Exemple #1
        public void TestComparableDvInt4()
            const int count = 100;

            var rand   = RandomUtils.Create(42);
            var values = new DvInt4[2 * count];

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                var v = values[i] = rand.Next();
                values[values.Length - i - 1] = v;

            // Assign two NA's at random.
            int iv1 = rand.Next(values.Length);
            int iv2 = rand.Next(values.Length - 1);

            if (iv2 >= iv1)
            values[iv1] = DvInt4.NA;
            values[iv2] = DvInt4.NA;


            Assert.True((values[0] == values[1]).IsNA);
            Assert.True((values[0] != values[1]).IsNA);
            Assert.True((values[0] <= values[1]).IsNA);
            Assert.True(values[0].CompareTo(values[1]) == 0);

            Assert.True((values[1] == values[2]).IsNA);
            Assert.True((values[1] != values[2]).IsNA);
            Assert.True((values[1] <= values[2]).IsNA);
            Assert.True(values[1].CompareTo(values[2]) < 0);

            for (int i = 3; i < values.Length; i++)
                DvBool eq  = values[i - 1] == values[i];
                DvBool ne  = values[i - 1] != values[i];
                DvBool le  = values[i - 1] <= values[i];
                bool   feq = values[i - 1].Equals(values[i]);
                int    cmp = values[i - 1].CompareTo(values[i]);
                Assert.True(eq.IsTrue == ne.IsFalse);
                Assert.True(feq == eq.IsTrue);
                Assert.True(cmp <= 0);
                Assert.True(feq == (cmp == 0));
            private static Action <TRow> CreateDvBoolToBoolSetter(IRow input, int col, Delegate poke)
                var getter    = input.GetGetter <DvBool>(col);
                var typedPoke = poke as Poke <TRow, bool>;

                DvBool value = default(DvBool);

                return(row =>
                    getter(ref value);
                    typedPoke(row, Convert.ToBoolean(value.RawValue));
Exemple #3
        private void ValidateMetadata(IDataView result)
            Assert.True(result.Schema.TryGetColumnIndex("CatA", out int colA));
            Assert.True(result.Schema.TryGetColumnIndex("CatB", out int colB));
            Assert.True(result.Schema.TryGetColumnIndex("CatC", out int colC));
            Assert.True(result.Schema.TryGetColumnIndex("CatD", out int colD));
            var types = result.Schema.GetMetadataTypes(colA);

            Assert.Equal(types.Select(x => x.Key), new string[1] {
            VBuffer <DvText> slots      = default;
            DvBool           normalized = default;

            result.Schema.GetMetadata(MetadataUtils.Kinds.SlotNames, colA, ref slots);
            Assert.True(slots.Length == 6);
            Assert.Equal(slots.Items().Select(x => x.Value.ToString()), new string[6] {
                "[0].Bit2", "[0].Bit1", "[0].Bit0", "[1].Bit2", "[1].Bit1", "[1].Bit0"

            types = result.Schema.GetMetadataTypes(colB);
            Assert.Equal(types.Select(x => x.Key), new string[2] {
                MetadataUtils.Kinds.SlotNames, MetadataUtils.Kinds.IsNormalized
            result.Schema.GetMetadata(MetadataUtils.Kinds.SlotNames, colB, ref slots);
            Assert.True(slots.Length == 2);
            Assert.Equal(slots.Items().Select(x => x.Value.ToString()), new string[2] {
                "Bit1", "Bit0"
            result.Schema.GetMetadata(MetadataUtils.Kinds.IsNormalized, colB, ref normalized);

            types = result.Schema.GetMetadataTypes(colC);
            Assert.Equal(types.Select(x => x.Key), new string[0]);

            types = result.Schema.GetMetadataTypes(colD);
            Assert.Equal(types.Select(x => x.Key), new string[1] {
            result.Schema.GetMetadata(MetadataUtils.Kinds.IsNormalized, colD, ref normalized);
Exemple #4
        public static NumericColumn Operation(NumericColumn c1, DvBool value)
            switch (c1.Kind)
            case DataKind.BL:
                DvBool[]            a;
                DataColumn <DvBool> res;
                Operation(c1, out a, out res);
                for (int i = 0; i < res.Length; ++i)
                    res.Set(i, a[i] == value);
                return(new NumericColumn(res));

                throw new DataTypeError(string.Format("{0} not implemented for column {1}.", OperationName, c1.Kind));
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a .NET type corresponding to the static pipelines that would tend to represent this column.
        /// Generally this will return <c>null</c> if it simply does not recognize the type but might throw if
        /// there is something seriously wrong with it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="col">The column</param>
        /// <returns>The .NET type for the static pipelines that should be used to reflect this type, given
        /// both the characteristics of the <see cref="ColumnType"/> as well as one or two crucial pieces of metadata</returns>
        private static Type GetTypeOrNull(IColumn col)
            var t = col.Type;

            Type vecType = null;

            if (t is VectorType vt)
                vecType = vt.VectorSize > 0 ? typeof(Vector <>) : typeof(VarVector <>);
                // Check normalized subtype of vectors.
                if (vt.VectorSize > 0)
                    // Check to see if the column is normalized.
                    // Once we shift to metadata being a row globally we can also make this a bit more efficient:
                    var meta = col.Metadata;
                    if (meta.Schema.TryGetColumnIndex(MetadataUtils.Kinds.IsNormalized, out int normcol))
                        var normtype = meta.Schema.GetColumnType(normcol);
                        if (normtype == BoolType.Instance)
                            DvBool val = default;
                            meta.GetGetter <DvBool>(normcol)(ref val);
                            if (val.IsTrue)
                                vecType = typeof(NormVector <>);
                t = t.ItemType;
                // Fall through to the non-vector case to handle subtypes.

            if (t is KeyType kt)
                Type physType = StaticKind(kt.RawKind);
                Contracts.Assert(physType == typeof(byte) || physType == typeof(ushort) ||
                                 physType == typeof(uint) || physType == typeof(ulong));
                var keyType = kt.Count > 0 ? typeof(Key <>) : typeof(VarKey <>);
                keyType = keyType.MakeGenericType(physType);

                if (kt.Count > 0)
                    // Check to see if we have key value metadata of the appropriate type, size, and whatnot.
                    var meta = col.Metadata;
                    if (meta.Schema.TryGetColumnIndex(MetadataUtils.Kinds.KeyValues, out int kvcol))
                        var kvType = meta.Schema.GetColumnType(kvcol);
                        if (kvType.VectorSize == kt.Count)
                            Contracts.Assert(kt.Count > 0);
                            var subtype = GetTypeOrNull(RowColumnUtils.GetColumn(meta, kvcol));
                            if (subtype != null && subtype.IsGenericType)
                                var sgtype = subtype.GetGenericTypeDefinition();
                                if (sgtype == typeof(NormVector <>) || sgtype == typeof(Vector <>))
                                    var args = subtype.GetGenericArguments();
                                    Contracts.Assert(args.Length == 1);
                                    keyType = typeof(Key <,>).MakeGenericType(physType, args[0]);
                return(vecType?.MakeGenericType(keyType) ?? keyType);

            if (t is PrimitiveType pt)
                Type physType = StaticKind(pt.RawKind);
                // Though I am unaware of any existing instances, it is theoretically possible for a
                // primitive type to exist, have the same data kind as one of the existing types, and yet
                // not be one of the built in types. (E.g., an outside analogy to the key types.) For this
                // reason, we must be certain that when we return here we are covering one fo the builtin types.
                if (physType != null && (
                        pt == NumberType.I1 || pt == NumberType.I2 || pt == NumberType.I4 || pt == NumberType.I8 ||
                        pt == NumberType.U1 || pt == NumberType.U2 || pt == NumberType.U4 || pt == NumberType.U8 ||
                        pt == NumberType.R4 || pt == NumberType.R8 || pt == NumberType.UG || pt == BoolType.Instance ||
                        pt == DateTimeType.Instance || pt == DateTimeZoneType.Instance || pt == TimeSpanType.Instance ||
                        pt == TextType.Instance))
                    return((vecType ?? typeof(Scalar <>)).MakeGenericType(physType));

Exemple #6
        public void TestCrossValidationMacro()
            var dataPath = GetDataPath(TestDatasets.winequalitymacro.trainFilename);

            using (var env = new TlcEnvironment(42))
                var subGraph = env.CreateExperiment();

                var nop       = new Legacy.Transforms.NoOperation();
                var nopOutput = subGraph.Add(nop);

                var generate = new Legacy.Transforms.RandomNumberGenerator();
                generate.Column = new[] { new Legacy.Transforms.GenerateNumberTransformColumn()
                                              Name = "Weight1"
                                          } };
                generate.Data = nopOutput.OutputData;
                var generateOutput = subGraph.Add(generate);

                var learnerInput = new Legacy.Trainers.PoissonRegressor
                    TrainingData = generateOutput.OutputData,
                    NumThreads   = 1,
                    WeightColumn = "Weight1"
                var learnerOutput = subGraph.Add(learnerInput);

                var modelCombine = new Legacy.Transforms.ManyHeterogeneousModelCombiner
                    TransformModels = new ArrayVar <ITransformModel>(nopOutput.Model, generateOutput.Model),
                    PredictorModel  = learnerOutput.PredictorModel
                var modelCombineOutput = subGraph.Add(modelCombine);

                var experiment  = env.CreateExperiment();
                var importInput = new Legacy.Data.TextLoader(dataPath)
                    Arguments = new Legacy.Data.TextLoaderArguments
                        Separator = new[] { ';' },
                        HasHeader = true,
                        Column    = new[]
                            new TextLoaderColumn()
                                Name   = "Label",
                                Source = new [] { new TextLoaderRange(11) },
                                Type   = Legacy.Data.DataKind.Num

                            new TextLoaderColumn()
                                Name   = "Features",
                                Source = new [] { new TextLoaderRange(0, 10) },
                                Type   = Legacy.Data.DataKind.Num
                var importOutput = experiment.Add(importInput);

                var crossValidate = new Legacy.Models.CrossValidator
                    Data           = importOutput.Data,
                    Nodes          = subGraph,
                    Kind           = Legacy.Models.MacroUtilsTrainerKinds.SignatureRegressorTrainer,
                    TransformModel = null,
                    WeightColumn   = "Weight1"
                crossValidate.Inputs.Data            = nop.Data;
                crossValidate.Outputs.PredictorModel = modelCombineOutput.PredictorModel;
                var crossValidateOutput = experiment.Add(crossValidate);

                importInput.SetInput(env, experiment);
                var data = experiment.GetOutput(crossValidateOutput.OverallMetrics);

                var schema = data.Schema;
                var b      = schema.TryGetColumnIndex("L1(avg)", out int metricCol);
                b = schema.TryGetColumnIndex("Fold Index", out int foldCol);
                b = schema.TryGetColumnIndex("IsWeighted", out int isWeightedCol);
                using (var cursor = data.GetRowCursor(col => col == metricCol || col == foldCol || col == isWeightedCol))
                    var    getter           = cursor.GetGetter <double>(metricCol);
                    var    foldGetter       = cursor.GetGetter <DvText>(foldCol);
                    var    isWeightedGetter = cursor.GetGetter <DvBool>(isWeightedCol);
                    DvText fold             = default;
                    DvBool isWeighted       = default;

                    double avg         = 0;
                    double weightedAvg = 0;
                    for (int w = 0; w < 2; w++)
                        // Get the average.
                        b = cursor.MoveNext();
                        if (w == 1)
                            getter(ref weightedAvg);
                            getter(ref avg);
                        foldGetter(ref fold);
                        isWeightedGetter(ref isWeighted);
                        Assert.True(isWeighted.IsTrue == (w == 1));

                        // Get the standard deviation.
                        b = cursor.MoveNext();
                        double stdev = 0;
                        getter(ref stdev);
                        foldGetter(ref fold);
                        Assert.True(fold.EqualsStr("Standard Deviation"));
                        if (w == 1)
                            Assert.Equal(0.004557, stdev, 6);
                            Assert.Equal(0.000393, stdev, 6);
                        isWeightedGetter(ref isWeighted);
                        Assert.True(isWeighted.IsTrue == (w == 1));
                    double sum         = 0;
                    double weightedSum = 0;
                    for (int f = 0; f < 2; f++)
                        for (int w = 0; w < 2; w++)
                            b = cursor.MoveNext();
                            double val = 0;
                            getter(ref val);
                            foldGetter(ref fold);
                            if (w == 1)
                                weightedSum += val;
                                sum += val;
                            Assert.True(fold.EqualsStr("Fold " + f));
                            isWeightedGetter(ref isWeighted);
                            Assert.True(isWeighted.IsTrue == (w == 1));
                    Assert.Equal(weightedAvg, weightedSum / 2);
                    Assert.Equal(avg, sum / 2);
                    b = cursor.MoveNext();
        public void SimpleTextLoaderCopyColumnsTest()
            var env = new TlcEnvironment(new SysRandom(0), verbose: true);

            const string data = "0 hello 3.14159 -0 2\n"
                                + "1 1 2 4 15";
            var dataSource = new BytesStreamSource(data);

            var text = TextLoader.CreateReader(env, ctx => (
                                                   label: ctx.LoadBool(0),
                                                   text: ctx.LoadText(1),
                                                   numericFeatures: ctx.LoadFloat(2, null)), // If fit correctly, this ought to be equivalent to max of 4, that is, length of 3.
                                               dataSource, separator: ' ');

            // While we have a type-safe wrapper for `IDataView` it is utterly useless except as an input to the `Fit` functions
            // of the other statically typed wrappers. We perhaps ought to make it useful in its own right, but perhaps not now.
            // For now, just operate over the actual `IDataView`.
            var textData = text.Read(dataSource).AsDynamic;

            var schema = textData.Schema;

            // First verify that the columns are there. There ought to be at least one column corresponding to the identifiers in the tuple.
            CheckSchemaHasColumn(schema, "label", out int labelIdx);
            CheckSchemaHasColumn(schema, "text", out int textIdx);
            CheckSchemaHasColumn(schema, "numericFeatures", out int numericFeaturesIdx);
            // Next verify they have the expected types.
            Assert.Equal(BoolType.Instance, schema.GetColumnType(labelIdx));
            Assert.Equal(TextType.Instance, schema.GetColumnType(textIdx));
            Assert.Equal(new VectorType(NumberType.R4, 3), schema.GetColumnType(numericFeaturesIdx));
            // Next actually inspect the data.
            using (var cursor = textData.GetRowCursor(c => true))
                var labelGetter           = cursor.GetGetter <DvBool>(labelIdx);
                var textGetter            = cursor.GetGetter <DvText>(textIdx);
                var numericFeaturesGetter = cursor.GetGetter <VBuffer <float> >(numericFeaturesIdx);

                DvBool          labelVal = default;
                DvText          textVal  = default;
                VBuffer <float> numVal   = default;

                void CheckValuesSame(bool bl, string tx, float v0, float v1, float v2)
                    labelGetter(ref labelVal);
                    textGetter(ref textVal);
                    numericFeaturesGetter(ref numVal);

                    Assert.Equal((DvBool)bl, labelVal);
                    Assert.Equal(new DvText(tx), textVal);
                    Assert.Equal(3, numVal.Length);
                    Assert.Equal(v0, numVal.GetItemOrDefault(0));
                    Assert.Equal(v1, numVal.GetItemOrDefault(1));
                    Assert.Equal(v2, numVal.GetItemOrDefault(2));

                Assert.True(cursor.MoveNext(), "Could not move even to first row");
                CheckValuesSame(false, "hello", 3.14159f, -0f, 2f);
                Assert.True(cursor.MoveNext(), "Could not move to second row");
                CheckValuesSame(true, "1", 2f, 4f, 15f);
                Assert.False(cursor.MoveNext(), "Moved to third row, but there should have been only two");

            // The next step where we shuffle the names around a little bit is one where we are
            // testing out the implicit usage of copy columns.

            var est         = text.MakeNewEstimator().Append(r => (text: r.label, label: r.numericFeatures));
            var newText     = text.Append(est);
            var newTextData = newText.Fit(dataSource).Read(dataSource);

            schema = newTextData.AsDynamic.Schema;
            // First verify that the columns are there. There ought to be at least one column corresponding to the identifiers in the tuple.
            CheckSchemaHasColumn(schema, "label", out labelIdx);
            CheckSchemaHasColumn(schema, "text", out textIdx);
            // Next verify they have the expected types.
            Assert.Equal(BoolType.Instance, schema.GetColumnType(textIdx));
            Assert.Equal(new VectorType(NumberType.R4, 3), schema.GetColumnType(labelIdx));
Exemple #8
        public static Func <DvBool[], DvBool> GetAggFunction(AggregatedFunction func, DvBool defaultValue)
            switch (func)
            case AggregatedFunction.Mean:
            case AggregatedFunction.Count:
                return((DvBool[] arr) => { return DvBool.NA; });

            case AggregatedFunction.Max:
            case AggregatedFunction.Sum:
                return((DvBool[] arr) => { return arr.Aggregate((a, b) => a | b); });

            case AggregatedFunction.Min:
                return((DvBool[] arr) => { return arr.Aggregate((a, b) => a & b); });

                throw new NotImplementedException($"Unkown aggregated function ${func}.");
        private void ValidateMetadata(IDataView result)
            Assert.True(result.Schema.TryGetColumnIndex("CatA", out int colA));
            Assert.True(result.Schema.TryGetColumnIndex("CatB", out int colB));
            Assert.True(result.Schema.TryGetColumnIndex("CatC", out int colC));
            Assert.True(result.Schema.TryGetColumnIndex("CatD", out int colD));
            Assert.True(result.Schema.TryGetColumnIndex("CatE", out int colE));
            Assert.True(result.Schema.TryGetColumnIndex("CatF", out int colF));
            Assert.True(result.Schema.TryGetColumnIndex("CatE", out int colG));
            Assert.True(result.Schema.TryGetColumnIndex("CatF", out int colH));
            var types = result.Schema.GetMetadataTypes(colA);

            Assert.Equal(types.Select(x => x.Key), new string[1] {
            VBuffer <DvText> slots      = default;
            VBuffer <DvInt4> slotRanges = default;
            DvBool           normalized = default;

            result.Schema.GetMetadata(MetadataUtils.Kinds.SlotNames, colA, ref slots);
            Assert.True(slots.Length == 2);
            Assert.Equal(slots.Values.Select(x => x.ToString()), new string[2] {
                "A", "B"

            types = result.Schema.GetMetadataTypes(colB);
            Assert.Equal(types.Select(x => x.Key), new string[3] {
                MetadataUtils.Kinds.SlotNames, MetadataUtils.Kinds.CategoricalSlotRanges, MetadataUtils.Kinds.IsNormalized
            result.Schema.GetMetadata(MetadataUtils.Kinds.SlotNames, colB, ref slots);
            Assert.True(slots.Length == 1);
            Assert.Equal(slots.Items().Select(x => x.Value.ToString()), new string[1] {
            result.Schema.GetMetadata(MetadataUtils.Kinds.CategoricalSlotRanges, colB, ref slotRanges);
            Assert.True(slotRanges.Length == 2);
            Assert.Equal(slotRanges.Items().Select(x => x.Value.RawValue), new int[2] {
                0, 0
            result.Schema.GetMetadata(MetadataUtils.Kinds.IsNormalized, colB, ref normalized);

            types = result.Schema.GetMetadataTypes(colC);
            Assert.Equal(types.Select(x => x.Key), new string[3] {
                MetadataUtils.Kinds.SlotNames, MetadataUtils.Kinds.CategoricalSlotRanges, MetadataUtils.Kinds.IsNormalized
            result.Schema.GetMetadata(MetadataUtils.Kinds.SlotNames, colC, ref slots);
            Assert.True(slots.Length == 4);
            Assert.Equal(slots.Items().Select(x => x.Value.ToString()), new string[4] {
                "[0].3", "[0].5", "[1].3", "[1].5"
            result.Schema.GetMetadata(MetadataUtils.Kinds.CategoricalSlotRanges, colC, ref slotRanges);
            Assert.True(slotRanges.Length == 4);
            Assert.Equal(slotRanges.Items().Select(x => x.Value.RawValue), new int[4] {
                0, 1, 2, 3
            result.Schema.GetMetadata(MetadataUtils.Kinds.IsNormalized, colC, ref normalized);

            types = result.Schema.GetMetadataTypes(colD);
            Assert.Equal(types.Select(x => x.Key), new string[2] {
                MetadataUtils.Kinds.SlotNames, MetadataUtils.Kinds.IsNormalized
            result.Schema.GetMetadata(MetadataUtils.Kinds.SlotNames, colD, ref slots);
            Assert.True(slots.Length == 2);
            Assert.Equal(slots.Items().Select(x => x.Value.ToString()), new string[2] {
                "6", "1"
            result.Schema.GetMetadata(MetadataUtils.Kinds.IsNormalized, colD, ref normalized);

            types = result.Schema.GetMetadataTypes(colE);
            Assert.Equal(types.Select(x => x.Key), new string[2] {
                MetadataUtils.Kinds.CategoricalSlotRanges, MetadataUtils.Kinds.IsNormalized
            result.Schema.GetMetadata(MetadataUtils.Kinds.CategoricalSlotRanges, colE, ref slotRanges);
            Assert.True(slotRanges.Length == 4);
            Assert.Equal(slotRanges.Items().Select(x => x.Value.RawValue), new int[4] {
                0, 5, 6, 11
            result.Schema.GetMetadata(MetadataUtils.Kinds.IsNormalized, colE, ref normalized);

            types = result.Schema.GetMetadataTypes(colF);
            Assert.Equal(types.Select(x => x.Key), new string[1] {
            result.Schema.GetMetadata(MetadataUtils.Kinds.IsNormalized, colF, ref normalized);

            types = result.Schema.GetMetadataTypes(colG);
            Assert.Equal(types.Select(x => x.Key), new string[2] {
                MetadataUtils.Kinds.CategoricalSlotRanges, MetadataUtils.Kinds.IsNormalized
            result.Schema.GetMetadata(MetadataUtils.Kinds.CategoricalSlotRanges, colG, ref slotRanges);
            Assert.True(slotRanges.Length == 4);
            Assert.Equal(slotRanges.Items().Select(x => x.Value.RawValue), new int[4] {
                0, 5, 6, 11
            result.Schema.GetMetadata(MetadataUtils.Kinds.IsNormalized, colF, ref normalized);

            types = result.Schema.GetMetadataTypes(colH);
            Assert.Equal(types.Select(x => x.Key), new string[1] {
            result.Schema.GetMetadata(MetadataUtils.Kinds.IsNormalized, colF, ref normalized);
        public static NumericColumn Operation(NumericColumn c1, DvBool value)
            switch (c1.Kind)
            case DataKind.BL:
                DvBool[]            a;
                DataColumn <DvBool> res;
                Operation(c1, out a, out res);
                for (int i = 0; i < res.Length; ++i)
                    res.Set(i, a[i] /**/ | value);
                return(new NumericColumn(res));

                throw new DataTypeError(string.Format("{0} not implemented for column {1}.", OperationName, c1.Kind));


        #region Operation between two columns.

        static void Operation <T1, T2, T3>(NumericColumn c1, NumericColumn c2,
                                           out T1[] a, out T2[] b, out DataColumn <T3> res)
            where T1 : IEquatable <T1>, IComparable <T1>
            where T2 : IEquatable <T2>, IComparable <T2>
            where T3 : IEquatable <T3>, IComparable <T3>
            var c1o = c1.Column as DataColumn <T1>;
            var c2o = c2.Column as DataColumn <T2>;

            if (c1o is null || c2o is null)
                throw new DataTypeError(string.Format("{0} not implemented for {1}, {2}.", OperationName, c1.Kind, c2.Kind));
            res = new DataColumn <T3>(c1.Length);
            a   = c1o.Data;
            b   = c2o.Data;

        public static NumericColumn Operation(NumericColumn c1, NumericColumn c2)
            switch (c1.Kind)
            case DataKind.BL:
                switch (c2.Kind)
                case DataKind.BL:
                    DvBool[]            a;
                    DvBool[]            b;
                    DataColumn <DvBool> res;
                    Operation(c1, c2, out a, out b, out res);
                    for (int i = 0; i < res.Length; ++i)
                        res.Set(i, a[i] /**/ | b[i]);
                    return(new NumericColumn(res));

                    throw new DataTypeError(string.Format("{0} not implemented for {1}, {2}.", OperationName, c1.Kind, c2.Kind));
Exemple #11
        public void TestComparableDvText()
            const int count = 100;

            var rand  = RandomUtils.Create(42);
            var chars = new char[2000];

            for (int i = 0; i < chars.Length; i++)
                chars[i] = (char)rand.Next(128);
            var str = new string(chars);

            var values = new DvText[2 * count];

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                int len = rand.Next(20);
                int ich = rand.Next(str.Length - len + 1);
                var v   = values[i] = new DvText(str, ich, ich + len);
                values[values.Length - i - 1] = v;

            // Assign two NA's and an empty at random.
            int iv1 = rand.Next(values.Length);
            int iv2 = rand.Next(values.Length - 1);

            if (iv2 >= iv1)
            int iv3 = rand.Next(values.Length - 2);

            if (iv3 >= iv1)
            if (iv3 >= iv2)

            values[iv1] = DvText.NA;
            values[iv2] = DvText.NA;
            values[iv3] = DvText.Empty;


            Assert.True((values[0] == values[1]).IsNA);
            Assert.True((values[0] != values[1]).IsNA);
            Assert.True(values[0].CompareTo(values[1]) == 0);

            Assert.True((values[1] == values[2]).IsNA);
            Assert.True((values[1] != values[2]).IsNA);
            Assert.True(values[1].CompareTo(values[2]) < 0);

            for (int i = 3; i < values.Length; i++)
                DvBool eq  = values[i - 1] == values[i];
                DvBool ne  = values[i - 1] != values[i];
                bool   feq = values[i - 1].Equals(values[i]);
                int    cmp = values[i - 1].CompareTo(values[i]);
                Assert.True(eq.IsTrue == ne.IsFalse);
                Assert.True(feq == eq.IsTrue);
                Assert.True(cmp <= 0);
                Assert.True(feq == (cmp == 0));