Exemple #1
        public void LoadHeaders(string filename)
                this.Filename = filename;
                footer        = new Footer();

                if (footer.DataOffset > 0)
                    dynamicHeader = new DynamicHeader();
                    dynamicHeader.FromFile(filename, (int)footer.DataOffset);
                    blockAllocationTable = new BlockAllocationTable(dynamicHeader.TableOffset, dynamicHeader.BlockSize, dynamicHeader.MaxTableEntries);
                    masterBootRecord = new MasterBootRecord(blockAllocationTable);
                    // ShowUsage();
                    // ShowDetailedUsage();
                    masterBootRecord = new MasterBootRecord(filename, 0);
                    // MessageBox.Show("So far all the good stuff involves Dynamic VHDs, so all you get is this pretty box really.", "Fixed VHD", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
            catch (VhdReadException ex)
                this.vhdReadException = ex;
Exemple #2
 public DiskModel(Footer footer, DynamicHeader dynamicHeader, BlockAllocationTable blockAllocationTable, MasterBootRecord masterBootRecord)
     // TODO: Complete member initialization
     this.footer               = footer;
     this.dynamicHeader        = dynamicHeader;
     this.blockAllocationTable = blockAllocationTable;
     this.masterBootRecord     = masterBootRecord;
        internal override List<BuilderExtent> FixExtents(out long totalLength)
            const int FooterSize = 512;
            const int DynHeaderSize = 1024;

            List<BuilderExtent> extents = new List<BuilderExtent>();

            _footer.DataOffset = FooterSize;

            DynamicHeader dynHeader = new DynamicHeader(-1, FooterSize + DynHeaderSize, _blockSize, _footer.CurrentSize);

            BlockAllocationTableExtent batExtent = new BlockAllocationTableExtent(FooterSize + DynHeaderSize, dynHeader.MaxTableEntries);

            long streamPos = batExtent.Start + batExtent.Length;

            foreach (var blockRange in StreamExtent.Blocks(_content.Extents, _blockSize))
                for (int i = 0; i < blockRange.Count; ++i)
                    long block = blockRange.Offset + i;
                    long blockStart = block * _blockSize;
                    DataBlockExtent dataExtent = new DataBlockExtent(streamPos, new SubStream(_content, blockStart, Math.Min(_blockSize, _content.Length - blockStart)));

                    batExtent.SetEntry((int)block, (uint)(streamPos / Sizes.Sector));

                    streamPos += dataExtent.Length;


            byte[] footerBuffer = new byte[FooterSize];
            _footer.ToBytes(footerBuffer, 0);

            byte[] dynHeaderBuffer = new byte[DynHeaderSize];
            dynHeader.ToBytes(dynHeaderBuffer, 0);

            // Add footer (to end)
            extents.Add(new BuilderBufferExtent(streamPos, footerBuffer));
            totalLength = streamPos + FooterSize;

            extents.Insert(0, batExtent);
            extents.Insert(0, new BuilderBufferExtent(FooterSize, dynHeaderBuffer));
            extents.Insert(0, new BuilderBufferExtent(0, footerBuffer));

            return extents;
Exemple #4
        public DynamicStream(Stream fileStream, DynamicHeader dynamicHeader, long length, SparseStream parentStream, Ownership ownsParentStream)
            if (fileStream == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("fileStream");

            if (dynamicHeader == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dynamicHeader");

            if (parentStream == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("parentStream");

            if (length < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("length", length, "Negative lengths not allowed");

            _fileStream = fileStream;
            _dynamicHeader = dynamicHeader;
            _length = length;
            _parentStream = parentStream;
            _ownsParentStream = ownsParentStream;

            _blockBitmaps = new byte[_dynamicHeader.MaxTableEntries][];
            _blockBitmapSize = (int)Utilities.RoundUp((_dynamicHeader.BlockSize / Utilities.SectorSize) / 8, Utilities.SectorSize);


            // Detect where next block should go (cope if the footer is missing)
            _fileStream.Position = Utilities.RoundDown(_fileStream.Length, Utilities.SectorSize) - Utilities.SectorSize;
            byte[] footerBytes = Utilities.ReadFully(_fileStream, Utilities.SectorSize);
            Footer footer = Footer.FromBytes(footerBytes, 0);
            _nextBlockStart = _fileStream.Position - (footer.IsValid() ? Utilities.SectorSize : 0);
 internal DiskImageFileInfo(Footer footer, DynamicHeader header, Stream vhdStream)
     _footer = footer;
     _header = header;
     _vhdStream = vhdStream;
Exemple #6
        private void ReadHeaders()
            long pos = _footer.DataOffset;
            while (pos != -1)
                _fileStream.Position = pos;
                Header hdr = Header.FromStream(_fileStream);
                if (hdr.Cookie == DynamicHeader.HeaderCookie)
                    _fileStream.Position = pos;
                    _dynamicHeader = DynamicHeader.FromStream(_fileStream);
                    if (!_dynamicHeader.IsValid())
                        throw new IOException("Invalid Dynamic Disc Header");

                pos = hdr.DataOffset;
Exemple #7
        private static void InitializeDifferencingInternal(Stream stream, DiskImageFile parent, string parentAbsolutePath, string parentRelativePath, DateTime parentModificationTimeUtc)
            Footer footer = new Footer(parent.Geometry, parent._footer.CurrentSize, FileType.Differencing);
            footer.DataOffset = 512; // Offset of Dynamic Header
            footer.OriginalSize = parent._footer.OriginalSize;
            byte[] footerBlock = new byte[512];
            footer.ToBytes(footerBlock, 0);

            long tableOffset = 512 + 1024; // Footer + Header

            uint blockSize = (parent._dynamicHeader == null) ? DynamicHeader.DefaultBlockSize : parent._dynamicHeader.BlockSize;

            DynamicHeader dynamicHeader = new DynamicHeader(-1, tableOffset, blockSize, footer.CurrentSize);
            int batSize = (((dynamicHeader.MaxTableEntries * 4) + Utilities.SectorSize - 1) / Utilities.SectorSize) * Utilities.SectorSize;
            dynamicHeader.ParentUniqueId = parent.UniqueId;
            dynamicHeader.ParentTimestamp = parentModificationTimeUtc;
            dynamicHeader.ParentUnicodeName = Utilities.GetFileFromPath(parentAbsolutePath);
            dynamicHeader.ParentLocators[7].PlatformCode = ParentLocator.PlatformCodeWindowsAbsoluteUnicode;
            dynamicHeader.ParentLocators[7].PlatformDataSpace = 512;
            dynamicHeader.ParentLocators[7].PlatformDataLength = parentAbsolutePath.Length * 2;
            dynamicHeader.ParentLocators[7].PlatformDataOffset = tableOffset + batSize;
            dynamicHeader.ParentLocators[6].PlatformCode = ParentLocator.PlatformCodeWindowsRelativeUnicode;
            dynamicHeader.ParentLocators[6].PlatformDataSpace = 512;
            dynamicHeader.ParentLocators[6].PlatformDataLength = parentRelativePath.Length * 2;
            dynamicHeader.ParentLocators[6].PlatformDataOffset = tableOffset + batSize + 512;
            byte[] dynamicHeaderBlock = new byte[1024];
            dynamicHeader.ToBytes(dynamicHeaderBlock, 0);

            byte[] platformLocator1 = new byte[512];
            Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(parentAbsolutePath, 0, parentAbsolutePath.Length, platformLocator1, 0);
            byte[] platformLocator2 = new byte[512];
            Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(parentRelativePath, 0, parentRelativePath.Length, platformLocator2, 0);

            byte[] bat = new byte[batSize];
            for (int i = 0; i < bat.Length; ++i)
                bat[i] = 0xFF;

            stream.Position = 0;
            stream.Write(footerBlock, 0, 512);
            stream.Write(dynamicHeaderBlock, 0, 1024);
            stream.Write(bat, 0, batSize);
            stream.Write(platformLocator1, 0, 512);
            stream.Write(platformLocator2, 0, 512);
            stream.Write(footerBlock, 0, 512);
Exemple #8
        private static void InitializeDynamicInternal(Stream stream, long capacity, Geometry geometry, long blockSize)
            if (blockSize > uint.MaxValue || blockSize < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("blockSize", "Must be in the range 0 to uint.MaxValue");

            if (geometry == null)
                geometry = Geometry.FromCapacity(capacity);

            Footer footer = new Footer(geometry, capacity, FileType.Dynamic);
            footer.DataOffset = 512; // Offset of Dynamic Header
            byte[] footerBlock = new byte[512];
            footer.ToBytes(footerBlock, 0);

            DynamicHeader dynamicHeader = new DynamicHeader(-1, 1024 + 512, (uint)blockSize, capacity);
            byte[] dynamicHeaderBlock = new byte[1024];
            dynamicHeader.ToBytes(dynamicHeaderBlock, 0);

            int batSize = (((dynamicHeader.MaxTableEntries * 4) + Utilities.SectorSize - 1) / Utilities.SectorSize) * Utilities.SectorSize;
            byte[] bat = new byte[batSize];
            for (int i = 0; i < bat.Length; ++i)
                bat[i] = 0xFF;

            stream.Position = 0;
            stream.Write(footerBlock, 0, 512);
            stream.Write(dynamicHeaderBlock, 0, 1024);
            stream.Write(bat, 0, batSize);
            stream.Write(footerBlock, 0, 512);