private void deletePicture() { if (listview_Dropbox_uploads.SelectedItems != null && listview_Dropbox_uploads.SelectedItems.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < listview_Dropbox_uploads.SelectedItems.Count; i++) { DropboxInfo imgurInfo = (DropboxInfo)listview_Dropbox_uploads.SelectedItems[i].Tag; DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show(lang.GetFormattedString(LangKey.delete_question, imgurInfo.Title), lang.GetFormattedString(LangKey.delete_title, imgurInfo.ID), MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { BackgroundForm backgroundForm = BackgroundForm.ShowAndWait(DropboxPlugin.Attributes.Name, lang.GetString(LangKey.communication_wait)); try { DropboxUtils.DeleteDropboxImage(imgurInfo); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.Warn("Problem communicating with Dropbox: ", ex); } finally { backgroundForm.CloseDialog(); } imgurInfo.Dispose(); } } } redraw(); }
public void HandleChooseFolderLocation(ApiRequest request) { try { string sharedFolder; // One of the few places that knows we're using a particular implementation // of TeamRepo. But we have to know that to create it. And of course the user // has to chose a folder to get things started. // We'll need a different API or something similar if we ever want to create // some other kind of repo. using (var dlg = new FolderBrowserDialog()) { // Default to the Dropbox folder if one is found. var dropboxFolder = DropboxUtils.GetDropboxFolderPath(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(dropboxFolder)) { dlg.SelectedPath = dropboxFolder; } dlg.ShowNewFolderButton = true; dlg.Description = LocalizationManager.GetString("TeamCollection.SelectFolder", "Select or create the folder where this collection will be shared"); if (DialogResult.OK != dlg.ShowDialog()) { request.Failed(); return; } sharedFolder = dlg.SelectedPath; } // We send the result through a websocket rather than simply returning it because // if the user is very slow (one site said FF times out after 90s) the browser may // abandon the request before it completes. The POST result is ignored and the // browser simply listens to the socket. // We'd prefer this request to return immediately and set a callback to run // when the dialog closes and handle the results, but FolderBrowserDialog // does not offer such an API. Instead, we just ignore any timeout // in our Javascript code. dynamic messageBundle = new DynamicJson(); messageBundle.repoFolderPath = sharedFolder; messageBundle.problem = ProblemsWithLocation(sharedFolder); // This clientContext must match what is being listened for in CreateTeamCollection.tsx _socketServer.SendBundle("teamCollectionCreate", "shared-folder-path", messageBundle); request.PostSucceeded(); } catch (Exception e) { // Not sure what to do here: choosing the collection folder should never crash. Logger.WriteError("TeamCollectionApi.HandleChooseFolderLocation() crashed", e); NonFatalProblem.ReportSentryOnly(e, $"Something went wrong for {request.LocalPath()}"); request.Failed("choose folder location failed"); } }
private void HandleShowCreateTeamCollectionDialog(ApiRequest request) { ReactDialog.ShowOnIdle("createTeamCollectionDialogBundle", new { defaultRepoFolder = DropboxUtils.GetDropboxFolderPath() }, 600, 580, null, null, "Create Team Collection"); request.PostSucceeded(); }