private Node ParseUnary() { if (Match(TokenType.Unary)) { Token op = Previous(); Node argument; try { argument = ParseUnary(); } catch (NoElementException) { argument = new DynamicElement("&", History, false); } switch (op.Source[1]) { case '^': return(new Reverse(argument)); case '\\': return(new RegexEscape(argument)); case 'l': return(new LowerCaseHead(argument)); case 'L': return(new LowerCaseAll(argument)); case 'u': return(new UpperCaseHead(argument)); case 'U': return(new UpperCaseAll(argument)); case 'T': return(new TitleCaseAll(argument)); default: throw new ParserError("Unknown unary operator encountered."); } } else { return(ParseRepeat()); } }
private Node ParseRepeat() { try { Node leftArgument = ParseElement(); if (Match(TokenType.Repeat)) { Node rightArgument; try { rightArgument = ParseUnary(); } catch (NoElementException) { rightArgument = new Literal("_"); } return(new Repetition(leftArgument, rightArgument)); } return(leftArgument); } catch (NoElementException e) { // We only end up here if the parsing attempt for leftArgument failed. if (Match(TokenType.Repeat)) { Node leftArgument = new DynamicElement("&", History, false); Node rightArgument; try { rightArgument = ParseUnary(); } catch (NoElementException) { rightArgument = new Literal("_"); } return(new Repetition(leftArgument, rightArgument)); } // If there is no "*", we propagate the exception outwards. throw e; } }
public override void Setup() { //base.Setup(); AddState("ResultsAvaible", "false"); SearchBar = new DynamicElement(Driver, "SearchBar").AddSearch(By.Id("lst-ib")) .AddSearch(By.CssSelector("input[id='lst-ib']")); SearchButton = new DynamicElement(Driver, "SearchButton") .AddSearch(By.CssSelector("input[value='Google Search']")); Result = new DynamicElement(Driver, "Search Result") .AddSearch(By.CssSelector("div[class='g'] div[class='rc'] a")); }
/// <summary> /// 设置动画开始和暂停 /// </summary> /// <param name="isPlay"></param> public void setTrackPlay(int isPlay) { switch (isPlay) { case 0: Debug.Log("开始播放"); elementContainer.SetTrackPlay(isPlay); break; case 1: Debug.Log("暂停播放"); elementContainer.SetTrackPlay(isPlay); break; case 2: Debug.Log("停止播放"); DynamicElement.GetInstance().ResetStart(); break; default: break; } }
public UseKeyArg(DynamicElement character, MapElements keyType, MapElements doorType) : base(character) { KeyType = keyType; DoorType = doorType; }
protected void RemoveObject(Scenario scenario, DynamicElement obj) { scenario.RemObjectFromScenario(obj); obj.Disable(); }
protected void RemoveCharacter(Scenario scenario, DynamicElement character) { scenario.RemCharacterFromScenario(character); character.Disable(); }
private void OpenDoor(Scenario scenario, DynamicElement door) { RemoveObject(scenario, door); }
internal IEnumerable <DynamicElement> GetProviders(DynamicElement document) { var artifacts = document.XPath("/swid:SoftwareIdentity/swid:Link[@rel='component' and @oneget:type='provider']").GetAttributes("artifact").Distinct().ToArray(); return(artifacts.Select(each => GetProvider(document, each)).Where(each => each != null)); }
private void KillEnemy(Scenario scenario, DynamicElement enemy) { RemoveCharacter(scenario, enemy); }
public PullLeverArg(DynamicElement character) : base(character) { }
public void OnMouseUp() { Debug.Log("鼠标按下"); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ElementItem> > item in ElementContainer.GetInstance().dicElements) { foreach (ElementItem itemValue in item.Value) { if (itemValue.nowLevel == 1) { if (itemValue != ElementContainer.GetInstance().nowElement) { itemValue.SetUIByLevel(0); } } } } foreach (Transform item in Element.ElementContainer.GetInstance().arrayLabelParent) { if (! && !DynamicElement.GetInstance().isPlay && !DynamicElement.GetInstance().inPlay) { array = item; } } if (transform.parent.parent.GetComponent <ElementItem>() != null && ElementContainer.GetInstance().isClick && !DynamicElement.GetInstance().isPlay && !DynamicElement.GetInstance().inPlay) { transform.parent.parent.GetComponent <ElementItem>().SetUIByLevel(1); if (array != null) { if (transform.parent.parent.GetComponent <ElementItem>().lineId != { array.gameObject.SetActive(true); } } } if (transform.parent.parent.GetComponent <ElementArray>() != null && ElementContainer.GetInstance().isClick && !DynamicElement.GetInstance().isPlay && !DynamicElement.GetInstance().inPlay) { if (array != null) { array.gameObject.SetActive(true); } transform.parent.parent.gameObject.SetActive(false); if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, Camera.main.transform.position) > 1000) { Camera.main.GetComponent <BLCameraControl>().LookAtPosition3(transform.parent.parent.position); } transform.parent.parent.parent.GetComponent <ArrayParent>().WaitTime(transform.parent.parent.gameObject); ElementContainer.GetInstance().SceneToLevel(1); } if (transform.parent.parent.GetComponent <ElementArea>() != null && ElementContainer.GetInstance().isClick && !DynamicElement.GetInstance().isPlay && !DynamicElement.GetInstance().inPlay) { transform.parent.parent.GetComponent <ElementArea>().SetUIByLevel(1); } }
private void InstallAssemblyProvider(DynamicElement provider, string fastPath, BootstrapRequest request) { if (!Directory.Exists(request.DestinationPath)) { request.Error(ErrorCategory.InvalidOperation, fastPath, Constants.Messages.DestinationPathNotSet); return; } var targetFilename = provider.XPath("/swid:SoftwareIdentity/swid:Meta[@targetFilename]").GetAttribute("targetFilename"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetFilename)) { request.Error(ErrorCategory.InvalidOperation, fastPath, Constants.Messages.InvalidFilename); return; } targetFilename = Path.GetFileName(targetFilename); var targetFile = Path.Combine(request.DestinationPath, targetFilename); string tmpFile = null; var failedBecauseInvalid = false; // download the file foreach (var link in provider.XPath("/swid:SoftwareIdentity/swid:Link[@rel = 'installationmedia']")) { var href = link.Attributes["href"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(href) || !Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(href, UriKind.Absolute)) { request.Debug("Bad or missing uri: {0}", href); continue; } try { tmpFile = targetFilename.GenerateTemporaryFilename(); request.Debug("Downloading '{0}' to '{1}'", href, tmpFile); if (!request.DownloadFileToLocation(new Uri(href), tmpFile)) { request.Debug("Failed download of '{0}'", href); continue; } request.Debug("Verifying the package"); var valid = request.IsSignedAndTrusted(tmpFile, request); if (!valid) { request.Debug("Not Valid file '{0}' => '{1}'", href, tmpFile); failedBecauseInvalid = true; request.Warning(Constants.Messages.FileFailedVerification, href); #if !DEBUG tmpFile.TryHardToDelete(); continue; #endif } // looks good! let's keep it if (File.Exists(targetFile)) { request.Debug("Removing old file '{0}'", targetFile); targetFile.TryHardToDelete(); } // is that file still there? if (File.Exists(targetFile)) { request.Error(ErrorCategory.InvalidOperation, fastPath, Constants.Messages.UnableToRemoveFile, targetFile); return; } request.Debug("Copying file '{0}' to '{1}'", tmpFile, targetFile); File.Copy(tmpFile, targetFile); if (File.Exists(targetFile)) { // looks good to me. request.YieldFromSwidtag(provider, null, null, null, fastPath); PackageManager._instance.LoadProviders(request); return; } } catch (Exception e) { e.Dump(); } finally { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpFile)) { tmpFile.TryHardToDelete(); } } } if (failedBecauseInvalid) { request.Error(ErrorCategory.InvalidData, fastPath, Constants.Messages.FileFailedVerification, fastPath); } }
private void InstallModuleProvider(DynamicElement provider, string fastPath, BootstrapRequest request) { // This is a prototype for a general provider installer // really, this is going away as soon as we have a real swidtag provider. // 'package' may not be the best rel= type. foreach (var link in provider.XPath("/swid:SoftwareIdentity/swid:Link[@rel = 'package']")) { var href = link.Attributes["href"]; // NOT THIS -> at this point href should either be url to a location (that a provider will recognize) // JUST THIS -> or more likely should be a prototype canonical id: <provider>:<packagename>[/version][#source] // if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(href) || !Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(href, UriKind.Absolute)) { request.Debug("Bad or missing uri: {0}", href); continue; } var artifact = link.Attributes["artifact"]; try { var uri = new Uri(href); var providers = request.SelectProviders(uri.Scheme, request).ToArray(); if (providers.Length == 0) { // no known provider by that name right now. continue; } var packageId = uri.Host; var packageVersion = uri.PathAndQuery; var source = uri.Fragment; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(packageId)) { continue; } var customRequest = request.Extend <Request>(new { GetSources = new Func <IEnumerable <string> >(() => { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(source)) { return(new string[0]); } return(new string[] { source }); }) }); var packages = providers[0].FindPackage(packageId, packageVersion, null, null, 0, customRequest).Wait(60); var pkgs = packages.ToArray(); if (pkgs.Length < 1) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(packageVersion)) { request.Warning("Unable to find package '{0}' to bootstrap", packageId); } else { request.Warning("Unable to find package '{0}/{1}' to bootstrap", packageId, packageVersion); } continue; } if (pkgs.Length > 1) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(packageVersion)) { request.Warning("Package '{0}' matched more than one package", packageId); } else { request.Warning("Package '{0}/{1}' matched more than one package", packageId, packageVersion); } continue; } var installedPackages = providers[0].InstallPackage(pkgs[0], customRequest).Wait(120).ToArray(); if (request.IsCanceled) { return; } bool installed = false; foreach (var pkg in installedPackages) { installed = true; request.YieldSoftwareIdentity(pkg.FastPackageReference, pkg.Name, pkg.Version, pkg.VersionScheme, pkg.Summary, pkg.Source, pkg.SearchKey, pkg.FullPath, pkg.PackageFilename); } if (request.IsCanceled) { return; } if (installed) { // it installed ok! PackageManager._instance.LoadProviders(request); } else { request.Error(ErrorCategory.InvalidOperation, fastPath, Constants.Messages.FailedProviderBootstrap, fastPath); } } catch (Exception e) { e.Dump(); } } }
private void InstallProviderFromInstaller(DynamicElement provider, string fastPath, BootstrapRequest request) { string tmpFile = null; var failedBecauseInvalid = false; // download the file foreach (var link in provider.XPath("/swid:SoftwareIdentity/swid:Link[@rel = 'installationmedia']")) { var href = link.Attributes["href"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(href) || !Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(href, UriKind.Absolute)) { request.Debug("Bad or missing uri: {0}", href); continue; } var artifact = link.Attributes["artifact"]; try { tmpFile = artifact.GenerateTemporaryFilename(); request.Debug("Downloading '{0}' to '{1}'", href, tmpFile); if (!request.DownloadFileToLocation(new Uri(href), tmpFile)) { request.Debug("Failed download of '{0}'", href); continue; } request.Debug("Verifying the package"); var valid = request.IsSignedAndTrusted(tmpFile, request); if (!valid) { request.Debug("Not Valid file '{0}' => '{1}'", href, tmpFile); failedBecauseInvalid = true; request.Warning(Constants.Messages.FileFailedVerification, href); #if !DEBUG tmpFile.TryHardToDelete(); continue; #endif } // we have a valid file. // run the installer if (request.Install(tmpFile, "", request)) { // it installed ok! request.YieldFromSwidtag(provider, null, null, null, fastPath); PackageManager._instance.LoadProviders(request); } else { request.Error(ErrorCategory.InvalidOperation, fastPath, Constants.Messages.FailedProviderBootstrap, fastPath); } } catch (Exception e) { e.Dump(); } finally { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpFile)) { tmpFile.TryHardToDelete(); } } } if (failedBecauseInvalid) { request.Error(ErrorCategory.InvalidData, fastPath, Constants.Messages.FileFailedVerification, fastPath); } }
public GetObjectArg(DynamicElement character) : base(character) { }
public AttackActionArg(DynamicElement character, MapElements enemyType, params MapElements[] weapons) : base(character) { EnemyType = enemyType; Weapons = new List <MapElements>(weapons); }
public CharacterActionArg(DynamicElement character) { Character = character; }
internal DynamicElement GetProvider(DynamicElement document, string name) { var links = document.XPath("/swid:SoftwareIdentity/swid:Link[@rel='component' and @artifact='{0}' and @oneget:type='provider']", name.ToLowerInvariant()); return(DownloadSwidtag(links.GetAttributes("href"))); }
public MoveArg(DynamicElement character, Directions direction) : base(character) { Direction = direction; }
public bool YieldFromSwidtag(DynamicElement provider, string requiredVersion, string minimumVersion, string maximumVersion, string searchKey) { if (provider == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("provider"); } var name = provider.Attributes["name"]; FourPartVersion version = provider.Attributes["version"]; var versionScheme = provider.Attributes["versionScheme"]; var packageFilename = provider.XPath("/swid:SoftwareIdentity/swid:Meta[@targetFilename]").GetAttribute("targetFilename"); var summary = provider.XPath("/swid:SoftwareIdentity/swid:Meta[@summary]").GetAttribute("summary"); if (AnyNullOrEmpty(name, version, versionScheme, packageFilename)) { Debug("Skipping yield on swid due to missing field \r\n", provider.ToString()); return(true); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(requiredVersion) && version != requiredVersion) { return(true); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(minimumVersion) && version < minimumVersion) { return(true); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(maximumVersion) && version > maximumVersion) { return(true); } if (YieldSoftwareIdentity(name, name, version, versionScheme, summary, null, searchKey, null, packageFilename)) { // note: temporary until we actaully support swidtags in the core. // yield all the meta/attributes if (provider.XPath("/swid:SoftwareIdentity/swid:Meta").Any( meta => meta.Attributes.Any(attribute => !YieldSoftwareMetadata(name, attribute.Name.LocalName, attribute.Value)))) { return(false); } if (provider.XPath("/swid:SoftwareIdentity/swid:Link").Any( link => !YieldLink(name, link.Attributes["href"], link.Attributes["rel"], link.Attributes["type"], link.Attributes["ownership"], link.Attributes["use"], link.Attributes["media"], link.Attributes["artifact"]))) { return(false); } if (provider.XPath("/swid:SoftwareIdentity/swid:Entity").Any( entity => !YieldEntity(name, entity.Attributes["name"], entity.Attributes["regid"], entity.Attributes["role"], entity.Attributes["thumbprint"]))) { return(false); } if (!YieldSoftwareMetadata(name, "FromTrustedSource", true.ToString())) { return(false); } } return(true); }
public ClimbLadderArg(DynamicElement character, MapElements ladderType) : base(character) { LadderType = ladderType; }