private void TestNativeDetoursUnix(dt_rand d_not_rand, IntPtr ptr_not_rand) { DidNothing = true; libc_rand(); Assert.True(DidNothing); DidNothing = true; Assert.Equal(-1, d_not_rand()); Assert.False(DidNothing); using (new NativeDetour( typeof(NativeDetourTest).GetMethod("libc_rand"), typeof(NativeDetourTest).GetMethod("not_rand") )) { DidNothing = true; Assert.Equal(-1, libc_rand()); Assert.False(DidNothing); } DidNothing = true; libc_rand(); Assert.True(DidNothing); /* dl's dlopen doesn't follow ld, meaning that we need to... * - use on Linux and hope that everyone is using glibc. * - use /usr/lib/libc.dylib on macOS because macOS is macOS. * If libc cannot be dlopened, skip the native -> managed detour test. * - ade */ if (!(PlatformHelper.Is(Platform.Linux) && DynDll.TryOpenLibrary("", out IntPtr libc)) && !(PlatformHelper.Is(Platform.MacOS) && DynDll.TryOpenLibrary("/usr/lib/libc.dylib", out libc)) && !DynDll.TryOpenLibrary($"libc.{PlatformHelper.LibrarySuffix}", out libc)) { return; } NativeDetour d = new NativeDetour( libc.GetFunction("rand"), ptr_not_rand ); DidNothing = true; Assert.Equal(-1, libc_rand()); Assert.False(DidNothing); d.Dispose(); DidNothing = true; libc_rand(); Assert.True(DidNothing); }
private void TestNativeDetoursWindows(dt_rand d_not_rand, IntPtr ptr_not_rand) { if (!DynDll.TryOpenLibrary($"msvcrt.{PlatformHelper.LibrarySuffix}", out IntPtr msvcrt)) { Console.WriteLine("NativeDetourTest skipped - msvcrt not found!"); return; } if (!msvcrt.TryGetFunction("rand", out IntPtr ptr_msvcrt_rand)) { Console.WriteLine("NativeDetourTest skipped - rand not found in msvcrt!"); return; } DidNothing = true; msvcrt_rand(); Assert.True(DidNothing); DidNothing = true; Assert.Equal(-1, d_not_rand()); Assert.False(DidNothing); using (new NativeDetour( typeof(NativeDetourTest).GetMethod("msvcrt_rand"), typeof(NativeDetourTest).GetMethod("not_rand") )) { DidNothing = true; Assert.Equal(-1, msvcrt_rand()); Assert.False(DidNothing); } DidNothing = true; msvcrt_rand(); Assert.True(DidNothing); NativeDetour d = new NativeDetour( ptr_msvcrt_rand, ptr_not_rand ); DidNothing = true; Assert.Equal(-1, msvcrt_rand()); Assert.False(DidNothing); d.Dispose(); DidNothing = true; msvcrt_rand(); Assert.True(DidNothing); }
static LibSystem() { typeof(LibSystem).ResolveDynDllImports(new Dictionary <string, List <DynDllMapping> > { ["libSystem"] = new List <DynDllMapping> { "/usr/lib/libSystem.dylib" // OSX POSIX } }); var libsystem = DynDll.OpenLibrary("/usr/lib/libSystem.dylib"); TaskSelf = libsystem.GetFunction("mach_task_self_"); // This isn't a function but rather an exported symbol }
public DetourNativeMonoPlatform(IDetourNativePlatform inner, string libmono) { Inner = inner; Dictionary <string, List <DynDllMapping> > mappings = new Dictionary <string, List <DynDllMapping> >(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(libmono)) { mappings.Add("mono", new List <DynDllMapping>() { libmono }); } DynDll.ResolveDynDllImports(this, mappings); _Pagesize = mono_pagesize(); }
public DetourNativeMonoPlatform(IDetourNativePlatform inner, string libmono) { Inner = inner; #if MONOMOD_RUNTIMEDETOUR Dictionary <string, DynDllMapping> mappings = new Dictionary <string, DynDllMapping>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(libmono)) { mappings.Add("mono", new DynDllMapping { ResolveAs = libmono }); } DynDll.ResolveDynDllImports(this, mappings); #endif _Pagesize = mono_pagesize(); }
protected static IntPtr GetJitObject() { if (getJit == null) { // To make sure we get the right clrjit, we enumerate the process's modules and find the one // with the name we care about, then use its full path to gat a handle and load symbols. Process currentProc = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); ProcessModule clrjitModule = currentProc.Modules.Cast <ProcessModule>() .FirstOrDefault(m => Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(m.FileName).EndsWith("clrjit")); if (clrjitModule == null) { throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(); } if (!DynDll.TryOpenLibrary(clrjitModule.FileName, out IntPtr clrjitPtr)) { throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(); } if (PlatformHelper.Is(Platform.Windows)) { // we can use this check only on Windows, because only Windows actually has FilveVersionInfo // this is preferred because it checks the version of the JIT, rather than the runtime library // which is what actually determines the layout. isNet5Jit = clrjitModule.FileVersionInfo.ProductMajorPart >= 5; } else { // this gets System.Private.CorLib's major version, which *should* match the runtime version // it is the only method we have at the moment to detect it on non-Windows platforms isNet5Jit = typeof(object).Assembly.GetName().Version.Major >= 5; } try { getJit = clrjitPtr.GetFunction(nameof(getJit)).AsDelegate <d_getJit>(); } catch { DynDll.CloseLibrary(clrjitPtr); throw; } } return(getJit()); }
private void TestNativeDetoursWindows(dt_rand d_not_rand, IntPtr ptr_not_rand) { DidNothing = true; msvcrt_rand(); Assert.True(DidNothing); DidNothing = true; Assert.Equal(-1, d_not_rand()); Assert.False(DidNothing); using (new NativeDetour( typeof(NativeDetourTest).GetMethod("msvcrt_rand"), typeof(NativeDetourTest).GetMethod("not_rand") )) { DidNothing = true; Assert.Equal(-1, msvcrt_rand()); Assert.False(DidNothing); } DidNothing = true; msvcrt_rand(); Assert.True(DidNothing); NativeDetour d = new NativeDetour( DynDll.OpenLibrary($"msvcrt.{PlatformHelper.LibrarySuffix}").GetFunction("rand"), ptr_not_rand ); DidNothing = true; Assert.Equal(-1, msvcrt_rand()); Assert.False(DidNothing); d.Dispose(); DidNothing = true; msvcrt_rand(); Assert.True(DidNothing); }
static DpiUtils() { if (DynDll.TryOpenLibrary("user32.dll", out IntPtr p_user32)) { if (p_user32.TryGetFunction("SetProcessDpiAwarenessContext", out IntPtr p_SetProcessDpiAwarenessContext)) { SetProcessDpiAwarenessContext = p_SetProcessDpiAwarenessContext.AsDelegate <d_SetProcessDpiAwarenessContext>(); } if (p_user32.TryGetFunction("SetProcessDPIAware", out IntPtr p_SetProcessDPIAware)) { SetProcessDPIAware = p_SetProcessDPIAware.AsDelegate <d_SetProcessDPIAware>(); } } if (DynDll.TryOpenLibrary("SHCore.dll", out IntPtr p_SHCore)) { if (p_SHCore.TryGetFunction("SetProcessDpiAwareness", out IntPtr p_SetProcessDpiAwareness)) { SetProcessDpiAwareness = p_SetProcessDpiAwareness.AsDelegate <d_SetProcessDpiAwareness>(); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; Args = args; if (!Directory.Exists(InstallDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(InstallDir); } if (!Directory.Exists(ConfigDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(ConfigDir); } Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("LOCAL_LUA_DEBUGGER_VSCODE", "0"); Environment.CurrentDirectory = InstallDir; if (File.Exists(LogPath)) { File.Delete(LogPath); } using (Stream fileStream = new FileStream(LogPath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.ReadWrite | FileShare.Delete)) using (StreamWriter fileWriter = new StreamWriter(fileStream, Console.OutputEncoding)) using (LogWriter logWriter = new LogWriter { STDOUT = Console.Out, File = fileWriter }) { try { Console.SetOut(logWriter); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += UnhandledExceptionHandler; Console.WriteLine($"Olympus Launcher {typeof(Program).Assembly.GetName().Version}"); if (StartMain()) { Console.WriteLine("Quitting early"); return; } Console.WriteLine("Starting up form"); // Application.SetHighDpiMode(HighDpiMode.SystemAware); DynDll.ResolveDynDllImports(typeof(DpiUtils)); if (DpiUtils.SetProcessDpiAwarenessContext != null) { DpiUtils.SetProcessDpiAwarenessContext(DpiUtils.DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT.DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT_PER_MONITOR_AWARE_V2); } else if (DpiUtils.SetProcessDpiAwareness != null) { DpiUtils.SetProcessDpiAwareness(DpiUtils.PROCESS_DPI_AWARENESS.Process_Per_Monitor_DPI_Aware); } else if (DpiUtils.SetProcessDPIAware != null) { DpiUtils.SetProcessDPIAware(); } Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); Application.SetUnhandledExceptionMode(UnhandledExceptionMode.CatchException); Application.Run(new OlympusForm()); } finally { if (logWriter.STDOUT != null) { Console.SetOut(logWriter.STDOUT); logWriter.STDOUT = null; } } } }