public void RemoveMethod_ShouldReturnCorrectIndex() { int number = list.Remove(2); Assert.That(number.Equals(1), "RemoveAt method doesn't return the correct index!"); }
public void RemoveMethodShouldRemoveTheCorrectItem() { int index = intList.Remove(6); Assert.AreEqual(1, index); Assert.AreEqual(4, intList.Count); Assert.That(!intList.Contains(6)); }
public void RemoveMethodShouldReturnCorrectIndexIfElementIsRemoved() { dynamicList.Add(3); dynamicList.Add(4); dynamicList.Add(5); int removedIndex = dynamicList.Remove(3); Assert.That(removedIndex, Is.EqualTo(0)); }
public void Remove_NonExistantItem_ShouldReturnNegativeOne() { list.Add(4); list.Add(5); int actual = list.Remove(100); int expected = -1; Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void TestRemoveItemsByValue() { var actualList = new DynamicList <int> { 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 }; var expectedListAfterRemovindByIndex = new DynamicList <int> { 3, 4, 5 }; actualList.Remove(6); actualList.Remove(8); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expectedListAfterRemovindByIndex, actualList); }
public void RemovePass(int value) { DynamicList <int> dynamicList = new DynamicList <int>(); dynamicList.Add(10); Assert.AreEqual(0, dynamicList.Remove(value)); }
public void IndexOfNotPass(int value) { DynamicList <int> dynamicList = new DynamicList <int>(); dynamicList.Add(10); Assert.AreEqual(-1, dynamicList.Remove(value)); }
public DynamicListTest() { Console.WriteLine("\nDynamic List"); _dynamicList.Add(1); _dynamicList.Add(2); _dynamicList.Add(3); _dynamicList.Add(4); _dynamicList.Add(5); _dynamicList.Add(6); _dynamicList.Add(7); int[] array = _dynamicList.Items; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { Console.Write(array[i] + " "); } Console.WriteLine("\nSize = " + _dynamicList.Count); _dynamicList.RemoveAt(1); _dynamicList.Remove(3); var s = _dynamicList.GetEnumerator(); while (s.MoveNext()) { Console.Write(s.Current + " "); } _dynamicList.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("\nSize = " + _dynamicList.Count); }
public void Remove_NullElementInExistingList_ShouldThrowExcepion() { var stringList = new DynamicList <string>(); stringList.Add("Pesho"); stringList.Remove(null); }
public void TestRemove_NotExistingElement_ShouldNeutralIndex() { var list = new DynamicList<int>(); var index = list.Remove(1); Assert.AreEqual(-1, index); }
public void RemoveAndRemoveAtTest() { DynamicList<int> numbers = new DynamicList<int>(); numbers.Add(5); numbers.Add(7); numbers.Add(9); numbers.Remove(5); Assert.IsFalse(numbers.Contains(5), "Remove method doesn't work correctly."); numbers.RemoveAt(1); Assert.AreEqual(-1, numbers.IndexOf(9), "RemoveAt method doesn't work correctly."); Assert.AreEqual(-1, numbers.Remove(13), "Error when trying to remove unexisting item."); Assert.AreEqual(0, numbers.Remove(7), "Wrong return value of remove method."); }
public void RemoveTest() { for (var i = 4; i > 0; i--) { _list.Add(i); } bool removed = _list.Remove(2); Assert.That(removed, Is.True); Assert.That(_list.Count, Is.EqualTo(3)); Assert.That(_list.Items, Is.EqualTo(new int[] { 4, 3, 1 })); removed = _list.Remove(2); Assert.That(removed, Is.False); }
public void TestRemoveMethod_WithNonExistingObject_ShouldReturnNegativeValue() { DynamicList<int> arr = new DynamicList<int>(); arr.Add(1); arr.Add(2); Assert.AreEqual(-1, arr.Remove(3), "The Remove method shuld not remove non-existing objects!"); }
public void Count_MultipleAddAndRemove_ShouldProperCount() { var list = new DynamicList<int>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { list.Add(i); list.Add(i); list.Remove(i); } var index = list.Remove(9); var count = list.Count; Assert.AreEqual(9, count); Assert.AreEqual(9, index); }
public void RemovingNoneExistingElementFromNoneEmptyDynamicListOfIntsShouldReturnMinusOne() { var dynamicListOfInts = new DynamicList<int>(); dynamicListOfInts.Add(1); var returnedValue = dynamicListOfInts.Remove(9); Assert.AreEqual(-1, returnedValue, string.Format("The method \"Remove\" does not work correctly when removing none existing number.\nShould return -1!" + string.Format("returned value is {0}", returnedValue))); }
public void Count_SingleAddAndRemove_ShouldProperCount() { var list = new DynamicList<int>(); list.Add(5); var index = list.Remove(5); var count = list.Count; Assert.AreEqual(0, count); Assert.AreEqual(0, index); }
public void TestRemoveWhenListIsEmptyOrNotFound() { var dynamicList = new DynamicList<int>(); // Act var removedElementIndex = dynamicList.Remove(1); // Assert Assert.IsTrue(removedElementIndex < 0, "List in not empty or not found"); }
public void TestRemoveMethod_AddingAndRemovingObjects() { DynamicList<int> arr = new DynamicList<int>(); arr.Add(1); arr.Add(2); arr.Add(3); arr.Add(4); arr.Remove(1); Assert.AreEqual(3,arr.Count,"The removing method doesn't work correclty!"); }
public void TestCountAfterRemoveElementFromList() { DynamicList<string> list = new DynamicList<string>(); list.Add("first"); list.Add("second"); list.Add("third"); list.Remove("second"); int count = list.Count; Assert.AreEqual(2, count, "The count of elements of the list should be 2 after removing an element."); }
public void TestCountAfterRemoveExistingElement() { DynamicList<string> list = new DynamicList<string>(); list.Add("first"); list.Add("second"); list.Add("third"); int countBeforeRemoving = list.Count; list.Remove("second"); int countAfterRemoving = list.Count; Assert.AreEqual(countAfterRemoving+1, countBeforeRemoving, "Count after removing must be less by 1."); }
public void TestRemove() { var dynamicList = new DynamicList<int>(); var elementForRemove = 2; dynamicList.Add(0); dynamicList.Add(elementForRemove); dynamicList.Add(4); // Act var removedElementIndex = dynamicList.Remove(elementForRemove); // Assert Assert.AreEqual(dynamicList[1], 4, "Element for remove not removed."); Assert.AreEqual(2, dynamicList.Count, "Dynamic list not remove element."); }
public void IndexationTest() { DynamicList<double> nums = new DynamicList<double>(); nums.Add(2.5); nums.Add(4); nums.Add(-100); Assert.AreEqual(2.5, nums[0], "Error in the indexation"); Assert.AreEqual(4, nums[1], "Error in the indexation"); nums.Remove(4); Assert.AreEqual(-100, nums[1], "Error in the indexation"); nums[1] = 250.5; Assert.AreEqual(250.5, nums[1], "Error in the indexation"); }
public void RemoveElement_ElementSuccessfullyRemoved() { var dynamicList = new DynamicList<int>(); const int firstElement = 666; const int secondElement = 777; dynamicList.Add(firstElement); dynamicList.Add(secondElement); dynamicList.Remove(firstElement); Assert.AreEqual(1, dynamicList.Count, "The collection's lenght is not 1!"); Assert.AreEqual(secondElement, dynamicList[0], "The collection's element does not equal the element it should be equal to!"); }
public void Remove_ShouldRemoveTheElement_WhenCalled() { var dynamicList = new DynamicList<int>(); dynamicList.Add(1); dynamicList.Add(5); dynamicList.Remove(5); Assert.AreEqual(dynamicList.Count, 1, "The method .Remove isn't removing the element properly."); }
public void Remove_ShouldReturnMinusOneWhenTheElementIsNotFound() { var dynamicList = new DynamicList<string>(); dynamicList.Add("Kori"); dynamicList.Add("Moti4kata"); dynamicList.Add("allahuakbar"); var returnedValue = dynamicList.Remove("Kiro"); Assert.AreEqual(-1,returnedValue, "The method .Remove isn't removing the element properly."); }
public void TestList_Count_AfterRemoveElement() { DynamicList<string> list = new DynamicList<string>(); list.Add("one"); list.Add("two"); list.Add("three"); list.Remove("two"); int count = list.Count; Assert.AreEqual(2, count, "The count of elements of the list should be 2 after removing an element."); }
public void Test_ValueAndOrderOfLeftElementsAfterRemovingAnElement() { var list = new DynamicList<string>(); list.Add("first"); list.Add("second"); list.Add("third"); list.Remove("second"); var first = list[0]; var second = list[1]; Assert.AreEqual("first", first, "The first element of the list should be the first one entered."); Assert.AreEqual( "third", second, "The second element in the list should be the third one entered after removing an element."); }
public void TestValidListItemsAfterRemove() { DynamicList<string> list = new DynamicList<string>(); list.Add("first"); list.Add("second"); list.Add("third"); list.Remove("second"); string first = list[0]; string second = list[1]; Assert.AreEqual("first", first, "The first element of the list should be the first one entered."); Assert.AreEqual("third", second, "The second element in the list should be the third one entered after removing an element."); }
public void TestReturnValueAfterRemoveElementFromList() { DynamicList<string> list = new DynamicList<string>(); list.Add("first"); list.Add("second"); list.Add("third"); int index = list.Remove("second"); Assert.AreEqual(1, index, "The index of the removed element should be 1."); }
public void Remove_RemoveItem_ShouldDecrementCount() { var list = new DynamicList<int>(); list.Add(5); list.Add(6); list.Add(7); list.Remove(6); var expected = 2; var actual = list.Count; Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void Remove_RemoveItem_ShloudRemoveSelectedItem() { var list = new DynamicList<int>(); list.Add(1); list.Add(2); list.Add(3); list.Remove(2); var expected = -1; var actual = list.IndexOf(2); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void Remove_NotFound_ShloudReturnNegativeOne() { var list = new DynamicList<int>(); list.Add(1); list.Add(2); list.Add(3); var expected = -1; var actual = list.Remove(34); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void Test_ReturnedIndexOfTheRemovedElement() { var list = new DynamicList<string>(); list.Add("first"); list.Add("second"); list.Add("third"); var index = list.Remove("second"); Assert.AreEqual(1, index, "The index of the removed element should be 1."); }
public void RemoveExistingElement_Successful() { var dynamicList = new DynamicList<int>(); const int firstElement = 666; const int secondElement = 777; dynamicList.Add(firstElement); dynamicList.Add(secondElement); var getElement = dynamicList.Remove(firstElement); Assert.AreEqual(0, getElement, "The returned element is not correct!"); }
public void RemoveNonExistingElement_NotSuccessful() { var dynamicList = new DynamicList<int>(); const int firstElement = 666; const int secondElement = 777; const int randomNumber = 9067576; dynamicList.Add(firstElement); dynamicList.Add(secondElement); var getElement = dynamicList.Remove(randomNumber); Assert.AreEqual(-1, getElement, "The returned element is not correct!"); }
public void Test_CountAfterRemoveNonExistingElementFromList() { var list = new DynamicList<string>(); list.Add("one"); list.Add("two"); var count = list.Count; list.Remove("two"); Assert.AreEqual( 2, count, "The count of the list should remain unchanged after trying to remove a non-existing element."); }
public void TestReturnValueAfterRemoveNonExistingElementFromList() { DynamicList<string> list = new DynamicList<string>(); list.Add("one"); list.Add("two"); int index = list.Remove("three"); Assert.AreEqual(-1, index, "The returned index of a non-existing element should be -1."); }
public void RemoveTest() { DynamicList<int> list = new DynamicList<int>(); list.Add(1); list.Add(2); list.Add(3); list.Remove(3); Assert.IsFalse(list.Contains(3), "List does not remove items correctly"); }
public void Remove_FromEmptyList_ShouldReturnNegativeOne() { var list = new DynamicList<double>(); var index = list.Remove(2.532); Assert.AreEqual(-1, index, "The returned index is not correct."); }
public void FoundingElementInListShouldNotFoundIt() { var numbers = new DynamicList<int>(); numbers.Add(10); numbers.Add(12); numbers.Add(-14); var initialCount = numbers.Count; var index = numbers.Remove(12); Assert.IsFalse(numbers.Contains(12), "The element is not removed."); Assert.IsTrue(numbers.Count < initialCount, "The count does not decrease."); Assert.AreEqual(1, index, "Return invalid index."); }