/// <summary>
        /// Generate a SQL to drop a existing view in database
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dropViewOperation">The operation to produce sql for.</param>
        public virtual void Generate(DropViewOperation dropViewOperation)
            using (var writer = Writer())
                writer.WriteLine("DROP VIEW {0} ", dropViewOperation.ViewName);

Exemple #2
        public void Generate_DropViewOperation_produce_valid_statement()
            var operation = new DropViewOperation("ViewName");

            var sqlGenerator = new ExtendedSqlServerMigrationSqlGenerator();

            var sql = sqlGenerator.Generate(new MigrationOperation[] { operation }, "2008").Join(ss => ss.Sql, Environment.NewLine);

            Assert.Contains("DROP VIEW ViewName", sql);
Exemple #3
        public void Can_get_properties()
            var operation = new DropViewOperation("viewName");

            Assert.Equal("viewName", operation.ViewName);