protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Select distinct boarding_point from Trip", con); con.Open(); DropDownList5.DataSource = cmd.ExecuteReader(); DropDownList5.DataTextField = "boarding_point"; DropDownList5.DataValueField = "boarding_point"; DropDownList5.DataBind(); con.Close(); Session["board"] = DropDownList5.SelectedValue.ToString(); } if (!IsPostBack) { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Select distinct arrival_point from Trip", con); con.Open(); DropDownList9.DataSource = cmd.ExecuteReader(); DropDownList9.DataTextField = "arrival_point"; DropDownList9.DataValueField = "arrival_point"; DropDownList9.DataBind(); Session["arrive"] = DropDownList9.SelectedValue.ToString(); con.Close(); } }
private void BindDropDown9() { try { using (OracleConnection sqlConn = new OracleConnection(strConn)) { using (OracleCommand sqlCmd = new OracleCommand()) { sqlCmd.CommandText = "select * from TB_FACULTY"; sqlCmd.Connection = sqlConn; sqlConn.Open(); OracleDataAdapter da = new OracleDataAdapter(sqlCmd); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); da.Fill(dt); DropDownList9.DataSource = dt; DropDownList9.DataValueField = "FACULTY_ID"; DropDownList9.DataTextField = "FACULTY_NAME"; DropDownList9.DataBind(); sqlConn.Close(); DropDownList9.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("-- กรุณาเลือก --", "0")); } } } catch { } }
protected void DropDownList8_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { string a = DropDownList8.SelectedValue; string b = DropDownList10.SelectedValue; string sql2 = "select Medicine" + b + " from Medicine_Information where MedicineType='" + a + "'"; DataSet ds2 = new DataSet(); ds2 = dataOperate.getDataset(sql2, "Medicine_Information"); DataView rowview2 = ds2.Tables["Medicine_Information"].DefaultView; DropDownList9.DataSource = rowview2; DropDownList9.DataValueField = "Medicine" + b + ""; DropDownList9.DataBind(); if (b == "ID") { b = "Name"; } else { b = "ID"; } string sql3 = "select * from Medicine_Information where MedicineType='" + a + "'"; DataSet ds3 = new DataSet(); ds3 = dataOperate.getDataset(sql3, "Medicine_Information"); DataRowView rowview3 = ds3.Tables["Medicine_Information"].DefaultView[0]; this.Label19.Text = rowview3["Medicine" + b + ""].ToString(); this.Label20.Text = rowview3["MedicinePrice"].ToString(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!this.IsPostBack) { this.Label10.Visible = false; this.Label11.Visible = false; string drbj = DropDownList1.SelectedValue.ToString(); string sqlallMember = "select * from Bill_Information join Member_Information on Bill_Information.PatientID=Member_Information.MemberID"; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); ds = dataOperate.getDataset(sqlallMember, "Bill_Information"); if (ds.Tables["Bill_Information"].Rows.Count > 0) { DataRowView rowview = ds.Tables["Bill_Information"].DefaultView[0]; this.Label11.Text = "all"; this.Label10.Visible = true; this.Label11.Visible = true; ds.Clear(); } DropDownList1.Visible = true; string a1 = DropDownList6.SelectedValue; string sql3 = "select distinct(" + a1 + "ID) from Bill_Information"; DataSet ds3 = new DataSet(); ds3 = dataOperate.getDataset(sql3, "Bill_Information"); DataView rowview3 = ds3.Tables["Bill_Information"].DefaultView; DropDownList1.DataSource = rowview3; DropDownList1.DataValueField = "" + a1 + "ID"; DropDownList1.DataBind(); string sql = "select distinct(PatientID) from Record_Information"; DataSet ds1 = new DataSet(); ds1 = dataOperate.getDataset(sql, "Record_Information"); DataView rowview1 = ds1.Tables["Record_Information"].DefaultView; DropDownList8.DataSource = rowview1; DropDownList8.DataValueField = "PatientID"; DropDownList8.DataBind(); DropDownList9.Visible = true; string a = DropDownList8.SelectedValue; string sql2 = "select RecordID from Record_Information where PatientID='" + a + "'"; DataSet ds2 = new DataSet(); ds2 = dataOperate.getDataset(sql2, "Record_Information"); DataView rowview2 = ds2.Tables["Record_Information"].DefaultView; DropDownList9.DataSource = rowview2; DropDownList9.DataValueField = "RecordID"; DropDownList9.DataBind(); this.GridView1.Visible = true; this.GridView1.DataSource = dataOperate.getDataset(sqlallMember, "Bill_Information"); this.GridView1.DataBind(); Session["search"] = sqlallMember; Session["Department"] = ""; Session["ID"] = ""; } }
protected void Button15_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int dt = controllerObj.DeleteOFFER(Convert.ToInt32(DropDownList4.Text), DropDownList8.Text.ToString()); DropDownList3.DataBind(); DropDownList4.DataBind(); DropDownList9.DataBind(); }
protected void Button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlDataSource1.Insert(); DropDownList7.ClearSelection(); DropDownList9.ClearSelection(); DropDownList7.DataBind(); DropDownList9.DataBind(); }
protected void DropDownList18_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { DropDownList9.ClearSelection(); TextBox22.Text = null; string sel2; sel2 = DropDownList18.SelectedValue.ToString(); TextBox22.Text = sel2; }
public void drop9() { ds.Clear(); ds = db.discont("select sub_main_role from tb_Sub_main_role where role='" + DropDownList5.Text + "'"); DropDownList9.DataSource = ds; DropDownList9.DataTextField = "sub_main_role"; DropDownList9.DataBind(); DropDownList9.Items.Insert(0, "Select sub_main_role............"); }
protected void DropDownList8_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { DropDownList9.Visible = true; string a = DropDownList8.SelectedValue; string sql = "select RecordID from Record_Information where PatientID='" + a + "'"; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); ds = dataOperate.getDataset(sql, "Record_Information"); DataView rowview = ds.Tables["Record_Information"].DefaultView; DropDownList9.DataSource = rowview; DropDownList9.DataValueField = "RecordID"; DropDownList9.DataBind(); }
protected void DropDownList8_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { DropDownList9.Visible = true; string a = DropDownList8.SelectedValue; string sql = "select distinct(Authorization_Information.RecordID) from Authorization_Information join Record_Information on Record_Information.DoctorID=Authorization_Information.DoctorID where Authorization_Information.AuthorizationID='" + Convert.ToString(Session["IDLogin"]) + "' and Authorization_Information.PatientID='" + a + "'"; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); ds = dataOperate.getDataset(sql, "Record_Information"); DataView rowview = ds.Tables["Record_Information"].DefaultView; DropDownList9.DataSource = rowview; DropDownList9.DataValueField = "RecordID"; DropDownList9.DataBind(); }
protected void Button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Calendar2.SelectedDate < Calendar1.SelectedDate || Calendar2.SelectedDate < Calendar1.TodaysDate) { Label79.Text = "please Enter valid Dates"; } if (TextBox12.Text.Trim() == "" || TextBox11.Text.Trim() == "") { Label79.Text = "please Enter All the values"; } else { Label79.Text = ""; int dt = controllerObj.InsertAnewOffer(Convert.ToInt32(TextBox12.Text.ToString()), Calendar1.SelectedDate, Calendar2.SelectedDate, Convert.ToInt32(TextBox11.Text.ToString()), DropDownList8.Text.ToString()); } DropDownList4.DataBind(); DropDownList9.DataBind(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { empno = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["Empno"].ToString()); if (!IsPostBack) { string Q = "Select * from mstrCategory"; SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand(Q, dbcls.CONN()); SqlDataAdapter adpt = new SqlDataAdapter(com); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); adpt.Fill(dt); TextBox38.DataSource = dt; TextBox38.DataBind(); TextBox38.DataTextField = "category"; TextBox38.DataValueField = "cid"; TextBox38.DataBind(); DropDownList7.DataSource = dt; DropDownList7.DataBind(); DropDownList7.DataTextField = "category"; DropDownList7.DataValueField = "cid"; DropDownList7.DataBind(); DropDownList9.DataSource = dt; DropDownList9.DataBind(); DropDownList9.DataTextField = "category"; DropDownList9.DataValueField = "cid"; DropDownList9.DataBind(); DropDownList11.DataSource = dt; DropDownList11.DataBind(); DropDownList11.DataTextField = "category"; DropDownList11.DataValueField = "cid"; DropDownList11.DataBind(); DropDownList13.DataSource = dt; DropDownList13.DataBind(); DropDownList13.DataTextField = "category"; DropDownList13.DataValueField = "cid"; DropDownList13.DataBind(); DropDownList15.DataSource = dt; DropDownList15.DataBind(); DropDownList15.DataTextField = "category"; DropDownList15.DataValueField = "cid"; DropDownList15.DataBind(); BindTextBoxvalues(); } }
private void showsource() { SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["connection"]); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Select * from Lead_source ORDER BY No asc", con); con.Open(); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); da.Fill(ds); DropDownList9.DataSource = ds; DropDownList9.DataTextField = "Lead_source"; DropDownList9.DataValueField = "No"; DropDownList9.DataBind(); DropDownList9.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("-- Choose Option --", "0")); con.Close(); }
public void area() { con = new SqlConnection("Data Source=.\\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=C:\\Users\\Pratik\\Desktop\\Jobadda\\App_Data\\JobportalDB.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"); con.Open(); string query = "select * from Area where Area.category_id=" + DropDownList8.SelectedValue; adp = new SqlDataAdapter(query, con); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); adp.Fill(ds); DropDownList9.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; DropDownList9.DataTextField = "area_name"; DropDownList9.DataValueField = "area_id"; DropDownList9.DataBind(); DropDownList9.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("select", "0")); con.Close(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!this.IsPostBack) { string Q = "Select * from mstrCategory"; SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand(Q, dbcls.CONN()); SqlDataAdapter adpt = new SqlDataAdapter(com); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); adpt.Fill(dt); TextBox38.DataSource = dt; TextBox38.DataBind(); TextBox38.DataTextField = "category"; TextBox38.DataValueField = "cid"; TextBox38.DataBind(); DropDownList7.DataSource = dt; DropDownList7.DataBind(); DropDownList7.DataTextField = "category"; DropDownList7.DataValueField = "cid"; DropDownList7.DataBind(); DropDownList9.DataSource = dt; DropDownList9.DataBind(); DropDownList9.DataTextField = "category"; DropDownList9.DataValueField = "cid"; DropDownList9.DataBind(); DropDownList11.DataSource = dt; DropDownList11.DataBind(); DropDownList11.DataTextField = "category"; DropDownList11.DataValueField = "cid"; DropDownList11.DataBind(); DropDownList13.DataSource = dt; DropDownList13.DataBind(); DropDownList13.DataTextField = "category"; DropDownList13.DataValueField = "cid"; DropDownList13.DataBind(); DropDownList15.DataSource = dt; DropDownList15.DataBind(); DropDownList15.DataTextField = "category"; DropDownList15.DataValueField = "cid"; DropDownList15.DataBind(); } }
private void shownoofemployee() { company_id = Convert.ToInt32(Session["company_id"].ToString()); SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["connection"]); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Select * from Account_No_of_employees where com_id='" + company_id + "' ORDER BY No asc", con); con.Open(); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); da.Fill(ds); DropDownList9.DataSource = ds; DropDownList9.DataTextField = "Account_No_of_employees"; DropDownList9.DataValueField = "No"; DropDownList9.DataBind(); DropDownList9.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("-- Choose Option --", "0")); con.Close(); }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string dt1 = DropDownList1 + "/" + DropDownList2 + "/" + DropDownList3; string dt2 = DropDownList4 + "/" + DropDownList5 + "/" + DropDownList6; cmd.CommandText = "insert into Hotel_tb values(" + TextBox1.Text + ",'" + Session["id"] + "','" + DropDownList10.Text + "','" + DropDownList11.Text + "',,'" + dt1 + "','" + dt2 + "','" + DropDownList7.Text + "','" + DropDownList8.Text + "','" + DropDownList9 + "','" + TextBox4.Text + "')"; db.execute(cmd); Response.Write("<script>alert('Submitted')</script>"); cmd.CommandText = "select max (ID) from Hotel_tb"; TextBox1.Text = db.max_id(cmd).ToString(); TextBox4.Text = ""; DropDownList1.ClearSelection(); DropDownList2.ClearSelection(); DropDownList3.ClearSelection(); DropDownList4.ClearSelection(); DropDownList5.ClearSelection(); DropDownList6.ClearSelection(); DropDownList7.ClearSelection(); DropDownList8.ClearSelection(); DropDownList9.ClearSelection(); }
protected void Button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (TextBox12.Text.Length == 0 || DropDownList8.SelectedIndex == 0 || TextBox13.Text.Length == 0) { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "alertMessage", "alert('Δεν έχουν συμπληρωθεί τα πεδία !!!!');", true); } else { if (GridView5.Rows[0].Cells[0].Text != " ") { if (Convert.ToDecimal(TextBox13.Text) > Convert.ToDecimal(GridView5.Rows[0].Cells[0].Text)) { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "alertMessage", "alert('Το υπόλοιπο των ενσήμων δεν επαρκεί !!!!');", true); } else { Kinisi_Ensimou.Insert(); GridView5.DataBind(); GridView4.DataBind(); TextBox13.Text = ""; DropDownList8.SelectedIndex = 0; DDL_Report.DataBind(); DropDownList9.DataBind(); } } else { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "alertMessage", "alert('Το υπόλοιπο των ενσήμων δεν επαρκεί !!!!');", true); } } }
private void BindDropDownList9() { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); DatabaseHelper DbQuery = new DatabaseHelper(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); DataRow ndr = dt.NewRow(); dt.Columns.Add("Filed1", typeof(String)); dt.Columns.Add("Filed2", typeof(String)); //1.現金、2.電匯、3.支票、4.其他 dt.Rows.Add(new Object[] { "1", "1現金" }); dt.Rows.Add(new Object[] { "2", "2電匯" }); dt.Rows.Add(new Object[] { "3", "3支票" }); dt.Rows.Add(new Object[] { "4", "4其他" }); DropDownList9.DataSource = dt; DropDownList9.DataTextField = "Filed2"; DropDownList9.DataValueField = "Filed1"; DropDownList9.DataBind(); }
private void BindAreaDP() { List <RSSMWeb.Code.Utils.CustomClass> mylist = Utils.GetUserList(); RSSMWeb.Code.Utils.CustomClass tmp = new RSSMWeb.Code.Utils.CustomClass("0", "无", "0"); List <RSSMWeb.Code.Utils.CustomClassForDropdownlist> mylist_username_dpt = Utils.GetUserListForDropdownlist_dpt(); mylist.Insert(0, tmp); DropDownList7.DataTextField = "Name"; DropDownList7.DataValueField = "ID"; DropDownList7.DataSource = mylist; DropDownList7.DataBind(); //DropDownList6.DataTextField = "Name"; //DropDownList6.DataValueField = "ID"; //DropDownList6.DataSource = mylist; //DropDownList6.DataBind(); DropDownList6.EnableSimulateTree = true; DropDownList6.DataTextField = "Name"; DropDownList6.DataValueField = "ID"; DropDownList6.DataSimulateTreeLevelField = "Group"; DropDownList6.DataEnableSelectField = "Enableselect"; DropDownList6.DataSource = mylist_username_dpt; DropDownList6.DataBind(); DropDownList6.SelectedValue = "0"; //DropDownList9.DataTextField = "Name"; //DropDownList9.DataValueField = "ID"; //DropDownList9.DataSource = mylist; //DropDownList9.DataBind(); DropDownList9.EnableSimulateTree = true; DropDownList9.DataTextField = "Name"; DropDownList9.DataValueField = "ID"; DropDownList9.DataSimulateTreeLevelField = "Group"; DropDownList9.DataEnableSelectField = "Enableselect"; DropDownList9.DataSource = mylist_username_dpt; DropDownList9.DataBind(); DropDownList9.SelectedValue = "0"; DropDownList10.EnableSimulateTree = true; DropDownList10.DataTextField = "Name"; DropDownList10.DataValueField = "ID"; DropDownList10.DataSimulateTreeLevelField = "Group"; DropDownList10.DataEnableSelectField = "Enableselect"; DropDownList10.DataSource = mylist_username_dpt; DropDownList10.DataBind(); DropDownList10.SelectedValue = "0"; DropDownList12.EnableSimulateTree = true; DropDownList12.DataTextField = "Name"; DropDownList12.DataValueField = "ID"; DropDownList12.DataSimulateTreeLevelField = "Group"; DropDownList12.DataEnableSelectField = "Enableselect"; DropDownList12.DataSource = mylist_username_dpt; DropDownList12.DataBind(); DropDownList12.SelectedValue = "0"; mylist.Clear(); mylist = Utils.GetPJList(); tmp.ID = "0"; tmp.Name = "无"; mylist.Insert(0, tmp); DropDownList4.DataTextField = "Name"; DropDownList4.DataValueField = "ID"; DropDownList4.DataSource = mylist; DropDownList4.DataBind(); mylist.Clear(); mylist = Utils.GetPDList(); tmp.ID = "0"; tmp.Name = "无"; mylist.Insert(0, tmp); DropDownList2.DataTextField = "Name"; DropDownList2.DataValueField = "ID"; DropDownList2.DataSource = mylist; DropDownList2.DataBind(); }
protected void DropDownList2_DataBound(object sender, EventArgs e) { DropDownList9.DataBind(); }
protected void Btn_deleting_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //label_Hedangongxu.Text = ""; //TextBox9.Text = ""; // TextBox8.Text = ""; //TextBox5.Text = ""; // TextBox6.Text = ""; //TextBox1.Text = ""; // DropDownList8.SelectedIndex = 0; string ptname = ""; int sum = 0; int pnum = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= GridView_WOmain.Rows.Count - 1; i++) { CheckBox CheckBox = (CheckBox)GridView_WOmain.Rows[i].FindControl("CheckBox1"); if (CheckBox.Checked == true) { if (label_hedanxinghao.Text.Trim() == "") { ptname = GridView_WOmain.DataKeys[i].Values["WO_ProType"].ToString().Trim(); label_hedanxinghao.Text = ptname; WO_PT_ID.Text = GridView_WOmain.DataKeys[i].Values["WO_PT_ID"].ToString().Trim(); } else { if (label_hedanxinghao.Text.Trim() != GridView_WOmain.DataKeys[i].Values["WO_ProType"].ToString().Trim()) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, typeof(Page), "alert", "alert('合单的产品型号必须一致!,请您再核对!')", true); // label_hedanxinghao.Text = ""; return; } } if (TextBox8.Text.Trim() == "") { TextBox8.Text = GridView_WOmain.DataKeys[i].Values["WO_Num"].ToString().Trim(); } else { string[] a; if (TextBox8.Text.Contains(",")) { a = TextBox8.Text.Trim().Split(new char[] { ',' }); int id = Array.IndexOf(a, GridView_WOmain.DataKeys[i].Values["WO_Num"].ToString().Trim()); // 这里的1就是你要查找的值 if (id == -1) { TextBox8.Text = TextBox8.Text + "," + GridView_WOmain.DataKeys[i].Values["WO_Num"].ToString().Trim(); } } else { if (TextBox8.Text != GridView_WOmain.DataKeys[i].Values["WO_Num"].ToString().Trim()) { TextBox8.Text = TextBox8.Text + "," + GridView_WOmain.DataKeys[i].Values["WO_Num"].ToString().Trim(); } } } if (GridView_WOmain.DataKeys[i].Values["WO_State"].ToString().Trim() == "已被合单") { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, typeof(Page), "alert", "alert('选择的随工单中不能含有已被合单的随工单!请您再核对!')", true); return; } if (GridView_WOmain.DataKeys[i].Values["WOD_QNum"].ToString().Trim() != "") { pnum = pnum + Convert.ToInt32(GridView_WOmain.DataKeys[i].Values["WOD_QNum"].ToString().Trim()); } sum++; } } if (sum == 0) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, typeof(Page), "alert", "alert('您没选择任何要合单的随工单!,请您再核对!')", true); return; } DataSet ds = ppd.S_WorkOrder_CombiningNum(TextBox8.Text.Trim()); TextBox5.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["num"].ToString(); DropDownList9.DataSource = erl.S_WOError_Rework_PBCraft(); DropDownList9.DataTextField = "PBC_Name"; DropDownList9.DataValueField = "PBC_ID"; DropDownList9.DataBind(); DropDownList9.SelectedIndex = 0; Panel2.Visible = true; // TextBox5.Text = pnum.ToString(); UpdatePanel2.Update(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { BindGridToSource(); string sqlstring = "SELECT * FROM carname"; DBClass db = new DBClass(sqlstring); DropDownList1.DataSource = db.returndr(); DropDownList1.DataTextField = "车辆名称"; DropDownList1.DataValueField = "车辆名称"; DropDownList1.DataBind(); db.dbClose(); } if (!IsPostBack) { BindGridToSource(); string sqlstring = "SELECT * FROM cartype"; DBClass db = new DBClass(sqlstring); DropDownList2.DataSource = db.returndr(); DropDownList2.DataTextField = "车辆类型"; DropDownList2.DataValueField = "车辆类型"; DropDownList2.DataBind(); db.dbClose(); } if (!IsPostBack) { BindGridToSource(); string sqlstring = "SELECT * FROM state"; DBClass db = new DBClass(sqlstring); DropDownList3.DataSource = db.returndr(); DropDownList3.DataTextField = "车辆状态"; DropDownList3.DataValueField = "车辆状态"; DropDownList3.DataBind(); db.dbClose(); } if (!IsPostBack) { BindGridToSource(); string sqlstring = "SELECT * FROM carcolor"; DBClass db = new DBClass(sqlstring); DropDownList4.DataSource = db.returndr(); DropDownList4.DataTextField = "车辆颜色名"; DropDownList4.DataValueField = "车辆颜色名"; DropDownList4.DataBind(); db.dbClose(); } if (!IsPostBack) { BindGridToSource(); string sqlstring = "SELECT * FROM subpoint"; DBClass db = new DBClass(sqlstring); DropDownList5.DataSource = db.returndr(); DropDownList5.DataTextField = "业务部编号"; DropDownList5.DataValueField = "业务部编号"; DropDownList5.DataBind(); db.dbClose(); } if (!IsPostBack) { BindGridToSource(); string sqlstring = "SELECT * FROM insuretype"; DBClass db = new DBClass(sqlstring); DropDownList6.DataSource = db.returndr(); DropDownList6.DataTextField = "保险类型"; DropDownList6.DataValueField = "保险类型"; DropDownList6.DataBind(); db.dbClose(); } if (!IsPostBack) { BindGridToSource(); string sqlstring = "SELECT * FROM insurecompany"; DBClass db = new DBClass(sqlstring); DropDownList7.DataSource = db.returndr(); DropDownList7.DataTextField = "保险公司"; DropDownList7.DataValueField = "保险公司"; DropDownList7.DataBind(); db.dbClose(); } if (!IsPostBack) { BindGridToSource(); string sqlstring = "SELECT * FROM oiltype"; DBClass db = new DBClass(sqlstring); DropDownList9.DataSource = db.returndr(); DropDownList9.DataTextField = "油类型"; DropDownList9.DataValueField = "油类型"; DropDownList9.DataBind(); db.dbClose(); } // 在此处放置用户代码以初始化页面 }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlConnection SQLConn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=FTP\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=DhruvTest;User ID=sa;Password=pass$1234;pooling=false;pooling=false"); bindgrid(); if (Session["PsNo"] == null) { // Response.Redirect("test1.aspx?val=" + "done"); Response.Redirect("Login.aspx"); } else { String PsNo = Convert.ToString((int)Session["PsNo"]); txtno.Text = PsNo; if (txtno.Text != "") { SqlCommand sql = new SqlCommand("select * from admin where PsNo='" + txtno.Text + "'", SQLConn); sql.Parameters.AddWithValue("@psno", txtno.Text); SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter(sql); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); sda.Fill(dt); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { TextBox4.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); TextBox5.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Email"].ToString(); } } if (txtno.Text != "") { SqlCommand sql = new SqlCommand("select * from employee where PsNo='" + txtno.Text + "'", SQLConn); sql.Parameters.AddWithValue("@psno", txtno.Text); SqlDataAdapter sld = new SqlDataAdapter(sql); DataTable dt1 = new DataTable(); sld.Fill(dt1); if (dt1.Rows.Count > 0) { TextBox4.Text = dt1.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); TextBox5.Text = dt1.Rows[0]["Email"].ToString(); } } DDLRM1.Items[0].Attributes.Add("disabled", "disabled"); DropDownList2.Items[0].Attributes.Add("disabled", "disabled"); DropDownList3.Items[0].Attributes.Add("disabled", "disabled"); DropDownList4.Items[0].Attributes.Add("disabled", "disabled"); DropDownList6.Items[0].Attributes.Add("disabled", "disabled"); DropDownList7.Items[0].Attributes.Add("disabled", "disabled"); DropDownList8.Items[0].Attributes.Add("disabled", "disabled"); DropDownList9.Items[0].Attributes.Add("disabled", "disabled"); } /* * if (!Page.IsPostBack) * { * SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("Data Source=FTP\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=DhruvTest;User ID=sa;Password=pass$1234;pooling=false"); * SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from Master", con); * SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); * DataTable dt = new DataTable(); * sda.Fill(dt); * DropDownList1.DataSource = dt; * DropDownList1.DataBind(); * * } */ if (!IsPostBack) { string CS = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["conf"].ConnectionString; using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(CS)) { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Select DISTINCT(Block) from Master", con); con.Open(); SqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); DropDownList2.DataTextField = "Block"; DropDownList2.DataValueField = "Block"; DropDownList2.DataSource = rdr; DropDownList2.DataBind(); con.Close(); } string QW = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["conf"].ConnectionString; using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(QW)) { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Select DISTINCT(Floor) from Master", con); con.Open(); SqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); DropDownList3.DataTextField = "Floor"; DropDownList3.DataValueField = "Floor"; DropDownList3.DataSource = rdr; DropDownList3.DataBind(); con.Close(); } string WE = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["conf"].ConnectionString; using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(WE)) { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Select DISTINCT(RoomSt) from Master", con); con.Open(); SqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); DropDownList4.DataTextField = "RoomSt"; DropDownList4.DataValueField = "RoomSt"; DropDownList4.DataSource = rdr; DropDownList4.DataBind(); con.Close(); } string ER = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["conf"].ConnectionString; using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ER)) { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Select DISTINCT(Nos) from Master", con); con.Open(); SqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); DropDownList5.DataTextField = "Nos"; DropDownList5.DataValueField = "Nos"; DropDownList5.DataSource = rdr; DropDownList5.DataBind(); con.Close(); } string RT = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["conf"].ConnectionString; using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(RT)) { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Select DISTINCT(WebEx) from Master", con); con.Open(); SqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); DropDownList6.DataTextField = "WebEx"; DropDownList6.DataValueField = "WebEx"; DropDownList6.DataSource = rdr; DropDownList6.DataBind(); con.Close(); } string TY = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["conf"].ConnectionString; using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(TY)) { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Select DISTINCT(Sparkboard) from Master", con); con.Open(); SqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); DropDownList7.DataTextField = "Sparkboard"; DropDownList7.DataValueField = "Sparkboard"; DropDownList7.DataSource = rdr; DropDownList7.DataBind(); con.Close(); } string YU = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["conf"].ConnectionString; using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(YU)) { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Select DISTINCT(Desktop) from Master", con); con.Open(); SqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); DropDownList8.DataTextField = "Desktop"; DropDownList8.DataValueField = "Desktop"; DropDownList8.DataSource = rdr; DropDownList8.DataBind(); con.Close(); } string UI = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["conf"].ConnectionString; using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(UI)) { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Select DISTINCT(Projector) from Master", con); con.Open(); SqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); DropDownList9.DataTextField = "Projector"; DropDownList9.DataValueField = "Projector"; DropDownList9.DataSource = rdr; DropDownList9.DataBind(); con.Close(); } } }
public void binddata() { string connetionString; SqlConnection cnn; connetionString = WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["constr"].ConnectionString; cnn = new SqlConnection(connetionString); string com = "select,'Link: ' + link + ' Category/SubCategory Type: ' + category_type + '/' + subcategory_name+ ' Type: ' + [type] as 'Info' from content, Original_content where = and Original_content.rating >= 4;"; SqlDataAdapter adpt = new SqlDataAdapter(com, cnn); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); adpt.Fill(dt); DropDownList1.DataSource = dt; DropDownList1.DataTextField = "Info"; DropDownList1.DataValueField = "id"; DropDownList1.DataBind(); com = "Select [user].id,first_name+' '+middle_name+' '+last_name as 'Fullname'" + " from [user],contributor where [user]"; adpt = new SqlDataAdapter(com, cnn); DataTable dt1 = new DataTable(); adpt.Fill(dt1); DropDownList2.DataSource = dt1; DropDownList2.DataTextField = "Fullname"; DropDownList2.DataValueField = "ID"; DropDownList2.DataBind(); DropDownList2.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("No Specific Contributor", "")); com = "select information,id from new_request where (accept_status=0 or accept_status is null) and viewer_id=" + s + ";"; adpt = new SqlDataAdapter(com, cnn); dt1 = new DataTable(); adpt.Fill(dt1); DropDownList3.DataSource = dt1; DropDownList3.DataTextField = "information"; DropDownList3.DataValueField = "id"; DropDownList3.DataBind(); com = "select,'Link: ' + link + ' Category/SubCategory Type: ' + category_type + '/' + subcategory_name+ ' Type: ' + [type] as 'Info' from content, Original_content where = ;"; adpt = new SqlDataAdapter(com, cnn); dt1 = new DataTable(); adpt.Fill(dt1); DropDownList4.DataSource = dt1; DropDownList4.DataTextField = "Info"; DropDownList4.DataValueField = "id"; DropDownList4.DataBind(); com = "select,'Link: ' + link + ' Category/SubCategory Type: ' + category_type + '/' + subcategory_name+ ' Type: ' + [type] as 'Info' from content, Original_content where = ;"; adpt = new SqlDataAdapter(com, cnn); dt1 = new DataTable(); adpt.Fill(dt1); DropDownList5.DataSource = dt1; DropDownList5.DataTextField = "Info"; DropDownList5.DataValueField = "id"; DropDownList5.DataBind(); com = "select convert(varchar(40),viewer_id)+'#'+convert(varchar(40),original_content_id)+ '#' + convert(varchar(40),[date],21) + '#' +[text] as 'key',' Comment: '+[text]+ ' Link: ' + link + ' Category/SubCategory Type: ' + category_type + '/' + subcategory_name + ' Type: ' + [type] as 'Info' from Comment, Original_content, content where original_content_id = and = and viewer_id=" + s + ";"; adpt = new SqlDataAdapter(com, cnn); dt1 = new DataTable(); adpt.Fill(dt1); DropDownList6.DataSource = dt1; DropDownList6.DataTextField = "Info"; DropDownList6.DataValueField = "key"; DropDownList6.DataBind(); com = "select convert(varchar(40),viewer_id)+'#'+convert(varchar(40),original_content_id)+ '#' + convert(varchar(40),[date],21) + '#' +[text] as 'key',' Comment: '+[text]+ ' Link: ' + link + ' Category/SubCategory Type: ' + category_type + '/' + subcategory_name + ' Type: ' + [type] as 'Info' from Comment, Original_content, content where original_content_id = and = and viewer_id=" + s + ";"; adpt = new SqlDataAdapter(com, cnn); dt1 = new DataTable(); adpt.Fill(dt1); DropDownList7.DataSource = dt1; DropDownList7.DataTextField = "Info"; DropDownList7.DataValueField = "key"; DropDownList7.DataBind(); com = "select,'Description: '+[Description]+' Location: '+[location] as 'Info' from advertisement where viewer_id=" + s + ";"; adpt = new SqlDataAdapter(com, cnn); dt1 = new DataTable(); adpt.Fill(dt1); DropDownList9.DataSource = dt1; DropDownList9.DataTextField = "Info"; DropDownList9.DataValueField = "id"; DropDownList9.DataBind(); com = "select content.contributer_id as 'id','Link: ' + link + ' Category/SubCategory Type: ' + category_type + '/' + subcategory_name + ' Type: ' + [type] as 'Info' from content, new_content, new_request where = and New_content.new_request_id = and new_request.viewer_id=" + s + ";"; adpt = new SqlDataAdapter(com, cnn); dt1 = new DataTable(); adpt.Fill(dt1); ListBox1.DataSource = dt1; ListBox1.DataTextField = "Info"; ListBox1.DataValueField = "id"; ListBox1.DataBind(); }
protected void DropDownList3_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (DropDownList3.SelectedIndex != 0) { //int b=new int(); //DataTable ds=(DataTable)ViewState["dt1"]; //foreach(DataRow dr in ds.Rows) //{ // if (DropDownList3.SelectedValue==dr["Item_Id"].ToString()) //{ // b = Convert.ToInt32(dr["NoOfConstraints"]); //} //} SqlCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand(); //if (a == "yes") //{ // if (b == 1) // { // cmd.CommandText = "Select Constraint_Unit,Constraint_Options from Item Where Category_Id=@a and Item_Id=@c and Active=@b"; // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@a",id); // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@b", "yes"); // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@c", DropDownList3.SelectedValue); // } // if (b == 2) // { // cmd.CommandText = "Select Constraint_Unit,Constraint_Unit1,Constraint_Options,Constraint_Options1 from Item Where Category_Id=@a and Item_Id=@c and Active=@b"; // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@a", id); // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@b", "yes"); // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@c", DropDownList3.SelectedValue); // } // if (b == 3) // { // cmd.CommandText = "Select Constraint_Unit,Constraint_Unit1,Constraint_Unit2,Constraint_Options,Constraint_Options1,Constraint_Options2 from Item Where Category_Id=@a and Item_Id=@c and Active=@b"; // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@a", id); // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@b", "yes"); // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@c", DropDownList3.SelectedValue); // } // if (b == 4) // { // cmd.CommandText = "Select Constraint_Unit,Constraint_Unit1,Constraint_Unit2,Constraint_Unit3,Constraint_Options,Constraint_Options1,Constraint_Options2,Constraint_Options3 from Item Where Category_Id=@a and Item_Id=@c and Active=@b"; // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@a", id); // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@b", "yes"); // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@c", DropDownList3.SelectedValue); // } // if (b == 5) // { // cmd.CommandText = "Select Constraint_Unit,Constraint_Unit1,Constraint_Unit2,Constraint_Unit3,Constraint_Unit4,Constraint_Options,Constraint_Options1,Constraint_Options2,Constraint_Options3,Constraint_Options4 from Item Where Category_Id=@a and Item_Id=@c and Active=@b"; // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@a", id); // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@b", "yes"); // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@c", DropDownList3.SelectedValue); // } //} //if (a == "sub") //{ // if (b == 1) // { // cmd.CommandText = "Select Constraint_Unit,Constraint_Options from Item Where Sub_Category_Id=@a and Item_Id=@c and Active=@b"; // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@a", id); // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@b", "yes"); // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@c", DropDownList3.SelectedValue); // } // if (b == 2) // { // cmd.CommandText = "Select Constraint_Unit,Constraint_Unit1,Constraint_Options,Constraint_Options1 from Item Where Sub_Category_Id=@a and Item_Id=@c and Active=@b"; // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@a", id); // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@b", "yes"); // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@c", DropDownList3.SelectedValue); // } // if (b == 3) // { // cmd.CommandText = "Select Constraint_Unit,Constraint_Unit1,Constraint_Unit2,Constraint_Options,Constraint_Options1,Constraint_Options2 from Item Where Sub_Category_Id=@a and Item_Id=@c and Active=@b"; // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@a", id); // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@b", "yes"); // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@c", DropDownList3.SelectedValue); // } // if (b == 4) // { // cmd.CommandText = "Select Constraint_Unit,Constraint_Unit1,Constraint_Unit2,Constraint_Unit3,Constraint_Options,Constraint_Options1,Constraint_Options2,Constraint_Options3 from Item Where Sub_Category_Id=@a and Item_Id=@c and Active=@b"; // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@a", id); // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@b", "yes"); // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@c", DropDownList3.SelectedValue); // } // if (b == 5) // { // cmd.CommandText = "Select Constraint_Unit,Constraint_Unit1,Constraint_Unit2,Constraint_Unit3,Constraint_Unit4,Constraint_Options,Constraint_Options1,Constraint_Options2,Constraint_Options3,Constraint_Options4 from Item Where Sub_Category_Id=@a and Item_Id=@c and Active=@b"; // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@a", id); // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@b", "yes"); // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@c", DropDownList3.SelectedValue); // } //} a = ViewState["a"].ToString(); if (a == "yes") { cmd.CommandText = "Select NoOfConstraints,Constraint_Unit,Constraint_Unit1,Constraint_Unit2,Constraint_Unit3,Constraint_Unit4,Constraint_Options,Constraint_Options1,Constraint_Options2,Constraint_Options3,Constraint_Options4 from Item Where Item_Id=@c and Active=@b"; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@b", "yes"); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@c", DropDownList3.SelectedValue); ViewState["Item"] = DropDownList3.SelectedValue; } if (a == "sub") { cmd.CommandText = "Select NoOfConstraints,Constraint_Unit,Constraint_Unit1,Constraint_Unit2,Constraint_Unit3,Constraint_Unit4,Constraint_Options,Constraint_Options1,Constraint_Options2,Constraint_Options3,Constraint_Options4 from Item Where Item_Id=@c and Active=@b"; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@b", "yes"); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@c", DropDownList3.SelectedValue); ViewState["Item"] = DropDownList3.SelectedValue; } con.Open(); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); dt2 = new DataTable(); da.Fill(dt2); con.Close(); b = new int(); foreach (DataRow dr in dt2.Rows) { b = Convert.ToInt32(dr["NoOfConstraints"]); } if (b == 1) { foreach (DataRow dr in dt2.Rows) { d = (dr["Constraint_Options"]).ToString(); options = d.Split(','); unit = dr["Constraint_Unit"].ToString(); int i = 0; foreach (string s in options) { options[i] = s + unit; i++; } } DropDownList5.DataSource = options; DropDownList5.DataBind(); ListItem Item = new ListItem("Select Constraint", "-1"); DropDownList5.Items.Insert(0, Item); DropDownList5.Visible = true; DropDownList6.Visible = false; DropDownList7.Visible = false; DropDownList8.Visible = false; DropDownList9.Visible = false; ViewState["b"] = b; } if (b == 2) { foreach (DataRow dr in dt2.Rows) { d = dr["Constraint_Options"].ToString(); options = d.Split(','); unit = dr["Constraint_Unit"].ToString(); int i = 0; foreach (string s in options) { options[i] = s + unit; i++; } d = dr["Constraint_Options1"].ToString(); options1 = d.Split(','); unit1 = dr["Constraint_Unit1"].ToString(); i = 0; foreach (string s in options1) { options1[i] = s + unit1; i++; } } DropDownList5.DataSource = options; DropDownList5.DataBind(); ListItem Item = new ListItem("Select Constraint", "-1"); DropDownList5.Items.Insert(0, Item); DropDownList5.Visible = true; DropDownList6.DataSource = options1; DropDownList6.DataBind(); DropDownList6.Items.Insert(0, Item); DropDownList6.Visible = true; DropDownList7.Visible = false; DropDownList8.Visible = false; DropDownList9.Visible = false; ViewState["b"] = b; } if (b == 3) { foreach (DataRow dr in dt2.Rows) { d = dr["Constraint_Options"].ToString(); options = d.Split(','); unit = dr["Constraint_Unit"].ToString(); int i = 0; foreach (string s in options) { options[i] = options[i] + unit; i++; } d = dr["Constraint_Options1"].ToString(); options1 = d.Split(','); unit1 = dr["Constraint_Unit1"].ToString(); i = 0; foreach (string s in options1) { options1[i] = s + unit1; i++; } d = dr["Constraint_Options2"].ToString(); options2 = d.Split(','); unit2 = dr["Constraint_Unit2"].ToString(); i = 0; foreach (string s in options2) { options2[i] = s + unit2; i++; } } DropDownList5.DataSource = options; DropDownList5.DataBind(); ListItem Item = new ListItem("Select Constraint", "-1"); DropDownList5.Items.Insert(0, Item); DropDownList5.Visible = true; DropDownList6.DataSource = options1; DropDownList6.DataBind(); DropDownList6.Items.Insert(0, Item); DropDownList6.Visible = true; DropDownList7.DataSource = options2; DropDownList7.DataBind(); DropDownList7.Items.Insert(0, Item); DropDownList7.Visible = true; DropDownList8.Visible = false; DropDownList9.Visible = false; ViewState["b"] = b; } if (b == 4) { foreach (DataRow dr in dt2.Rows) { d = dr["Constraint_Options"].ToString(); options = d.Split(','); unit = dr["Constraint_Unit"].ToString(); int i = 0; foreach (string s in options) { options[i] = s + unit; i++; } d = dr["Constraint_Options1"].ToString(); options1 = d.Split(','); unit1 = dr["Constraint_Unit1"].ToString(); i = 0; foreach (string s in options1) { options1[i] = s + unit1; i++; } d = dr["Constraint_Options2"].ToString(); options2 = d.Split(','); unit2 = dr["Constraint_Unit2"].ToString(); i = 0; foreach (string s in options2) { options2[i] = s + unit2; i++; } d = dr["Constraint_Options3"].ToString(); options3 = d.Split(','); unit3 = dr["Constraint_Unit3"].ToString(); i = 0; foreach (string s in options3) { options3[i] = s + unit3; i++; } } DropDownList5.DataSource = options; DropDownList5.DataBind(); ListItem Item = new ListItem("Select Constraint", "-1"); DropDownList5.Items.Insert(0, Item); DropDownList5.Visible = true; DropDownList6.DataSource = options1; DropDownList6.DataBind(); DropDownList6.Items.Insert(0, Item); DropDownList6.Visible = true; DropDownList7.DataSource = options2; DropDownList7.DataBind(); DropDownList7.Items.Insert(0, Item); DropDownList7.Visible = true; DropDownList8.DataSource = options3; DropDownList8.DataBind(); DropDownList8.Items.Insert(0, Item); DropDownList8.Visible = true; DropDownList9.Visible = false; ViewState["b"] = b; } if (b == 5) { foreach (DataRow dr in dt2.Rows) { d = dr["Constraint_Options"].ToString(); options = d.Split(','); unit = dr["Constraint_Unit"].ToString(); int i = 0; foreach (string s in options) { options[i] = s + unit; i++; } d = (dr["Constraint_Options1"]).ToString(); options1 = d.Split(','); unit1 = dr["Constraint_Unit1"].ToString(); i = 0; foreach (string s in options1) { options1[i] = s + unit1; i++; } d = dr["Constraint_Options2"].ToString(); options2 = d.Split(','); unit2 = dr["Constraint_Unit2"].ToString(); i = 0; foreach (string s in options2) { options2[i] = s + unit2; i++; } d = dr["Constraint_Options3"].ToString(); options3 = d.Split(','); unit3 = dr["Constraint_Unit3"].ToString(); i = 0; foreach (string s in options3) { options3[i] = s + unit3; i++; } d = dr["Constraint_Options4"].ToString(); options4 = d.Split(','); unit4 = dr["Constraint_Unit4"].ToString(); i = 0; foreach (string s in options4) { options4[i] = s + unit4; i++; } } DropDownList5.DataSource = options; DropDownList5.DataBind(); ListItem Item = new ListItem("Select Constraint", "-1"); DropDownList5.Items.Insert(0, Item); DropDownList5.Visible = true; DropDownList6.DataSource = options1; DropDownList6.DataBind(); DropDownList6.Items.Insert(0, Item); DropDownList6.Visible = true; DropDownList7.DataSource = options2; DropDownList7.DataBind(); DropDownList7.Items.Insert(0, Item); DropDownList7.Visible = true; DropDownList8.DataSource = options3; DropDownList8.DataBind(); DropDownList8.Items.Insert(0, Item); DropDownList8.Visible = true; DropDownList9.DataSource = options4; DropDownList9.DataBind(); DropDownList9.Items.Insert(0, Item); DropDownList9.Visible = true; ViewState["b"] = b; } } else { photo.Visible = false; DropDownList5.Visible = false; DropDownList6.Visible = false; DropDownList7.Visible = false; DropDownList8.Visible = false; DropDownList9.Visible = false; Label1.Visible = false; Label1.Text = null; } }
protected void TextBox5_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { DropDownList9.DataBind(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { var x = Request.QueryString["page"].ToString(); int y = int.Parse(x); if (y == 1) { Panel2.Visible = true; var x1 = Request.QueryString["id"].ToString(); int y1 = int.Parse(x1); Tbl_department rr = db.Tbl_department.First(u => u.Department_ID == y1); int dep = Convert.ToInt32(rr.Level_ID); var stateid = from Tbl_Level in db.Tbl_Level where Tbl_Level.Level_ID.Equals(dep) select new { Tbl_Level.Name_Ar, Tbl_Level.Name_Er, Tbl_Level.Level_ID }; var le = from Tbl_Level in db.Tbl_Level select new { Tbl_Level.Name_Er, Tbl_Level.Level_ID, Tbl_Level.Name_Ar }; DropDownList1.DataSource = le.ToList(); DropDownList1.DataValueField = "Level_ID"; DropDownList1.DataTextField = "Name_Er"; DropDownList1.DataBind(); DropDownList1.SelectedValue = dep.ToString(); name_ar_dep.Text = rr.Name_Ar; name_en_dep.Text = rr.Name_En; } else if (y == 112) { Panel7.Visible = true; var x1 = Request.QueryString["id"].ToString(); int y1 = int.Parse(x1); Tbl_department rr = db.Tbl_department.First(u => u.Department_ID == y1); int dep = Convert.ToInt32(rr.Level_ID); var stateid = from Tbl_Level in db.Tbl_Level where Tbl_Level.Level_ID.Equals(dep) select new { Tbl_Level.Name_Ar, Tbl_Level.Name_Er, Tbl_Level.Level_ID }; var le = from Tbl_Level in db.Tbl_Level select new { Tbl_Level.Name_Er, Tbl_Level.Level_ID, Tbl_Level.Name_Ar }; DropDownList9.DataSource = le.ToList(); DropDownList9.DataValueField = "Level_ID"; DropDownList9.DataTextField = "Name_Ar"; DropDownList9.DataBind(); DropDownList9.SelectedValue = dep.ToString(); TextBox14.Text = rr.Name_Ar; TextBox13.Text = rr.Name_En; } else if (y == 21) { Panel8.Visible = true; var x1 = Request.QueryString["id"].ToString(); int y1 = int.Parse(x1); Tbl_Subject rr = db.Tbl_Subject.First(u => u.Subject_ID == y1); int pro = Convert.ToInt32(rr.Prof_ID); var stateid = from Tbl_Prof in db.Tbl_Prof where Tbl_Prof.Approval.Equals("1") select new { Tbl_Prof.Prof_ID, Tbl_Prof.Name }; //var pr = from Tbl_Prof in db.Tbl_Prof select new { Tbl_Prof.Name, Tbl_Prof.Prof_ID }; DropDownList10.DataSource = stateid.ToList(); DropDownList10.DataValueField = "Prof_ID"; DropDownList10.DataTextField = "Name"; DropDownList10.DataBind(); DropDownList10.SelectedValue = pro.ToString(); int dep = Convert.ToInt32(rr.Department_ID); Tbl_department de = db.Tbl_department.First(d => d.Department_ID == dep); int lev = Convert.ToInt32(de.Level_ID); var le = from Tbl_Level in db.Tbl_Level select new { Tbl_Level.Name_Er, Tbl_Level.Level_ID, Tbl_Level.Name_Ar }; DropDownList11.DataSource = le.ToList(); DropDownList11.DataValueField = "Level_ID"; DropDownList11.DataTextField = "Name_Ar"; DropDownList11.DataBind(); DropDownList11.SelectedValue = lev.ToString(); var stateidDep = from Tbl_department in db.Tbl_department where Tbl_department.Level_ID.Equals(lev) select new { Tbl_department.Department_ID, Tbl_department.Level_ID, Tbl_department.Name_En, Tbl_department.Name_Ar }; var statename = stateidDep.ToList(); if (statename.Count > 0) { DropDownList12.DataSource = statename; DropDownList12.DataValueField = "Department_ID"; DropDownList12.DataTextField = "Name_Ar"; DropDownList12.DataBind(); DropDownList12.SelectedValue = dep.ToString(); } TextBox15.Text = rr.Name_Er; TextBox16.Text = rr.Name_Ar; } else if (y == 2) { Panel3.Visible = true; var x1 = Request.QueryString["id"].ToString(); int y1 = int.Parse(x1); Tbl_Subject rr = db.Tbl_Subject.First(u => u.Subject_ID == y1); int pro = Convert.ToInt32(rr.Prof_ID); var stateid = from Tbl_Prof in db.Tbl_Prof where Tbl_Prof.Approval.Equals("1") select new { Tbl_Prof.Prof_ID, Tbl_Prof.Name }; //var pr = from Tbl_Prof in db.Tbl_Prof select new { Tbl_Prof.Name, Tbl_Prof.Prof_ID }; DropDownList4.DataSource = stateid.ToList(); DropDownList4.DataValueField = "Prof_ID"; DropDownList4.DataTextField = "Name"; DropDownList4.DataBind(); DropDownList4.SelectedValue = pro.ToString(); int dep = Convert.ToInt32(rr.Department_ID); Tbl_department de = db.Tbl_department.First(d => d.Department_ID == dep); int lev = Convert.ToInt32(de.Level_ID); var le = from Tbl_Level in db.Tbl_Level select new { Tbl_Level.Name_Er, Tbl_Level.Level_ID }; DropDownList2.DataSource = le.ToList(); DropDownList2.DataValueField = "Level_ID"; DropDownList2.DataTextField = "Name_Er"; DropDownList2.DataBind(); DropDownList2.SelectedValue = lev.ToString(); var stateidDep = from Tbl_department in db.Tbl_department where Tbl_department.Level_ID.Equals(lev) select new { Tbl_department.Department_ID, Tbl_department.Level_ID, Tbl_department.Name_En }; var statename = stateidDep.ToList(); if (statename.Count > 0) { DropDownList3.DataSource = statename; DropDownList3.DataValueField = "Department_ID"; DropDownList3.DataTextField = "Name_En"; DropDownList3.DataBind(); DropDownList3.SelectedValue = dep.ToString(); } TextBox1.Text = rr.Name_Er; TextBox2.Text = rr.Name_Ar; } else if (y == 31) { Panel9.Visible = true; var x1 = Request.QueryString["id"].ToString(); int y1 = int.Parse(x1); Tbl_Prof rr = db.Tbl_Prof.First(u => u.Prof_ID == y1); TextBox17.Text = rr.Name.ToString(); TextBox18.Text = rr.Password.ToString(); TextBox19.Text = rr.Email.ToString(); } else if (y == 3) { Panel1.Visible = true; var x1 = Request.QueryString["id"].ToString(); int y1 = int.Parse(x1); Tbl_Prof rr = db.Tbl_Prof.First(u => u.Prof_ID == y1); TextBox4.Text = rr.Name.ToString(); TextBox5.Text = rr.Password.ToString(); TextBox6.Text = rr.Email.ToString(); } else if (y == 41) { Panel10.Visible = true; var x1 = Request.QueryString["id"].ToString(); int y1 = int.Parse(x1); Tbl_Student rr = db.Tbl_Student.First(u => u.Student_ID == y1); TextBox20.Text = rr.Name.ToString(); TextBox21.Text = rr.Password.ToString(); TextBox22.Text = rr.Email.ToString(); var lev = rr.Level_ID; var dep = rr.Department_ID; var le = from Tbl_Level in db.Tbl_Level select new { Tbl_Level.Name_Er, Tbl_Level.Level_ID, Tbl_Level.Name_Ar }; DropDownList13.DataSource = le.ToList(); DropDownList13.DataValueField = "Level_ID"; DropDownList13.DataTextField = "Name_Ar"; DropDownList13.DataBind(); DropDownList13.SelectedValue = lev.ToString(); var stateidDep = from Tbl_department in db.Tbl_department where Tbl_department.Level_ID.Equals(lev) select new { Tbl_department.Department_ID, Tbl_department.Level_ID, Tbl_department.Name_En, Tbl_department.Name_Ar }; var statename = stateidDep.ToList(); if (statename.Count > 0) { DropDownList14.DataSource = statename; DropDownList14.DataValueField = "Department_ID"; DropDownList14.DataTextField = "Name_Ar"; DropDownList14.DataBind(); DropDownList14.SelectedValue = dep.ToString(); } } else if (y == 4) { Panel4.Visible = true; var x1 = Request.QueryString["id"].ToString(); int y1 = int.Parse(x1); Tbl_Student rr = db.Tbl_Student.First(u => u.Student_ID == y1); TextBox3.Text = rr.Name.ToString(); TextBox7.Text = rr.Password.ToString(); TextBox8.Text = rr.Email.ToString(); var lev = rr.Level_ID; var dep = rr.Department_ID; var le = from Tbl_Level in db.Tbl_Level select new { Tbl_Level.Name_Er, Tbl_Level.Level_ID }; DropDownList5.DataSource = le.ToList(); DropDownList5.DataValueField = "Level_ID"; DropDownList5.DataTextField = "Name_Er"; DropDownList5.DataBind(); DropDownList5.SelectedValue = lev.ToString(); var stateidDep = from Tbl_department in db.Tbl_department where Tbl_department.Level_ID.Equals(lev) select new { Tbl_department.Department_ID, Tbl_department.Level_ID, Tbl_department.Name_En }; var statename = stateidDep.ToList(); if (statename.Count > 0) { DropDownList6.DataSource = statename; DropDownList6.DataValueField = "Department_ID"; DropDownList6.DataTextField = "Name_En"; DropDownList6.DataBind(); DropDownList6.SelectedValue = dep.ToString(); } } else if (y == 61) { Panel11.Visible = true; var x1 = Request.QueryString["id"].ToString(); int y1 = int.Parse(x1); Tbl_chapter rr = db.Tbl_chapter.First(u => u.Chapter_ID == y1); int dep = Convert.ToInt32(rr.Subject_ID); var x2 = Request.QueryString["pr"].ToString(); int y2 = int.Parse(x2); var stateid = from Tbl_Subject in db.Tbl_Subject where Tbl_Subject.Prof_ID.Equals(y2) select new { Tbl_Subject.Subject_ID, Tbl_Subject.Name_Ar }; var statename = stateid.ToList(); if (statename.Count > 0) { DropDownList15.DataValueField = "Subject_ID"; DropDownList15.DataTextField = "Name_Ar"; DropDownList15.DataSource = statename; DropDownList15.DataBind(); DropDownList15.Items.Insert(0, "--- select sub----"); } DropDownList15.SelectedValue = dep.ToString(); TextBox24.Text = rr.Name_Ar; TextBox23.Text = rr.Name_En; } else if (y == 6) { Panel5.Visible = true; var x1 = Request.QueryString["id"].ToString(); int y1 = int.Parse(x1); Tbl_chapter rr = db.Tbl_chapter.First(u => u.Chapter_ID == y1); int dep = Convert.ToInt32(rr.Subject_ID); var x2 = Request.QueryString["pr"].ToString(); int y2 = int.Parse(x2); var stateid = from Tbl_Subject in db.Tbl_Subject where Tbl_Subject.Prof_ID.Equals(y2) select new { Tbl_Subject.Subject_ID, Tbl_Subject.Name_Er }; var statename = stateid.ToList(); if (statename.Count > 0) { DropDownList7.DataValueField = "Subject_ID"; DropDownList7.DataTextField = "Name_Er"; DropDownList7.DataSource = statename; DropDownList7.DataBind(); DropDownList7.Items.Insert(0, "--- select sub----"); } DropDownList7.SelectedValue = dep.ToString(); TextBox10.Text = rr.Name_Ar; TextBox9.Text = rr.Name_En; } else if (y == 71) { Panel12.Visible = true; var x1 = Request.QueryString["id"].ToString(); int y1 = int.Parse(x1); Tbl_Question rr = db.Tbl_Question.First(u => u.Question_ID == y1); TextBox26.Text = rr.Question_Ar.ToString(); TextBox25.Text = rr.Question_En.ToString(); DropDownList16.SelectedValue = rr.Question_Level.ToString(); var x2 = Request.QueryString["pr"].ToString(); int y2 = int.Parse(x2); } else if (y == 7) { Panel6.Visible = true; var x1 = Request.QueryString["id"].ToString(); int y1 = int.Parse(x1); Tbl_Question rr = db.Tbl_Question.First(u => u.Question_ID == y1); TextBox12.Text = rr.Question_Ar.ToString(); TextBox11.Text = rr.Question_En.ToString(); DropDownList8.SelectedValue = rr.Question_Level.ToString(); var x2 = Request.QueryString["pr"].ToString(); int y2 = int.Parse(x2); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { Panel4.Visible = false; Panel2.Visible = false; Panel3.Visible = false; string cs = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString; using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(cs)) { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Select subjectcode,subjectname from subjectdetails", con); con.Open(); SqlDataReader sd; sd = cmd.ExecuteReader(); DropDownList4.DataSource = sd; DropDownList4.DataBind(); DropDownList4.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("Select Subject", "NA")); sd.Close(); SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand("Select teacherid,teachername,email,contact from Teacherdeatils", con); sd = cmd1.ExecuteReader(); DropDownList5.DataSource = sd; DropDownList5.DataBind(); DropDownList5.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("Select Teacher", "NA")); sd.Close(); SqlCommand cmd2 = new SqlCommand("Select teacherid,teachername,email,contact from Teacherdeatils", con); sd = cmd2.ExecuteReader(); DropDownList6.DataSource = sd; DropDownList6.DataBind(); DropDownList6.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("Select Assisstant", "NA")); sd.Close(); SqlCommand cmd3 = new SqlCommand("Select teacherid,teachername,email,contact from Teacherdeatils", con); sd = cmd3.ExecuteReader(); DropDownList9.DataSource = sd; DropDownList9.DataBind(); DropDownList9.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("Select Teacher", "NA")); sd.Close(); SqlCommand cmd4 = new SqlCommand("Select teacherid,teachername,email,contact from Teacherdeatils", con); sd = cmd4.ExecuteReader(); DropDownList12.DataSource = sd; DropDownList12.DataBind(); DropDownList12.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("Select Teacher", "NA")); sd.Close(); SqlCommand cmd5 = new SqlCommand("Select teacherid,teachername,email,contact from Teacherdeatils", con); sd = cmd5.ExecuteReader(); DropDownList14.DataSource = sd; DropDownList14.DataBind(); DropDownList14.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("Select Teacher", "NA")); sd.Close(); SqlCommand cmd6 = new SqlCommand("Select subjectcode,subjectname from subjectdetails", con); sd = cmd6.ExecuteReader(); DropDownList8.DataSource = sd; DropDownList8.DataBind(); DropDownList8.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("Select Subject", "NA")); sd.Close(); SqlCommand cmd7 = new SqlCommand("Select subjectcode,subjectname from subjectdetails", con); sd = cmd7.ExecuteReader(); DropDownList11.DataSource = sd; DropDownList11.DataBind(); DropDownList11.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("Select Subject", "NA")); sd.Close(); SqlCommand cmd8 = new SqlCommand("Select subjectcode,subjectname from subjectdetails", con); sd = cmd8.ExecuteReader(); DropDownList13.DataSource = sd; DropDownList13.DataBind(); DropDownList13.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("Select Subject", "NA")); sd.Close(); SqlCommand cmd9 = new SqlCommand("Select Id,classroom,lab from Room", con); sd = cmd9.ExecuteReader(); DropDownList3.DataSource = sd; DropDownList3.DataBind(); DropDownList3.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("Select Lab Room", "NA")); sd.Close(); SqlCommand cmd10 = new SqlCommand("Select Id,classroom,lab from Room", con); sd = cmd10.ExecuteReader(); DropDownList7.DataSource = sd; DropDownList7.DataBind(); DropDownList7.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("Select Class Room", "NA")); sd.Close(); //SqlCommand cmd11 = new SqlCommand("Insert into ROOM 1,"+DropDownList7.SelectedItem.Text+", "+DropDownList3.SelectedItem.Text, con); /* if (DropDownList11.Items.Contains(DropDownList8.SelectedItem)) * { * DropDownList11.Items.IndexOf(DropDownList8.SelectedItem); * DropDownList11.SelectedItem.Enabled = false; * }*/ } } //Panel1.Visible = true; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { this.ImageButton1.Visible = false; string sqlallMember = "select * from Billdetail_Information where BillID='" + Request.QueryString["BillID"] + "' and RecordID='" + Request.QueryString["RecordID"] + "'"; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); ds = dataOperate.getDataset("select * from Member_Information where MemberID='" + Request.QueryString["PatientID"] + "'", "Member_Information"); if (ds.Tables["Member_Information"].Rows.Count > 0) { DataRowView rowview = ds.Tables["Member_Information"].DefaultView[0]; this.xingming.Text = rowview["MemberName"].ToString(); ds.Clear(); } this.GridView1.Visible = true; this.GridView1.DataSource = dataOperate.getDataset(sqlallMember, "Billdetail_Information"); this.GridView1.DataBind(); Session["search"] = sqlallMember; pid.Text = Request.QueryString["PatientID"]; rid.Text = Request.QueryString["RecordID"]; bid.Text = Request.QueryString["BillID"]; did.Text = Request.QueryString["DoctorID"]; string sql = "select MedicinetypeName from Medicinetype_Information"; DataSet ds1 = new DataSet(); ds1 = dataOperate.getDataset(sql, "Medicinetype_Information"); DataView rowview1 = ds1.Tables["Medicinetype_Information"].DefaultView; DropDownList8.DataSource = rowview1; DropDownList8.DataValueField = "MedicinetypeName"; DropDownList8.DataBind(); DropDownList9.Visible = true; string a = DropDownList8.SelectedValue; string b = DropDownList10.SelectedValue; string sql2 = "select Medicine" + b + " from Medicine_Information where MedicineType='" + a + "'"; DataSet ds2 = new DataSet(); ds2 = dataOperate.getDataset(sql2, "Medicine_Information"); DataView rowview2 = ds2.Tables["Medicine_Information"].DefaultView; DropDownList9.DataSource = rowview2; DropDownList9.DataValueField = "Medicine" + b + ""; DropDownList9.DataBind(); if (b == "ID") { b = "Name"; } else { b = "ID"; } string sql3 = "select * from Medicine_Information where MedicineType='" + a + "'"; DataSet ds3 = new DataSet(); ds3 = dataOperate.getDataset(sql3, "Medicine_Information"); int count1 = ds3.Tables["Medicine_Information"].Rows.Count; if (count1 != 0) { DataRowView rowview3 = ds3.Tables["Medicine_Information"].DefaultView[0]; this.Label19.Text = rowview3["Medicine" + b + ""].ToString(); this.Label20.Text = rowview3["MedicinePrice"].ToString(); } else { this.Label19.Text = ""; this.Label20.Text = ""; } } }