Exemple #1
 /// <summary>
 ///	扫描当前目录加载当前目录下的所有程序集
 /// </summary>
 protected void AttachAssemblyInfo(Assembly assembly)
     if (assembly != null && assemblyLoaded.Add(assembly))
         actorFactoryCreatorList.AddRange(DynamicLoader.Find(assembly, typeof(ActorFactory)));
Exemple #2
		/// <summary>
		///     Internal constructor.  This class cannot be instantiated externally.
		/// </summary>
		internal PlatformManager()
			// First look in current Executing assembly for a PlatformManager
			if ( instance == null )
				DynamicLoader platformMgr = new DynamicLoader();
				IList<ObjectCreator> platforms = platformMgr.Find( typeof( IPlatformManager ) );
				if ( platforms.Count != 0 )
					instance = platformMgr.Find( typeof( IPlatformManager ) )[ 0 ].CreateInstance<IPlatformManager>();

#if !( XBOX || XBOX360 )
			// Then look in loaded assemblies
			if ( instance == null )
				Assembly[] assemblies = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies();
				for ( int index = 0; index < assemblies.Length && instance == null; index++ )
					//TODO: NRSC Added: Deal with Dynamic Assemblies not having a Location
                    //if (assemblies[index].IsDynamic)
                    //    continue;
					try {
					DynamicLoader platformMgr = new DynamicLoader( assemblies[ index ].Location );
					IList<ObjectCreator> platforms = platformMgr.Find( typeof( IPlatformManager ) );
					if ( platforms.Count != 0 )
						instance = platformMgr.Find( typeof( IPlatformManager ) )[ 0 ].CreateInstance<IPlatformManager>();
					} catch (Exception)
					    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( String.Format( "Failed to load assembly: {0}.", assemblies[index].FullName ) );	

			// Then look in external assemblies
			if ( instance == null )
				// find and load a platform manager assembly
				string[] files = Directory.GetFiles( ".", "Axiom.Platforms.*.dll" );
				string file = "";

				// make sure there is 1 platform manager available
				if ( files.Length == 0 )
					throw new PluginException( "A PlatformManager was not found in the execution path, and is required." );
					bool isWindows = IsWindowsOS;
					string platform = IsWindowsOS ? "Win32" : "OpenTK";

					if ( files.Length == 1 )
						file = files[ 0 ];
						for ( int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++ )
							if ( ( files[ i ].IndexOf( platform ) != -1 ) == true )
								file = files[ i ];

					System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( String.Format( "Selected the PlatformManager contained in {0}.", file ) );

				string path = Path.Combine( System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), file );

				DynamicLoader platformMgr = new DynamicLoader( path );
				IList<ObjectCreator> platforms = platformMgr.Find( typeof( IPlatformManager ) );
				if ( platforms.Count != 0 )
					instance = platformMgr.Find( typeof( IPlatformManager ) )[ 0 ].CreateInstance<IPlatformManager>();


			// All else fails, yell loudly
			if ( instance == null )
				throw new PluginException( "The available Platform assembly did not contain any subclasses of PlatformManager, which is required." );
Exemple #3
		/// <summary>
		///		Scans for plugin files in the current directory.
		/// </summary>
		///<param name="folder"></param>
		protected IList<ObjectCreator> ScanForPlugins( string folder )
			var pluginFactories = new List<ObjectCreator>();

#if NET_40 && !( XBOX || XBOX360 || WINDOWS_PHONE )
			foreach (var plugin in plugins)
				pluginFactories.Add(new ObjectCreator(plugin.GetType()));
				Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("MEF IPlugin: {0}.", plugin));
#elif !( WINDOWS_PHONE )
			if ( Directory.Exists( folder ) )
				var files = Directory.GetFiles( folder );
				//var assemblyName = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name + ".dll";

				foreach ( var file in files )
					var currentFile = Path.GetFileName( file );

					if ( Path.GetExtension( file ) != ".dll" /*|| currentFile == assemblyName */ )
					var fullPath = Path.GetFullPath( file );

					if ( !_isValidModule( fullPath ) )
						Debug.WriteLine( String.Format( "Skipped {0} [Not managed]", fullPath ) );

					var loader = new DynamicLoader( fullPath );

					pluginFactories.AddRange( loader.Find( typeof ( IPlugin ) ) );
			return pluginFactories;
		/// <summary>
		///     Internal constructor.  This class cannot be instantiated externally.
		/// </summary>
		internal PlatformManager()
			// First look in current Executing assembly for a PlatformManager
			if ( instance == null )
				var platformMgr = new DynamicLoader();
				var platforms = platformMgr.Find( typeof ( IPlatformManager ) );
				if ( platforms.Count != 0 )
					instance = platformMgr.Find( typeof ( IPlatformManager ) )[ 0 ].CreateInstance<IPlatformManager>();

#if NET_40 && !( XBOX || XBOX360 || WINDOWS_PHONE )
			if (instance == null)
				if (platforms != null && platforms.Count() != 0)
					instance = platforms.First();
					System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("MEF IPlatformManager: {0}.", instance));

			// Then look in loaded assemblies
			if ( instance == null )
				var assemblies = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies();
				for ( var index = 0; index < assemblies.Length && instance == null; index++ )
					//TODO: NRSC Added: Deal with Dynamic Assemblies not having a Location
					//if (assemblies[index].IsDynamic)
					//    continue;
						var platformMgr = new DynamicLoader( assemblies[ index ] );
						var platforms = platformMgr.Find( typeof ( IPlatformManager ) );
						if ( platforms.Count != 0 )
							instance = platformMgr.Find( typeof ( IPlatformManager ) )[ 0 ].CreateInstance<IPlatformManager>();
					catch ( Exception )
						System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( String.Format( "Failed to load assembly: {0}.", assemblies[ index ].FullName ) );

			// Then look in external assemblies
			if ( instance == null )
				// find and load a platform manager assembly
				var cwd = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase;
				var uri = new Uri( cwd );
				if ( uri.IsFile )
					cwd = Path.GetDirectoryName(uri.LocalPath);
				var files = Directory.GetFiles( cwd, "Axiom.Platforms.*.dll" ).ToArray();
				var file = "";

				// make sure there is 1 platform manager available
				if ( files.Length == 0 )
					throw new PluginException( "A PlatformManager was not found in the execution path, and is required." );
					var isWindows = IsWindowsOS;
					var platform = IsWindowsOS ? "Windows" : "Linux";

					if ( files.Length == 1 )
						file = files[ 0 ];
						for ( var i = 0; i < files.Length; i++ )
							if ( ( files[ i ].IndexOf( platform ) != -1 ) == true )
								file = files[ i ];

					System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( String.Format( "Selected the PlatformManager contained in {0}.", file ) );

				var path = Path.Combine( System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), file );

				var platformMgr = new DynamicLoader( path );
				var platforms = platformMgr.Find( typeof ( IPlatformManager ) );
				if ( platforms.Count != 0 )
					instance = platformMgr.Find( typeof ( IPlatformManager ) )[ 0 ].CreateInstance<IPlatformManager>();

			// All else fails, yell loudly
			if ( instance == null )
				throw new PluginException( "The available Platform assembly did not contain any subclasses of PlatformManager, which is required." );
Exemple #5
	    /// <summary>
		///		Scans for plugin files in the current directory.
		/// </summary>
		///<param name="folder"></param>
		protected IList<ObjectCreator> ScanForPlugins( string folder )
            var pluginFactories = new List<ObjectCreator>();

            if (Directory.Exists(folder))
                var files = Directory.GetFiles(folder);
                var assemblyName = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name + ".dll";

                foreach (var file in files)
                    var currentFile = Path.GetFileName(file);

                    if (Path.GetExtension(file) != ".dll" || currentFile == assemblyName)
                    var fullPath = Path.GetFullPath(file);

                    if (!IsValidModule(fullPath))
                        Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Skipped {0} [Not managed]", fullPath));

                    var loader = new DynamicLoader(fullPath);

				    pluginFactories.AddRange( loader.Find( typeof ( IPlugin ) ) );

			return pluginFactories;