Exemple #1
        internal static string Render(DynamicEntity parent, string entityField, string textTemplate)
            // do basic checking
            if (!InlineCbDetector.IsMatch(textTemplate))

            var result       = new StringBuilder();
            var charProgress = 0;

            var matches = InlineCbDetector.Matches(textTemplate);

            if (matches.Count == 0)

            // create edit-object which is necessary for context attributes
            var edit = new InPageEditingHelper(parent.Block);

            foreach (Match curMatch in matches)
                // Get characters before the first match
                if (curMatch.Index > charProgress)
                    result.Append(textTemplate.Substring(charProgress, curMatch.Index - charProgress));
                charProgress = curMatch.Index + curMatch.Length;

                // get the infos we need to retrieve the value, get it.
                var marker = curMatch.Value.Replace("\'", "\"");

                if (marker.IndexOf("sxc=\"sxc-content-block\"", StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0)

                var guidMatch  = GuidExtractor.Match(marker);
                var likelyGuid = guidMatch.Groups[1].Value;

                // check if guid is valid
                if (!Guid.TryParse(likelyGuid, out var guid))

                DynamicEntity subitem = null;
                var           itms    = parent.Children(entityField);//, out var objFound);
                var           found   = itms.Any();

                if (found)
                    //var itms = objFound as List<IDynamicEntity>;
                    if (itms.Count > 0)
                        subitem = itms.FirstOrDefault(i => i.EntityGuid == guid) as DynamicEntity;

                result.Append(Simple.RenderWithEditContext(parent, subitem, entityField, guid, edit));

            // attach the rest of the text (after the last match)

            // Ready to finish, but first, ensure repeating if desired
            var finalResult = result.ToString();
