Exemple #1
        public void insertNewStopWithDoubleSubmittingTest()
            #region prepare testing data
            _coreDb.ExecuteCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Lines(LineName) VALUES('207')";
            _coreDb.ExecuteCommand.CommandText = "SELECT MAX(LineID) FROM Lines";
            int lineId1 = Convert.ToInt32(_coreDb.ExecuteScalar());
            _coreDb.ExecuteCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Lines(LineName) VALUES('207')";
            _coreDb.ExecuteCommand.CommandText = "SELECT MAX(LineID) FROM Lines";
            int lineId2 = Convert.ToInt32(_coreDb.ExecuteScalar());


            BusWeb.Spi.Spi target       = new BusWeb.Spi.Spi();
            int            lineID       = lineId1;
            string         stopName     = "測試路線";
            double         longitude    = 123F;
            double         latitude     = 25F;
            double         curLongitude = 124F;
            double         curLatitude  = 26F;
            string         owner        = "DOWILL";
            string         culture      = "zh-TW";

            target.insertNewStop(lineID, stopName, longitude, latitude, curLongitude, curLatitude, owner, culture);


            target.insertNewStop(lineID, stopName, longitude, latitude, curLongitude, curLatitude, owner, culture);


            #region verifying
            DsBusWeb.LinesDataTable dt = new DsBusWeb.LinesDataTable();
            _coreDb.SelectCommand.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Lines";
            Assert.AreEqual <int>(2, dt.Count, "Line count should be 2!");

            DsBusWeb.Line2StopDataTable dt2 = new DsBusWeb.Line2StopDataTable();
            _coreDb.SelectCommand.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Line2Stop";
            Assert.AreEqual <int>(1, dt2.Count, "Stops should be only 1 links!");

            DsBusWeb.StopsDataTable dt3 = new DsBusWeb.StopsDataTable();
            _coreDb.SelectCommand.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Stops";
            Assert.AreEqual <int>(1, dt3.Count, "Stops should be 1 stops!");

            var dr = dt3[0];
            Assert.AreEqual <string>(stopName, dr.StopName, "StopName is incorrect!");
            Assert.AreEqual <double>(longitude, dr.Longitude, "Longitude is incorrect!");
            Assert.AreEqual <double>(latitude, dr.Latitude, "Latitude is incorrect!");
            Assert.AreEqual <double>(curLongitude, dr.CreatorLongitude, "CreatorLongitude is incorrect!");
            Assert.AreEqual <double>(curLatitude, dr.CreatorLatitude, "CreatorLatitude is incorrect!");
            Assert.AreEqual <string>(owner, dr.Owner, "Owner is incorrect!");
            Assert.AreEqual(culture, dr["Culture"], "Culture is incorrect!");
Exemple #2
 public DsBusWeb.LinesDataTable GetLinesList(DateTime stpBgnDT, DateTime stpEndDT)
     DsBusWeb.LinesDataTable dt = new DsBusWeb.LinesDataTable();
     FillDt(string.Format("SELECT l.*, (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM Line2Stop l2s WHERE l2s.LineID = l.LineID) AS StopCount FROM Lines l WHERE l.LineID IN (SELECT l2s.LineID FROM Line2Stop l2s INNER JOIN Stops s ON l2s.StopID = s.StopID WHERE s.DateCreated BETWEEN {0} AND {1}) ORDER BY l.LineName",
                          OleDbStrHelper.getParamStr(stpEndDT)), dt);
Exemple #3
 public DsBusWeb.LinesDataTable GetLinesList(double Longitude, double Latitude, double radius, string owner)
     DsBusWeb.LinesDataTable dt = new DsBusWeb.LinesDataTable();
     FillDt(string.Format("SELECT DISTINCT l.* FROM (Lines l INNER JOIN Line2Stop l2s ON l.LineID = l2s.LineID) INNER JOIN (SELECT StopID FROM Stops WHERE (Owner = {3}) OR (ABS(Longitude - {0}) < {2} AND ABS(Latitude - {1}) < {2})) tmp ON l2s.StopID = tmp.StopID ORDER BY LineName",
                          OleDbStrHelper.getParamStr(new decimal(Longitude)),
                          OleDbStrHelper.getParamStr(new decimal(Latitude)),
                          OleDbStrHelper.getParamStr(new decimal(radius)),
                          OleDbStrHelper.getParamStr(owner)), dt);
Exemple #4
        private int insertNewLine(string lineName, string culture)
            var dr = new DsBusWeb.LinesDataTable().NewLinesRow();

            dr.LineName = lineName;
            dr.Culture  = culture;
            using (var db = BusWebDataService.GetServiceInstance())
Exemple #5
        public void deleteStopTest()
            #region prepare testing data
            _coreDb.ExecuteCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Lines(LineName) VALUES('207')";
            _coreDb.ExecuteCommand.CommandText = "SELECT MAX(LineID) FROM Lines";
            int lineId1 = Convert.ToInt32(_coreDb.ExecuteScalar());
            _coreDb.ExecuteCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Lines(LineName) VALUES('207')";
            _coreDb.ExecuteCommand.CommandText = "SELECT MAX(LineID) FROM Lines";
            int lineId2 = Convert.ToInt32(_coreDb.ExecuteScalar());

            int stopID = 0;

            #region line1
            #region 周美里
            _coreDb.ExecuteCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Stops(StopName, Longitude, Latitude, CreatorLongitude, CreatorLatitude, Owner) VALUES('周美里', 121.583377, 25.057018, 0, 0, 'SYSTEM')";
            _coreDb.ExecuteCommand.CommandText = "SELECT MAX(StopID) FROM Stops";
            stopID = Convert.ToInt32(_coreDb.ExecuteScalar());
            _coreDb.ExecuteCommand.CommandText = string.Format("INSERT INTO Line2Stop(LineID, StopID) VALUES({0}, {1})", lineId1, stopID);
            _coreDb.ExecuteCommand.CommandText = string.Format("INSERT INTO StopRating(StopID, RatingGood, RatingBad) VALUES({0}, 9, 0)", stopID);

            #region 後山埤站
            _coreDb.ExecuteCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Stops(StopName, Longitude, Latitude, CreatorLongitude, CreatorLatitude, Owner) VALUES('後山埤站', 121.582911, 25.04487, 0, 0, 'SYSTEM')";
            _coreDb.ExecuteCommand.CommandText = "SELECT MAX(StopID) FROM Stops";
            stopID = Convert.ToInt32(_coreDb.ExecuteScalar());
            _coreDb.ExecuteCommand.CommandText = string.Format("INSERT INTO Line2Stop(LineID, StopID) VALUES({0}, {1})", lineId1, stopID);
            _coreDb.ExecuteCommand.CommandText = string.Format("INSERT INTO StopRating(StopID, RatingGood, RatingBad) VALUES({0}, 3, 1)", stopID);

            #region 秀朗國小
            _coreDb.ExecuteCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Stops(StopName, Longitude, Latitude, CreatorLongitude, CreatorLatitude, Owner) VALUES('秀朗國小', 121.521262, 24.999231, 121.58084978, 25.05816265, 'SYSTEM')";
            _coreDb.ExecuteCommand.CommandText = "SELECT MAX(StopID) FROM Stops";
            stopID = Convert.ToInt32(_coreDb.ExecuteScalar());
            _coreDb.ExecuteCommand.CommandText = string.Format("INSERT INTO Line2Stop(LineID, StopID) VALUES({0}, {1})", lineId1, stopID);
            _coreDb.ExecuteCommand.CommandText = string.Format("INSERT INTO StopRating(StopID, RatingGood, RatingBad) VALUES({0}, 3, 0)", stopID);

            #region 週美里
            _coreDb.ExecuteCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Stops(StopName, Longitude, Latitude, CreatorLongitude, CreatorLatitude, Owner) VALUES('週美里', 121.583377, 25.057018, 121.56014515, 25.03309135, 'SYSTEM')";
            _coreDb.ExecuteCommand.CommandText = "SELECT MAX(StopID) FROM Stops";
            stopID = Convert.ToInt32(_coreDb.ExecuteScalar());
            _coreDb.ExecuteCommand.CommandText = string.Format("INSERT INTO Line2Stop(LineID, StopID) VALUES({0}, {1})", lineId1, stopID);
            _coreDb.ExecuteCommand.CommandText = string.Format("INSERT INTO StopRating(StopID, RatingGood, RatingBad) VALUES({0}, 0, 0)", stopID);

            #region 松山家商
            _coreDb.ExecuteCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Stops(StopName, Longitude, Latitude, CreatorLongitude, CreatorLatitude, Owner) VALUES('松山家商', 121.580912, 25.035887, 121.5546072, 25.0299129, '*****@*****.**')";
            _coreDb.ExecuteCommand.CommandText = "SELECT MAX(StopID) FROM Stops";
            stopID = Convert.ToInt32(_coreDb.ExecuteScalar());
            _coreDb.ExecuteCommand.CommandText = string.Format("INSERT INTO Line2Stop(LineID, StopID) VALUES({0}, {1})", lineId1, stopID);
            _coreDb.ExecuteCommand.CommandText = string.Format("INSERT INTO StopRating(StopID, RatingGood, RatingBad) VALUES({0}, 1, 0)", stopID);

            #region 永和市永元路
            _coreDb.ExecuteCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Stops(StopName, Longitude, Latitude, CreatorLongitude, CreatorLatitude, Owner) VALUES('永和市永元路', 121.522975, 25.001647, 121.5525412, 25.0270202, '*****@*****.**')";
            _coreDb.ExecuteCommand.CommandText = "SELECT MAX(StopID) FROM Stops";
            stopID = Convert.ToInt32(_coreDb.ExecuteScalar());
            _coreDb.ExecuteCommand.CommandText = string.Format("INSERT INTO Line2Stop(LineID, StopID) VALUES({0}, {1})", lineId1, stopID);
            _coreDb.ExecuteCommand.CommandText = string.Format("INSERT INTO StopRating(StopID, RatingGood, RatingBad) VALUES({0}, 2, 0)", stopID);

            #region line2
            #region 永和路
            _coreDb.ExecuteCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Stops(StopName, Longitude, Latitude, CreatorLongitude, CreatorLatitude, Owner) VALUES('永和路', 120.635709, 24.21521, 121.5614992, 25.0326352, 'SYSTEM')";
            _coreDb.ExecuteCommand.CommandText = "SELECT MAX(StopID) FROM Stops";
            stopID = Convert.ToInt32(_coreDb.ExecuteScalar());
            _coreDb.ExecuteCommand.CommandText = string.Format("INSERT INTO Line2Stop(LineID, StopID) VALUES({0}, {1})", lineId2, stopID);
            _coreDb.ExecuteCommand.CommandText = string.Format("INSERT INTO StopRating(StopID, RatingGood, RatingBad) VALUES({0}, 0, 0)", stopID);

            #region 永和市永元路
            _coreDb.ExecuteCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Stops(StopName, Longitude, Latitude, CreatorLongitude, CreatorLatitude, Owner) VALUES('永和市永元路', 121.522638, 25.000503, 121.5528976, 25.024357, '*****@*****.**')";
            _coreDb.ExecuteCommand.CommandText = "SELECT MAX(StopID) FROM Stops";
            stopID = Convert.ToInt32(_coreDb.ExecuteScalar());
            _coreDb.ExecuteCommand.CommandText = string.Format("INSERT INTO Line2Stop(LineID, StopID) VALUES({0}, {1})", lineId2, stopID);
            _coreDb.ExecuteCommand.CommandText = string.Format("INSERT INTO StopRating(StopID, RatingGood, RatingBad) VALUES({0}, 0, 0)", stopID);

            #region 新湖舊宗路口
            _coreDb.ExecuteCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Stops(StopName, Longitude, Latitude, CreatorLongitude, CreatorLatitude, Owner) VALUES('新湖舊宗路口', 121.578653, 25.062323, 121.5777363, 25.0634112, '*****@*****.**')";
            _coreDb.ExecuteCommand.CommandText = "SELECT MAX(StopID) FROM Stops";
            stopID = Convert.ToInt32(_coreDb.ExecuteScalar());
            _coreDb.ExecuteCommand.CommandText = string.Format("INSERT INTO Line2Stop(LineID, StopID) VALUES({0}, {1})", lineId2, stopID);
            _coreDb.ExecuteCommand.CommandText = string.Format("INSERT INTO StopRating(StopID, RatingGood, RatingBad) VALUES({0}, 0, 0)", stopID);

            #region 新湖一路口
            _coreDb.ExecuteCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Stops(StopName, Longitude, Latitude, CreatorLongitude, CreatorLatitude, Owner) VALUES('新湖一路口', 121.579208, 25.060522, 121.57881499, 25.06057842, '*****@*****.**')";
            _coreDb.ExecuteCommand.CommandText = "SELECT MAX(StopID) FROM Stops";
            stopID = Convert.ToInt32(_coreDb.ExecuteScalar());
            _coreDb.ExecuteCommand.CommandText = string.Format("INSERT INTO Line2Stop(LineID, StopID) VALUES({0}, {1})", lineId2, stopID);
            _coreDb.ExecuteCommand.CommandText = string.Format("INSERT INTO StopRating(StopID, RatingGood, RatingBad) VALUES({0}, 1, 0)", stopID);


            BusWeb.Spi.Spi target   = new BusWeb.Spi.Spi();
            string         owner    = "*****@*****.**";
            bool           expected = true;
            bool           actual   = target.deleteStop(stopID, owner);


            #region verifying
            Assert.AreEqual <bool>(expected, actual, "We shall got return value TRUE as success result.");
            DsBusWeb.LinesDataTable dt = new DsBusWeb.LinesDataTable();
            _coreDb.SelectCommand.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Lines";

            Assert.AreEqual <int>(2, dt.Count, "Line count should be only 2 left!");
            DsBusWeb.Line2StopDataTable dt2 = new DsBusWeb.Line2StopDataTable();
            _coreDb.SelectCommand.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Line2Stop";
            Assert.AreEqual <int>(9, dt2.Count, "Stops should be only 9 links left!");
            foreach (var dr in dt2)
                Assert.AreNotEqual <int>(stopID, dr.StopID, "There should not be any stopID in link existing as the deleted one!");

            DsBusWeb.StopsDataTable dt3 = new DsBusWeb.StopsDataTable();
            _coreDb.SelectCommand.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Stops";
            Assert.AreEqual <int>(9, dt3.Count, "Stops should be 9 stops left!");
            foreach (var dr in dt3)
                Assert.AreNotEqual <int>(stopID, dr.StopID, "There should not be any stopID in stop info existing as the deleted one!");
Exemple #6
 public DsBusWeb.LinesDataTable GetLinesList()
     DsBusWeb.LinesDataTable dt = new DsBusWeb.LinesDataTable();
     FillDt("SELECT l.*, (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM Line2Stop l2s WHERE l2s.LineID = l.LineID) AS StopCount FROM Lines l ORDER BY l.LineName", dt);