessageBox.Show("Message : Server Error", ex.Message); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Message : Unknown Error", ex.Message); } finally { Mouse.OverrideCursor = null; } }
private async void BtnChangePropic_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { //ChangeAdminPropic changeAdminPassword = new ChangeAdminPropic(myId); //changeAdminPassword.ShowDialog(); OpenFileDialog openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog(); openFileDialog.Filter = "Image files | *.jpg; *.jpeg; *.png"; openFileDialog.FilterIndex = 1; openFileDialog.Multiselect = false; //open file dialog if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == true) { uploadFilePath = openFileDialog.FileName; AdminDp.Source = null; } try { bool isFilePathEmpty = string.IsNullOrEmpty(uploadFilePath); if (!isFilePathEmpty) { tableName = MyAWSConfigs.AdminDBTableName; string[] temp = uploadFilePath.Split('.'); string fileId = $"{myId}.{temp[temp.Length - 1]}"; string BaseDirectoryPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; //get current dp name item = Dynamodb.GetItem(myId, tableName); string oldImage = item["aPropic"]; Console.WriteLine("><><><><><><><><><><>" + oldImage); //Delete old profile pic in local string oldFilePath = BaseDirectoryPath + $"Resources\\Images\\{oldImage}"; DeleteOldPic(oldFilePath); //Delete old profile pic in s3Bucket S3Bucket.DeleteFile(oldImage, MyAWSConfigs.AdminS3BucketName); item["aPropic"] = fileId; //activity recorded Models.ActivityLogs.Activity(Models.Components.AdminComponent, "User Changed Profile Picture"); await Task.Run(() => S3Bucket.UploadFile(uploadFilePath, fileId, MyAWSConfigs.AdminS3BucketName)); MessageBox.Show("Success", "Successfully Updated!"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Error", "Please check all fields"); } } catch { MessageBox.Show("Error", "Task not completed"); } }
private void ButtonSubmit_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { string tableName = MyAWSConfigs.AdminDBTableName; Item item = Dynamodb.GetItem(myId, tableName); //Console.Write("my adminid<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<", myId, ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"); bool isFileIdEmpty = string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtEmail.Text); bool isNameEmpty = string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtName.Text); bool isPasswordEmpty = string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtPassword.Password); bool isPhoneEmpty = string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtPhone.Text); // check wether the fields are empty if (!isNameEmpty && !isPhoneEmpty && !isFileIdEmpty && !txtEmail.Text.Contains(" ") && !isPasswordEmpty) { // check the password is correct if (Models.HashMD5.MD5Hash(txtPassword.Password) == item["aPassword"]) { Console.WriteLine("\n*** Executing UpdateMultipleAttributes() ***"); Console.WriteLine("\nUpdating multiple attributes...."); string partitionKey = myId; Document doc = new Document(); doc["aId"] = partitionKey; // List of attribute updates. // The following replaces the existing authors list. doc["aName"] = txtName.Text; doc["aPhone"] = txtPhone.Text; //update item Dynamodb.UpdateItem(doc, tableName); Console.WriteLine("UpdateMultipleAttributes: Printing item after updates ..."); MessageBox.Show("Successfully Updated!"); //activity recorded Models.ActivityLogs.Activity(Models.Components.AdminComponent, "Admin Updated his Details"); this.Close(); } else { //activity recorded Models.ActivityLogs.Activity(Models.Components.AdminComponent, "Failed:Attempt: Wrong Pwd, update Details"); MessageBox.Show("Message : Wrong Password!"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Message : Please fill all all the fields!!!"); } } catch (AmazonDynamoDBException ex) { MessageBox.Show("Message : Server Error", ex.Message); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Message : Unknown Error", ex.Message); } finally { Mouse.OverrideCursor = null; } }
private void ButtonSubmit_Click(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e) { try { string tableName = MyAWSConfigs.AdminDBTableName; var item = Dynamodb.GetItem(myId, tableName); //Console.Write("my adminid<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<", myId, ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"); bool isPasswordEmpty = string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtPassword.Password); bool isNewPasswordEmpty = string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtNewPassword.Password); bool isCPasswordEmpty = string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtNewCPassword.Password); if (!isPasswordEmpty && !isNewPasswordEmpty && !isCPasswordEmpty) { //check enetered and saved password hashes are same if (HashMD5.MD5Hash(txtPassword.Password) == item["aPassword"]) { Console.WriteLine("\n*** Executing UpdateMultipleAttributes() ***"); Console.WriteLine("\nUpdating multiple attributes...."); string partitionKey = myId; Document doc = new Document(); doc["aId"] = partitionKey; // List of attribute updates. // The following replaces the existing authors list. doc["aPassword"] = HashMD5.MD5Hash(txtNewPassword.Password); // update password Dynamodb.UpdateItem(doc, tableName); //activity recorded Models.ActivityLogs.Activity(Models.Components.AdminComponent, "User Changed Password"); Console.WriteLine("UpdateMultipleAttributes: Printing item after updates ..."); MessageBox.Show("Successfully Updated!"); this.Close(); } else { //activity recorded Models.ActivityLogs.Activity(Models.Components.AdminComponent, "Wrong Password for change Password"); MessageBox.Show("Message : Wrong Password!"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Message : Please fill all all the fields!!!"); } } catch (AmazonDynamoDBException ex) { MessageBox.Show("Message : Server Error", ex.Message); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Message : Unknown Error", ex.Message); } finally { Mouse.OverrideCursor = null; } }