// Reload the SYMBOLS file into the "Prices" grid private void ReloadSymbols() { m_level1Grid.ClearRows(); var df = dfReadSymbols(); // If our symbols text file exists, then read it and request price updates on the symbols in the file foreach (var row in df.Rows) { //AddPriceRow(row["Symbol"]); //string group = row[0]; AddPriceRow(row[1]); } }
// Reload the SPREADS file into the "Spreads" grid private void ReloadSpreads() { m_spreadGrid.ClearRows(); // If our symbols text file exists, then read it and request price updates on the symbols in the file var df = dfReadSpreads(); foreach (var row in df.Rows) { //string group = row[0]; string symbol = row[1]; string formula = row[8]; var spreadRow = new SpreadRow(symbol, formula); m_spreadGrid.AddRow(spreadRow); foreach (var sym in spreadRow.FormulaSymbols) { cout("Formula Symbol: {0}", sym); if (m_updatePriceRows.ContainsKey(sym)) { var priceRow = m_updatePriceRows[sym]; //priceRow.AddNotifyGrid(m_spreadGrid); AddSpreadRow(sym, spreadRow); } else { var priceRow = new PriceRow(sym); //priceRow.AddNotifyGrid(m_spreadGrid); m_updatePriceRows[sym] = priceRow; AddSpreadRow(sym, spreadRow); //m_level1Grid.AddRow(row); m_prices.SubscribePrices(sym); } } //SubscribePrices(symbol1); //SubscribePrices(symbol2); } }