Exemple #1
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    public void start()
        MainCameraResetPosition = mainCamera.transform.position;
        //Move the GetComponent to the Start method and cache the components on your private variables
        _DumptruckVC         = DumpTruck.GetComponent <WSMVehicleController>();
        _DumptruckController = DumpTruck.GetComponent <DumpTruckController>();

        //only one backhoe in actual test
        _BackhoeVC         = Backhoe.GetComponent <WSMVehicleController>();
        _BackhoeController = Backhoe.GetComponent <BackhoeController>();

        if (enable)
            enable = false;
            enable = true;

        if (enable)
            //activate indicator arrow
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup the test
        /// </summary>
        public DumpTruckUnitTest()
            DbContextOptions <DbAppContext> options      = new DbContextOptions <DbAppContext>();
            Mock <DbAppContext>             dbAppContext = new Mock <DbAppContext>(null, options);
            DumpTruckService _service = new DumpTruckService(dbAppContext.Object);

            _DumpTruck = new DumpTruckController(_service);
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup the test
        /// </summary>
        public DumpTruckUnitTest()
            DbContextOptions <DbAppContext> options      = new DbContextOptions <DbAppContext>();
            Mock <DbAppContext>             dbAppContext = new Mock <DbAppContext>(null, options);

             * Here you will need to mock up the context.
             * ItemType fakeItem = new ItemType(...);
             * Mock<DbSet<ItemType>> mockList = MockDbSet.Create(fakeItem);
             * dbAppContext.Setup(x => x.ModelEndpoint).Returns(mockItem.Object);

            DumpTruckService _service = new DumpTruckService(dbAppContext.Object);

            _DumpTruck = new DumpTruckController(_service);