protected override void OnUpdate()
                (PhysicsBody body) =>
                if (!body.enabled)
                var entity = GetPrimaryEntity(body.gameObject);

                if (body.MotionType == BodyMotionType.Static)

                // Build mass component
                var massProperties = DstEntityManager.GetComponentData <PhysicsCollider>(entity).MassProperties;
                if (body.OverrideDefaultMassDistribution)
                    massProperties.MassDistribution = body.CustomMassDistribution;
                    // Increase the angular expansion factor to account for the shift in center of mass
                    massProperties.AngularExpansionFactor += math.length(massProperties.MassDistribution.Transform.pos - body.CustomMassDistribution.Transform.pos);
                DstEntityManager.AddOrSetComponent(entity, body.MotionType == BodyMotionType.Dynamic ?
                                                   PhysicsMass.CreateDynamic(massProperties, body.Mass) :

                DstEntityManager.AddOrSetComponent(entity, new PhysicsVelocity
                    Linear  = body.InitialLinearVelocity,
                    Angular = body.InitialAngularVelocity

                if (body.MotionType == BodyMotionType.Dynamic)
                    // TODO make these optional in editor?
                    DstEntityManager.AddOrSetComponent(entity, new PhysicsDamping
                        Linear  = body.LinearDamping,
                        Angular = body.AngularDamping
                    if (body.GravityFactor != 1)
                        DstEntityManager.AddOrSetComponent(entity, new PhysicsGravityFactor
                            Value = body.GravityFactor
                else if (body.MotionType == BodyMotionType.Kinematic)
                    DstEntityManager.AddOrSetComponent(entity, new PhysicsGravityFactor
                        Value = 0
Exemple #2
        protected override void OnUpdate()
                (LegacyRigidBody body) =>
                var entity = GetPrimaryEntity(body.gameObject);

                // prefer conversions from non-legacy data if they have already been performed
                if (DstEntityManager.HasComponent <PhysicsVelocity>(entity))

                    entity, body.transform,
                    body.isKinematic ? BodyMotionType.Kinematic : BodyMotionType.Dynamic

                if (body.gameObject.isStatic)

                // Build mass component
                var massProperties = MassProperties.UnitSphere;
                if (DstEntityManager.HasComponent <PhysicsCollider>(entity))
                    // Build mass component
                    massProperties = DstEntityManager.GetComponentData <PhysicsCollider>(entity).MassProperties;
                // n.b. no way to know if CoM was manually adjusted, so all legacy Rigidbody objects use auto CoM
                DstEntityManager.AddOrSetComponent(entity, !body.isKinematic ?
                                                   PhysicsMass.CreateDynamic(massProperties, body.mass) :

                DstEntityManager.AddOrSetComponent(entity, new PhysicsVelocity());

                if (!body.isKinematic)
                    DstEntityManager.AddOrSetComponent(entity, new PhysicsDamping
                        Linear  = body.drag,
                        Angular = body.angularDrag
                    if (!body.useGravity)
                        DstEntityManager.AddOrSetComponent(entity, new PhysicsGravityFactor {
                            Value = 0f
                    DstEntityManager.AddOrSetComponent(entity, new PhysicsGravityFactor {
                        Value = 0
Exemple #3
        protected override void OnUpdate()
            // A map from entities to arrays of colliders that were not applied to the body during the first pass.
            m_ExtraColliders = new NativeMultiHashMap <ComparableEntity, LeafShapeData>(64, Allocator.Temp); // TODO - add custom data to Physics.Collider?

            // First pass.
            // Convert all editor shape components into colliders, and either apply them to their parent rigid body
            // or store them for building compound colliders in the second pass.
            Entities.ForEach <T>(ConvertShape);

            // Second pass.
            // Merge any leftover colliders into their parent rigid bodies, as compound colliders.
            if (m_ExtraColliders.Length > 0)
                var keys = m_ExtraColliders.GetUniqueKeyArray(Allocator.Temp);
                using (keys.Item1)
                    for (var k = 0; k < keys.Item2; ++k)
                        ComparableEntity entity = keys.Item1[k];
                        var collider            = DstEntityManager.GetComponentData <PhysicsCollider>(entity.Entity);
                        var children            = new NativeList <CompoundCollider.ColliderBlobInstance>(16, Allocator.Temp);

                        if (collider.IsValid)
                            // Include the already assigned collider as a child
                            children.Add(new CompoundCollider.ColliderBlobInstance {
                                Collider = collider.Value, CompoundFromChild = RigidTransform.identity

                        byte customData = 0;
                        if (m_ExtraColliders.TryGetFirstValue(entity, out var child, out var iterator))
                                customData &= child.CustomFlags; // TODO: Should be |= ??
                            } while (m_ExtraColliders.TryGetNextValue(out child, ref iterator));

                        collider.Value = CompoundCollider.Create(children);


                        DstEntityManager.SetComponentData(entity.Entity, collider);

                        if (customData != 0)
                            DstEntityManager.AddOrSetComponent(entity.Entity, new PhysicsCustomData {
                                Value = customData
Exemple #4
        void ConvertShape(T shape)
            if (!ShouldConvertShape(shape))

            var body   = GetPrimaryBody(shape);
            var entity = GetPrimaryEntity(body);

            var colliderBlob = ProduceColliderBlob(shape);

            if (!DstEntityManager.HasComponent <PhysicsCollider>(entity))
                DstEntityManager.AddComponentData(entity, new PhysicsCollider());

            var collider    = DstEntityManager.GetComponentData <PhysicsCollider>(entity);
            var customFlags = GetCustomFlags(shape);

            if (!collider.IsValid && body == shape.gameObject)
                // Shape is on same object as body, therefore has no relative transform.
                // Set it directly into the entity component.
                collider.Value = colliderBlob;
                DstEntityManager.SetComponentData(entity, collider);
                if (customFlags != 0)
                    DstEntityManager.AddOrSetComponent(entity, new PhysicsCustomData {
                        Value = customFlags
                // Body has multiple shapes or may have a relative transform.
                // Store it for building compound colliders in the second pass.
                // Note: Not including relative scale, since that is baked into the colliders
                var worldFromBody     = new RigidTransform(body.transform.rotation, body.transform.position);
                var worldFromShape    = new RigidTransform(shape.transform.rotation, shape.transform.position);
                var compoundFromChild = math.mul(math.inverse(worldFromBody), worldFromShape);
                    new ComparableEntity {
                    Entity = entity
                    new LeafShapeData
                    ColliderBlobInstance = new CompoundCollider.ColliderBlobInstance
                        CompoundFromChild = compoundFromChild,
                        Collider          = colliderBlob
                    CustomFlags = customFlags
Exemple #5
 protected override void OnUpdate()
         (Rigidbody body) =>
         var entity = GetPrimaryEntity(body.gameObject);
         DstEntityManager.AddOrSetComponent(entity, new PhysicsCollider());
 protected override void OnUpdate()
         (PhysicsBody body) =>
         if (!body.enabled)
         var entity = GetPrimaryEntity(body.gameObject);
         DstEntityManager.AddOrSetComponent(entity, new PhysicsCollider());
        void CreateJointEntity(GameObject gameObject, BlobAssetReference <JointData> jointData, Entity entityA, Entity entityB, bool enableCollision)
            var componentData = new PhysicsJoint
                JointData       = jointData,
                EntityA         = entityA,
                EntityB         = entityB,
                EnableCollision = enableCollision ? 1 : 0,

            Entity jointEntity = CreateAdditionalEntity(gameObject);

            var nameEntityA = DstEntityManager.GetName(entityA);
            var nameEntityB = entityB == Entity.Null ? "PhysicsWorld" : DstEntityManager.GetName(entityB);
            DstEntityManager.SetName(jointEntity, $"Joining {nameEntityA} + {nameEntityB}");

            DstEntityManager.AddOrSetComponent(jointEntity, componentData);
        protected override void OnUpdate()
            Profiler.BeginSample("Build Compound Colliders");

            // Assign PhysicsCollider components to rigid body entities, merging multiples into compounds as needed
            var changedBodies = m_ChangedLeavesByBody.GetUniqueKeyArray(Allocator.Temp);

            using (changedBodies.Item1)
                // Loop through all the bodies that changed
                for (var k = 0; k < changedBodies.Item2; ++k)
                    var body     = changedBodies.Item1[k];
                    var collider = DstEntityManager.HasComponent <PhysicsCollider>(body)
                        ? DstEntityManager.GetComponentData <PhysicsCollider>(body)
                        : new PhysicsCollider();
                    var children =
                        new NativeHashMap <ColliderInstanceId, ChildInstance>(16, Allocator.Temp);

                    var isLeafEntityBody = true;

                    // The current body that changed may have one or more shape to process, loop through all of them
                    if (m_ChangedLeavesByBody.TryGetFirstValue(body, out var shape, out var iterator))
                            var replaced = false;

                            // Look for existing known shape. For this there is no magic, O(n) scan on the body's shapes
                            if (m_AllLeafCollidersByBody.TryGetFirstValue(body, out var existingShape, out var existingIterator))
                                    // If the current child is the one we care about then replace its associated data
                                    if (existingShape.ShapeEntity.Equals(shape.ShapeEntity))
                                        m_AllLeafCollidersByBody.SetValue(shape, existingIterator);
                                        replaced = true;
                                }while (m_AllLeafCollidersByBody.TryGetNextValue(out existingShape, ref existingIterator));

                            // Add the shape if it did not exist already
                            if (!replaced)
                                m_AllLeafCollidersByBody.Add(body, shape);

                            // Add the shape to the list of children to process later
                            if (BlobComputationContext.GetBlobAsset(shape.Hash, out var blobAsset))
                                var child = new ChildInstance
                                    Hash  = shape.Hash,
                                    Child = new CompoundCollider.ColliderBlobInstance
                                        Collider          = blobAsset,
                                        CompoundFromChild = shape.BodyFromShape
                                children.Add(shape.ToColliderInstanceId(), child);

                                isLeafEntityBody &= shape.ShapeEntity.Equals(body);
                                var gameObject = m_EndColliderConversionSystem.GetConvertedAuthoringComponent(shape.ConvertedAuthoringComponentIndex).gameObject;
                                Debug.LogWarning($"Couldn't convert Collider for GameObject '{}'.");
                        }while (m_ChangedLeavesByBody.TryGetNextValue(out shape, ref iterator));

                    // Add all children that did not change
                    if (m_AllLeafCollidersByBody.TryGetFirstValue(body, out shape, out var it))
                            isLeafEntityBody &= shape.ShapeEntity.Equals(body);

                            if (BlobComputationContext.GetBlobAsset(shape.Hash, out var blobAsset))
                                var child = new ChildInstance
                                    Hash  = shape.Hash,
                                    Child = new CompoundCollider.ColliderBlobInstance
                                        Collider          = blobAsset,
                                        CompoundFromChild = shape.BodyFromShape
                                children.TryAdd(shape.ToColliderInstanceId(), child);
                        }while (m_AllLeafCollidersByBody.TryGetNextValue(out shape, ref it));

                    // Get the list of colliders to (re)build
                    var colliders = children.GetValueArray(Allocator.TempJob);

                    // If the leaf is the same entity as the body, and there is a single shape, use it as-is; otherwise create a compound
                    // (assume a single leaf should still be a compound so that local offset values in authoring representation are retained)
                    if (colliders.Length > 0)
                        if (isLeafEntityBody && colliders.Length == 1)
                            collider.Value = colliders[0].Child.Collider;
                            // sort children by hash to ensure deterministic results
                            // required because instance ID on hash map key is non-deterministic between runs,
                            // but it affects the order of values returned by NativeHashMap<T>.GetValueArray()

                            // otherwise it is a compound
                            var childHashes  = new NativeArray <Hash128>(colliders.Length, Allocator.TempJob, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory);
                            var childOffsets = new NativeArray <RigidTransform>(colliders.Length, Allocator.TempJob, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory);
                            var childBlobs   = new NativeArray <CompoundCollider.ColliderBlobInstance>(colliders.Length, Allocator.TempJob, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory);
                            for (var i = 0; i < children.Count(); ++i)
                                childHashes[i]  = colliders[i].Hash;
                                childOffsets[i] = colliders[i].Child.CompoundFromChild;
                                childBlobs[i]   = colliders[i].Child;

                            Profiler.BeginSample("Generate Hash for Compound");
                            var compoundHash = new NativeArray <Hash128>(1, Allocator.TempJob);
                            new HashChildrenJob
                                ChildHashes  = childHashes,
                                ChildOffsets = childOffsets,
                                Output       = compoundHash

                            var gameObject = m_EndColliderConversionSystem.GetConvertedAuthoringComponent(shape.ConvertedBodyTransformIndex).gameObject;
                            BlobComputationContext.AssociateBlobAssetWithUnityObject(compoundHash[0], gameObject);

                            if (!BlobComputationContext.NeedToComputeBlobAsset(compoundHash[0]))
                                BlobComputationContext.GetBlobAsset(compoundHash[0], out collider.Value);
                                BlobComputationContext.AddBlobAssetToCompute(compoundHash[0], 0);

                                using (var compound = new NativeArray <BlobAssetReference <Collider> >(1, Allocator.TempJob))
                                    new CreateCompoundJob
                                        Children = childBlobs,
                                        Output   = compound
                                    collider.Value = compound[0];
                                    BlobComputationContext.AddComputedBlobAsset(compoundHash[0], collider.Value);



                    DstEntityManager.AddOrSetComponent(body, collider);


        protected override void OnUpdate()
            var shapeQuery = EntityManager.CreateEntityQuery(ComponentType.ReadOnly <T>());
            var shapeCount = shapeQuery.CalculateEntityCount();

            // A map from entities to arrays of colliders
            m_ExtraColliders = new NativeMultiHashMap <ComparableEntity, LeafShapeData>(shapeCount, Allocator.Temp);

            // Lists to store input data for deferred convex and mesh jobs
            const int defaultPointsPerShape = 1024;

            m_ConvexColliderJobs   = new NativeList <ConvertConvexColliderInput>(shapeCount, Allocator.TempJob);
            m_ConvexColliderPoints = new NativeList <float3>(shapeCount * defaultPointsPerShape, Allocator.TempJob);

            m_MeshColliderJobs     = new NativeList <ConvertMeshColliderInput>(shapeCount, Allocator.TempJob);
            m_MeshColliderVertices = new NativeList <float3>(shapeCount * defaultPointsPerShape, Allocator.TempJob);
            m_MeshColliderIndices  = new NativeList <int>(shapeCount * defaultPointsPerShape / 2, Allocator.TempJob);

            // First pass.
            // Convert all shape authoring components into colliders, and collect them for each primary body
            Entities.ForEach <T>(ConvertShape);

            // Second pass.
            // Produce all convex and mesh collider blobs in parallel
            const int arrayLength     = 5;
            var       convexColliders =
                new NativeArray <KeyValuePair <Entity, LeafShapeData> >(m_ConvexColliderJobs.Length, Allocator.TempJob);
            var convexJob = new ProduceConvexCollidersJob
                InputParameters = m_ConvexColliderJobs,
                AllPoints       = m_ConvexColliderPoints,
                Output          = convexColliders
            }.Schedule(m_ConvexColliderJobs.Length, arrayLength);

            var meshColliders =
                new NativeArray <KeyValuePair <Entity, LeafShapeData> >(m_MeshColliderJobs.Length, Allocator.TempJob);
            var meshJob = new ProduceMeshCollidersJob
                InputParameters = m_MeshColliderJobs,
                AllVertices     = m_MeshColliderVertices,
                AllIndices      = m_MeshColliderIndices,
                Output          = meshColliders
            }.Schedule(m_MeshColliderJobs.Length, arrayLength);

            JobHandle.CombineDependencies(convexJob, meshJob).Complete();

            AppendLeafShapeDataToShapeMap(convexColliders, m_ExtraColliders, m_ConvexShapes);

            AppendLeafShapeDataToShapeMap(meshColliders, m_ExtraColliders, m_MeshShapes);

            // Final pass.
            // Assign PhysicsCollider components to rigid bodies, merging multiples into compounds as needed
            var keys = m_ExtraColliders.GetUniqueKeyArray(Allocator.Temp);

            using (keys.Item1)
                for (var k = 0; k < keys.Item2; ++k)
                    ComparableEntity body = keys.Item1[k];
                    var collider          = DstEntityManager.HasComponent <PhysicsCollider>(body.Entity)
                        ? DstEntityManager.GetComponentData <PhysicsCollider>(body.Entity)
                        : new PhysicsCollider();
                    var children = new NativeList <CompoundCollider.ColliderBlobInstance>(16, Allocator.Temp);

                    // collect any existing valid shapes
                    if (collider.IsValid)
                        ColliderType colliderType;
                        unsafe { colliderType = collider.ColliderPtr->Type; }

                        // if there is already a compound, add its leaves to the list of children
                        if (colliderType == ColliderType.Compound)
                                var existingChildren = ((CompoundCollider *)collider.ColliderPtr)->Children;
                                for (int i = 0, count = existingChildren.Length; i < count; ++i)
                                    children.Add(new CompoundCollider.ColliderBlobInstance
                                        Collider = BlobAssetReference <Collider> .Create(
                                        CompoundFromChild = existingChildren[i].CompoundFromChild
                        // otherwise add the single collider to the list of children
                                new CompoundCollider.ColliderBlobInstance
                                Collider          = collider.Value,
                                CompoundFromChild = RigidTransform.identity

                    // if collider is already valid, a shape already existed from another system
                    var isSingleShapeOnPrimaryBody = !collider.IsValid;
                    // collect all children found by this system
                    if (m_ExtraColliders.TryGetFirstValue(body, out var child, out var iterator))
                            isSingleShapeOnPrimaryBody &= child.LeafEntity.Equals(body.Entity);
                        } while (m_ExtraColliders.TryGetNextValue(out child, ref iterator));

                    // if there is a single shape on the primary body, use it as-is, otherwise create a compound
                    // (assume a single leaf should still be a compound so that local offset values in authoring representation are retained)
                    collider.Value = isSingleShapeOnPrimaryBody
                        ? children[0].Collider
                        : CompoundCollider.Create(children);


                    DstEntityManager.AddOrSetComponent(body.Entity, collider);


Exemple #10
        protected override void OnUpdate()
                (StaticOptimizeEntity staticOptimized) =>
                var entity = GetPrimaryEntity(staticOptimized.gameObject);
                if (DstEntityManager.HasComponent <PhysicsCollider>(entity))
                    DstEntityManager.PostProcessTransformComponents(entity, staticOptimized.transform, BodyMotionType.Static);
                (PhysicsBodyAuthoring body) =>
                var entity = GetPrimaryEntity(body.gameObject);

                DstEntityManager.PostProcessTransformComponents(entity, body.transform, body.MotionType);

                var customTags = body.CustomTags;
                if (!customTags.Equals(CustomPhysicsBodyTags.Nothing))
                    DstEntityManager.AddOrSetComponent(entity, new PhysicsCustomTags {
                        Value = customTags.Value

                if (body.MotionType == BodyMotionType.Static)

                var massProperties = MassProperties.UnitSphere;
                if (DstEntityManager.HasComponent <PhysicsCollider>(entity))
                    // Build mass component
                    massProperties = DstEntityManager.GetComponentData <PhysicsCollider>(entity).MassProperties;
                if (body.OverrideDefaultMassDistribution)
                    massProperties.MassDistribution = body.CustomMassDistribution;
                    // Increase the angular expansion factor to account for the shift in center of mass
                    massProperties.AngularExpansionFactor += math.length(massProperties.MassDistribution.Transform.pos - body.CustomMassDistribution.Transform.pos);
                DstEntityManager.AddOrSetComponent(entity, body.MotionType == BodyMotionType.Dynamic ?
                                                   PhysicsMass.CreateDynamic(massProperties, body.Mass) :

                var physicsVelocity = new PhysicsVelocity
                    Linear  = body.InitialLinearVelocity,
                    Angular = body.InitialAngularVelocity
                DstEntityManager.AddOrSetComponent(entity, physicsVelocity);

                if (body.MotionType == BodyMotionType.Dynamic)
                    // TODO make these optional in editor?
                    DstEntityManager.AddOrSetComponent(entity, new PhysicsDamping
                        Linear  = body.LinearDamping,
                        Angular = body.AngularDamping
                    if (body.GravityFactor != 1)
                        DstEntityManager.AddOrSetComponent(entity, new PhysicsGravityFactor
                            Value = body.GravityFactor
                else if (body.MotionType == BodyMotionType.Kinematic)
                    DstEntityManager.AddOrSetComponent(entity, new PhysicsGravityFactor
                        Value = 0

                if (body.Smoothing != BodySmoothing.None)
                    DstEntityManager.AddOrSetComponent(entity, new PhysicsGraphicalSmoothing());
                    if (body.Smoothing == BodySmoothing.Interpolation)
                        DstEntityManager.AddComponentData(entity, new PhysicsGraphicalInterpolationBuffer
                            PreviousTransform = Math.DecomposeRigidBodyTransform(body.transform.localToWorldMatrix),
                            PreviousVelocity  = physicsVelocity,
Exemple #11
        protected override void OnUpdate()
            Entities.ForEach((UnityEngine.Rigidbody2D rigidbody) =>
                // We don't convert a Rigidbody2D if it's not Simulated.
                if (!rigidbody.simulated)

                var entity = GetPrimaryEntity(rigidbody);

                var bodyType = rigidbody.bodyType;

                // There's no components to define a Static rigidbody or its properties.
                if (bodyType != UnityEngine.RigidbodyType2D.Static)
                    // Velocity.
                    if (!DstEntityManager.HasComponent <PhysicsVelocity>(entity))
                                                          new PhysicsVelocity
                            Linear  = rigidbody.velocity,
                            Angular = rigidbody.angularVelocity

                    var massProperties = MassProperties.Default;

                    // Fetch mass properties from any available collider.
                    if (DstEntityManager.HasComponent <PhysicsColliderBlob>(entity))
                        var collider   = DstEntityManager.GetComponentData <PhysicsColliderBlob>(entity).Collider;
                        massProperties = collider.IsCreated ? collider.Value.MassProperties : MassProperties.Default;

                    // Dynamic.
                    if (bodyType == UnityEngine.RigidbodyType2D.Dynamic)
                                                           PhysicsMass.CreateDynamic(massProperties, rigidbody.mass));

                        if (!DstEntityManager.HasComponent <PhysicsGravity>(entity))
                                                              new PhysicsGravity {
                                Scale = rigidbody.gravityScale

                        if (!DstEntityManager.HasComponent <PhysicsDamping>(entity))
                                                              new PhysicsDamping
                                Linear  = rigidbody.drag,
                                Angular = rigidbody.angularDrag
                    // Kinematic.

                // Create any colliders associated with this rigidbody entity.